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FedRAMP ASAP Web Documentation

This is the web documentation for FedRAMP ASAP.

Developer Instructions

This project is built using the node.js version specified in .nvmrc. To use, run:

nvm use

To install dependencies:

npm install

Development server

npm start

http://localhost:8080 to view it in the browser.

Production build

Builds are produced with Vite. You may parametrize the build via environment variables, as referenced in the Vite configuration.

To build a static copy of your site to the build/ folder:

npm run build

... or, customized with an environment variable. Here, we set the BASEURL so internal links may be mounted at sub-paths:

BASEURL=/fedramp-automation npm run build

To test the production build locally, you could use the preview script:

npm run preview

Run tests

To launch the application test runner:

npm test
npm run test:watch

Command-line tool

To run the CLI:

# To validate the demo SSP, provide the Schematron ruleset (eg, "rev4") and the document to validate:
npm run cli -- validate rev4 ../content/templates/ssp/xml/FedRAMP-SSP-OSCAL-Template.xml

Command-line validation

The Schematron validation may be tested via the SaxonJS-backed node.js command line inteface.

npm run cli -- validate rev4 ../content/rev4/templates/ssp/xml/FedRAMP-SSP-OSCAL-Template.xml