FHIR is a specification of semantic resources and API for working with healthcare data. Please address the official specification for more details.
To implement FHIR server we have to persist & query data in an application internal format or in FHIR format. This article describes how to store FHIR resources in a relational database (PostgreSQL), and open source FHIR storage implementation - FHIRbase.
FHIRbase is built on top of PostgreSQL and requires its version higher than 9.4 (i.e. jsonb support).
FHIR describes ~100 resources as base StructureDefinitions which by themselves are resources in FHIR terms.
To setup FHIRbase use Installation Guide.
FHIRbase stores each resource in two tables - one for current version and second for previous versions of the resource. Following a convention, tables are named in a lower case after resource types: Patient => patient, StructureDefinition => structuredefinition.
For example Patient resources are stored in patient and patient_history tables:
fhirbase=# \d patient
Table "public.patient"
Column | Type | Modifiers
version_id | text |
logical_id | text | not null
resource_type | text | default 'Patient'::text
updated | timestamp with time zone | not null default now()
published | timestamp with time zone | not null default now()
category | jsonb |
content | jsonb | not null
Inherits: resource
fhirbase=# \d patient_history
Table "public.patient_history"
Column | Type | Modifiers
version_id | text | not null
logical_id | text |
resource_type | text | default 'Patient'::text
updated | timestamp with time zone | not null default now()
published | timestamp with time zone | not null default now()
category | jsonb |
content | jsonb | not null
Inherits: resource_history
All resource tables have similar structure and are inherited from resource table, to allow cross-table queries (for more information see PostgreSQL inheritance).
Minimal installation of FHIRbase consists of only a few tables for "meta" resources:
- StructureDefinition
- OperationDefinition
- SearchParameter
- ValueSet
- ConceptMap
These tables are populated with resources provided by FHIR distribution.
Most of API for FHIRbase is represented as functions in fhir schema, other schemas are used as code library modules.
First helpful function is fhir.generate_tables(resources text[])
which generates tables
for specific resources passed as array.
For example to generate tables for patient, organization and encounter:
psql fhirbase
fhirbase=# select fhir.generate_tables('{Patient, Organization, Encounter}');
-- generate_tables
-- 3
-- (1 row)
If you call generate_tables() without any parameters, then tables for all resources described in StructureDefinition will be generated:
fhirbase=# select fhir.generate_tables();
-- generate_tables
-- 93
--(1 row)
When concrete resource type tables are generated, column installed for this resource is set to true in the profile table.
SELECT logical_id, installed from structuredefinition
WHERE logical_id = 'Patient'
-- logical_id | installed
-- Patient | true
Functions representing public API of FHIRbase are all located in the FHIR schema. The first group of functions implements CRUD operations on resources:
- create(resource json)
- read(resource_type, logical_id)
- update(resource json)
- vread(resource_type, version_id)
- delete(resource_type, logical_id)
- history(resource_type, logical_id)
- is_exists(resource_type, logical_id)
- is_deleted(resource_type, logical_id)
SELECT fhir.create('{"resourceType":"Patient", "name": [{"given": ["John"]}]}')
-- {
-- "id": "c6f20b3a...",
-- "meta": {
-- "versionId": "c6f20b3a...",
-- "lastUpdated": "2015-03-05T15:53:47.213016+00:00"
-- },
-- "name": [{"given": ["John"]}],
-- "resourceType": "Patient"
-- }
--(1 row)
-- create - insert new row into patient table
SELECT resource_type, logical_id, version_id,* from patient;
-- resource_type | logical_id | version_id | content
-- Patient | c6f20b3ab... | c6f20b.... | {"resourceType".....}
--(1 row)
SELECT fhir.read('Patient', 'c6f20b3a...');
-- {
-- "id": "c6f20b3a...",
-- "meta": {
-- "versionId": "c6f20b3a...",
-- "lastUpdated": "2015-03-05T15:53:47.213016+00:00"
-- },
-- "name": [{"given": ["John"]}],
-- "resourceType": "Patient"
-- }
--(1 row)
SELECT fhir.update(
fhir.read('Patient', 'c6f20b3a...'),
-- returns update version
SELECT count(*) FROM patient; -- 1
SELECT count(*) FROM patient_history; -- 1
-- read previous version of resource
SELECT fhir.vread('Patient', /*old_version_id*/ 'c6f20b3a...');
SELECT fhir.history('Patient', 'c6f20b3a...');
-- {
-- "type": "history",
-- "entry": [{
-- "resource": {
-- "id": "c6f20b3a...",
-- "meta": {
-- "versionId": "a11dba...",
-- "lastUpdated": "2015-03-05T16:00:12.484542+00:00"
-- },
-- "name": [{
-- "given": "Bruno"
-- }],
-- "resourceType": "Patient"
-- }
-- }, {
-- "resource": {
-- "id": "c6f20b3a...",
-- "meta": {
-- "versionId": "c6f20b3a...",
-- "lastUpdated": "2015-03-05T15:53:47.213016+00:00"
-- },
-- "name": [{
-- "given": ["John"]
-- }],
-- "resourceType": "Patient"
-- }
-- }],
-- "resourceType": "Bundle"
-- }
SELECT fhir.is_exists('Patient', 'c6f20b3a...'); => true
SELECT fhir.is_deleted('Patient', 'c6f20b3a...'); => false
SELECT fhir.delete('Patient', 'c6f20b3a...');
-- return last version
SELECT fhir.is_exists('Patient', 'c6f20b3a...'); => false
SELECT fhir.is_deleted('Patient', 'c6f20b3a...'); => true
When resource is created, logical_id and version_id are generated as uuids. On each update resource content is updated in the patient table, and old version of the resource is copied into the patient_history table.
