AngleSharp is a .NET library that gives you the ability to parse angle bracket based hyper-texts like HTML, SVG, and MathML. XML without validation is also supported by the library. An important aspect of AngleSharp is that CSS can also be parsed. The included parser is built upon the official W3C specification. This produces a perfectly portable HTML5 DOM representation of the given source code and ensures compatibility with results in evergreen browsers.
Website: https://anglesharp.github.io/ Install with:
dotnet add package AngleSharp
Bouncy Castle
The Bouncy Castle project offers open-source APIs for Java, C# and Kotlin that support cryptography and cryptographic protocols. They cover many security areas, such as public key infrastructure, digital signatures, authentication, and secure communication. Additionally, FIPS certified versions are available for both Java and C#.
Website: https://www.bouncycastle.org Install with:
dotnet add package BouncyCastle.Cryptography
ClearScript is a library that makes it easy to add scripting to your .NET applications. It currently supports JavaScript (via V8 and JScript) and VBScript.
Website: https://anglesharp.github.io/ Install with:
dotnet add package Microsoft.ClearScript.Complete
CliWrap is a library for interacting with external command-line interfaces. It provides a convenient model for launching processes, redirecting input and output streams, awaiting completion, handling cancellation, and more.
Website: https://github.com/Tyrrrz/CliWrap Install with:
dotnet add package CliWrap
A source generator to add a user-defined set of Win32 P/Invoke methods and supporting types to a C# project.
Website: https://github.com/microsoft/CsWin32 Install with:
dotnet add package Microsoft.Windows.CsWin32
Humanizer meets all your .NET needs for manipulating and displaying strings, enums, dates, times, timespans, numbers and quantities.
Website: https://github.com/Humanizr/Humanizer Install with:
dotnet add package Humanizer
LiteDB is a small, fast and lightweight .NET NoSQL embedded database.
Website: https://github.com/mbdavid/LiteDB Install with:
dotnet add package LiteDB
Markdig is a fast, powerful, CommonMark compliant, extensible Markdown processor for .NET.
website: https://github.com/xoofx/markdig Install with:
dotnet add package Markdig
A friendly substitute for .NET mocking libraries. Perfect for those new to testing, and for others who would just like to to get their tests written with less noise and fewer lambdas.
Website: https://nsubstitute.github.io/ Install with:
dotnet add package NSubstitute
NUnit is a unit-testing framework for all .Net languages. Initially ported from JUnit, the current production release, version 3, has been completely rewritten with many new features and support for a wide range of .NET platforms.
Website: https://nunit.org/ Install with:
dotnet add package NUnit
OxyPlot is a cross-platform plotting library for .NET. OxyPlot contains many different types of axes and series. The plots can be exported to file formats like png, pdf and svg.
Website: https://oxyplot.github.io/ Install with:
dotnet add package OxyPlot.Core
SkiaSharp is a cross-platform 2D graphics API for .NET platforms based on Google's Skia Graphics Library (skia.org). It provides a comprehensive 2D API that can be used across mobile, server and desktop models to render images.
Website: https://github.com/mono/SkiaSharp Install with:
dotnet add package SkiaSharp
Spectre.Console is a .NET library that makes it easier to create beautiful console applications.
Website: https://spectreconsole.net/ Install with:
dotnet add package Spectre.Console
Add strongly typed quantities to your code and get merrily on with your life. No more magic constants found on Stack Overflow, no more second-guessing the unit of parameters and variables.
Website: https://github.com/angularsen/UnitsNet Install with:
dotnet add package UnitsNet
xUnit.net is a free, open source, community-focused unit testing tool for the .NET Framework. Written by the original inventor of NUnit v2, xUnit.net is the latest technology for unit testing C#, F#, VB.NET and other .NET languages. xUnit.net works with ReSharper, CodeRush, TestDriven.NET and Xamarin. It is part of the .NET Foundation, and operates under their code of conduct. It is licensed under Apache 2 (an OSI approved license).
Website: https://xunit.net/ Install with:
dotnet add package xunit
Awesome .NET is a collection of awesome .NET libraries, tools, frameworks, and software. Inspired by awesome-ruby, awesome-php, awesome-python, frontend-dev-bookmarks and ruby-bookmarks.