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DB currently uses Postgres and its setup can be seen next.

Getting started

1. Install postgres and docker

You will need to install docker (check official docker documentation) and postgres locally.

brew install postgres

Getting started

Please follow the instructions in the main monorepo Readme.

Local DB Setup

If you want to run your own local DB in isolation using this package DB client, you can easily do it as follows:

1. Start Database and postgrest

Start a docker compose with a Postgres Database and Postgrest.

npm start

2. Load schema

npm run load-schema

3. Ready to go

You can now interact with your local database. Its URL and Token are defined in the previous section.

Once you are done, the local setup can easily be stopped:

npm stop

If you'd like to also clear the database and all docker artifacts you can run

npm run stop:clean

4. Alter DB schema and migrations

  1. Add the schema changes to db/postgres sql files as needed.

  2. Apply the changes to the Postgres DB using:

    node scripts/cli.js --reset db-sql
  3. Run the following which uses openapi-typescript to update pg-rest-api-types.ts, the TypeScript interface version of the OpenAPI schema for the updated DB:

    node scripts/cli.js pg-rest-api-types
  4. Add the schema changes to db-client-types.ts as well.

  5. If the schema changes include creating a new table, type or view update reset.sql as well.

  6. Add the required migration script(s) to postgres/migrations folder. Please follow the naming convention and add an incremental number prefix to the name of the migration file.

  7. Once the PR is merged to main please add a comment to the release-please PR pointing to the migrations script.

    Required migration 000-fix-peer_location.peer_id.sql

DB package CLI

The scripts/cli.js to run some common operations on the database.

Please run

./scripts/cli.js --help

to find out more.

Database Diagram


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