The Binance DEX Python NodeRPC Package provides method to ues Node RPC service.
Using RPC, you may perform low-level operations like executing ABCI queries,
viewing network/consensus state or broadcasting a transaction.
Official suggested 3 methodologies for RPC:
JSONRPC over websockets
This SDK using JSONRPC over HTTP
The original JSONRPC requests can be POST'd to the root RPC endpoint via HTTP (e.g. http://localhost:27147
"method": "broadcast_tx_sync",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"params": [ "abc" ],
"id": "dontcare"
Node RPC Service Official Document:
Create NodeRPC instance
from binance_dex.node_rpc import BinanceChainNodeRPC
node_rpc_instance = BinanceChainNodeRPC(is_test_net, node_rpc_url)
class BinanceChainNodeRPC
has two positional arguments during initializing:
parameter has higher priority, if specified, peer list URL will benode_rpc_url
- If
, peer list URL will link to''
, otherwise''
During initializing, you can specify node server by yourself(as mentioned above):
- If you
the node server, package will check its' healthy state first (RaiseException
if unhealthy) - If
not specified
, package will automatically detect the first healthy node RPC server in chain (returned from peer list URL)
call the specific function
Service Name | JSONRPC over HTTP |
ABCIInfo | √ |
ABCIQuery | ◯ |
Block | √ |
BlockResults | √ |
BlockChainInfo | √ |
BroadcastTxAsync | √ |
BroadcastTxCommit | √ |
BroadcastTxSync | √ |
Commit | √ |
ConsensusParams | √ |
ConsensusState | ⊖ |
DumpConsensusState | √ |
Genesis | √ |
Health | √ |
NetInfo | √ |
NumUnconfirmedTxs | √ |
Status | √ |
Subscribe | × |
Tx | √ |
TxSearch | √ |
UnconfirmedTxs | √ |
UnsafeDialPeers | × |
UnsafeDialSeeds | × |
Unsubscribe | × |
UnsubscribeAll | × |
Validators | √ |
√: Able to Use ◯: Unfinished ⊖:Unstable ×: Unable to supported
The following document list the funcs in class BinanceChainNodeRPC
. The subheads will appear like that:
RPC service func
-> raw RPC service
, which declare the mapping relationships between Python RPC Package service
function and raw RPC service type.
- Summary: Show a list of available endpoints.
- Description: An HTTP Get request to the root RPC endpoint shows a list of available endpoints.
- Destination: NA.
- Rate Limit: NA.
Success sample result:
> node_rpc_instance.get_list()
{'status': True,
Available endpoints:<br>
<a href="//">//</a></br>
<a href="//">//</a></br>
<a href="//">//</a></br>
<a href="//">//</a></br>
<a href="//">//</a></br>
<a href="//">//</a></br>
<a href="//">//</a></br>
<a href="//">//</a></br>
Endpoints that require arguments:<br>
<a href="//">//</a></br>
<a href="//">//</a></br>
<a href="//">//</a></br>
<a href="//">//</a></br>
<a href="//">//</a></br>
<a href="//">//</a></br>
<a href="//">//</a></br>
<a href="//">//</a></br>
<a href="//">//</a></br>
<a href="//">//</a></br>
<a href="//">//</a></br>
<a href="//">//</a></br>
<a href="//">//</a></br>
<a href="//">//</a></br>
<a href="//">//</a></br>
<a href="//">//</a></br>
- Summary: Get some info about the application.
- Description: Get some info about the application.
- Destination: NA.
- Rate Limit: NA.
Success sample result:
> node_rpc_instance.abci_info()
'status': True,
'result': {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '',
'result': {
'response': {
'data': 'BNBChain',
'last_block_height': '7958684',
'last_block_app_hash': 'KI9O19xiqBUitt93GThsvYMs8UJ5fO6OcmKw+q5HQM8='
- Summary: Get block at a given height.
- Description: Get block at a given height.
- Destination: NA.
- Rate Limit: NA.
- Param
: Height of the block. If no height is provided, it will fetch the latest block.
