diff --git a/src/api/options-lifecycle.md b/src/api/options-lifecycle.md
index bdf7daad..a16c27ab 100644
--- a/src/api/options-lifecycle.md
+++ b/src/api/options-lifecycle.md
@@ -209,6 +209,12 @@
- يمكن لخطاف `()errorCaptured` أن يرجع `false` لمنع الخطأ من الانتشار أكثر. هذا يعني بشكل أساسي "تم التعامل مع هذا الخطأ ويجب تجاهله." سيمنع أي خطافات `()errorCaptured` إضافية أو `app.config.errorHandler` من الاستدعاء لهذا الخطأ.
+ **Error Capturing Caveats**
+ - In components with async `setup()` function (with top-level `await`) Vue **will always** try to render component template, even if `setup()` throwed error. This will likely cause more errors because during render component's template might try to access non-existing properties of failed `setup()` context. When capturing errors in such components, be ready to handle errors from both failed async `setup()` (they will always come first) and failed render process.
+ - Replacing errored child component in parent component deep inside `` will cause hydration mismatches in SSR. Instead, try to separate logic that can possibly throw from child `setup()` into separate function and execute it in the parent component's `setup()`, where you can safely `try/catch` the execution process and make replacement if needed before rendering the actual child component.
## renderTracked {#rendertracked}
يستدعى عندما يتم تتبع اعتمادية تفاعلية بواسطة تأثير تصيير المكون.