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A PES Auction ReactJS app focuses on the core concepts ReactJS and uses Google's material design. It also integrates a NodeJS server. Also has the API support and handles CRUD operations.


Stack (Tools and Technologies):

  • Technologies:
    • ReactJS - Main UI Library
    • Javascript - Scripting language
    • Redux - State management
    • Redux Thunk - Middleware
    • AXIOS - Promise based HTTP client (makes it easy to send asynchronous HTTP requests to REST endpoints and perform CRUD operations)
    • SAAS (SCSS) - Preprocessor for CSS
    • NodeJS - Server side scripting
    • HTML - Structuring the webpages
    • JSX - Allows combining XML/HTML and JS
    • CSS - Styling the webpages
    • SAAS (SCSS) - Preprocessor for CSS
    • Materialize - Modern and Responsive Design Framework
  • Tools:
    • Websotorm - IDE (others can also be used like VS Code, Atom, etc)
    • GitBash - Version Control (emulation layer for Git command line interface on windows)
    • Chrome - Web Browser (others can also be used like Chrome, Safari, Firefox)


In the project directory, you can run:

npm install

This will install all the dev dependencies defined in the package.json file. Then run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console.

To launch the test runner in the interactive watch mode, use:
npm test

See the section about running tests for more information.

To build the app for production, use:
npm run build

It builds the app for production to the build folder and correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.

Your app is ready to be deployed!

See the section about deployment for more information.

Basic Concepts

React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It lets you compose complex UIs from small and isolated pieces of code called “components”.

React is synchronous and single threaded


  • Declarative

    We dont know how its happening. We just ask react to do it.

  • Effiecient

    Because uses vDOM to reduce re renders. Functional components reduces bundle size. Pure components allow less re render levereging componentDidUpdate and only checking the shallow references of states/props

  • Flexible

  • Immutable

    Allows uni directional flow and immutability helps in reusing the components where changing the value of one doesnt affects other. Also a change in state triggers the re-render. Mutating the state/props then have side effects like comparison of prev/next props/states in lifecycle methods/hooks will reference to same objects. Using concat or spread operator helps avoiding mutation.

    Mutating a state doesnt triggers a re render. This is because when we mutate, the object reference will still be the same and didUpdate's comparison will fail and results in preventing the re render.

    Also, mutation leads to updating all the references which is not required.

Framework vs Library

A library is like you aleardy have the app, you just need some extra components. You can view the catalog, select the one with needs and call and use it. We have the control. We are the incharge of the flow and architecture.

A framework is like you have the skeleton of the app, you call that code and then the framework returns the components which it already have.

Create react app

  • Installation:

    Create a new directory for project, we'll name it pes-app and cd to it. Then execute:

    npx create-react-app pes_app

    Then if dependencies are defined after this, or in an existence project, to install the dev dependencies defined in the package.json file, run:

    npm install

    Then, we can run the app by executing:

    npm start


Webpack also uses/has babel and apart from this, it also helps us bundle all the CSS/SASS/Images etc to file which browser understands and browser downloads that file at the time of page load.

Also, the webpack combines all the modules (imports/exports) as at the end of the day, browser needs one big js file.


Converts ES6 to browser understandable vanilla/ES5 javascript. Its a transpiler/compiler.


It is a copy of DOM kept in memory and synched with real DOM by libraries like ReactDOM. This is called reconciliation.

Virtual DOM has the same properties that of the Real DOM, but it lacks the power to directly change the content of the screen.

Change detection is the mechanism designed to track changes in an application state and render the updated state on the screen. It ensures that the user interface always stays in sync with the internal state of the program.

Render function is called during each change detection cycle. Change detection is manually triggered in react and it triggers after every setState.


Repainting the DOM each time when a change occures is not feasible and is very slow.

Why do DOM elements have keys? To help react find the reference and only update a specific part of the DOM How DOM/vDOM is listenting for a change?

Each time something in the DOM changes. Since DOM is represented as a tree structure, changes to the DOM is pretty quick but the changed element, and it’s children’s has to go through Reflow/Layout stage and then the changes has to be Re-painted which are slow. Therefore more the items to reflow/repaint, more slow your app becomes.

Whenever a change is made (like in the state), the component/element is marked as dirty.

Rendering the Component — Updating the Virtual-DOM, running the diffing algorithm and updating the actual DOM

Reconciliation algorithm

The whole process to update the DOM is called reconciliation. Creates the vDOM, on update, compares with the previous snapshot and uses diffing algo to mark as dirty and then only updates the dirty nodes in the real DOM using unique keys

A copy of DOM kept in memory and synched with real DOM by libraries like ReactDOM. This is called reconciliation.

It is where react:

Compares the previous internal instance with the next internal instance.

Updates the internal Instance which is a Component Tree structure in JavaScript Object(Virtual DOM).

And updates the actual DOM only at the node where there is an actual change along with it’s children.

Diffing algorithm

With the help of the comparison of previous snapshot of vDOM and current vDOM, React figures out which components in the UI needs to be updated. This process is called diffing.

React marks elements dirty and updates only them.

Imagine if we need to add 1 element at the top, now when react vDOM comparisons happen, it will re right all the next items as the position of all is changed. To get around this problem, unique keys are used which help updating only those items by comparing the keys of the previous children and only adding/updating the new ones.

Class based components

Functional components



Lifecycle methods in classes

Lifecycle hooks in functional components

Hooks -

  • useState
  • useEffect
  • useContext
  • useRef
  • useCallback
  • useReducer
  • useMemo
  • useImperativeHandle
  • useLayoutEffect
  • useDebugValue

Custom Hooks -

Connect -

Context API (state management) -

React router -

Service worker -

Protected routes

Redux persist/localstorage

Redux Thunk

A package by redux. A standard way to define async action creators. Its a middleware applied to the store. It gives the ability to an action creator i.e. the api in this case, to return a function(anonymous, doesnt have to be pure so it is allowed to have side effects such as async api calls) instead of an action object. These functions take dispatch and getState as args and can dispatch actions.


Lets us group multiple nodes w/o adding an extra node.

Lifting up the state

Shifting a components state to its parent so that other sibling components can also use it

Pure components

It does a shallow comparison on state change and avoid extra re renders leverging componentDidUpdate. It compares values when looking at primitive types and references for objects.

However, two conditions should meet while working/creating a pure component:

  • Component State/Props is an immutable object
  • State/Props should not have a multi-level nested object

Also, all the children of pure components should also be pure.

Child to parent props

Use of callback methods passed as a prop to the children. When called in the child, returns control to the parent as a callback and can also get data in the params

Redux (state management)

  • Actions types
  • Actions
  • Reducers


When the browser requests a page, the server loads React in the memory and fetches the data required to render the app. After that, the server sends generated HTML to the browser, which is immediately shown to the user.

Design Libraries

  • Material UI