Success sample result:
> node_rpc_instance.block(height=10)
'status': True,
'result': {
'result': {
'block_meta': {
'block_id': {
'parts': {'total': '1', 'hash': '8C63BE3E3A221B984219CFAA1C196DDF0F202D68293311BFA9EE0B7A9155EACD'},
'hash': '5701A12896315A121303A979ACB707ACC447E20EFACFCB26174E9ED3997E2F5C'
'header': {
'next_validators_hash': '80D9AB0FC10D18CA0E0832D5F4C063C5489EC1443DFB738252D038A82131B27A',
'last_commit_hash': '5442553C06521016756796015AF78FCAC752FFA9E94ACAF4DAA5DF4113B4B354',
'proposer_address': 'E0DD72609CC106210D1AA13936CB67B93A0AEE21',
'consensus_hash': '294D8FBD0B94B767A7EBA9840F299A3586DA7FE6B5DEAD3B7EECBA193C400F93',
'chain_id': 'Binance-Chain-Nile',
'data_hash': '',
'app_hash': 'E7D96927FD82FD910624AA8034B8A527FCEB1F7AB353DE789A3ECA8D400BDE31',
'time': '2019-03-07T01:57:22.135103158Z',
'version': {'app': '0', 'block': '10'},
'height': '10',
'total_txs': '0',
'validators_hash': '80D9AB0FC10D18CA0E0832D5F4C063C5489EC1443DFB738252D038A82131B27A',
'last_block_id': {
'parts': {'total': '1', 'hash': 'BB3C36D5BBDAB441A7339385C071C4E804C4C3DD5C7BC15D60BC658A6B261906'},
'hash': '1AF674F804E277354E8742176ECA74E338F52C237E6DBFF92819D75037E4F651'
'evidence_hash': '',
'last_results_hash': '',
'num_txs': '0'
'block': {
'header': {
'next_validators_hash': '80D9AB0FC10D18CA0E0832D5F4C063C5489EC1443DFB738252D038A82131B27A',
'last_commit_hash': '5442553C06521016756796015AF78FCAC752FFA9E94ACAF4DAA5DF4113B4B354',
'proposer_address': 'E0DD72609CC106210D1AA13936CB67B93A0AEE21',
'consensus_hash': '294D8FBD0B94B767A7EBA9840F299A3586DA7FE6B5DEAD3B7EECBA193C400F93',
'chain_id': 'Binance-Chain-Nile',
'data_hash': '',
'app_hash': 'E7D96927FD82FD910624AA8034B8A527FCEB1F7AB353DE789A3ECA8D400BDE31',
'time': '2019-03-07T01:57:22.135103158Z',
'version': {'app': '0', 'block': '10'},
'height': '10',
'total_txs': '0',
'validators_hash': '80D9AB0FC10D18CA0E0832D5F4C063C5489EC1443DFB738252D038A82131B27A',
'last_block_id': {
'parts': {'total': '1', 'hash': 'BB3C36D5BBDAB441A7339385C071C4E804C4C3DD5C7BC15D60BC658A6B261906'},
'hash': '1AF674F804E277354E8742176ECA74E338F52C237E6DBFF92819D75037E4F651'
'evidence_hash': '',
'last_results_hash': '',
'num_txs': '0'
'evidence': {'evidence': None},
'last_commit': {
'block_id': {
'parts': {'total': '1', 'hash': 'BB3C36D5BBDAB441A7339385C071C4E804C4C3DD5C7BC15D60BC658A6B261906'},
'hash': '1AF674F804E277354E8742176ECA74E338F52C237E6DBFF92819D75037E4F651'
'precommits': [
'block_id': {
'parts': {'total': '1', 'hash': 'BB3C36D5BBDAB441A7339385C071C4E804C4C3DD5C7BC15D60BC658A6B261906'},
'hash': '1AF674F804E277354E8742176ECA74E338F52C237E6DBFF92819D75037E4F651'
'height': '9',
'validator_address': '18E69CC672973992BB5F76D049A5B2C5DDF77436',
'round': '0',
'validator_index': '1',
'timestamp': '2019-03-07T01:57:22.21160109Z',
'type': 2,
'signature': 'WYzQMqP+BYFh5EYRXCePgUYQVV0Lor1lJ0Fhk4zW0MeFnoYo8pSE/Y7j5J0arq44eCwyYqjJQi+zByDotVYdAw=='
'block_id': {
'parts': {'total': '1', 'hash': 'BB3C36D5BBDAB441A7339385C071C4E804C4C3DD5C7BC15D60BC658A6B261906'},
