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Aries RFC 0006: SSI Notation

  • Authors: Daniel Hardman
  • Status: ACCEPTED
  • Since: 2018-09-01
  • Status Note: broadly accepted but not heavily used; may need greater usage before it's ready for ADOPTED status.
  • Start Date: 2018-05-03
  • Tags: concept


This RFC describes a simple, standard notation for various concepts related to decentralized and self-sovereign identity (SSI).

The notation could be used in design docs, other RFCs, source code comments, chat channels, scripts, debug logs, and miscellaneous technical materials throughout the Aries ecosystem. We hope it is also used in the larger SSI community.

This RFC is complementary to official terms like the ones curated in the TOIP Concepts and Terminology Working group, the Sovrin Glossary, and so forth.


All technical materials in our ecosystem hinge on fundamental concepts of self-sovereign identity such as controllers, keys, DIDs, and agents. We need a standard, documented notation to refer to such things, so we can use it consistently, and so we can link to the notation's spec for definitive usage.


The following explanation is meant to be read sequentially and should provide a friendly overview for most who encounter the RFC. See the Reference section for quick lookup.


This notation aims to be:

  • Precise
  • Consistent
  • Terse
  • Easy to learn, understand, guess, and remember
  • Representable in 7-bit ASCII plain text

The final requirement deserves special comment. Cryptologists are a major stakeholder in SSI theory. They already have many notational conventions, some more standardized than others. Generally, their notation derives from advanced math and uses specialized symbols and fonts. These experts also tend to intersect strongly with academic circles, where LaTeX and similar rendering technologies are common.

Despite the intersection between SSI, cryptology, and academia, SSI has to serve a broader audience. Its practicioners are not just mathematicians; they may include support and IT staff, lawyers specializing in intellectual property, business people, auditors, regulators, and individuals sometimes called "end users." In particular, SSI ecosystems are built and maintained by coders. Coders regularly write docs in markdown and html. They interact with one another on chat. They write emails and source code where comments might need to be embedded. They create UML diagrams. They type in shells. They paste code into slide decks and word processors. All of these behaviors militate against a notation that requires complex markup.

Instead, we want something simple, clean, and universally supported. Hence the 7-bit ASCII requirement. A future version of this RFC, or an addendum to it, might explain how to map this 7-bit ASCII notation to various schemes that use mathematical symbols and are familiar to experts from other fields.


Controllers and Subjects

An identified thing (the referent of an identifier) is called an identity subject. Identity subjects can include:

  • passive things (pets, digital documents, symphonies, rivers, asteroids, strains of bacteria...)
  • active things (people, institutions, IoT devices)

The latter category may also act as an identity controller -- something that projects its intent with respect to identity onto the digital landscape.

When an identity controller controls its own identity, we say that it has self sovereignty -- and we call it a self. (The term identity owner was originally used for an identity controller managing itself, but this hid some of the nuance and introduced legal concepts of ownership that are problematic, so we'll avoid it here.)

In our notation, selves (or identity controllers) are denoted with a single upper-case ASCII alpha, often corresponding to a first initial of their human-friendly name. For example, Alice might be represented as A. By preference, the first half of the alphabet is used (because "x", "y", and "z" tend to have other ad-hoc meanings). When reading aloud, the spoken form of a symbol like this is the name of the letter. The relevant ABNF fragment is:

 ucase-alpha    = %x41-5A            ; A-Z
 lcase-alpha    = %x61-7A            ; a-z
 digit          = %x30-39            ; 0-9

 self = ucase-alpha

Identity subjects that are not self-controlled are referenced in our notation using a single lower-case ASCII alpha. For example, a movie might be m. For clarity in scenarios where multiple subjects are referenced, it is best to choose letters that differ in something other than case.

  controlled = lcase-alpha

  subject = self / controlled

The set of devices, keys, endpoints, data, and other resources controlled by or for a given subject is called the subject's identity domain (or just domain for short). When the controller is a self, the domain is self-sovereign; otherwise, the domain is controlled. Either way, the domain of an identity subject is like its private universe, so the name or symbol of a subject is often used to denote its domain as well; context eliminates ambiguity. You will see examples of this below.


