- Hosted by @joshrosso
- Recording date: 2020-05-22
- 00:00:00 - Welcome to TGIK!
- 00:02:41 - Week in Review
- 00:09:50 - Admission Controller Overview
- 00:22:41 - OPA and Rego Overview
- 00:33:81 - Gatekeeper
- 01:43:16 - Wrap Up
- Kubernetes patch release v1.18.3,1.17.6, 1.16.10
- Monthly k8s Community Meeting Highlights:
- Current Release Development Cycle [Taylor Dolezal - Release Lead]
- 1.19.0-beta.0 went out on Tues, May 19th 2020
- Enhancements FREEZE as of EOD Tues, May 19th 2020
- Please add items to the 1.19 retro as you think of them: https://bit.ly/k8s119-retro
- Patch Release Updates https://git.k8s.io/sig-release/releases/patch-releases.md
- Patch releases on all branches (1.18, 1.17, 1.16) this week
- Next patch releases likely mid-June
- Status update from the following SIGs
- Current Release Development Cycle [Taylor Dolezal - Release Lead]
- Harbor 2.0 Released
- Draw.io vscode integration
- Nuno do Carmo and Ihor Dvoretskyi go over setting up kind and minikube on WSL2/Ubuntu.
- Caylent discusses using OPA (Related to our topic this week!)
- That Quay outage!
- istio 1.16 has been released
- Admission Control Overview
- Open Policy Agent (OPA)
- Gatekeeper
- Conftest
- OPA Components Architecture and design
- Gatekeeper library