'hash': '1AF674F804E277354E8742176ECA74E338F52C237E6DBFF92819D75037E4F651'
'height': '9', 'validator_address': '344C39BB8F4512D6CAB1F6AAFAC1811EF9D8AFDF',
'round': '0',
'validator_index': '2',
'timestamp': '2019-03-07T01:57:22.215324364Z',
'type': 2,
'signature': 'hfzgbkbiTgqUWMLZIIDx+X6qj15nmIcdUvCd8dt89v9yjSsUbKRL4tn9JuympyUJ36gRA/gbMnvGwmwHRPLuCg=='
'block_id': {
'parts': {'total': '1', 'hash': 'BB3C36D5BBDAB441A7339385C071C4E804C4C3DD5C7BC15D60BC658A6B261906'},
'hash': '1AF674F804E277354E8742176ECA74E338F52C237E6DBFF92819D75037E4F651'
'height': '9',
'validator_address': 'FC3108DC3814888F4187452182BC1BAF83B71BC9',
'round': '0',
'validator_index': '10',
'timestamp': '2019-03-07T01:57:22.129274247Z',
'type': 2,
'signature': '55nxVx9iBFPTEuhuN806WyyBUwX1Hf4h24JSalcR6duQRxjFrLgm//eo7Bhh93jMikBTMA2ThQ+Mzc3A/wd8Dg=='
'data': {'txs': None}
'id': '',
'jsonrpc': '2.0'
- Summary: Get block_results.
- Description: BlockResults gets ABCIResults at a given height. Results are for the height of the block containing the txs. Thus response.results[5] is the results of executing getBlock(h).Txs[5] TO DO???
- Destination: NA.
- Rate Limit: NA.
- Param
: Height of the block. If no height is provided, it will fetch the latest block.
Success sample result:
> node_rpc_instance.block_results(height=100)
'status': True,
'result': {
'result': {
'height': '100',
'results': {
'BeginBlock': {},
'DeliverTx': None,
'EndBlock': {'validator_updates': None}
'id': '',
'jsonrpc': '2.0'
- Summary: Get block headers for minHeight <= height <= maxHeight.
- Description: Block headers are returned in descending order (highest first).
- Destination: NA.
- Rate Limit: NA.
- Param
: Min height of blockchain. - Param
: Max height of blockchain.
Success sample result:
> node_rpc_instance.blockchain(8, 10)
'status': True,
'result': {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '',
'result': {
'last_height': '9913156',
'block_metas': [{
'header': {
'num_txs': '0',
'next_validators_hash': '80D9AB0FC10D18CA0E0832D5F4C063C5489EC1443DFB738252D038A82131B27A',
'app_hash': 'E7D96927FD82FD910624AA8034B8A527FCEB1F7AB353DE789A3ECA8D400BDE31',
'time': '2019-03-07T01:57:22.135103158Z',
'height': '10',
'version': {
'app': '0',
'block': '10'
'validators_hash': '80D9AB0FC10D18CA0E0832D5F4C063C5489EC1443DFB738252D038A82131B27A',
'last_results_hash': '',
'data_hash': '',
'chain_id': 'Binance-Chain-Nile',
'consensus_hash': '294D8FBD0B94B767A7EBA9840F299A3586DA7FE6B5DEAD3B7EECBA193C400F93',
'last_block_id': {
'parts': {
'hash': 'BB3C36D5BBDAB441A7339385C071C4E804C4C3DD5C7BC15D60BC658A6B261906',
'total': '1'
'hash': '1AF674F804E277354E8742176ECA74E338F52C237E6DBFF92819D75037E4F651'
'evidence_hash': '',
'last_commit_hash': '5442553C06521016756796015AF78FCAC752FFA9E94ACAF4DAA5DF4113B4B354',
'total_txs': '0',
'proposer_address': 'E0DD72609CC106210D1AA13936CB67B93A0AEE21'
'block_id': {
'parts': {
'hash': '8C63BE3E3A221B984219CFAA1C196DDF0F202D68293311BFA9EE0B7A9155EACD',
