This service provides a way to create TailwindCSS configurations and generate design systems.
Additionally, it's possible to create component definitions reusing the same CSS classes created by Tailwind definitions.
Get a precompiled CSS or the configurations used to generate it
Transform a design system (CSS and definitions) from a JSON input
Transform a design system to a final CSS
Store a YAML definition for a design system
Retrieve the YAML definition for a design system
name: design-system
description: This is a design system for our website
minify: true
resolve: true
# See all configuration options at
# Device breakpoints
# From smallest to largest screen
phone: 640px
tablet: 768px
laptop: 1024px
desktop: 1280px
# Color pallete
# Defines all color variants used by text-*, bg-* and other color utilities
colors: |
white: #fff
black: #000
gray: #333
primary: #0af
primary-dark: #09e
secondary: #f98
danger: #ee4444
warning: #fbbf24
info: #60a5fa
success: #10b981
# Spacing
# Define spacing values used across padding/margin/gaps, like px-* or mt-*
# This examples defines p-0, p-1 and p-sm as valid paddings
0: 0
sm: 0.5rem
md: 1rem
lg: 2rem
# Components
# Create components to reuse common definitions of styles
# This examples generates `btn`, `btn__icon` and btn:hover
apply: px-4 py-2 bg-primary-dark
icon: mr-4
hover: bg-gray border-white
# Core Plugins
# Explicitly enable Tailwind features using plugins
# See plugins reference at
# Special values here:
# 'default' for a minimal set
# 'none' to skip all plugins
# 'border*' to include all plugins that start with 'border' (use any other plugin name)
corePlugins: default
- 'import: @acme/internal-styles'
variantOrder: []
fill: []