Elements associated with a domain are named in a way that makes their association clear, using a name@context pattern familiar from email addresses: 1@A (“one at A”) is agent 1 in A’s sovereign domain. (Note how we use an erstwhile identity owner symbol, A, to reference a domain here, but there is no ambiguity.) This fully qualified form of a subject reference is useful for clarification but is often not necessary.

In addition to domains, this same associating notation may be used where a relationship is the context, because sometimes the association is to the relationship rather than to a participant. See the DID example in the next section.


Agents are not subjects. They neither control or own a domain; rather, they live and act within it. They take instructions from the domain's controller. Agents (and hubs, and other things like them) are the first example of elements associated with an identity subject. Despite this, agent-ish things are the primary focus of interactions within SSI ecosystems.

Additionally, agents are distinct from devices, even though we often (and inaccurately) used them interchangeably. We may say things like "Alice's iPhone sends a message" when we more precisely mean "the agent on Alice's iPhone sends a message." In reality, there may be zero, one, or more than one agents running on a particular device.

Agents are numbered and are represented by up to three digits and then with an association. In most discussions, one digit is plenty, but three digits are allowed so agents can be conveniently grouped by prefix (e.g., all edge agents in Alice's domain might begin with 1, and all cloud might begin with 2).

agent = 1*3digit "@" subject


Devices are another element inside a subject's domain. They are represented with two or more lower-case ASCII alphanumerics or underscore characters, where the first char cannot be a digit. They end with an association: bobs_car@B, drone4@F, alices_iphone9@A.

name-start-char = lcase-alpha / "_"            ; a-z or underscore
name-other-char = digit / lcase-alpha / "_"    ; 0-9 or a-z or underscore
device = name-start-char 1*name-other-char "@" subject

Cross-Domain Relationships

Short Form (more common)

Alice’s pairwise relationship with Bob is represented with colon notation: A:B. This is read aloud as “A to B” (preferred because it’s short; alternatives such as “the A B relationship” or “A colon B” or “A with respect to B” are also valid). When written in the other order, it represents the same relationship as seen from Bob’s point of view. Note that passive subjects may also participate in relationships: A:bobs_car. (Contrast Intra-Domain Relationships below.)

N-wise relationships (e.g., doctor, hospital, patient) are written with the perspective-governing subject's identifier, a single colon, then by all other identifiers for members of the relationship, in alphabetical order, separated by +: A:B+C, B:A+C. This is read aloud as in "A to B plus C."

next-subject = "+" subject
short-relationship = subject ":" subject *next-subject

Long Form

Short form is convenient and brief, but it is inconsistent because each party to the relationship describes it differently. Sometimes this may be undesirable, so a long and consistent form is also supported. The long form of both pairwise and N-way relationships lists all participants to the right of the colon, in alphabetical order. Thus the long forms of the Alice to Bob relationship might be A:A+B (for Alice's view of this relationship) and B:A+B (for Bob's view). For a doctor, hospital, patient relationship, we might have D:D+H+P, H:D+H+P, and P:D+H+P. Note how the enumeration of parties to the right of the colon is consistent.

Long form and short form are allowed to vary freely; any tools that parses this notation should treat them as synonyms and stylistic choices only.

The ABNF for long form is identical to short form, except that we are guaranteed that after the colon, we will see at least two parties and one + character:

long-relationship = subject ":" subject 1*next-subject

Generalized Relationships


Some models for SSI emphasize the concept of personas or contexts. These are essentially "masks" that an identity controller enables, exposing a limited subset of the subject's identity to an audience that shares that context. For example, Alice might assume one persona in her employment relationships, another for government interactions, another for friends, and another when she's a customer.

Contexts or personas can be modeled as a relationship with a generalized audience: A:Work, A:Friends.

general-audience = ucase-alpha 1*name-other-char
general-relationship = subject ":" general-audience
relationship = short-relationship / long-relationship / general-relationship

The concept of public DIDs suggests that someone may think about a relationship as unbounded, or as not varying no matter who the other subject is. For example, a company may create a public DID and advertise it to the world, intending for this connection point to begin relationships with customers, partners, and vendors alike. While best practice suggests that such relationships be used with care, and that they primarily serve to bootstrap pairwise relationships, the notation still needs to represent the possibility.

The token Any is reserved for these semantics. If Acme Corp is represented as A, then Acme's public persona could be denoted with A:Any. When Any is used, it is never the subject whose perspective is captured; it is always a faceless "other". This means that Any appears only on the right side of a colon in a relationship, and it probably doesn't make sense to combine it with other participants since it would subsume them all.


