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This document includes errata for the Activity Streams and Activity Vocabulary documents.

Activity Streams

  • None yet reported.

Activity Vocabulary

  • Example 150 has latitude and longitude properties with string values. The range of these properties is xsd:float. A correct example would be:

      "@context": "",
      "type": "Place",
      "name": "San Francisco, CA",
      "longitude": 122.4167,
      "latitude": 37.7833
  • Example 80 has Image objects with width and height properties, which are only allowed on Link objects. One alternative is to use Link objects with the correct height and width as the url property for each Image object.

      "@context": "",
      "summary": "A simple note",
      "type": "Note",
      "content": "A simple note",
      "icon": [
          "type": "Image",
          "summary": "Note (16x16)",
          "url": {
            "type": "Link",
            "href": "",
            "width": 16,
            "height": 16
          "type": "Image",
          "summary": "Note (32x32)",
          "url": {
            "type": "Link",
            "href": "",
            "width": 32,
            "height": 32
  • The range of the units property is given as an enumerated set of values. Due to a formatting error, some of these values are shown with an incorrect leading space character. The correct range is:

    "cm" | "feet" | "inches" | "km" | "m" | "miles" | xsd:anyURI
  • Example 58 includes a summary property on a Mention object, which is not allowed. A corrected example:

      "@context": "",
      "type": "Mention",
      "href": "",
      "name": "Joe"
  • Unlike latitude and longitude, the domain of the altitude term is the Object type. The altitude term should be included in the list of properties of an Object. Because altitude is primarily documented as a property of a Place, publishers should not include altitude on objects that are not of type Place, and consumers should accept objects with this property that aren't of type Place.

  • The domain of the attributedTo property is both Link and Object. attributedTo should be included in the list of properties of a Link.