- Hosted by @e_k_anderson
- 05/14/2021
- 00:00:00 - Welcome to TGIK!
- 00:02:40 - Week in Review
- 00:14:10 - Getting started with Pixie
- 00:16:00 - Architecture overview
- 00:18:00 - No instrumentation vs instrumentation
- 00:26:30 - Looking at the Pixie install
- 00:34:00 - Starting
demo - 00:38:50 - Log in to Pixie Cloud
- 00:45:00 - OOM the 8GB Minikube
- 00:52:00 - Get a bigger Minikube
- 00:57:20 - Installing Pixie and demo again
- 01:01:00 - Up and running with
demo - 01:04:20 - Switch to "data isolation mode" and explore passthrough vs direct
- 01:11:00 - Exploring the Pixie dashboards
- 01:13:50 - Exploring the "scratch pad"
- 01:17:00 - 3 minute audio glitch... oops!
- 01:23:20 - "PxL" language, a DSL like Pandas
- 01:40:00 - Evan gives up on learning PxL on the fly
- 01:40:00 - Discussing dynamic tracing/logging with eBPF
- 01:45:00 - Comparision of Prometheus & Pixie models and usage (speculation)
- 01:47:00 - Tracing TLS methods
- 01:52:30 - Looking for apiserver traces
- 01:57:20 - Closeout
- Release 1.21 webinar. Hear about the new features in 1.21 from the Release and Enhancement leads who shepherded the process!
- Swap KEP -- making swap not destroy your cluster, but enable it for certain workloads
- Kubecon last week! What were your favorite talks?
- New project: kcp: minimal Kubernetes API server
- Antrea CNI accepted as a CNCF sandbox project
- ChaosBlade chaos engineering toolkit accepted as a CNCF sandbox project
- Fluid dataset orchestrator accepted as a CNCF sandbox project
- Submariner cross-cluster connector accepted as a CNCF sandbox project
- Vineyard zero-copy data sharing accepted as a CNCF sandbox project
- WasmEdge WASM virtual machine accepted as a CNCF sandbox project
- Blog Post: LyftLearn: ML Model Training Infrastructure built on Kubernetes
- OSS from Google: Modernizing Oracle operations with Kubernetes and El Carro. Opeerator for Oracle.
- Falco response engine, four approaches: Kubeless, OpenFaaS, Knative, Tekton
- Looking at https://pixielabs.ai and https://px.dev
- Two versions:
- New Relic hosted: https://pixielabs.ai
- Non-vendor / OSS: https://px.dev
- Pixie on Kubernetes Podcast