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514 lines (387 loc) · 22 KB

File metadata and controls

514 lines (387 loc) · 22 KB

Version History


  • Add: tests for all type conversions
    • Result set
    • Json
    • Kotlin types
  • Add case sensitive database entity aware migration
    • Tables
    • Others?

High Priority

  • Test: query generating functions
    • validate quote parameter is used for table and column names
    • alias parameter
      • ""
      • same as table name
      • other string "a"
  • Test: list generation functions
  • Fix: Readme docs, consider creating a wiki

0.5.0 API Breaking Release

ℹ️ This branch is a rework with breaking changes to refactor models and related classes to eliminate having to specify identifier quoting in the model by creating the model for a database session. Which makes sense for a database model class.

Biggest change is that the model now takes two template arguments: main model class and its associated data class with an optional session instance and identifier quoting string.

If session is not given or null then default session will be used.

If quote if not given or null then the connection metaData.identifierQuoteString will be used, anything else will use whatever string is passed in. Unless your jdbc driver does not provide identifier quoting, there is no need to use anything but the default.

Companion object now only has the table name constant string.

All other functions implemented in the Model with two abstract members: toData() returning the data class for the model and operator invoke for the factory function for the model. To get another instance of a model myModel invoke the model instance as a function myModel().

For models that do not need a data class ModelNoData is also available which only takes a single template argument, as was the case for the Model class in previous releases.

Having the session instance information in the model simplifies using models because session no longer has to be specified for every method performing database access.

Additionally, list results are simplified because neither the session nor the extractor needs to be passed, with myModel.listData() variations can be used or myModel.listModel() variations.

Additionally there is now an alias:String? = null argument available for sql generating functions which will add a table alias to the table name and use the alias for disambiguating column names. If generating queries with multiple tables, set the alias to empty string "" or the table name to have it added to the column references. An empty table alias or one equal to the table name will only be used for column references.

Generate Kotlin-Model.groovy has been updated to generate the new model format from tables in the database.


  • Fix: #17, Condition WHERE IN not working


  • Fix: merge branch dev-0.5.0 into master
  • Fix: merge #15, PR: Allow for custom hikari data sources
  • Fix: travis to use precise env to allow jdk8


  • Fix: SqlCall out params are now passed by index instead of name to make them independent of actual sql procedure parameter names.

  • Fix: param() to work for non-null values when calling context's capture type is *, previous implementation would always result in Any type, fixed implementation uses the value's class for type's class.

  • Fix: param() to not construct a new instance if passed value is already Parameter<*>

  • Fix: SQL generation for model listQuery with where clause and/or alias

  • Add: InOut type to Parameter(), defaults to InOut.IN so parameter carries direction of parameter and type.

  • Add: inTo, outTo and inOutTo infix functions to use instead of to for param creation. These create parameters with in/inOut/out type eliminating the need for multiple params() functions for directional information. Default direction is in if not provided.

    They also create an instance of Parameter when the captured type is known. Functions using param() from a collection iteration have * for type capture and loose actual type, resorting to Any (ie. Object).

    These also have Collection<T> versions which create a Parameter() with a collection value but type is When generating parameters for prepared stmt this type is used to determine sql type for the element of the collection instead of generic Any as was before, again because of * captured type from a collection.

  • Fix: extract SqlQueryBase<T> for SqlQuery and SqlCall to eliminate the need to override function just to cast them to the right class. SqlCall no longer extends SqlQuery.

  • Fix: SqlQueryBase now stores each parameter in Parameter() data class format. Eliminates creating a new instance with param() since if it is already parameter it just returns the instance.

  • Fix: deprecate old methods in favor of directional parameter declaration.

