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local v0=string.char;local v1=string.byte;local v2=string.sub;local v3=bit32 or bit ;local v4=v3.bxor;local v5=table.concat;local v6=table.insert;local function v7(v24,v25)local v26={};for v42=1, #v24 do v6(v26,v0(v4(v1(v2(v24,v42,v42 + 1 )),v1(v2(v25,1 + (v42% #v25) ,1 + (v42% #v25) + 1 )))%256 ));end return v5(v26);end local v8=tonumber;local v9=string.byte;local v10=string.char;local v11=string.sub;local v12=string.gsub;local v13=string.rep;local v14=table.concat;local v15=table.insert;local v16=math.ldexp;local v17=getfenv or function()return _ENV;end ;local v18=setmetatable;local v19=pcall;local v20=select;local v21=unpack or table.unpack ;local v22=tonumber;local function v23(v27,v28,...)local v29=0;local v30;local v31;local v32;local v33;local v34;local v35;local v36;local v37;local v38;local v39;local v40;local v41;while true do if (3==v29) then function v36()local v43=v35();local v44=v35();local v45=1;local v46=(v32(v44,1,20) * (2^(82 -50))) + v43 ;local v47=v32(v44,21,31);local v48=((v32(v44,32)==1) and -1) or 1 ;if (v47==0) then if (v46==0) then return v48 * (0 + 0) ;else v47=1;v45=0;end elseif (v47==2047) then return ((v46==0) and (v48 * ((773 -(201 + 571))/0))) or (v48 * NaN) ;end return v16(v48,v47-1023 ) * (v45 + (v46/(2^52))) ;end v37=nil;function v37(v49)local v50;if not v49 then local v80=0;while true do if (v80==0) then v49=v35();if (v49==(619 -(555 + 64))) then return "";end break;end end end v50=v11(v27,v30,(v30 + v49) -1 );v30=v30 + v49 ;local v51={};for v78=1, #v50 do v51[v78]=v10(v9(v11(v50,v78,v78)));end return v14(v51);end v38=v35;v29=4;end if (v29==2) then function v34()local v52,v53=v9(v27,v30,v30 + (432 -(44 + 386)) );v30=v30 + 2 ;return (v53 * 256) + v52 ;end v35=nil;function v35()local v54=0;local v55;local v56;local v57;local v58;while true do if (v54==1) then return (v58 * (5329987 + 11447229)) + (v57 * 65536) + (v56 * 256) + v55 ;end if (v54==0) then v55,v56,v57,v58=v9(v27,v30,v30 + (5 -2) );v30=v30 + 4 ;v54=1;end end end v36=nil;v29=3;end if (4==v29) then v39=nil;function v39(...)return {...},v20("#",...);end v40=nil;function v40()local v59=0;local v60;local v61;local v62;local v63;local v64;local v65;while true do if (v59==0) then v60={};v61={};v62={};v59=1;end if (v59==3) then for v90=1,v35() do v61[v90-1 ]=v40();end return v63;end if (v59==2) then for v92=932 -(857 + 74) ,v64 do local v93=0;local v94;local v95;while true do if (v93==1) then if (v94==(569 -(367 + 201))) then v95=v33()~=0 ;elseif (v94==2) then v95=v36();elseif (v94==3) then v95=v37();end v65[v92]=v95;break;end if (v93==0) then v94=v33();v95=nil;v93=1;end end end v63[3]=v33();for v96=1,v35() do local v97=v33();if (v32(v97,1,1)==0) then local v117=v32(v97,2,3);local v118=v32(v97,4,6);local v119={v34(),v34(),nil,nil};if (v117==(0 -0)) then local v126=0;while true do if (v126==0) then v119[3]=v34();v119[4]=v34();break;end end elseif (v117==1) then v119[2 + 1 ]=v35();elseif (v117==(7 -5)) then v119[3]=v35() -(2^16) ;elseif (v117==3) then local v137=0;while true do if (v137==0) then v119[10 -7 ]=v35() -(2^16) ;v119[4]=v34();break;end end end if (v32(v118,1,1)==1) then v119[861 -(814 + 45) ]=v65[v119[2]];end if (v32(v118,2,2)==1) then v119[3]=v65[v119[3]];end if (v32(v118,3,7 -4 )==1) then v119[4]=v65[v119[4]];end v60[v96]=v119;end end v59=3;end if (v59==1) then v63={v60,v61,nil,v62};v64=v35();v65={};v59=2;end end end v29=5;end if (1==v29) then function v32(v66,v67,v68)if v68 then local