'total': '1'
'hash': '5701A12896315A121303A979ACB707ACC447E20EFACFCB26174E9ED3997E2F5C'
}, {
'header': {
'num_txs': '0',
'next_validators_hash': '80D9AB0FC10D18CA0E0832D5F4C063C5489EC1443DFB738252D038A82131B27A',
'app_hash': '67EE7389DDE7D974B2214E628E832B6E00EEF5A229BE991EB3ECDD28BB9A50D2',
'time': '2019-03-07T01:57:20.895415976Z',
'height': '9',
'version': {
'app': '0',
'block': '10'
'validators_hash': '80D9AB0FC10D18CA0E0832D5F4C063C5489EC1443DFB738252D038A82131B27A',
'last_results_hash': '',
'data_hash': '',
'chain_id': 'Binance-Chain-Nile',
'consensus_hash': '294D8FBD0B94B767A7EBA9840F299A3586DA7FE6B5DEAD3B7EECBA193C400F93',
'last_block_id': {
'parts': {
'hash': '4CDD64740CB7F47ECCF1701B1D7EC517262B329FB419E7CD85CB7A4C3316CE70',
'total': '1'
'evidence_hash': '',
'last_commit_hash': '813865AFB7289F85809A23009DCDD0FC5B00F9892CC5A6BEE4B40EE6A4E82711',
'total_txs': '0',
'proposer_address': 'B3727172CE6473BC780298A2D66C12F1A14F5B2A'
'block_id': {
'parts': {
'hash': 'BB3C36D5BBDAB441A7339385C071C4E804C4C3DD5C7BC15D60BC658A6B261906',
'total': '1'
'hash': '1AF674F804E277354E8742176ECA74E338F52C237E6DBFF92819D75037E4F651'
{ '...OMIT...' }
- Summary: Returns right away, with no response.
- Description: Returns right away, with no response.
- Destination: NA.
- Rate Limit: NA.
- Param
: The transaction.
Success sample result:
> node_rpc_instance.broadcast_tx_async(tx_id='123')
'status': True,
'result': {
'result': {
'code': 0,
'log': '',
'hash': 'A665A45920422F9D417E4867EFDC4FB8A04A1F3FFF1FA07E998E86F7F7A27AE3',
'data': ''
'id': '',
'jsonrpc': '2.0'
- Summary: Returns with the response from CheckTx.
- Description: Returns with the response from CheckTx.
- Destination: NA.
- Rate Limit: NA.
- Param
: The transaction.
Success sample result:
> node_rpc_instance.broadcast_tx_sync(tx_id='123')
'status': True,
'result': {
'result': {
'code': 65538,
'log': '{"codespace":1,"code":2,"abci_code":65538,"message":"tx parse error"}',
'hash': 'A665A45920422F9D417E4867EFDC4FB8A04A1F3FFF1FA07E998E86F7F7A27AE3',
'data': ''
'id': '',
'jsonrpc': '2.0'
- Summary: CONTRACT: only returns error if mempool.CheckTx() errs or if we timeout waiting for tx to commit.
- Description: If CheckTx or DeliverTx fail, no error will be returned, but the returned result will contain a non-OK ABCI code.
- Destination: NA.
- Rate Limit: NA.
- Param
: The transaction.
Success sample result:
> node_rpc_instance.broadcast_tx_commit(tx_id='123')
'status': True,
'result': {
'result': {
'check_tx': {
'code': 65538,
'log': '{"codespace":1,"code":2,"abci_code":65538,"message":"tx parse error"}'
'height': '0',
'hash': 'A665A45920422F9D417E4867EFDC4FB8A04A1F3FFF1FA07E998E86F7F7A27AE3',
'deliver_tx': {}
'id': '',
'jsonrpc': '2.0'
- Summary: Get block commit at a given height.
- Description: Get block commit at a given height.
- Destination: NA.
- Rate Limit: NA.
- Param
: Height of the block. If no height is provided, it will fetch the latest block.
