All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Fixed order notification bug.
- Fixed email sending bug.
- Multilingual Support
- Fixed query error
- Added theme order functionality
- Resolved OAuth concurrent login configuration overwrite issue
- Added functionality to send order email notifications
- Enhanced security with user-related permission control
- Enhanced security: Delete OAuths and Payments settings when deleting a project
- Enhanced security measures
- Implemented sending emails using HTML templates
- Added functionality to resend emails
- Added a switch for enabling or disabling real email responses
- Increased the length of descriptions to 100 characters
- Fixed the issue where files could be overwritten
- Added support for dragging and dropping nodes
- Added a feature to set free compilation counts and adjust the number of plan-related counts
- Modified menu names
- Added project publication address
- Fixed statistics analysis bug
- Fixed bugs and added control for unauthorized exceptions
- Fixed issues with role restrictions
- Fixed statistics query issues
- Improved security, template functionality
- Added payment and order enhancement features.
- Added basic English vocabulary
- Fixed template issues
- Modified themes display
- Added skin/theme settings
- Updated menu scripts, modified the right space in the menu
- Added Jekyll-CleanBlog template
- Added jekyll-Lanyon template
- Removed Chinese characters from templates
- Added filter functionality
- Modified English expression
- Added support for components for non-admin users
- Added support for 'needLogin' setting in support buttons
- Added Beautifuljekyll template and jekyll support
- Fixed a bug with calculating occupied space by excluding specific files
- Added the display of file size
- Added the Toha template
- Increased free storage space to 20MB
- Added the beautifulhugo template
- Updated menu script
- Fixed a bug with calculating occupied space by excluding specific files
- Modified the Blowfish template to module mode
- Modified the Congo template to module mode
- Added Congo template, reduced the size of Blowfish template
- Removed the event propagation prevention when switching languages to allow some themes to work correctly
- Added the Blowfish template
- Added the Docsy template
- Removed some unnecessary files
- Added descriptions for recovery points
- Added project ID to build progress
- Added the Terminal template
- Added the Doks template
- Fixed issues with the support button style
- Added the Coder template
- Added Hugo configuration file compatibility
- Added Mermaid support
- Implemented permission control for user roles
- Corrected user modification issues
- Corrected statistics query issues
- Added project publish address
- Added basic English vocabulary
- Enhanced skin settings and template management.
- Fixed the issue with template loading
- Removed Chinese characters from templates
- Added database encryption for sensitive fields
- Implemented back-end paid feature restrictions.
- Implemented more detailed usage data returns
- Implemented logging of paid operations.
- Improved the "see" link functionality
- Fixed text detection bugs
- Implemented enhanced internationalization features.
- Fixed text detection bugs
- Enhanced internationalization
- Enhanced control of editor and vpadmin permissions
- Added functionality to set the scope for editor permissions
- Implemented the ability to add, and edit users and control user access with roles.
- Enhanced display of user origin information.
- Added plan expiration display
- Added THEME custom payment options.
- Fixed the email display issues and corrected an issue where the download only created a single directory
- Modified the display of email and fixed related bugs.
- Added the Toha theme
- Translated dependent classes
- Implemented a gift card payment support
- Implemented order processing in vpadmin
- Fixed some minor bugs
- Fixed an issue where the gift card payment module had non-integer prices.
- Modularized and fixed the build progress
- Added support for handling vpadmin order creation.
- Modularized the build progress functionality
- Modified icons
- Enabled using gift cards for payment.
- Implemented order confirmation functionalities, and added support for "My Gift Cards"
- Implemented a feature to show admin order details.
- Added features to enable or disable automatic email replies
- Implemented a project source code download
- Implemented a restore point functionality
- Added an interface for managing recovery mechanism
- Modified rollback to revert but not deploy changes
- When doing a rollback, ensure all the unsaved data is also stored.
- Added themes template info
- Added theme tags for grouping related templates
- Added default themes and configurations
- Implemented a system to manage template configuration
- Modified translations to be more accurate.
- Added support for reply content in order notifications.
- Enabled sending of email subjects and modifying the sender's email address for order notifications.
- Fixed issues where payment logs and orders could interfere
- Added a reply content field to the order form.
- Removed the sender setting
- Added user-side order query
- Added the integration logic between orders and payment configuration
- Added a verification token field
- Added batch modify and single status modify function
- Added data validation to prevent null values,
- Implemented masking on user displays to protect sensitive information
- Implemented a method for users to see their associated websites in user list
- Translated partially to English, while correcting incorrect non-empty type check.
- Added a query method to search for payment names.
- Added validation for payment names and added the fieldNotBlank validation annotation
- Implemented the first part of the commit process.
- Modified return data in the profile interface
- Set a 10MB file size limit
- Added file type restrictions
- Implemented restrictions on image size.
- Fixed a working version
- Added a display of images in commit history,
- Added a force publish feature.
- Added an indicator to show if a commit is published or not.
- Fixed the rollback mechanism to only revert changes and not immediately publish them.
- Fixed bugs related to recovery points.
- Added a filter to remove specific files from the history.
- Implemented the addition of a diff for the first commit, and rollback token expiry checks
- Added route internationalization
- Added template selection functionality
- Modified compilation quotas and added functionality to set free compilation counts.
