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Orphan volumes detection and clean-up

Orphan volumes are vSphere volumes that are present on a vSphere datastore but there is no corresponding PersistentVolume in Kubernetes clusters on the vCenter.

Orphan volumes are often created when CNS solution creates more than one vSphere volume for a Persistent Volume in the Kubernetes cluster. This could occur when the vCenter components are slow, storage is slow, vCenter service restarts, connectivity issues between vCenter and ESXi hosts etc. Since these orphan volumes occupy space in the datastore and are not really used in Kubernetes, it's useful to identify and cleanup orphan volumes periodically.

This functionality provides a set of APIs to detect and delete orphan volumes on-demand, and also provide an option to turn on automatic deletion periodically.

What qualifies as an orphan volume ?

A volume qualifies as an orphan volume if it meets all of the below conditions:

  1. A PersistentVolume in any of the registered kubernetes clusters is not using the volume.
  2. The volume was dynamically provisioned using vSphere CSI driver.
  3. The volume is no longer classified as a container volume in vCenter.
  4. Volume exists for more than 50 minutes(or orphan-volume-detection-interval-mins value configured in cnsmanager-config configmap) at the time of orphan volumes detection.
    [Note: The worst case time for a volume to be detected as an orphan after its creation is twice orphan-volume-detection-interval-mins (i.e. 100 minutes by default).]

Which orphan volumes are skipped from detection/deletion ?

Some volumes, even if a kubernetes PersistentVolume doesn't map to them, will not be considered during orphan volume detection/deletion. These include:

  • Volumes created out of band (not using vSphere CSI driver).
  • Statically provisioned CNS volume whose name doesn't start with pvc-.
  • File volumes.
  • Orphan volumes that have snapshots will be detected as orphans but they can not be deleted using Orphan volume delete API.

A reminder to register all Kubernetes clusters!

Before you start using orphan volume functionality, it's imperative that you register all the Kubernetes clusters in vCenter with CNS Manager, so that orphan volumes are detected correctly. Any newly added kubernetes cluster should also be immediately registered.

APIs provided

  1. GET /orphanvolumes

This API takes optional parameters, datacenter & list of datastores, and returns orphan volumes for them.

  • If datacenter is not specified, then it returns all orphan volumes in the vCenter (all datastores on all datacenters).
  • If only datacenter is specified, then it returns orphan volumes in all datastores in the datacenter.
  • If both datacenter & list of datastores is specified, it returns orphan volumes in specified datastores on the datacenter.

This API also takes optional parameter includeDetails, it should be set to true to get a detailed dump of the orphan volumes.

There could be hundreds of orphan volumes, so this API supports pagination as well. It takes optional parameters limit and offset. Limit specifies the maximum entries that should be displayed in single request, whereas offset specifies the starting point of the result set.

Detection of orphan volumes can be a time-consuming operation if there are large number of orphans. Hence it is performed asynchronously at regular intervals and the response is cached. This API returns list of orphan volumes computed in the last run, along with the next operation interval(RetryAfterMinutes).
Note: For newly deployed CNS manager application when orphan volumes are being computed in the background for the first time, the API may return no orphan volumes. It should then be re-tried after RetryAfterMinutes to get orphan volumes computed in the latest run.

  1. DELETE /orphanvolumes

This API is used to delete orphan volumes. It also takes optional parameters, datacenter & list of datastores, and deletes orphan volumes from them.
You can also specify whether you want to delete orphan volumes attached to a virtual machine or not. If set to true, the API will detach the orphan volume from the VM before deleting it.

Please note if there are large number of orphan volumes in the system or if there's a slowness in vCenter networking/storage, the orphan deletion may take longer. If it takes longer than 30 minutes, the API client will timeout. But be assured that orphan volumes are being deleted in the background which can also be verified by listing the orphans again using GET /orphanvolumes API.

Setting up auto-monitoring for orphan volumes deletion

There's also an option to automatically monitor and delete orphan volumes periodically. It's controlled using auto-delete-ov configuration in cnsmanager-config configmap. It can take one of the 3 values:
a. disable: Orphan volumes will not be deleted automatically.
b. enable-only-detached-ov: Delete only detached orphan volumes.
c. enable: Delete all the detected orphan volumes(both attached & detached).

By default, it is disabled.