- Hosted by @jbeda
- 9/10/2021
- 00:00:10 - Welcome to TGIK!
- 00:02:51 - Week in Review - incl Docker Desktop changes
- 00:20:55 - Installing lima and nerdctl
- 00:26:34 - Using lima and logging in
- 00:36:08 - Getting started with nerdctl
- 00:49:50 - Investigating networking
- 00:58:52 - Investigating mounting volumes
- 01:07:21 - Creating custom lima config
- 01:12:30 - Building images with lima/nerdctl
- 01:24:21 - Wrapping up
- https://github.com/lima-vm/lima
- New examples this week https://github.com/lima-vm/lima/tree/master/examples
- https://github.com/containerd/nerdctl
- https://github.com/abiosoft/colima
- A blog post that goes over a lot of this: https://blog.mornati.net/lima-vm-docker-desktop-alternative-for-macosx
- Bret Fisher (Docker Captain) did a show last week on the Docker Desktop (DD) license change and some alternatives for Mac/Win (including lima+nerdctl)
- Show: https://youtu.be/1Al9lzpFzn0 (alternatives discussion starts at 57:45)
- Related Twitter thread with some of the things DD does do for you over/above just the UI: https://twitter.com/BretFisher/status/1433459733835485187