Success sample result:
> node_rpc_instance.get_commit(tx_id='123')
'status': True,
'result': {
'result': {
'canonical': True,
'signed_header': {
'header': {
'next_validators_hash': '80D9AB0FC10D18CA0E0832D5F4C063C5489EC1443DFB738252D038A82131B27A',
'last_commit_hash': '5442553C06521016756796015AF78FCAC752FFA9E94ACAF4DAA5DF4113B4B354',
'proposer_address': 'E0DD72609CC106210D1AA13936CB67B93A0AEE21',
'consensus_hash': '294D8FBD0B94B767A7EBA9840F299A3586DA7FE6B5DEAD3B7EECBA193C400F93',
'chain_id': 'Binance-Chain-Nile',
'data_hash': '',
'app_hash': 'E7D96927FD82FD910624AA8034B8A527FCEB1F7AB353DE789A3ECA8D400BDE31',
'time': '2019-03-07T01:57:22.135103158Z',
'version': {'app': '0', 'block': '10'},
'height': '10',
'total_txs': '0',
'validators_hash': '80D9AB0FC10D18CA0E0832D5F4C063C5489EC1443DFB738252D038A82131B27A',
'last_block_id': {
'parts': {
'total': '1',
'hash': 'BB3C36D5BBDAB441A7339385C071C4E804C4C3DD5C7BC15D60BC658A6B261906'
'hash': '1AF674F804E277354E8742176ECA74E338F52C237E6DBFF92819D75037E4F651'
'evidence_hash': '',
'last_results_hash': '',
'num_txs': '0'
'commit': {
'block_id': {
'parts': {
'total': '1',
'hash': '8C63BE3E3A221B984219CFAA1C196DDF0F202D68293311BFA9EE0B7A9155EACD'
'hash': '5701A12896315A121303A979ACB707ACC447E20EFACFCB26174E9ED3997E2F5C'
'precommits': [
'block_id': {
'parts': {
'total': '1',
'hash': '8C63BE3E3A221B984219CFAA1C196DDF0F202D68293311BFA9EE0B7A9155EACD'
'hash': '5701A12896315A121303A979ACB707ACC447E20EFACFCB26174E9ED3997E2F5C'
'height': '10',
'validator_address': '18E69CC672973992BB5F76D049A5B2C5DDF77436',
'round': '1',
'validator_index': '1',
'timestamp': '2019-03-07T01:57:27.663157746Z',
'type': 2,
'signature': 'ZrnapmTAiJrhm0DVIoTzRbJG+FDCAxBpfamYxZj2eg0+wY0+KDg48sDPlD+chk97ti01PukuVsftn4U6HXbkCA=='
'block_id': {
'parts': {
'total': '1',
'hash': '8C63BE3E3A221B984219CFAA1C196DDF0F202D68293311BFA9EE0B7A9155EACD'
'hash': '5701A12896315A121303A979ACB707ACC447E20EFACFCB26174E9ED3997E2F5C'
'height': '10',
'validator_address': '344C39BB8F4512D6CAB1F6AAFAC1811EF9D8AFDF',
'round': '1',
'validator_index': '2',
'timestamp': '2019-03-07T01:57:27.669872809Z',
'type': 2,
'signature': 'VRB1MYpxCCA8EnjWSRl4cTMP9P7uBEvkPRtSr7grgpPEERfc6J5/gySD6LKkOe1nNpyeYi1RU/vqAibSEnMNDQ=='
'block_id': {
'parts': {
'total': '1',
'hash': '8C63BE3E3A221B984219CFAA1C196DDF0F202D68293311BFA9EE0B7A9155EACD'
'hash': '5701A12896315A121303A979ACB707ACC447E20EFACFCB26174E9ED3997E2F5C'
'height': '10',
'validator_address': 'FC3108DC3814888F4187452182BC1BAF83B71BC9',
'round': '1',
'validator_index': '10',
'timestamp': '2019-03-07T01:57:27.738256001Z',
'type': 2,
'signature': 'Hw1BdfL79cLsTJhb406k+1MvU27zL1pdehLBHqkzF5NNOn/LrL4+u3t2ANwHaxX5OFijgZW5P1T7ECVrvJr0CQ=='
'id': '',
'jsonrpc': '2.0'
- Summary: Get the consensus parameters at the given block height.
- Description: Get the consensus parameters at the given block height.
- Destination: NA.
- Rate Limit: NA.
- Param
: Height of the block. If no height is provided, it will fetch the latest block.
Success sample result:
> node_rpc_instance.consensus_params(height=100)
'status': True,
'result': {
'result': {
'consensus_params': {
'validator': {
'pub_key_types': ['ed25519']
'block_size': {
'max_bytes': '1048576',
'max_gas': '-1'
'evidence': {'max_age': '100000'}
'block_height': '100'
'id': '',
'jsonrpc': '2.0'
- Summary: ConsensusState returns a concise summary of the consensus state.
- Description: ConsensusState returns a concise summary of the consensus state.
- Destination: NA.
- Rate Limit: NA.