It is sometimes useful to model a relationship with onesself. This is done with the reserved token Self.

Intra-Domain Relationships

Within a domain, relationships among agents or devices is sometimes interesting. Such relationships use the ~ (tilde) character. Thus, the intra-domain relationship between Alice's agent 1 and agent 2 is written 1~2 and read as "one tilde two".


Items that belong to a domain rather than having independent identity of their own (for example, data, money, keys) use dot notation for containment or ownership:, (A’s link secret), A.policy, etc.

Names for constituents use the same rules as names for agents and devices.

Alice’s DID for her relationship with Bob is an inert constituent datum, but it is properly associated with the relationship rather than just Alice. It is thus represented with A.did@A:B. (The token did is reserved for DIDs). This is read as “A’s DID at A to B”. Bob’s complementary DID would be B.did@B:A.

inert = name-start-char 1*name-other-char
nested = "." inert
owned-inert = subject 1*nested

associated-to = identity-owner / relationship
associated = subject 0*nested "@" associated-to

If A has a cloud agent 2, then the public key (verification key or verkey) and private, secret key (signing key or sigkey) used by 2 in A:B would be: and This is read as “2 dot P K at A to B” and “2 dot S K at A to B”. Here, 2 is known to belong to A because it takes A’s perspective on A:B--it would be equivalent but unnecessary to write

DID Docs and DID References

The mention of keys belonging to agents naturally raises the question of DID docs and the things they contain. How do they relate to our notation?

DIDs are designed to be URIs, and items that carry an id property within a DID Doc can be referenced with standard URI fragment notation. This allows someone, for example, to refer to the first public key used by one of the agents owned by Alice with a notation like: did:sov:VUrvFeWW2cPv9hkNZ2ms2a;#key1.

This notation is important and useful, but it is somewhat orthogonal to the concerns of this RFC. In the context of SSI notation, we are not DID-centric; we are subject centric, and subject are identified by a single capital alpha instead of by their DID. This helps with brevity. It lets us ignore the specific DID value and instead focus on the higher level semantics; compare:

{A.did@A:B}/B --> B

did:sov:PXqKt8sVsDu9T7BpeNqBfe sends its DID for did:sov:6tb15mkMRagD7YA3SBZg3p to did:sov:6tb15mkMRagD7YA3SBZg3p, using the agent possessing did:sov:PXqKt8sVsDu9T7BpeNqBfe;#key1 to encrypt with the corresponding signing key.

We expect DID reference notation (the verbose text above) to be relevant for concrete communication between computers, and SSI notation (the terse equivalent shown first) to be more convenient for symbolic, higher level discussions between human beings. Occasionally, we may get very specific and map SSI notation into DID notation (e.g., A.1.vk = did:sov:PXqKt8sVsDu9T7BpeNqBfe;#key1).

Counting and Iteration

Sometimes, a concept or value evolves over time. For example, a given discussion might need to describe a DID Doc or an endpoint or a key across multiple state changes. In mathematical notation, this would typically be modeled with subscripts. In our notation, we use square brackets, and we number beginning from zero.[0]@A:B would be the first pubkey used by A in the A:B relationship;[1]@A:B would be the second pubkey, and so on. Likewise, a sequence of messages could be represented with msg[0], msg[1], and msg[2].


Messages are represented as quoted string literals, or with the reserved token msg, or with kebab-case names that explain their semantics, as in cred-offer:

string-literal = %x22 c-literal %x22
kebab-char = lcase-alpha / digit
kebab-suffix = "-" 1*hint-char
kebab-msg = 1*kebab-char *kebab-suffix
message = "msg" / string-literal / kebab-msg


Economic activity is part of rich SSI ecosystems, and requires notation. A payment address is denoted with the pay reserved token;[4] would be A's fifth payment address. The public key and secret key for a payment address use the ppk and psk reserved token, respectively. Thus, one way to reference the payment keys for that payment address would be[4].ppk and[4].psk. (Keys are normally held by agents, not by people--and every agent has its own keys. Thus, another notation for the public key pertaining to this address might be[4].ppk. This is an area of clumsiness that needs further study.)


