This module contains functions used in generation of reports and visualizations. Most reports rely on report context structure that provides a simple mechanism to generate multi-page reports in a reports
directory in your workspace.
- document_context - Create report context structure
- document_create - Create a document handle
- document_cache - Run a function or return a cached result
- report_ranking - Generate a report based on A-R ranking
- report_expected_overlap - Generate a report based on expected overlap
- report_precision_recall - Generate a report based on tracking precision and recall
- report_failures - Generate a statistic overview of occurences of failures
- report_difficulty - Generate a difficulty report for tags or sequences
- report_sequences_preview - Create an overview document for the given sequences
- report_implementation - Generate an overview of tracker implementations
- plot_blank - Generate a blank plot
- plot_ar - Generate an A-R plot
- plot_ranking - Generate an A-R ranking plot
- plot_ordering - Generate a per-selector ordering plot
- plot_legend - Generate a tracker legend plot
- plot_sequence_strip - Generate an preview of a sequence as a strip of frames
- plot_timeline - Generate a timeline plot with intervals
- plot_sequence_preview - Generates a sequence preview image
- create_table_cell - Create a complex table cell structure
- highlight_best_rows - Adds highlight to the best three cells in a given
- matrix2html - Generates a HTML table for a given matrix