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WebSockets Lib

The Binance DEX Python WebSockets Package provides connection to data streams exposed by The DEX official site over standard WebSocket connections, which can be consumed by modern web browsers and server-side WebSocket libraries.

  • The base endpoint is: wss://
  • Each connection can consume a single stream or multiple streams may be multiplexed through one connection for more complex apps.
  • All symbols in stream names are lowercase.

For more information:


Step1: Create API Client instance

from binance_dex.sockets import BinanceChainSocket

socket_instance = BinanceChainSocket(IS_TEST_NET)

class BinanceChainSocket has one positional argument during initializing:

  • If is_test_net = True , server API calling node will be set to 'wss://', otherwise 'wss://'.

Step2: call the specific function


Each of the instance methods takes several positional arguments, one_off and callback_function are the common ones:

  • one_off: defines choosing short-lived or long-lived connection to websocket
  • callback_function: callback function of handling returned message of websocket. New achievement for developers to handel message

For example:

  • Sample of Short-lived (one-off / send-receive) Connection
  • Sample of Long Lived Connection WITHOUT customized Callback, If callback function not provided, will simply print out
  • If callback function provided, can customized handle received data
def customized_msg_handler(ws, received_message):
    ''' Simply print out '''
    print('----- Customized handler -----')
socket_instance.fetch_block_height_updates(one_off=False, callback_function=customized_msg_handler)

Service availability:

Service Name WebSockets
Diff.Depth Stream
Book Depth Streams
Kline/Candlestick Streams
Individual Symbol Ticker Streams
All Symbols Ticker Streams
Individual Symbol Mini Ticker Streams
All Symbols Mini Ticker Streams

  √: Able to Use    ◯: Unfinished    ⊖:Unstable    ×: Official Unsupported


The following document subhead will appear like that: WebSockets service func -> raw WebSockets stream, which declare the mapping relationships between Python WebSockets Package service function and raw WebSockets stream. Samples will simply use long-lived connection and customized_msg_handler for description convenience.

fetch_account_updates(user_address, one_off, callback_function) -> Orders/Account/Transfer

  • Summary: Return account updates
  • Description: This function may receive serveral kinds of data, distinguished by "stream" from returned data
  • Topic Name: accounts/account/orders
  • Stream: /ws/userAddress
  • Parm user_address: user address hash, must be specified
  • Parm one_off
  • Parm callback_function

Success sample result:

