- Hosted by @jbeda
- 09/18/2020
- 00:00:00 - Welcome to TGIK!
- 00:04:31 - Week in Review
- 00:23:15 - Sealed Secret Overview & Install
- 00:37:21 - Sealing a Secret
- 00:52:49 - Retrieving the Public Key
- 00:55:28 - Exploring SealedSecret Scope
- 01:00:00 - Rotation: Secrets and Keys
- 01:15:37 - Multi-Cluster Sealed Secrets
- 01:30:28 - Wrap-up
- 1.20 has begun, check out this status update from release manager Jeremy Rickard for all the important dates.
- Here's the release page on k8s.dev will all the info
- CVE 2020-14386
- 1.19.2 point release
- Warnings are a thing now in K8s
- What gitlab.com learned from running k8s for a year
- Kruster - clusters on rPi, I know there's tons of these but your author has a soft spot for all tools using kubeadm. :D
- Helm 3.3.2/3.3.3 Release
- Kubernetes CNI Benchmark (Updated: August 2020)
- Sealed Secrets Github
- Theory 11 cards - I love the star wars cards.