  • Fix: change Session methods to use SqlQueryBase<*> when either SqlQuery or SqlCall can be used. For some, like updates with get keys, SqlCall never returns any keys even when stored procedure executes DML that does, so these are now SqlQuery only. Similarly, those only applicable to SqlCall are now SqlCall typed and will not take SqlQuery

  • Fix: deprecate Session.forEach(SqlCall, (stmt: CallableStatement) -> Unit, (rs: ResultSet, index: Int) -> Unit)

  • Add: Session.executeCall(SqlCall, (results: SqlCallResults) -> Unit) to replace Session.forEach(SqlCall, (stmt: CallableStatement) -> Unit, (rs: ResultSet, index: Int) -> Unit). Use SqlCallResults.forEach to process result sets returned by the procedure call. To get values of out params use SqlCallResults.get{Type}(paramName) to get non-null values or SqlCallResults.get{Type}OrNull(paramName) to get nullable values.

    For example, when using old forEach the code was:

    val sqlQuery = sqlCall("""CALL processInstances(:clientId, :types)""")
      .inParams("clientId" to 35)
      .inOutParams("types" to "")
    val jsonResult = MutableJsObject()
    var types: List<String> = listOf()
    session.forEach(sqlQuery, { stmt ->
        types = stmt.getString("types").split(',')
    }) { rs, index ->
        val key = types[index]
        jsonResult[key] = MutableJsArray(Rows(rs).map(toJsonObject).toList())

    Using the new executeCall and directional param declarations, the code changes to:

    val sqlQuery = sqlCall("""CALL processInstances(:clientId, :types)""",
              mapOf("clientId" inTo 35, "types" inOutTo ""))
    val jsonResult = MutableJsObject()
    session.executeCall(sqlQuery) { results:SqlCallResults ->
        val types = results.getString("types").split(',')
        results.forEach { rs, index ->
            val key = types[index]
            jsonResult[key] = MutableJsArray(Rows(rs).map(toJsonObject).toList())


  • Add: import evolutions to also accept # -- !Ups and # -- !Downs as valid Scala play evolution markers
  • Fix: merge fixes made by Nick Johnson in master


  • Break: Add profile name after db/ to allow multi-database migrations.
    • ⚠️ To migrate previous db/ structure move all directories other than templates of db/ to db/default
    • default profile is in default directory
    • templates remain under db/templates and will apply to all profiles
    • new Migrations constructor takes maps for session arguments indexed by profile string
    • old Migrations constructor now uses default for profile name
    • profile command line option specifies which profile is to be used. Some commands like rollback require an explicit profile name, others will use default when one is not given, some like init and migrate will apply the command over all profiles


  • Fix: Rollback used string compare instead of version compare, causing 0_7_2 to match 0_7_20 rollback.



  • Fix: JavaScript-Enumerated-Value-Type.js for latest version of enumerated-type with object value containing the id and type instead of constants.

  • Add: option to Scala model script to generate a separate Database model and an Api Model used for REST api data exchange.

  • Fix: Generate Kotlin-Model.groovy now will look for the model map file starting from the directory selected for generation and go up, until encountering directory with sub-directory .idea, hitting the root directory or finding model-config.json file. Mappings in this file are now relative to the directory of the model-config.json file.

    if .idea sub-directory was seen then will assume that this is the project root and if no model-config.json file is provided then will use the destination directory, without the project directory prefix and one more directory removed to generate the package for generated files. If the first sub-directory is marked as sources root then the package will be correct. Otherwise create a model-config.json.

    Intended use case is to place the model-config.json at the project root and map all files in it with path relative to project root. Generating models then is not dependent on which directory in the project is selected as the directory for generating models.

  • Fix: Generate Scala-Slick-Model.groovy to work like Generate Kotlin-Model.groovy

  • Fix: make Generate Kotlin-Model.groovy and Generate Scala-Slick-Model.groovy more generic with the differences isolated to the last generate method.

  • Fix: model generation scripts to get nullability and default value for column from database information. No longer kludging based on column names.

  • Add: Scala-Object-Enum.kt.js to generate an object with fields mimicking enum values, needs work to make real Scala enums.

  • Add: import-evolutions path min {max} where path is to the directory holding evolutions and min is the minimum evolution to import. max is optional and if provided gives the maximum evolution number to import.