> socket_instance.fetch_account_updates(user_address='tbnb1r4gc5ftrkr9ez2khph4h5xxd0mf0hd75jf06gw',
  • Account sample return (notice "stream" == "accounts"):
    "stream": "accounts",
    "data": {
        "e": "outboundAccountInfo",         # Event type
        "E": 7364509,                       # Event height
        "B": [{                             # Balances array
            "a": "BNB",                     # Asset
            "f": "1371.08750000",           # Free amount
            "r": "0.00000000",              # Locked amount
            "l": "0.00000000"               # Frozen amount
        }, {
            "a": "DEX.B-C72",
            "f": "999999791.11200000",
            "r": "0.00000000",
            "l": "0.00000000"
  • Transfer sample return (notice "stream" == "transfers"):
    "stream": "transfers",
    "data": {
        "e": "outboundTransferInfo",                                                # Event type
        "E": 7364509,                                                               # Event height
        "H": "08B71F862CDB820AF499D6E4FB34494CA163EBDADD5DC5D0A61EB1A0725BB4F4",    # Transaction hash
        "f": "tbnb1r4gc5ftrkr9ez2khph4h5xxd0mf0hd75jf06gw",                         # From addr
        "t": [{
            "o": "tbnb1fn9z9vn4f44ekz0a3pf80dcy2wh4d5988phjds",                     # To addr
            "c": [{                                                                 # Coins
                "a": "DEX.B-C72",                                                   # Asset
                "A": "8.88800000"                                                   # Amount
  • Orders sample return (notice "stream" == "orders"):
    "stream": "orders",                                       
    "data": [{                                                
        "e": "executionReport",                               # Event type
        "E": 7366949,                                         # Event height 
        "s": "100K-9BC_BNB",                                  # Symbol
        "S": 1,                                               # Side, 1 for Buy, 2 for sell 
        "o": 2,                                               # Order type, 2 for LIMIT (only) 
        "f": 1,                                               # Time in force,  1 for Good Till Expire (GTE); 3 for Immediate Or Cancel (IOC)
        "q": "0.00001500",                                    # Order quantity
        "p": "66666.00000000",                                # Order price
        "x": "NEW",                                           # Current execution type
        "X": "Ack",                                           # Current order status, possible values Ack, Canceled, Expired, IocNoFill, PartialFill, FullyFill, FailedBlocking, FailedMatching, Unknown
        "i": "1D518A2563B0CB912AD70DEB7A18CD7ED2FBB7D4-10",   # Order ID
        "l": "0.00000000",                                    # Last executed quantity
        "L": "0.00000000",                                    # Cumulative filled quantity
        "z": "0.00001500",                                    # Last executed price
        "n": "",                                              # Commission amount for all user trades within a given block. Fees will be displayed with each order but will be charged once.
                                                              # Fee can be composed of a single symbol, ex: "10000BNB"
                                                              # or multiple symbols if the available "BNB" balance is not enough to cover the whole fees, ex: "1.00000000BNB;0.00001000BTC;0.00050000ETH"
        "T": 1554890366040313451,                             # Transaction time
        "t": "",                                              # Trade ID
        "O": 1554890366040313451                              # Order creation time

fetch_trades_updates(trading_pair, one_off, callback_function) -> Trades

  • Summary: Returns individual trade updates.
  • Description: NA
  • Topic Name: trades
  • Stream: <symbol>@trades
  • Parm trading_pair: trade pair, must be specified
  • Parm one_off
  • Parm callback_function

Success sample result:

> socket_instance.fetch_trades_updates(trading_pairs='100K-9BC_BNB',
    "stream": "trades",
    "data": [{
        "e": "trade",                                           # Event type
        "E": 7549438,                                           # Event height
        "s": "100K-9BC_BNB",                                    # Symbol
        "t": "7549438-0",                                       # Trade ID
        "p": "3333.00000000",                                   # Price
        "q": "0.02611100",                                      # Quantity
        "b": "1D518A2563B0CB912AD70DEB7A18CD7ED2FBB7D4-11",     # Buyer order ID
        "a": "EA1AE716501D1DB0B9F295A30891D9E562828678-12",     # Seller order ID
        "T": 1554964166437515341,                               # Trade time
        "sa": "tbnb1agdww9jsr5wmpw0jjk3s3yweu43g9pnc4p5kg7",    # SellerAddress
        "ba": "tbnb1r4gc5ftrkr9ez2khph4h5xxd0mf0hd75jf06gw"     # BuyerAddress

fetch_market_diff_stream(trading_pair, one_off, callback_function) -> Diff. Depth Stream

  • Summary: Order book price and quantity depth updates used to locally keep an order book.
  • Description: NA
  • Topic Name: marketDiff
  • Stream: <symbol>@marketDiff
  • Parm trading_pair: trade pair, must be specified
  • Parm one_off
  • Parm callback_function

Success sample result:

> socket_instance.fetch_market_diff_stream(trading_pairs='100K-9BC_BNB',

    "stream": "marketDiff",
    "data": {
        "e": "depthUpdate",                  # Event type
        "E": 1554964484,                     # Event tim
        "s": "100K-9BC_BNB",                 # Symbol
        "b": [                               # Bids to be updated
            ["3333.00000000",                # Price level to be updated
             "0.07398900"                    # Quantity
        "a": [                               # Asks to be updated
                                             # Price level to be updated and Quantity

fetch_market_depth_stream(trading_pair, one_off, callback_function) -> Book Depth Streams