Encryption deserves special consideration in the SSI world. It often figures prominently in discussions about security and privacy, and our notation needs to be able to represent it carefully.

The following crypto operations are recognized by the notation, without making a strong claim about how the operations are implemented. (For example, inline Diffie Helman and an ephemeral symmetric key might be used for the *_crypt algorithms. What is interesting to the notation isn't the low-level details, but the general semantics achieved.)

  • anon_crypt(msg, recipient_pubkey) -- Encrypt only for recipient, achieving confidentiality. Sender is anonymous. Parties may have had no prior contact, though sender must discover recipient's pubkey. The message is tamper evident.

  • auth_crypt(msg, recipient_pubkey, sender_privkey) -- Encrypt only for recipient, achieving confidentiality. Recipient learns sender’s pubkey but can’t prove to anybody else who the sender is (making the message repudiable). Parties may have had no prior contact, though sender must discover recipient's pubkey. The message is tamper evident.

  • sign(msg, signer_privkeys) -- Associate a signature with a message, making the message non-repudiable. This also makes the message tamper-evident. A signature does not automatically encrypt and therefore is not a way to achieve confidentiality. Note that complex signature schemes (multisig, M of N, ring) use this operation as well.

  • verify(msg, signature, signer_pubkeys) -- Verify a signature over a message with select keys. Note that complex verification schemes (multiverify, M of N, ring) use this operation as well.

  • sym_crypt(msg, sym_key) -- Symmetrically encrypt for anyone who has the symmetric key, achieving a limited form of confidentiality. Key must be shared in advance with both parties. Likely tamper evident. If multiple parties know the symmetric key, the sender is not knowable to the recipient.

The notation for these crypto primitives uses curly braces around the message, with suffixes to clarify semantics. Generally, it identifies a recipient as an identity owner or thing, without clarifying the key that's used--the pairwise key for their DID is assumed.

asymmetric   = "/"                                   ; suffix
symmetric    = "*"                                   ; suffix
sign         = "#"                                   ; suffix
multiplex    = "%"                                   ; suffix
verify       = "?"                                   ; suffix

anon-crypt   = "{" message "}" asymmetric subject          ; e.g., {"hi"}/B

                ; sender is first subject in relationship, receiver is second
auth-crypt   = "{" message "}" asymmetric short-relationship ; e.g., {"hi"}/A:B

sym-crypt    = "{" message "}" symmetric subject           ; e.g., {"hi"}*B

verify       = "{" message "}" verify subject              ; e.g., {"hi"}?B

The relative order of suffixes reflects whether encryption or signing takes place first: {"hello"}*B# says that symmetric encryption happens first, and then a signature is computed over the cypertext; {"hello"#}*B says that plaintext is signed, and then both the plaintext and the signature are encrypted. (The {"hello"}#*B variant is nonsensical because it splits the encryption notation in half).

All suffixes can be further decorated with a parenthesized algorithm name, if precision is required: {"hello"}*(aes256)B or {"hello"}/(rsa1024)A:B or {"hello"#(ecdsa)}/B.

With signing, usually the signer and sender are assumed to be identical, and the notation omits any clarification about the signer. However, this can be added after # to be explicit. Thus, {msg#B}/C would be a message with plaintext signed by B, anon-encrypted for C. Similarly, {msg#(ring-rabin)BGJM}/A:C would be a message with plaintext signed according to a Rabin ring signature algorithm, by B, G, J, and M, and then auth-encrypted by A for C.

Signing verification would be over the corresponding message and which entities perform the action. {msg#A}?B would be a message with plaintext signed by A verified by B. {msg#(threshold-sig)ABC}?DE would be a plaintext message signed according to a threshold signature algorithm by A, B, C and then verified by D and E.

Multiplexed asymmetric encryption is noted above, but has not yet been described. This is a technique whereby a message body is encrypted with an ephemeral symmetric key, and then the ephemeral key is encrypted asymmetrically for multiple potential recipients (each of which has a unique but tiny payload [the key] to decrypt, which in turn unlocks the main payload). The notation for this looks like {msg}%BCDE for multiplexed anon_crypt (sender is anonymous), and like {msg}%A:BCDE for multiplexed auth_crypt (sender is authenticated by their private key).

Other punctuation

Message sending is represented with arrows: -> is most common, though <- is also reasonable in some cases. Message content and notes about sending can be embedded in the hyphens of sending arrow, as in this example, where the notation says an unknown party uses http to transmit "hello", anon-enrcypted for Alice:

<unknown> -- http: {"hello"}/A --> 1

Parentheses have traditional meaning (casual usage in written language, plus grouping and precedence).

Angle braces < and > are for placeholders; any reasonable explanatory text may appear inside the angle braces, so to represent Alice's relationship with a not-yet-known subject, the notation might show something like A:<TBD>.



  • A: a self (sovereign identity subject) like Alice or Acme Corp.
  • alices_pixel@A or bobs_alexa@B: an object in a given domain
  • 7@A: an agent, arbitrarily assigned number 7
  • A:B or A:A+B: The Alice to Bob relationship, as seen from Alice's perspective (short form, then long form). Bob's view of this relationship would be B:A or B:A+B.
  • B:ACD or B:A+B+C+D: The 4-way relationship between A, B, C, and D, as seen from B's perspective (short form, then long form)
  • A:Dating: Alice's dating persona
  •[3].ppk: The public payment key for the fourth payment address belonging to A.
  • F.did@F:Any: Faber's public DID.
  • Carol's link secret.
  • D.padr: Doug's policy address.
  • F.state@F:A: F's state for the F:A relationship.
  • A.uri@A:B: Alice's URI (endpoint of DID doc) in the Alice to Bob relationship.
  • F.uri@F:Any: The endpoint where the DID doc for Faber's public DID is hosted.
  • escrow-offer: A message that represents step 1a in a standard negotiation about escrow. (The escrow concept is unknown to the notation, and we don't know the format of its messages, but we know they are used in a standard way because of the -offer kebab suffix).
  • {msg}/A: A message anon-encrypted for A.
  • {"hello"}/A:B: A message auth-encrypted for B by A.
  • {bail-req#(p2sh)DF}/(rsa)B: A message that represents step 1b or step 2 in a standard negotiaion about bail. This message was signed as plaintext using the p2sh multisig algorithm by D and F, and was then anon-encrypted for B using an RSA algorithm.
  • {advice-receipt}*A: A message that that represents step 4 in a standard negotiaion about advice. The message was symmetrically encrypted and sent to A.
  • {msg[4]}%C:1+2: A message (5th in sequence) that was multiplex-encrypted by C for agents 1 and 2.

Reserved Tokens

  • Any: The name for the public side of a relationship between a specific subject and the public.
  • Self: The name for one's one identity in a self relationship.
  • did: The DID belonging to an subject in a given relationship, as in A.did@A:B
  • ipk and isk: Issuer public (verification) key and issuer secret key.
  • key: A symmetric key.
  • ls: The link secret belonging to an subject, as in
  • state: The state belonging to an subject in a given relationship, as in A.state@A:B
  • msg: A generic message.
  • -offer: kebab suffix for messages that express willingness to give something.
  • padr: a policy address, as in F.padr.
  • pay: A payment address belonging to an identity owner, as in
  • ppk and psk: Payment address public (verification) and secret key (control cryptocurrency).
  • pk: The public verification key (verkey) portion of an asymmetric keypair. The more specific form, vk, is only recommended if elliptic curve crypto is specifically intended.
  • -receipt: kebab suffix for messages that formally acknowledge receipt after receiving a delivered item.
  • -req: kebab suffix for messages that formally request something.
  • rpk and rsk: Revocation public (verification) and secret key.
  • sk: The private key (privkey, sigkey) portion of an asymmetric keypair.
  • uri: An endpoint for a relationship, as in B.uri@A:B
  • vk: The public verification key (verkey) portion of an asymmetric keypair. The more generic form, pk, is recommended instead, unless elliptic curve crypto is specifically intended.
  • wallet: An identity wallet belonging to an subject.


ucase-alpha    = %x41-5A                        ; A-Z
lcase-alpha    = %x61-7A                        ; a-z
digit          = %x30-39                        ; 0-9
name-start-char = lcase-alpha / "_"             ; a-z or underscore
name-other-char = digit / lcase-alpha / "_"     ; 0-9 or a-z or underscore

identity-owner = ucase-alpha
thing = lcase-alpha
subject = identity-owner / thing

agent = 1*3digit "@" subject
device = name-start-char 1*name-other-char "@" subject

next-subject = "+" subject
short-relationship = subject ":" subject *next-subject
long-relationship = subject ":" subject 1*next-subject
general-audience = ucase-alpha 1*name-other-char
general-relationship = subject ":" general-audience
relationship = short-relationship / long-relationship / general-relationship

inert = name-start-char 1*name-other-char
nested = "." inert
owned-inert = subject 1*nested

associated-to = identity-owner / relationship
associated = subject 0*nested "@" associated-to

string-literal = %x22 c-literal %x22
kebab-char = lcase-alpha / digit
kebab-suffix = "-" 1*hint-char
kebab-msg = 1*kebab-char *kebab-suffix
message = "msg" / string-literal / kebab-msg

asymmetric   = "/"                                   ; suffix
symmetric    = "*"                                   ; suffix
sign         = "#"                                   ; suffix
multiplex    = "%"                                   ; suffix

anon-crypt   = "{" message "}" asymmetric subject          ; e.g., {"hi"}/B

                ; sender is first subject in relationship, receiver is second
auth-crypt   = "{" message asymmetric short-relationship ; e.g., {"hi"}/A:B

sym-crypt    = "{" message "}" symmetric subject           ; e.g., {"hi"}*B


  • Creates one more formalism to learn. SSI is already a dense topic with a steep learning curve.
  • Creates something that needs to be version-controlled.

Rationale and alternatives

  • Could use informal verbiage instead. However, it would be inconsistent and poorly documented.

Prior art

  • LaTeX provides powerful and beautiful rendering of complex formal concepts, and uses escape sequences that are pure ASCII. There is a JVM-based parser/renderer for Latex; perhaps similar things exist for other programming languages as well.

    However, LaTeX has drawbacks. It focuses on rendering, not on the semantics behind what's rendered. In this respect, it is a bit like HTML 1.0 before CSS--you can bold or underline, but you're usually encoding what something looks like, not what it means. (LaTeX does support logical styles and sections, but this introduces far more complexity than we need.)

    The LaTeX snippet e^{-x_y} should render like this:

    e^{-x_y} rendered by LaTeX engine

    This is great--but it doesn't say anything about what e, x, and y mean. Thus a LaTeX solution would still have to define conventions for meaning in a separate spec. These conventions would have to find representations that are not obvious (LaTeX recommends no particular rendering for encryption functions, keys, ownership, association). And such a spec would have to be careful not to ascribe meaning to a rendering that conflicts with assumptions of knowledgeable LaTeX users (e.g., using \sqrt for something other than its mathematical square root function in the vocabulary would raise eyebrows).

    Highly formatted LaTeX is also quite verbose.

    A very simple form of LaTeX could be used (e.g., just superscripts and subscripts)-- but this would have to solve some of the problems mentioned below, in the DKMS section.

  • ASCIIMath has many of the same benefits and drawbacks as LaTeX. It is less ubiquitous.

  • The key management notation introduced in "DKMS (Decentralized Key Management System) V3" overlaps significantly with the concerns of this notation (render this diagram for an example). However, it does not encompass all the concerns explored here, so it would have to be expanded before it could be complete.

    Also, experiments with superscripts and subscripts in this format led to semantic dead ends or undesirable nesting when patterns were applied consistently. For example, one thought had us representing Alice's verkey, signing key, and DID for her Bob relationship with ABVK, ABSK. and ABDID. This was fine until we asked how to represent the verkey for Alice's agent in the Alice to Bob relationship; is that ABDIDVK? And what about Alice's link secret, that isn't relationship-specific? And how would we handle N-way relationships?

Unresolved questions

  • Do we need to support non-ASCII characters in the notation? (I suggest no--for coders wishing to share simple algebra-like notes in comments or on chat, ASCII is a reasonable least-common denominator usable with any keyboard or natural language. Adding more complicates too many things.)
  • Do we need special notation for credentials, proofs, and the like? If so, how does this relate to ZKLang?
  • Do we need notation for security contexts of messages?


The following lists the implementations (if any) of this RFC. Please do a pull request to add your implementation. If the implementation is open source, include a link to the repo or to the implementation within the repo. Please be consistent in the "Name" field so that a mechanical processing of the RFCs can generate a list of all RFCs supported by an Aries implementation.

Name / Link Implementation Notes
Peer DID Method Spec uses notation in diagrams