The trigger client can be used from an IRB prompt
See README and do initial setup.
Setup environment settings, especially the CROSS_CLOUD_CI_ENV variable eg. export CROSS_CLOUD_CI_ENV=development
The Dashboard API host can be overrided with by setting the environment variable DASHBOARD_API_HOST_PORT. eg. export DASHBOARD_API_HOST_PORT=""
Start irb and load the main trigger client
irb -r ./bin/crosscloudci_trigger.rb
Type default_connect
to use default configuration and establish a Ci service connection
@tc is the trigger client
@tc.ciservice or @c is the CI client with a connection to Gitlab established
The configuration can be accessed via @tc.config
To override the dashboard_api_host_port do one of the following
- Update the runtime configuration through config[:dashboard][:dashboard_api_host_port] eg.
@c.config[:dashboard][:dashboard_api_host_port] = ""
To build an invidual project you need the project id and project ref. The dashboard host port and cross cloud yml can be pulled from the config. Example build for linkerd
@c.build_project(20, "master", {:dashboard_api_host_port => @config[:dashboard][:dashboard_api_host_port], :cross_cloud_yml => @config[:cross_cloud_yml]})
To build all active projects, run @c.build_active_projects
Look at builds with @c.builds
Look at build status with @c.build_status(project_id, pipeline_id)
@c.build_status(20, 4869)
To provision a cloud run provision_cloud, with the cloud, kubernetes pipeline id, kubernetes ref, dashboard, cross_cloud.yml config, gitlab token (from config), cross-cloud project ref (provision_ref). Example provisioning gke with a head/master version of kubernetes. The api token, dashboard, cross cloud yml, and provision ref are all taken from the loaded config based on the environment.
@c.provision_cloud("gke", {kubernetes_build_id: 4872, kubernetes_ref: @c.config[:projects]["kubernetes"]["head_ref"], dashboard_api_host_port: @c.config[:dashboard][:dashboard_api_host_port], cross_cloud_yml: @c.config[:cross_cloud_yml], :api_token => @c.config[:gitlab][:pipeline]["cross-cloud"][:api_token], provision_ref: @c.config[:gitlab][:pipeline]["cross-cloud"][:cross_cloud_ref]})
Provision all active clouds with @c.provision_active_clouds
Look at provisionings with @c.provisionings
Do an app deploy with target project id, target build id, cloud provision id (k8s pipeline in cross-cloud), cloud name (eg. aws) and the options for dashboard and cross cloud yml
Example data project_id: 24, build_id: 5417, provision_id: 5446, cloud: "aws",
options = {:dashboard_api_host_port => "", :cross_cloud_yml => @c.config[:cross_cloud_yml], :chart_repo => "stable"}
c.app_deploy(9,4835, 4845, "gce", options)
Look at app deploys with @c.app_deploys