STATUS OF THIS DOCUMENT: under construction
DIP-00: In DCoSL, data is represented as a graph, with nodes and edges. A concept graph is a graph with additional structure, as described though this series of DIPs.
A simple list (the SL in DCoSL) will be defined (in DIP-106) as a node with particular characteristics. The idea of a simple list will then mature into the notion of a concept (DIP-111).
See a list of important concepts.
There will be a natural progression from simple lists, to complex lists, to concepts, to the concept graph.
Note: the numeric designation of these DIPs is subject to change.
GRAPH BASICS: words, relationships (100-109)
- DIP-100: words
- DIP-101: word types
- DIP-102: local identifiers: slug, name, title
- DIP-103: relationships
- DIP-104: relationship types
- DIP-105: graphs
- DIP-106: lists
The nodes that make up CLASS THREADS (110-119)
CONTAINERS, ORGANIZERS (start with 120-130) including CONCEPT GRAPH and rules
- DIP-121: concepts
- DIP-122: concept graphs
- DIP-123: properties
- DIP-124: graph types (may not need this?)
- DIP-125: item directory
- DIP-126: property directory - a type of graph with all relevant properties for a given concept (what I used to call a propertySchema)
drafts in progress
- DIP-190: concept graph nostr publication tasks -- move this to the 1100 block of DIPs
drafts not yet made
- declaration of a new concept
- 901: context tree
- how a user can publish a graph
- public archives for a dictionary?
- graph types: generic type,
- 90*: publish or pin a list of words (graph, concept graph, dictionary?)
- 90*: conventions for cryptographic identifiers (wordData vs metaData, mutable vs immutable, IPNS name vs ... ?)
- 90*: graphical representation of a concept
- 90*: graphical representation of a property tree
- 90*: graphical representation of schemas
- 90*: graphical representation of JSON-LD
- 90*: graphical representation of data model
publish in grapevine:
- 200 new wordType: attestation
- 201 new wordType: endorsement
- 202 new wordType: rating
- 203 publication of an attestation, endorsement, rating over nostr