  • Fix: new-evolution to put down migration script right after the up migration script instead of all up migrations followed by reversed down migrations.


  • Add: jsonArray functions to Model to list query results directly to JsonArray of JsonObject.

    ⚠️ will convert all columns of the query to properties of the JsonObject without filtering by model properties.

  • Add: listData and listModel variants with parameter list and no where clause to have the where clause generated from passed parameters.

  • Add: optional model-config.json to be used by Kotlin model generating script to control location and name of generated models.


  • Fix: API Change


  • Fix: merge #7, isLast and isAfterLast checking removed for TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY ResultSet thanks to @s5r3


  • Fix: migrate was using string compare for current version and versions for finding later ones
  • Fix: parameter extraction should take quoted, double quoted and back-quoted strings into account. Otherwise a string with :\w+ will be treated as a parameter.


  • Fix: migrate command was string sorting versions instead of using versionCompare()


  • Add: multiple list parameter handling, PR by root-talis


  • Fix: factor out Session and Transaction functions into interfaces. Implementation renamed to SessionImpl and TransactionImpl


  • Fix: remove database dependent quoting of table name and column names and replace it with an optional quote argument to ModelProperties and Model constructor argument with default from ModelProperties.databaseQuoting which can be set to any desired string. If the same database type is used on all connections then quoting should be set during initialization through Model.databaseQuoting.

    However, if multiple databases with different quoting requirements are used then quote argument will need to be passed to model constructor based on the database connection.

    • companion functions requiring quoting now take an optional argument quote with default of ModelProperties.databaseQuoting
    • model companion abstract createModel() now has createModel(quote: String?) signature so it can pass quote argument to model constructor.
  • Fix: list query with where clause parameters to use name parameters instead of plain parameters since parameters are passed as a map.

  • Fix: list queries with where clause parameters having collection values to use IN (:name) instead of name = :name for condition

  • Add: automatic expansion of sqlQuery and sqlCall collection valued parameters into their contained values. This allows lists to be used where individual parameters are expected:

sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Table WHERE column in (:list)").inParams("list" to listOf(1,2,3))

To expand to SELECT * FROM Table WHERE column in (?,?,?) with parameters of 1, 2, 3.

  • Change: refactor sqlQuery to substitute named parameters and compute named parameter mapping as needed and after any parameter changes. Required to have access to the parameter's type to figure out if it is a list or a single value.


  • Add: variations of list and listJson to ModelCompanion taking where clause and vararg Pair or map argument for parameters for the where clause for more flexibility of generating list queries.


  • Add: Model.appendWhereClause() to simplify creating list queries


  • Change: from by model to by db for model property definitions
  • Add: Model.listQuery companion methods to list model instances with or without conditions
  • Add: ModelCompanion to make companion methods of real models simpler to update without code editing
  • Add: separate session for updating migrations table to keep separate from schema modification session.
  • Fix: add trimming of table sql string for comparing by line re-ordering before splitting into lines.
  • Fix: JS enum type script for better WebStorm code completion functionality


  • Add: copying any extra files under /db/template resources directory to new version directory on creation. Intended for things like change notes or other common file templates.
  • Fix: model: auto, key, default, autoKey combinations
  • Add: model.default(Any?) default property type definition with a provided default value. Will set properties not provided or if their value is null on insert to this value
  • Add: insert and update queries to skip passing null value parameters which have defaults. null effectively means the same thing as not setting the parameter, using the db defined default instead for insert and no-op for update.
  • Add: update query which has no non-null non-default modified parameters will update key column to itself to trigger auto updated fields.
  • Add: migration verbose -v and detailed -d flags for table validation
  • Add: ignoring named param pattern in query lines that are commented out with -- or # as first non-blank of the line. Otherwise too many parameters will be passed for the query since SQL will not see the named param uses or comments in sql might me interpreted as parameter names.
  • Add: IntelliJ Ultimate Database Tools data extraction script to generate JavaScript enum from table data. See:
  • Add: IntelliJ Ultimate Database Tools data extraction script to generate Kotlin enum from table data. See: Installing IntelliJ Ultimate Database Tools Extension Scripts
  • Fix: table validation for out of order lines to ignore trailing , otherwise the last line out of order does not match.
  • Fix: init command when run on a database without migrations table will use db versions table schema to determine latest matched version as the current version
  • Add: validation for table names in table sql to match file name when doing init.
  • Fix: table validation to properly detect when resource is missing
  • Add: migrations to play evolutions conversion command: new-evolution "play/evolutions/directory" which will convert the current or requested version migrations and rollbacks to the next play evolutions file in the requested directory.


