This package contains the core part of wecco
features a functional programming style as opposed to a class based approach using inheritence that
other common web frameworks endorse. Using functions to express a dynamic web UI allows a developer to focus
on a descriptive approach, where as classes tend to obfuscate the concepts behind a dynamic UI.
is written using TypeScript. The type definitions allow an IDE to
provide valuable hints of function's parameters and return types. Nevertheless wecco
can be used with plain
Javascript as well.
Besides a couple of development tools (such as TypeScript, mocha, ...) wecco
uses no dependencies (all
dependencies are declared as devDependencies
in package.json
). This
means, that adding wecco
to your project does not bloat your node_modules
. The UMD module is only 13k in
wecco is stil under heavy development and the API is not considered stable until release 1.0.0.
See for reference documentation on how to use wecco
is available via npmjs as @weccoframework/core
You can also go to the releases and download the tar ball and install it manually.
You can include the a UMD version of wecco
into your web application. Simply go to the
releases and download the latest version
of the umd
. To test a version, you can directly load the bundle from the github downloads, i.e.
<script src=""></script>
If you want to include wecco
as a ES6 module, use the .mjs
file, i.e.:
<script src=""></script>
Please note, that this is not recommended for any kind of production systems and should only be used during development.
See for an introduction as well as reference documentation on wecco
The following code show as "sneak preview". It contains a full "app" for a button that counts the number of times a user clicked it.
import * as wecco from "@weccoframework/core"
class Model {
constructor(public readonly count: number, public readonly explanation: string) {}
inc() {
return new Model(this.count + 1, this.explanation)
type Message = "inc"
function update({model}: wecco.UpdaterContext<Model, Message>): Model {
function view ({ emit, model }: wecco.ViewContext<Model, Message>) {
return wecco.html`
<p class="text-sm">${model.explanation}</p>
class="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded"
@click=${() => emit("inc")}>
You clicked me ${model.count} times
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
wecco.createApp(() => new Model(0, "Click the button to increment the counter."), update, view)
is used to define a custom webcomponent. It returns a factory function that can be used to
create instances of the web component. The component is also registered as a web component and can be created
using a HTML tag.
The first parameter to wecco.define
defines the name of the component and must follow the custom webcomponent's
conventions (i.e. it must contain a dash).
The second parameter is the render callback. wecco
is based on callbacks and you will see several of these.
The render callback is called everytime the component should update.
The first parameter passed to this callback is the component's data. Using Typescript this parameter's type is defined using a generic type parameter. You commonly use an interface to describe the type.
The second parameter is the notify update callback. It can be used to notify the component that something has
changed and the component should update its content. We use this callback to notify when the user has clicked
the button and we updated the data
-attribute count
The last line creates an instance of the component passing in an object that implements CountClicks
- the
data interface - which initializes the component's data state. The result is an instance of HTMLElement
which can be added to the DOM using plain DOM manipulation functions. The object also provides a convenience
method mount
which can be used to add the element to dom: Simply pass in a HTMLElement
or a string which
is passed to document.querySelector
in order to obtain the element to add the new element as a child.
Here is the same count clicks example with a custom element:
import * as wecco from "@weccoframework/core"
interface CountClicks {
count?: number
const CountClicks = wecco.define<CountClicks>("count-clicks", ({ data, requestUpdate }) => {
data.count = data.count ?? 0
return wecco.html`<p>
class="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded"
@click=${() => { data.count++; requestUpdate(); }}>
You clicked me ${data.count} times
}, {
observedAttributes: ["count"],
Check out the examples to see these two in action as well as the classical todo app.
wecco is written by Alexander Metzner
Copyright (c) 2019 - 2023 The wecco authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.