This utility class is designed to help restore the data using the Restore module (tl_undo).
First, you must register a ondelete_callback:
$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_table']['config']['ondelete_callback'][] = array('tl_table', 'storeUndoData');
class tl_table
public function storeUndoData(DataContainer $dc, $intUndoId)
$arrData = array('foo'=>'bar');
\Haste\Util\Undo::add($intUndoId, 'my_data', $arrData);
Then, to manually restore the data you have to register a hook:
$GLOBALS['HASTE_HOOKS']['undoData'][] = array('tl_table', 'restoreMyData');
class tl_table
* Restore my data
* @param array
* @param integer
* @param string
* @param array
public function restoreMyData($arrData, $intId, $strTable, $arrRow)
if (!$arrData['my_data']) {
// restore the data