Success sample result:
> node_rpc_instance.consensus_state()
'status': True,
'result': {
'result': {
'round_state': {
'locked_block_hash': 'D18F0591B541756B057B3B9615DEEF29CDA80405459C9374E9B66D7A26FE0D6B',
'proposal_block_hash': 'D18F0591B541756B057B3B9615DEEF29CDA80405459C9374E9B66D7A26FE0D6B',
'valid_block_hash': 'D18F0591B541756B057B3B9615DEEF29CDA80405459C9374E9B66D7A26FE0D6B',
'start_time': '2019-04-15T05:15:38.972350822Z',
'height/round/step': '8393276/0/6',
'height_vote_set': [
'prevotes_bit_array': 'BA{11:_xx_xxxx_xx} 800000000000/1100000000000 = 0.73',
'prevotes': [
'Vote{10:FC3108DC3814 8393276/00/1(Prevote) D18F0591B541 C43070EE0DD6 @ 2019-04-15T05:15:37.868577941Z}'
'precommits_bit_array': 'BA{11:_xx___xx___} 400000000000/1100000000000 = 0.36',
'round': '0',
'precommits': [
'prevotes_bit_array': 'BA{11:___________} 0/1100000000000 = 0.00',
'prevotes': [
'precommits_bit_array': 'BA{11:___________} 0/1100000000000 = 0.00',
'round': '1',
'precommits': [
'id': '',
'jsonrpc': '2.0'
- Summary: Get genesis file.
- Description: Get genesis file.
- Destination: NA.
- Rate Limit: NA.
Success sample result:
> node_rpc_instance.genesis()
'status': True,
'result': {
'result': {
'genesis': {
'app_hash': '',
'genesis_time': '2019-03-07T01:52:07.500913003Z',
'chain_id': 'Binance-Chain-Nile',
'consensus_params': {
'validator': {'pub_key_types': ['ed25519']},
'block_size': {'max_bytes': '1048576', 'max_gas': '-1'},
'evidence': {'max_age': '100000'}
'app_state': {
'accounts': [
'name': 'Fuji',
'address': 'tbnb12hlquylu78cjylk5zshxpdj6hf3t0tahwjt3ex',
'valaddr': '7B343E041CA130000A8BC00C35152BD7E7740037'
'name': 'Kita',
'address': 'tbnb167yp9jkv6uaqnyq62gfkx82xmfny0cl9xe04zj',
'valaddr': 'E0DD72609CC106210D1AA13936CB67B93A0AEE21'
'gentxs': [
'type': 'auth/StdTx',
'value': {
'msg': [
'type': 'cosmos-sdk/MsgCreateValidatorProposal',
'value': {
'proposal_id': '0',
'MsgCreateValidator': {
'validator_address': 'bva12hlquylu78cjylk5zshxpdj6hf3t0tahqmr98n',
'Commission': {
'max_change_rate': '0',
'max_rate': '0',
'rate': '0'
'Description': {
'identity': '',
'website': '',
'moniker': 'Fuji',
'details': ''
'delegation': {
'amount': '100000000000',
'denom': 'BNB'
'delegator_address': 'tbnb12hlquylu78cjylk5zshxpdj6hf3t0tahwjt3ex',
'pubkey': {
'type': 'tendermint/PubKeyEd25519',
'value': 'Sl1HU+t5+S6A7+It96yk9mak9Ev4HFNsSgnUucW2VLU='
'source': '0',
'data': None,
'signatures': [
'account_number': '0',
'sequence': '0',
'pub_key': {
'type': 'tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1',
'value': 'A+gcCBsoefY1d9TnkIOPV8IX5+/i/BTrMvFU7vG9RXIk'
'signature': 'oWWGy2kN9yQDVJ/aLE7N/Si/lTTsce3k8VRsdtzO6doSw2eFL9v8wB3GdTaOBvuJGJti73WPGaEN8fbUjao5hw=='
'memo': '1bca643058c56f9c20ebaaad1739522ee7d11cd6@'
'stake': {
'pool': {
'loose_tokens': '4000000000000000',
'bonded_tokens': '0'
'params': {
'unbonding_time': '604800000000000',
'bond_denom': 'BNB',
'max_validators': 15
'validators': None,
'bonds': None
'tokens': [
'name': 'Binance Chain Native Token',
'owner': 'tbnb12hlquylu78cjylk5zshxpdj6hf3t0tahwjt3ex',
'symbol': 'BNB',
'total_supply': '20000000000000000',
'mintable': False
'param': {
'fees': [
{'type': 'params/FixedFeeParams', 'value': {'msg_type': 'submit_proposal', 'fee_for': 1, 'fee': '1000000000'}},
{'type': 'params/FixedFeeParams', 'value': {'msg_type': 'deposit', 'fee_for': 1, 'fee': '125000'}},