- Implemented the functionality to retrieve the final publish URL from the server after compilation.
- Implemented support for multiple build accounts.
- Added github account PAC configuration options
- Added a global file filter configuration
- Added automatic notification for expired bindings
- Added automatic notifications for expired bindings.
- Modified default settings to improve usability.
- Implemented a feature to record refresh tokens.
- Enabled fetching of website links after a successful build.
- Translated the backend-related code to English.
- Added translations for dictionary entries.
- Fixed error messages.
- Added build phase progress indicators and prevented overexposure of error details.
- Fixed display issues, and added a website link.
- Fixed issues that caused the first step of a build to not terminate on errors.
- Fixed menu, and added site counts to the menu
- Translated menus to English
- Fixed issues with no submission prompts
- Fixed new project creation bugs
- Modified the project code and added CNAME file support.
- Completed the new project workflow and enabled automatic switching to user authorizations.
- Implemented a system for handling new projects.
- Modified the logic for adding new projects
- Added password validation rules.
- Fixed issues in displaying commit history.
- Fixed XSS vulnerability auto deleting content
- Added dev Dockerfile settings
- Added git installation to images
- Modified template packages
- Modified progress indicator display issues.
- Adjusted memory usage, and removed unnecessary dependencies.
- Added log printing environment variable configuration and log volumes
- Fixed a bug where the project creation process was interrupted by an internal address listener exception.
- Corrected the issues in redirect addresses and image naming.
- Fixed app.jar not updating problem
- Enhanced pom file support for different environments
- Fixed the pom files for better reusability.
- Removed unnecessary configurations
- Added support for main branch settings.
- Fixed GitHub username display
- Modified scripts for better handling
- Added a special setting for the main branch.
- Fixed file sorting issues.
- Removed redundant definitions.
- Modified Description text
- Implemented the initial steps of automated deployment.
- Implemented a fix for user export issues.
- Fixed issues with project creation. -Resolved conflict resolution issues and changed the encoding to UTF-8BOM
- Improved search and filter functions
- Improved mobile device user experience
- Implemented third-party avatar support for social login.
- Added a dashboard for statistical analysis
- Added a global settings section
- Added the commit and push functionality.
- Added user profile modifications
- Added role management features for users
- Implemented commit version comparison.
- Added commit author information.
- Added commit query features.
- Fixed some UI issues
- Added payment logs for the portal side.
- Fixed social login redirect issues
- Added the payment configuration functionalities.
- Added an option to select the time for confirmation.
- Fixed some field-related issues.
- Added a user payment confirmation log window.
- Corrected the domain judgment logic.
- Implemented restrictions to prevent modifications or deletions of the root nodes.
- Added support for WeChat platform.
- Enabled and disabled settings for third-party login images
- Added third-party login info to the database for both admin and portal sides.
- Fixed issues with the last failed record not being retrieved properly.
- Refactored the module dependencies.
- Extracted common vpadmin dependencies to ruoyi-admin module
- Improved OAuth system settings.
- Added a rollback progress display
- Added improved access security for interfaces.
- Fixed a bug in the rollback function to display the progress
- Improved access security for interfaces
- Added quota queries and definitions
- Fixed an issue with the display of the payment module.
- Fixed issues with image permissions.
- Added file diff functionality for add and delete operations.
- Implemented detailed error messages for publication history and Improved error log viewing
- Implemented the function to commit local changes.
- Fixed bugs in the diff feature.
- Completed file diff functionality
- Implement a version comparison system with ability to rollback changes
- Resolved various issues with rollback refreshes.
- Implemented a new way to organize tree data structures and added the content to the path.
- Added a query to check for changed files
- Added Project compilation progress information
- Implemented logical deletion of project folders.
- Implemented permission leveling for third-party login functionalities.
- Enabled email/password registration and support multi-level permissions
- Added domain modification functionality.
- Implemented vpadminPassword auth type
- Added an extension table for registration
-Added assigning departments and roles to frontend and backend users in regular registrations
- Handled successful and failed push operations in a different manner
- Added error log viewing during deployment, and a new client type for identifying VPAdmin users
- Fixed the issue with editing projects.
- Implemented password validation rules and more,
- Added a feature to desensitize personal information
- Fixed typo in documentation
- Added notification functionality
- Added features to support debugging for gitlab.
- Fixed a bug that was causing issues with the gitlab queries
- Implemented full gitlab integration and GitHub OAuth App config functionality.
- Implemented automatic configuration of repos and pages for fully controlled permission tokens
- Added full control permission tokens
- Modified push to vitepress-admin account and push compilation result to user repo
- Added the ability to create and delete repositories
- Enabled gitlab and github login
- Implemented facebook login (email retrieval may require a commercial account)
- Enabled google login
- Implemented Core API documentation
- Implemented data permission bug fixes
- Modified creation of new project to correctly switch to user authorization
- Added order functionality
- Implemented gitlab release functionality.
- Fixed bugs related to the gitlab release function
- Enabled THEME custom payment options
- Implemented a new mechanism for downloading project files and fixed bugs related to project modifications.
-Fixed issues related to project modification and reconfiguration of git details
- Initial commit for VpAdmin platform features.