Released January 2002
- Classes
- Structs
- Interfaces
- Events
- Properties
- Delegates
- Operators and expressions
- Statements
- Attributes
Released April 2003
The code generated in a foreach
loop called Dispose
on an IEnumerator
when that IEnumerator
implemented IDisposable
Released November 2005
- Generics
- Partial types
- Anonymous methods
- Nullable value types
- Iterators
- Covariance and contravariance
- Getter/setter separate accessibility
- Method group conversions (delegates)
- Static classes
- Delegate inference
Released November 2007
- Auto-implemented properties
- Anonymous types
- Query expressions
- Lambda expressions
- Expression trees
- Extension methods
- Implicitly typed local variables
- Partial methods
- Object and collection initializers
Released April 2010
- Dynamic binding
- Named/optional arguments
- Generic covariant and contravariant
- Embedded interop types
Released August 2012
- Asynchronous members
- Caller info attributes
Released July 2015
- Static imports
- Exception filters
- Auto-property initializers
- Expression bodied members
- Null propagator
- String interpolation
- nameof operator
- Index initializers
- Await in catch/finally blocks
- Default values for getter-only properties
Released March 2017
- Out variables
- Tuples and deconstruction
- Pattern matching
- Local functions
- Expanded expression bodied members
- Ref locals
- Ref returns
- Discards
- Binary Literals and Digit Separators
- Throw expressions
Released August 2017
- async Main method
- default literal expressions
- Inferred tuple element names
- Pattern matching on generic type parameters
Released November 2017
- Initializers on stackalloc arrays
- Use fixed statements with any type that supports a pattern
- Access fixed fields without pinning
- Reassign ref local variables
- readonly struct types
- ref readonly modifier on method returns
- private protected access modifier
- Conditional ref expressions
Released May 2018
- access fixed fields without pinning
- reassign ref local variables
- use initializers on stackalloc arrays
- fixed statements with any type that supports a pattern
Released September 2019
- Readonly members
- Default interface methods
- Pattern matching enhancements: Switch expressions, Property patterns, Tuple patterns, Positional patterns
- Using declarations
- Static local functions
- Disposable ref structs
- Nullable reference types
- Asynchronous streams
- Indices and ranges
- Null-coalescing assignment
- Unmanaged constructed types
- Stackalloc in nested expressions
- Enhancement of interpolated verbatim strings
Released November 2020
- Records
- Init only setters
- Top-level statements
- Pattern matching enhancements: relational patterns and logical patterns
- Native sized integers
- Function pointers
- Suppress emitting localsinit flag
- Module initializers
- New features for partial methods
- Target-typed new expressions
- static anonymous functions
- Target-typed conditional expressions
- Covariant return types
- Extension GetEnumerator support for foreach loops
- Lambda discard parameters
- Attributes on local functions
Released November 2021
- Record structs
- Improvements of structure types
- Interpolated string handlers
- global using directives
- File-scoped namespace declaration
- Extended property patterns
- Lambda expressions can have a natural type, where the compiler can infer a delegate type from the lambda expression or method group.
- Lambda expressions can declare a return type when the compiler can't infer it.
- Attributes can be applied to lambda expressions.
- In C# 10, const strings can be initialized using string interpolation if all the placeholders are themselves constant strings.
- In C# 10, you can add the sealed modifier when you override ToString in a record type.
- Warnings for definite assignment and null-state analysis are more accurate.
- Allow both assignment and declaration in the same deconstruction.
- Allow AsyncMethodBuilder attribute on methods
- CallerArgumentExpression attribute
- new format for the #line pragma.
Released November 2022
- Raw string literals
- Generic math support
- Generic attributes
- UTF-8 string literals
- Newlines in string interpolation expressions
- List patterns
- File-local types
- Required members
- Auto-default structs
- Pattern match Span on a constant string
- Extended nameof scope
- Numeric IntPtr
- ref fields and scoped ref
- Improved method group conversion to delegate
Released November 2023
- Primary constructors
- Collection expressions
- Inline arrays
- Optional parameters in lambda expressions
- ref readonly parameters
- Alias any type
- Experimental attribute
Released November 2024
- Params collections
- New lock type
- New escape sequence - \e
- Implicit indexer access in object initializers
- ref locals and unsafe contexts in iterators and async methods
- ref struct types to implement interfaces.
- Partial properties and indexers
- field contextual keyword