  • Summary: Top 20 levels of bids and asks.
  • Description: NA
  • Topic Name: marketDepth
  • Stream: <symbol>@marketDepth
  • Parm trading_pair: trade pair, must be specified
  • Parm one_off
  • Parm callback_function

Success sample result:

> socket_instance.fetch_market_depth_stream(trading_pairs='100K-9BC_BNB',
    "stream": "marketDepth",
    "data": {                           
        "lastUpdateId": 7551469,       # Last update ID
        "symbol": "100K-9BC_BNB",      # symbol
        "bids": [                      # Bids to be updated
            ["3333.00000000",          # Price level to be updated
            "0.07398900"]              # Quantity        
        "asks": [                      # Asks to be updated
            ["66666.00000000",         # Price level to be updated
            "1.68270010"],             # Quantity 

fetch_kline_updates(trading_pair, interval, one_off, callback_function) -> Kline/Candlestick Streams

  • Summary: The kline/candlestick stream pushes updates to the current klines/candlestick every second.
  • Description: NA
  • Topic Name: kline_<interval>
  • Stream: <symbol>@kline_<interval>
  • Parm trading_pair: trade pair, must be specified
  • Parm interval: interval of the kline chart
  • Parm one_off
  • Parm callback_function

Allowed Kline/Candlestick chart intervals are described in class KLine(object) in /binance-dex/

  • interval_1min -> '1m'
  • interval_3min -> '3m'
  • interval_5min -> '4m'
  • interval_15min -> '15m'
  • interval_1hour -> '1h'
  • interval_2hour -> '2h'
  • interval_4hour -> '4h'
  • interval_6hour -> '6h'
  • interval_8hour -> '8h'
  • interval_12hour -> '12h'
  • interval_1day -> '1d'
  • interval_3day -> '3d'
  • interval_1week -> '1w'
  • interval_1month -> '1M'

Success sample result:

> from binance_dex.api import api_types_instance
  kline_intervals = api_types_instance.KLine()

  "stream": "kline_1m",
  "data": {
    "e": "kline",         # Event type
    "E": 123456789,       # Event time
    "s": "BNBBTC",        # Symbol
    "k": {
      "t": 123400000,     # Kline start time
      "T": 123460000,     # Kline close time
      "s": "BNBBTC",      # Symbol
      "i": "1m",          # Interval
      "f": "100",         # First trade ID
      "L": "200",         # Last trade ID
      "o": "0.0010",      # Open price
      "c": "0.0020",      # Close price
      "h": "0.0025",      # High price
      "l": "0.0015",      # Low price
      "v": "1000",        # Base asset volume
      "n": 100,           # Number of trades
      "x": false,         # Is this kline closed?
      "q": "1.0000",      # Quote asset volume

fetch_ticker_streams(trading_pair, is_full_data, one_off, callback_function) -> Individual Symbol Ticker Streams/ All Symbols Ticker Streams/ Individual Symbol Mini Ticker Streams/ All Symbols Mini Ticker Streams

  • Summary: 24hr Ticker statistics for a single symbol are pushed every second.
  • Description: NA
  • Topic Name: ticker/allTickers/miniTicker/allMiniTickers
  • Stream: <symbol>@ticker / $all@allTickers / <symbol>@miniTicker / $all@allMiniTickers
  • Param trading_pair: Specific trading pair, default is None, if not provide will return all trade pair data
  • Param is_full_data: default is True, returns ticker format data, if False, returns miniticker format data
  • Parm one_off
  • Parm callback_function

Success sample result:

