As per DIP-???, words are organized into categories called word types
As per (DIP-100?), a word of wordType = foo:
- should have a top-level property:
- The array,
should include the element:foo
As per (list DIPs), there are a handful of basic word types essential for construction of a concept:
word type | top level property |
word | wordData |
jsonSchema | jsonSchemaData |
wordType | wordTypeData |
superset | supersetData |
set | setData |
As per DIP (???), a word of word type = wordType
is a required node in a class thread.
As per DIP-???, each concept gives rise to a unique word type, and the most formal (explicit) method for specification of a new word type is to create a new concept. DIP-??? lists several additional (implicit, less formal) methods for specification of a new word type.