  • Fix: model generating script to convert table name to singular form for use as the model class name.
  • Add: new-... commands for: function, procedure, trigger and view.
  • Add: built in templates for creating new entities with placeholders __VERSION__ replaced by the version for which they are created and __TITLE__ for migration/rollback or __NAME__ for all others to reflect the parameter passed to the command


  • Change: usingSession to usingDefault as a short form of using(session())


  • Add: Session.defaultDataSource lambda to generate default data source for use with session() version of the function to reduce default session arguments


  • Fix: commit before doing System.exit(1) for exit command


  • Fix: migrations rollback filter condition reversed for multiple version rollback


  • Add: migrations update-schema command to copy all current version entities to the schema version directory to allow VCS version to version change tracking.


  • Fix: npe when trying to access non existent resource


  • Add: migration convenience commands
    • new-major - create a new version directory with major version incremented.

    • new-minor - create a new version directory with minor version incremented.

    • new-patch - create a new version directory with patch version incremented.

    • new-version - create a new version directory with minor version incremented. The directory cannot already exist. If the version is not provided then the next version with its minor version number incremented will be used.

      All entity directories will be created, including migrations.

      If there is a previous version to the one requested then its entity scripts will be copied to the new version directory, including tables which are used for validation after rollback/migration

    • new-migration "title" - create a new up/down migration script files in the requested (or current) version's migrations directory. The file name will be in the form: N.title.D.sql where N is numeric integer 1..., D is up or down and title is the title passed command.


  • Add: Model(val sqlTable: String, dbCase: Boolean, allowSetAuto: Boolean = true), dbCase to mark all properties without specific column name as having database case. When false, database columns are assumed to be (snake case) versions of the property names. Available on all property providers: auto, key, default

  • Add: model.column(String) to provide arbitrary column name for the property. Available on all property providers: auto, key, default


  • Add: migration table compare will match if differences are out of order lines between two tables. This addresses validation failure for tables which are changed due to rollback causing keys and constraints to be in a different order.


  • Add: Model.toJson() method for converting a model to JsonObject


  • Fix: migration command to not apply versions higher than requested
  • Add: IntelliJ Database script extension to create Models from database tables
  • Fix: Apply all migrations that exist from start. First version under migrations should have initial database creation without migrations.
  • Change: refactor code to clean up duplication
  • Add: Model.appendKeys() to append model's keys for query generation
  • Fix: wrong conversion for jodaLocalDateTime and a few others. Added casts to catch these errors during compilation
  • Fix: add snapshot to Model.update(session:Session) after successful update.


  • Add: abstract Model class for creating models to reduce boiler plate code.


  • Fix: wrong filter on get entity resource files list
  • Change: change updateGetId and updateGetIds to return Int and List<Int> respectively
  • Add: add updateGetLongId and updateGetLongIds to return Long and List<Long> respectively


  • Fix: iteration over empty result set caused exception, due to insufficient conditions present in result set to know there is no next row until next() is invoked.
  • Add: rudimentary SQL based migrations with migrate/rollback with up/down sql scripts, table, procedure, function, view and trigger script running. Migrations are for data and tables. The rest of the scripts are applied for a given version. Needs docs and tests.


  • Fix: pom packaging to jar


  • Fix: pom missing info
  • Fix: pom and travis errors
  • Fix: pom for dokka plugin javadoc generation


  • Initial release