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189 lines (153 loc) · 10.9 KB

File metadata and controls

189 lines (153 loc) · 10.9 KB


Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) is the name for a set of technologies based on the integration of query capabilities directly into the C# language. With LINQ, a query is a first-class language construct, just like classes, methods, and events.

The LINQ to Objects works with any collection that implements the IEnumerable<T> interface.

^^^ The IEnumerable<T> interface ^^^ The IEnumerable<T> interface


var customerOrders = Orders.Where(order => order.CustomerId == 66);

Select with anonymus type

var ordersWithCost = Orders.Select(order => new
    OrderId = order.Id,
    Cost = order.Cost,


//The Distinct method requires equality implementation on the class or 
//an IEqualityComparer as parameter
var uniqueNames = customer.Distinct((customerComparer);

//DistinctBy requires a lambda
var uniqueNames = customer.DistinctBy(=>.Name); 


var ascendingOrder = orders.OrderBy(order => order.Cost);
var descendingOrder = orders.OrderByDescending(order => order.Cost);

var multipleOdering = orders.OrderBy(order => order.Cost).ThenBy(order => order.CustomerId);

Note: Result will be an IOrderedEnumerable<TElement>.


var joined = customers.Join(orders, 
                            customer => customer.Id, 
                            order => order.CustomerId
                            (customer, order) => new
                                CustomerId = customer.Id,
                                Name = customer.Name,
                                Cost = order.Cost, 


var grouped = orders.GroupBy(order => CustomerId);

Note: Result will be an IGrouping<TKey,TElement>


var packagesByCompany = packages.ToLookup(oder => oder.Date,  order =>; 

Note: Result will be an ILookup<TKey,TElement>, which is a one-to-many dictionary that maps keys to collections of values.


Zip creates an Enumerable of tuples, where the first element of the tuple is the element from the first sequence and the second element is the element from the second sequence.

int[] first = [1, 2, 3];
string[] second = ["a", "b", "c"];
//Returns [(1, "a"), (2, "b"), (3, "c")]

Skip & Take

var take3 = orders.Take(3);
var ne√t3 = orders.Skip(3).Take(3);

Element operations

//throws e√ception if element not found
var firstCustomer = customers.First(customer => customer.Id == 63);
var lastCustomer = customers.Last(customer => customer.Id == 63);
//returns default value if element not found. For refenrence types this is null!
var firstCustomer = customers.FirstOrDefault(customer => customer.Id == 63);
var lastCustomer = customers.LastOrDefault(customer => customer.Id == 63);
//You can specify the default return value with the 2nd parameter:
var firstCustomer = customers.FirstOrDefault(customer => customer.Id == 63, new Cutomer());
var lastCustomer = customers.LastOrDefault(customer => customer.Id == 63, new Customer());


Order[] orders = Orders.Where(order => order.CustomerId == 66).ToArray();
List<Order> orders = Orders.Where(order => order.CustomerId == 66).ToList();
HashSet<Order> orders = Orders.Where(order => order.CustomerId == 66).ToHashSet();
Dictionary<int, string> customerDictionary
     = Customers.ToDictionary(customer => customer.Id, customer => customer.Name);

Enumerable class

//Create a range of numbers from 0 to 9
IEnumerable<int> range = Enumerable.Range(0, 10);
//Create a sequence of 12 "foo" strings
IEnumerable<string> foos = Enumerable.Repeat("foo", 12);
//Create an empty sequence of integers
IEnumerable<int> empty = Enumerable.Empty<int>();

Linq Execution

^^^ Classification of standard query operators by manner of execution ^^^ Classification of standard query operators by manner of execution

Standard query operator Return type Immediate Deferred streaming Deferred nonstreaming
Aggregate TSource
All bool
Any bool
AsEnumerable IEnumerable<T>
Average Single numeric value
Cast IEnumerable<T>
Concat IEnumerable<T>
Contains bool
Count int
DefaultIfEmpty IEnumerable<T>
Distinct IEnumerable<T>
ElementAt TSource
ElementAtOrDefault TSource?
Empty IEnumerable<T>
E√cept IEnumerable<T>
First TSource
FirstOrDefault TSource?
GroupBy IEnumerable<T>
GroupJoin IEnumerable<T>
Intersect IEnumerable<T>
Join IEnumerable<T>
Last TSource
LastOrDefault TSource?
LongCount long
Ma√ Single numeric value, TSource, or TResult?
Min Single numeric value, TSource, or TResult?
OfType IEnumerable<T>
OrderBy IOrderedEnumerable<T>
OrderByDescending IOrderedEnumerable<T>
Range IEnumerable<T>
Repeat IEnumerable<T>
Reverse IEnumerable<T>
Select IEnumerable<T>
SelectMany IEnumerable<T>
SequenceEqual bool
Single TSource
SingleOrDefault TSource?
Skip IEnumerable<T>
SkipWhile IEnumerable<T>
Sum Single numeric value
Take IEnumerable<T>
TakeWhile IEnumerable<T>
ThenBy IOrderedEnumerable<T>
ThenByDescending IOrderedEnumerable<T>
ToArray TSource[] array
ToDictionary Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
ToList IList<T>
ToLookup ILookup<T>
Union IEnumerable<T>
Where IEnumerable<T>