{'type': 'params/FixedFeeParams', 'value': {'msg_type': 'vote', 'fee_for': 3, 'fee': '0'}},
{'type': 'params/FixedFeeParams', 'value': {'msg_type': 'dexList', 'fee_for': 2, 'fee': '80000000000'}},
{'type': 'params/FixedFeeParams', 'value': {'msg_type': 'orderNew', 'fee_for': 3, 'fee': '0'}},
{'type': 'params/FixedFeeParams', 'value': {'msg_type': 'orderCancel', 'fee_for': 3, 'fee': '0'}},
{'type': 'params/FixedFeeParams', 'value': {'msg_type': 'issueMsg', 'fee_for': 2, 'fee': '40000000000'}},
{'type': 'params/FixedFeeParams', 'value': {'msg_type': 'mintMsg', 'fee_for': 2, 'fee': '20000000000'}},
{'type': 'params/FixedFeeParams', 'value': {'msg_type': 'tokensBurn', 'fee_for': 1, 'fee': '100000000'}},
{'type': 'params/FixedFeeParams', 'value': {'msg_type': 'tokensFreeze', 'fee_for': 1, 'fee': '1000000'}},
{'type': 'params/TransferFeeParams', 'value': {'multi_transfer_fee': '100000', 'fixed_fee_params': {'msg_type': 'send', 'fee_for': 1, 'fee': '125000'}, 'lower_limit_as_multi': '2'}},
'type': 'params/DexFeeParam',
'value': {
'dex_fee_fields': [
{'fee_value': '100000', 'fee_name': 'ExpireFee'},
{'fee_value': '20000', 'fee_name': 'ExpireFeeNative'},
{'fee_value': '100000', 'fee_name': 'CancelFee'},
{'fee_value': '20000', 'fee_name': 'CancelFeeNative'},
{'fee_value': '1000', 'fee_name': 'FeeRate'},
{'fee_value': '400', 'fee_name': 'FeeRateNative'},
{'fee_value': '50000', 'fee_name': 'IOCExpireFee'},
{'fee_value': '10000', 'fee_name': 'IOCExpireFeeNative'}
'dex': {},
'gov': {
'voting_period': {'voting_period': '14400000000000'},
'deposit_period': {
'max_deposit_period': '1209600000000000',
'min_deposit': [{'amount': '200000000000', 'denom': 'BNB'}]
'tallying_procedure': {'veto': '33400000', 'threshold': '50000000', 'governance_penalty': '1000000'},
'starting_proposalID': '1'
'id': '',
'jsonrpc': '2.0'
- Summary: Get network info.
- Description: Get network info.
- Destination: NA.
- Rate Limit: NA.
Success sample result:
> node_rpc_instance.net_info()
'status': True,
'result': {
'result': {
'listening': True,
'peers': [
'remote_ip': '',
'is_outbound': True,
'connection_status': {
'RecvMonitor': {
'BytesRem': '0',
'Samples': '3022947',
'TimeRem': '0',
'Progress': 0,
'Active': True,
'CurRate': '19191',
'Idle': '0',
'Bytes': '8388755229',
'AvgRate': '19701',
'Duration': '425799500000000',
'Start': '2019-04-10T06:58:59.94Z',
'InstRate': '18391',
'PeakRate': '1135920'
'Channels': [
'SendQueueSize': '0',
'ID': 48,
'Priority': '5',
'RecentlySent': '84',
'SendQueueCapacity': '1'
'SendMonitor': {
'BytesRem': '0',
'Samples': '2871732',
'TimeRem': '0',
'Progress': 0,
'Active': True,
'CurRate': '2527',
'Idle': '40000000',
'Bytes': '1635891482',
'AvgRate': '3842',
'Duration': '425799500000000',
'Start': '2019-04-10T06:58:59.94Z',
'InstRate': '389',
'PeakRate': '106667'
'Duration': '425799543480563'
'node_info': {
'protocol_version': {
'app': '0',
'block': '10',
'p2p': '7'
'version': '0.30.1',
'id': '381934b9b3f862d1e81e699d8e1d38929f330cef',
'network': 'Binance-Chain-Nile',
'listen_addr': '',
'channels': '354020212223303800',
'other': {
'tx_index': 'on',
'rpc_address': 'tcp://'
'moniker': 'data-seed-0'
'n_peers': '3',
'listeners': [
'id': '',
'jsonrpc': '2.0'
- Summary: Get number of unconfirmed transactions.