Next part of API is a search API. Folowing functions will help you to search resources in FHIRbase:
- fhir.search(resourceType, searchString) returns a bundle
- fhir._search(resourceType, searchString) returns a relation
- fhir.explain_search(resourceType, searchString) shows an execution plan for search
- fhir.search_sql(resourceType, searchString) shows the original sql query underlying the search
select fhir.search('Patient', 'given=john')
-- returns bundle
-- {"type": "search", "entry": [...]}
-- return search as relatio
select * from fhir._search('Patient', 'name=david&count=10');
-- version_id | logical_id | resource_type
-- | "a8bec52c-..." | Patient
-- | "fad90884-..." | Patient
-- | "895fdb15-..." | Patient
-- expect generated by search sql
select fhir.search_sql('Patient', 'given=david&count=10');
-- SELECT * FROM patient
-- WHERE (index_fns.index_as_string(patient.content, '{given}') ilike '%david%')
-- LIMIT 100
-- explain query execution plan
select fhir.explain_search('Patient', 'given=david&count=10');
-- Limit (cost=0.00..19719.37 rows=100 width=461) (actual time=6.012..7198.325 rows=100 loops=1)
-- -> Seq Scan on patient (cost=0.00..81441.00 rows=413 width=461) (actual time=6.010..7198.290 rows=100 loops=1)
-- Filter: (index_fns.index_as_string(content, '{name,given}'::text[]) ~~* '%david%'::text)
-- Rows Removed by Filter: 139409
-- Planning time: 0.311 ms
-- Execution time: 7198.355 ms
Search works without indexing but search query would be slow on any reasonable amount of data. So FHIRbase has a group of indexing functions:
- index_search_param(resourceType, searchParam)
- drop_index_search_param(resourceType, searchParam)
- index_resource(resourceType)
- drop_resource_indexes(resourceType)
- index_all_resources()
- drop_all_resource_indexes()
Indexes are not for free - they eat space and slow inserts and updates. That is why indexes are optional and completely under you control in FHIRbase.
Most important function is fhir.index_search_param
accepts resourceType as a first parameter, and name of search parameter to index.
select count(*) from patient; --=> 258000
-- search without index
select fhir.search('Patient', 'given=david&count=10');
-- Time: 7332.451 ms
-- index search param
SELECT fhir.index_search_param('Patient','name');
--- Time: 15669.056 ms
-- index cost
select fhir.admin_disk_usage_top(10);
-- [
-- {"size": "107 MB", "relname": "public.patient"},
-- {"size": "19 MB", "relname": "public.patient_name_name_string_idx"},
-- ...
-- ]
-- search with index
select fhir.search('Patient', 'name=david&count=10');
-- Time: 26.910 ms
-- explain search
select fhir.explain_search('Patient', 'name=david&count=10');
-- Limit (cost=43.45..412.96 rows=100 width=461) (actual time=0.906..6.871 rows=100 loops=1)
-- -> Bitmap Heap Scan on patient (cost=43.45..1569.53 rows=413 width=461) (actual time=0.905..6.859 rows=100 loops=1)
-- Recheck Cond: (index_fns.index_as_string(content, '{name}'::text[]) ~~* '%david%'::text)
-- Heap Blocks: exact=100
-- -> Bitmap Index Scan on patient_name_name_string_idx (cost=0.00..43.35 rows=413 width=0) (actual time=0.205..0.205 rows=390 loops=1)
-- Index Cond: (index_fns.index_as_string(content, '{name}'::text[]) ~~* '%david%'::text)
-- Planning time: 0.449 ms
-- Execution time: 6.946 ms