- Hosted by @joshrosso
- 10/02/2020
- 00:00:00 - Welcome to TGIK!
- 00:04:19 - Week in Review
- 00:19:57 - Local Provisioning and Primitives
- 01:00:11 - Intro to CSI
- 01:15:22 - Installing and Using a CSI Driver
- 01:51:21 - Goodbye!
- Primitives via local provisioning
- local provisioner
- CSI Introduction
- Architecture
- Deployment
- Self-service storage
- StorageClasses
- Dynamic provisioning
- The KubeCon + CloudNative Schedule is now live!
- Congrats to all the speakers, and if you didn't get accepted good luck next time, keep trying, we've all been there!
- Another "mostly boring" week in core ahead of KubeCon!
- Rootless mode enhancement. Great to see some motion on this!
- K8s 1.20 alpha 1 is out
- Your CTO might have just gotten back from VMWorld, stay safe out there folks!
- Techworld with Nana is doing a video tutorial series on Prometheus
- Ibrahim Jelliti is colleting CKSS exam preparation materials - good luck to you pursuing this!
- Jacob Beasely investigaed Deploying SQL Databases on Kubernetes
- Didier Durand has set up a nice microservices on K8s demo - "It is composed of 10 polyglot microservices behind a nice-looking web frontend calling them to serve client requests. A load-generator - part of the package - will generate traffic while the application is running to make use of tools (Prometheus, OpenTelemetry, etc.) more attractive." This looks great for demos!
- Percona k8s Operator with OpenEBS