- Description: Get number of unconfirmed transactions.
- Destination: NA.
- Rate Limit: NA.
Success sample result:
> node_rpc_instance.num_unconfirmed_txs()
'status': True,
'result': {
'result': {
'n_txs': '0',
'txs': []
'id': '',
'jsonrpc': '2.0'
- Summary: Get Tendermint status including node info, pubkey, latest block hash, app hash, block height and time.
- Description: Get Tendermint status including node info, pubkey, latest block hash, app hash, block height and time.
- Destination: NA.
- Rate Limit: NA.
Success sample result:
> node_rpc_instance.status()
'status': True,
'result': {
'result': {
'sync_info': {
'catching_up': False,
'latest_app_hash': '98180C8B988110A6307D307D9C52ED4F1BD1CADA0865F8159F3956525375764C',
'latest_block_hash': '1B822430188075E4376BDB1179130A2811C254C0D2F06F4BBD478E756DDF7542',
'latest_block_time': '2019-04-15T05:15:39.406162498Z',
'latest_block_height': '8393280'
'validator_info': {
'voting_power': '0',
'address': 'D618BA9C703B1E2A6BC7BAB0A0E66CE5FA32BCBA',
'pub_key': {
'type': 'tendermint/PubKeyEd25519',
'value': 'fHM2q0J/CBzMnfH1TYtKsMQ+VmJQaq5ZsMMtmT2VoFs='
'node_info': {
'protocol_version': {
'app': '0',
'block': '10',
'p2p': '7'
'version': '0.30.1',
'id': '2726550182cbc5f4618c27e49c730752a96901e8',
'network': 'Binance-Chain-Nile',
'listen_addr': '',
'channels': '354020212223303800',
'other': {
'tx_index': 'on',
'rpc_address': 'tcp://'
'moniker': 'seed'
'id': '',
'jsonrpc': '2.0'
- Summary: Tx allows you to query the transaction results.
- Description: nil could mean the transaction is in the mempool, invalidated, or was not sent in the first place.
- Destination: NA.
- Rate Limit: NA.
- Param
: hash of the transaction.
Success sample result:
> node_rpc_instance.transaction(hash='C3FF309D7226768FC48B5E2D2D91719D77BAFA66DF7D3C53FCB212075DA83EA3')
'status': True,
'result': {
'result': {
'height': '7554709',
'tx_result': {
'log': 'Msg 0: ',
'tags': [{
'key': 'YWN0aW9u',
'value': 'b3JkZXJOZXc='
'hash': 'C3FF309D7226768FC48B5E2D2D91719D77BAFA66DF7D3C53FCB212075DA83EA3',
'index': 1
'id': '',
'jsonrpc': '2.0'
- Summary: Get unconfirmed transactions (maximum ?limit entries) including their number.
- Description: Get unconfirmed transactions (maximum ?limit entries) including their number.
- Destination: NA.
- Rate Limit: NA.
Success sample result:
> node_rpc_instance.unconfirmed_txs()
'status': True,
'result': {
'result': {
'n_txs': '0',
'txs': []
'id': '',
'jsonrpc': '2.0'
- Summary: Get the validator set at the given block height.
- Description: Get the validator set at the given block height.
- Destination: NA.
- Rate Limit: NA.
- Param
: Height of the block. If no height is provided, it will fetch the latest block.
Success sample result:
> node_rpc_instance.validators(height=10)
'status': True,
'result': {
'result': {
'block_height': '10',
'validators': [
'voting_power': '100000000000',
'address': '06FD60078EB4C2356137DD50036597DB267CF616',
'proposer_priority': '-100000000000',
'pub_key': {
'type': 'tendermint/PubKeyEd25519',
'value': '4Xy+nCDNz9+HazsSl40yZKAH/KqnHEzbcB2evAMj9E8='
'id': '',
'jsonrpc': '2.0'