Avi API SDK is a Python Package that provides APIs to communicate with Avi Controller’s REST APIs. It extends Python’s Request Library’s Session Class and provides utilities to simplify integration with Avi Controller.
It handles session authentication and keeps a cache of sessions to avoid multiple connection setups and teardowns across different API Session invocation. It automatically updates session cookies, CSRF Tokens from controller and provides helper APIs and templates for Avi Objects. Other important features are X-AVI-TENANT (tenant) header handling and sample source code for common load balancing examples.
It is multi-process and multi-thread safe.
Here are list of important SDK directories
samples: Python samples are in directory python/avi/sdk/samples.
autoscale: Gives examples of creating control scripts for server autoscale
heat: Provides a heat example for pool servers that can be used with server autoscale feature and control scripts
virtualservice_examples_api: provides examples of programmatically creating most common VirtuaServices like basic VS, SSL VS, analytics APIs, tenant based APIs etc.
utils: Useful utilities for devops automation.
httppolicyset_templates: Provides easy to use templates for creating HTTP request and redirect policies for most common use cases
Mesos: Provides CRUD apis to create Marathon App with AVI labels
Pip packages hosted at pypi. They can be installed simply as:
$ pip install avisdk
from avi.sdk.avi_api import ApiSession
# create Avi API Session
session = ApiSession.get_session("", "controller_username", "controller_password", tenant="admin")
# create pool with one server
pool_obj = {'name': 'sample_pool', 'servers': [{'ip': {'addr': '', 'type': 'V4'}}]}
pool_resp = session.post('pool', data=pool_obj)
# create vsvip
vsvip_obj = {'name': 'sample_vsvip', 'vip': [{'vip_id': '1', 'ip_address': {'addr': '', 'type': 'V4'}}]}
vsvip_resp = session.post('vsvip', data=vsvip_obj)
# create virtualservice using sample_vsvip and sample_pool
pool_ref = '/api/pool?name={}'.format(pool_obj.get('name'))
vsvip_ref = '/api/vsvip?name={}'.format(vsvip_obj.get('name'))
services_obj = [{'port': 80, 'enable_ssl': False}]
vs_obj = {'name': 'sample_vs', 'services': services_obj, 'vsvip_ref': vsvip_ref, 'pool_ref': pool_ref}
resp = session.post('virtualservice', data=vs_obj)
# print list of all virtualservices
resp = session.get('virtualservice')
for vs in resp.json()['results']:
# delete virtualservice
resp = session.delete_by_name('virtualservice', 'sample_vs')
- SAML configured/enabled Controller.
To set up SAML SSO controller, click here
Currently, the SDK supports two IDPs for SAML-based authentication:
- Okta
- Onelogin
- WS1login
from avi.sdk.saml_avi_api import OktaSAMLApiSession
# create Avi API Session
api = OktaSAMLApiSession("", "okta_username", "okta_password")
# create pool with one server
pool_obj = {'name': 'sample_pool', 'servers': [{'ip': {'addr': '', 'type': 'V4'}}]}
pool_resp = session.post('pool', data=pool_obj)
# create vsvip
vsvip_obj = {'name': 'sample_vsvip', 'vip': [{'vip_id': '1',
'ip_address': {'addr': '', 'type': 'V4'}}]}
vsvip_resp = session.post('vsvip', data=vsvip_obj)
# create virtualservice using sample_vsvip and sample_pool
pool_ref = '/api/pool?name={}'.format(pool_obj.get('name'))
vsvip_ref = '/api/vsvip?name={}'.format(vsvip_obj.get('name'))
services_obj = [{'port': 80, 'enable_ssl': False}]
vs_obj = {'name': 'sample_vs', 'services': services_obj, 'vsvip_ref': vsvip_ref, 'pool_ref': pool_ref}
resp = session.post('virtualservice', data=vs_obj)
# print list of all virtualservices
resp = api.get('virtualservice')
for vs in resp.json()['results']:
print vs['name']
# delete virtualservice
resp = api.delete_by_name('virtualservice', 'sample_vs')
from avi.sdk.saml_avi_api import OneloginSAMLApiSession
# create Avi API Session
api = OneloginSAMLApiSession("", "onelogin_username", "onelogin_password")
# create pool with one server
pool_obj = {'name': 'sample_pool', 'servers': [{'ip': {'addr': '', 'type': 'V4'}}]}
pool_resp = session.post('pool', data=pool_obj)
# create vsvip
vsvip_obj = {'name': 'sample_vsvip', 'vip': [{'vip_id': '1',
'ip_address': {'addr': '', 'type': 'V4'}}]}
vsvip_resp = session.post('vsvip', data=vsvip_obj)
# create virtualservice using sample_vsvip and sample_pool
pool_ref = '/api/pool?name={}'.format(pool_obj.get('name'))
vsvip_ref = '/api/vsvip?name={}'.format(vsvip_obj.get('name'))
services_obj = [{'port': 80, 'enable_ssl': False}]
vs_obj = {'name': 'sample_vs', 'services': services_obj, 'vsvip_ref': vsvip_ref, 'pool_ref': pool_ref}
resp = session.post('virtualservice', data=vs_obj)
# print list of all virtualservices
resp = api.get('virtualservice')
for vs in resp.json()['results']:
print vs['name']
# delete virtualservice
resp = api.delete_by_name('virtualservice', 'sample_vs')
from avi.sdk.saml_avi_api import WS1loginSAMLApiSession
# create Avi API Session
session = WS1loginSAMLApiSession("", "ws1_username", "ws1_password")
# create pool with one server
pool_obj = {'name': 'sample_pool', 'servers': [{'ip': {'addr': '', 'type': 'V4'}}]}
pool_resp = session.post('pool', data=pool_obj)
# create vsvip
vsvip_obj = {'name': 'sample_vsvip', 'vip': [{'vip_id': '1',
'ip_address': {'addr': '', 'type': 'V4'}}]}
vsvip_resp = session.post('vsvip', data=vsvip_obj)
# create virtualservice using sample_vsvip and sample_pool
pool_ref = '/api/pool?name={}'.format(pool_obj.get('name'))
vsvip_ref = '/api/vsvip?name={}'.format(vsvip_obj.get('name'))
services_obj = [{'port': 80, 'enable_ssl': False}]
vs_obj = {'name': 'sample_vs', 'services': services_obj, 'vsvip_ref': vsvip_ref, 'pool_ref': pool_ref}
resp = session.post('virtualservice', data=vs_obj)
# print list of all virtualservices
resp = session.get('virtualservice')
for vs in resp.json()['results']:
print vs['name']
# delete virtualservice
resp = session.delete_by_name('virtualservice', 'sample_vs')
SAML session can also be invoked by following:
api = ApiSession.get_session("", "onelogin_username", "onelogin_password", idp_class=OneloginSAMLApiSession)
api = ApiSession.get_session("", "okta_username", "okta_password", idp_class=OktaSAMLApiSession)
api = ApiSession.get_session("", "ws1_username", "ws1_password", idp_class=WS1loginSAMLApiSession)
If ApiSession is invoked in the context of a control script, then token can be used for authentication. Along with that, information regarding username and tenant information can also be retrieved as follows::
api = ApiSession.get_session("localhost", user, token=token, tenant=tenant)
Create a basic virtualservice named basic-vs:
virtualservice_examples_api.py -h virtualservice_examples_api.py -c -i -o create-basic-vs -s