Version: 2.0
LastModified: 2020-07-06
Copies one or more BackupDirs to the Destination.
Zipped or unzipped backups.
Optional staging folder for zipping reduces network bandwidth (only copies the final zip to the Destination)
A Progress Bar shows the status of copied MB to the total MB.
Email reports.
Removes oldest backups (see Versions parameter).
BackupScript.ps1 -BackupDirs "C:\path\to\backup", "C:\another\path\" -Destination "C:\path\to\put\the\backup"
BackupDirs (Default: none)
Destination (Default: none)
ExcludeDirs (Default: "$env:SystemDrive\Users\.*\AppData\Local", "$env:SystemDrive\Users\.*\AppData\LocalLow")
TempDir (Default: "$env:TEMP\BackupScript")
LogPath (Default: "$TempDir\Logging")
LogFileName (Default: "Log")
LoggingLevel (Default: 2)
Zip (Default: $True)
Use7ZIP (Default: $False
7zPath (Default: "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe")
Versions (Default: "2") *Bug*: It will actually keep X+1 backups
UseStaging (Default: $True)
StagingDir (Default: "$TempDir\Staging")
ClearStaging (Default: $True)
SendEmail (Default: $False)
EmailTo (Default: "")
EmailFrom (Default: "")
EmailSMTP (Default; "")
FIX: ERROR, WARNING and INFO log levels work for console output (the log is always DEBUG level)
DIF: Adjusted some logging output levels.
DIF: Set LogLevel default to 2 (INFO).
NEW: All configurable variables are parameters.
FIX: Removed all author/computer-specific paths and messages.
FIX: Typos
FIX: Correctly handles multiple backups made on the same day (no more randomness)
DIF: Reworked many things for clarity or to be more "PowerShell-like"
DIF: Combined 'staging' and non-staging. "Non-staging" is just staging in the Destination.
DIF: Added/reworked comments and log output for clarity/consistency.
See original:
Forked: 2020-07-01
Forked by: [Ryan Dasso](
Forked from: v1.5
Creator: [Michael Seidl]( aka [Techguy](
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