  • Ticker sample return (notice "stream" == "ticker"):
    "stream": "ticker",             
    "data": {
        "e": "24hrTicker",          # Event type
        "E": 1555425469,            # Event time
        "s": "BNB_BTC.B-918",       # Symbol
        "p": "0.00000000",          # Price change
        "P": "0.00000000",          # Price change percent
        "w": "0.00373109",          # Weighted average price
        "x": "0.00373109",          # Previous day's close price
        "c": "0.00373109",          # Current day's close price
        "Q": "1.00000000",          # Close trade's quantity
        "b": "0.00379908",          # Best bid price
        "B": "58.00000000",         # Best bid quantity
        "a": "0.00381643",          # Best ask price
        "A": "91.00000000",         # Best ask quantity
        "o": "0.00373109",          # Open price
        "h": "0.00373109",          # High price
        "l": "0.00373109",          # Low price
        "v": "0.00000000",          # Total traded base asset volume
        "q": "0.00000000",          # Total traded quote asset volume
        "O": 1555339051274,         # Statistics open time
        "C": 1555425451274,         # Statistics close time
        "F": "8349745-0",           # First trade ID
        "L": "8349745-0",           # Last trade Id
        "n": 0                      # Total number of trades
  • AllTickers sample return (notice "stream" == "allTickers"):
    "stream": "allTickers",             
    "data": [{
        "e": "24hrTicker",          # Event type
        "E": 1555426679,            # Event time
        "s": "83SHUIHU-AC4_BNB",    # Symbol
        "p": "0.00000000",          # Price change
        "P": "0.00000000",          # Price change percent
        "w": "0.07995000",          # Weighted average price
        "x": "0.07995000",          # Previous day's close price
        "c": "0.07995000",          # Current day's close price
        "Q": "30000.00000000",      # Close trade's quantity
        "b": "0.00000000",          # Best bid price
        "B": "0.00000000",          # Best bid quantity
        "a": "0.00000000",          # Best ask price
        "A": "0.00000000",          # Best ask quantity
        "o": "0.07995000",          # Open price
        "h": "0.07995000",          # High price
        "l": "0.07995000",          # Low price
        "v": "0.00000000",          # Total traded base asset volume
        "q": "0.00000000",          # Total traded quote asset volume
        "O": 1555340275037,         # Statistics open time
        "C": 1555426675037,         # Statistics close time
        "F": "3036396-1",           # First trade ID
        "L": "3036396-1",           # Last trade Id
        "n": 0                      # Total number of trades
  • MiniTicker sample return (notice "stream" == "miniTicker"):
    "stream": "miniTicker",             
    "data": {
        "e": "24hrTicker",          # Event type
        "E": 1555425469,            # Event time
        "s": "BNB_BTC.B-918",       # Symbol
        "c": "0.00373109",          # Current day's close price
        "o": "0.00373109",          # Open price
        "h": "0.00373109",          # High price
        "l": "0.00373109",          # Low price
        "v": "0.00000000",          # Total traded base asset volume
        "q": "0.00000000",          # Total traded quote asset volume
  • AllMiniTicker sample return (notice "stream" == "allMiniTickers"):
    "stream": "allMiniTickers",             
    "data": [{
        "e": "24hrTicker",          # Event type
        "E": 1555428570,            # Event time
        "s": "MBNB-113_BNB",        # Symbol
        "c": "0.00010000",          # Current day's close price
        "o": "0.00010000",          # Open price
        "h": "0.00010000",          # High price
        "l": "0.00010000",          # Low price
        "v": "3.00000000",          # Total traded base asset volume
        "q": "0.00030000",          # Total traded quote asset volume

fetch_block_height_updates() -> Blockheight

  • Summary: Streams the latest block height.
  • Description: NA
  • Topic Name: blockheight
  • Stream: $all@blockheight
  • Parm one_off
  • Parm callback_function

Success sample result:

> socket_instance.fetch_block_height_updates(one_off=False, 

    "stream": "blockheight",
    "data": {
        "h":8699895        # Block height

Additional Info

Why Socket?

A WebSocket connection allows full-duplex communication between a client and server so that either side can push data to the other through an established connection. The reason why WebSockets, along with the related technologies of Server-sent Events (SSE) and WebRTC data channels, are important is that HTTP is not meant for keeping open a connection for the server to frequently push data to a web browser. Previously, most web applications would implement long polling via frequent Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) requests as shown in the below diagram.

For more information: