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File metadata and controls

77 lines (50 loc) · 3.17 KB


Note: the core of tabular-stream 1.0 has moved to detect-tabular. This is now a data normalizer on top of that.

Detects tabular data (spreadsheets, dsv or json, 20+ different formats) and emits objects. Ensures all rows have the same keys, optionally transforms keys and tries to coerce values to numbers. Spreadsheets and DSV must have a header.

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npm i tabular-stream snake-case format-data
const tabular = require('tabular-stream')
const fs = require('fs')
const snake = require('snake-case').snakeCase
const format = require('format-data')


Need a CLI doing just this? Jump to tabular-cli, which pairs tabular-stream with format-data to convert tabular data to json, ndjson, dsv or sse. For example:

tabular -k snake-case -o tsv < input.xls > output.tsv


tabular([keys || options])

Returns a duplex stream - give it any tabular data, get back objects. (keys) is a shorthand for ({ keys: keys }). The available options are:

function keys

An optional function to transform and/or filter keys. Receives a single argument, for every key of the first row. Everything at change-case works well. If it returns an empty string or anything other than a string, the key is ignored (i.e. not included in the emitted objects).

function keys(key) {
  if (key === 'useless') return false
  return key.toUpperCase()

mixed defaultValue

Fallback value to use for null and undefined values. Default is 0.

boolean bare

Whether to emit null prototype objects via Object.create(null) or plain javascript objects (the default).


Other options are passed as-is to spreadsheet-stream (if applicable). NB. Because the binary spreadsheets formats are not streamable, spreadsheet-stream will buffer the whole thing in memory. As a safe-guard you can set the maxSize option (in bytes): tabular({ maxSize: 1024 * 1024 }). See spreadsheet-stream for details.


With npm do:

npm install tabular-stream



Test data © Statistics Netherlands, The Hague/Heerlen.