v81=(v66/(2^(v67-1)))%(2^(((v68-1) -(v67-(439 -(145 + 293)))) + 1)) ;return v81-(v81%(2 -1)) ;else local v82=0;local v83;while true do if (v82==0) then v83=2^(v67-1) ;return (((v66%(v83 + v83))>=v83) and (2 -1)) or 0 ;end end end end v33=nil;function v33()local v69=v9(v27,v30,v30);v30=v30 + 1 ;return v69;end v34=nil;v29=2;end if (0==v29) then v30=1;v31=nil;v27=v12(v11(v27,15 -10 ),v7("\57\106","\171\23\68\52\157\83\191"),function(v70)if (v9(v70,2)==79) then local v84=0;while true do if (v84==0) then v31=v8(v11(v70,1 + 0 ,1));return "";end end else local v85=v10(v8(v70,27 -11 ));if v31 then local v98=0;local v99;while true do if (v98==1) then return v99;end if (v98==0) then v99=v13(v85,v31);v31=nil;v98=1;end end else return v85;end end end);v32=nil;v29=1;end if (v29==5) then v41=nil;function v41(v71,v72,v73)local v74=0;local v75;local v76;local v77;while true do if (v74==0) then v75=v71[1];v76=v71[2];v74=1;end if (v74==1) then v77=v71[3];return function(...)local v100=v75;local v101=v76;local v102=v77;local v103=v39;local v104=1;local v105= -1;local v106={};local v107={...};local v108=v20("#",...) -1 ;local v109={};local v110={};for v114=0,v108 do if (v114>=v102) then v106[v114-v102 ]=v107[v114 + 1 + 0 ];else v110[v114]=v107[v114 + 1 + 0 ];end end local v111=(v108-v102) + 1 ;local v112;local v113;while true do v112=v100[v104];v113=v112[1];if (v113<=(6 + 28)) then if (v113<=16) then if (v113<=7) then if (v113<=(888 -(261 + 624))) then if (v113<=1) then if (v113==0) then local v140=0;local v141;local v142;local v143;local v144;while true do if (v140==2) then for v320=v141,v105 do v144=v144 + (878 -(282 + 595)) ;v110[v320]=v142[v144];end break;end if (v140==1) then v105=(v143 + v141) -1 ;v144=0;v140=2;end if (v140==0) then v141=v112[2];v142,v143=v103(v110[v141](v21(v110,v141 + (1 -0) ,v112[3])));v140=1;end end else local v145=v112[1639 -(1523 + 114) ];v110[v145]=v110[v145](v21(v110,v145 + 1 ,v112[3]));end elseif (v113>2) then if (v110[v112[2]]==v112[4]) then v104=v104 + 1 ;else v104=v112[3];end else local v147=0;local v148;local v149;while true do if (v147==1) then v110[v148 + (1424 -(630 + 793)) ]=v149;v110[v148]=v149[v112[4]];break;end if (v147==0) then v148=v112[2];v149=v110[v112[3]];v147=1;end end end elseif (v113<=5) then if (v113==4) then v110[v112[2]]=v112[3] + v110[v112[4 + 0 ]] ;else v110[v112[2]]= #v110[v112[3 -0 ]];end elseif (v113==6) then v110[v112[2]]=v110[v112[3]]%v110[v112[4]] ;elseif ((v112[3]==v7("\78\208\131\19","\148\17\149\205\69\77\136\159")) or (v112[3]==v7("\192\254\67\116\215\249\229","\199\167\155\55\18\178\151\147"))) then v110[v112[2]]=v73;else v110[v112[2]]=v73[v112[3]];end elseif (v113<=(1076 -(68 + 997))) then if (v113<=9) then if (v113==8) then v110[v112[2]]=v110[v112[3]] + v112[4] ;else do return v110[v112[6 -4 ]]();end end elseif (v113==10) then v110[v112[2]]=v72[v112[3]];else local v156=0;local v157;local v158;while true do if (0==v156) then v157=v112[2];v158=v110[v157];v156=1;end if (v156==1) then for v323=v157 + 1 ,v105 do v15(v158,v110[v323]);end break;end end end elseif (v113<=13) then if (v113==12) then local v159=v112[2];do return v21(v110,v159,v105);end else local v160=v112[2];do return v21(v110,v160,v105);end end elseif (v113<=14) then local v161=0;local v162;while true do if (v161==0) then v162=v112[2];v110[v162](v21(v110,v162 + 1 ,v105));break;end end elseif (v113==15) then v110[v112[2]]=v110[v112[3]]%v110[v112[4]] ;else v110[v112[9 -7 ]][v112[3]]=v112[4];end elseif (v113<=25) then if (v113<=(1290 -(226 + 1044))) then if (v113<=18) then if (v113==17) then do return;end else v104=v112[12 -9 ];end elseif (v113==19) then local v164=v112[2];local v165,v166=v103(v110[v164](v21(v110,v164 + 1 ,v112[3])));v105=(v166 + v164) -1 ;local v167=0;for v242=v164,v105 do v167=v167 + 1 ;v110[v242]=v165[v167];end else local v168=v112[2];v110[v168](v21(v110,v168 + (118 -(32 + 85)) ,v105));end elseif (v113<=22) then if (v113>21) then if v110[v112[2]] then v104=v104 + 1 ;else v104=v112[3];end else v110[v112[2]]=v110[v112[3 + 0 ]]%v112[4] ;end elseif (v113<=23) then local v170=0;local v171;local v172;local v173;while true do if (v170==0) then v171=v112[2];v172=v110[v171];v170=1;end if (v170==1) then v173=v110[v171 + 2 ];if (v173>(0 + 0)) then if (v172>v110[v171 + (958 -(892 + 65)) ]) then v104=v112[3];else v110[v171 + 3 ]=v172;end elseif (v172<v110[v171 + 1 ]) then v104=v112[3];else v110[v171 + 2 + 1 ]=v172;end break;end end elseif (v113==(56 -32)) then local v274=0;local v275;while true do if (0==v274) then v275=v112[2];do return v110[v275](v21(v110,v275 + 1 ,v112[3]));end break;end end else v110[v112[2]]=v110[v112[3]]%v112[4] ;end elseif (v113<=29) then if (v113<=(49 -22)) then if (v113>26) then for v245=v112[2],v112[9 -6 ] do v110[v245]=nil;end else for v247=v112[2],v112[3] do v110[v247]=nil;end end elseif (v113==28) then v110[v112[2]][v112[3]]=v110[v112[4]];else local v176=v112[2];local v177,v178=v103(v110[v176](v110[v176 + 1 ]));v105=(v178 + v176) -1 ;local v179=0;for v249=v176,v105 do local v250=0;while true do if (v250==0) then v179=v179 + 1 ;v110[v249]=v177[v179];break;end end end end elseif (v113<=31) then if (v113>30) then do return v110[v112[2]]();end else v110[v112[1749 -(760 + 987) ]]=v110[v112[3]] + v112[4] ;end elseif (v113<=(1945 -(1789 + 124))) then do return;end elseif (v113==33) then if (v110[v112[2]]==v112[4]) then v104=v104 + 1 ;else v104=v112[769 -(745 + 21) ];end else v110[v112[2]]=v72[v112[3]];end elseif (v113<=(93 -42)) then if (v113<=(392 -(87 + 263))) then if (v113<=38) then if (v113<=36) then if (v113==35) then local v181=v112[182 -(67 + 113) ];v110[v181](v110[v181 + 1 ]);else local v182=0;local v183;while true do if (v182==0) then v183=v112[2];v110[v183](v110[v183 + 1 ]);break;end end end elseif (v113>37) then v110[v112[2]]=v110[v112[3]][v112[4]];else v110[v112[2]][v112[3]]=v112[4];end elseif (v113<=(110 -70)) then if (v113==39) then if not v110[v112[2]] then v104=v104 + 1 ;else v104=v112[3];end else local v188=v112[2];local v189=v110[v188];local v190=v110[v188 + 2 ];if (v190>0) then if (v189>v110[v188 + 1 ]) then v104=v112[3];else v110[v188 + 3 ]=v189;end elseif (v189<v110[v188 + (3 -2) ]) then v104=v112[3];else v110[v188 + 3 + 0 ]=v189;end end elseif (v113==(100 -59)) then local v191=0;local v192;local v193;local v194;local v195;while true do if (v191==0) then v192=v112[2 + 0 ];v193,v194=v103(v110[v192](v110[v192 + 1 + 0 ]));v191=1;end if (1==v191) then v105=(v194 + v192) -1 ;v195=0;v191=2;end if (v191==2) then for v331=v192,v105 do v195=v195 + 1 ;v110[v331]=v193[v195];end break;end end else local v196=0;local v197;while true do if (v196==0) then v197=v112[2];v110[v197]=v110[v197](v21(v110,v197 + (3 -2) ,v105));break;end end end elseif (v113<=46) then if (v113<=44) then if (v113==43) then local v198=v112[2];local v199,v200=v103(v110[v198](v21(v110,v198 + 1 ,v105)));v105=(v200 + v198) -(1 + 0) ;local v201=0;for v251=v198,v105 do v201=v201 + 1 ;v110[v251]=v199[v201];end else local v202=v101[v112[3]];local v203;local v204={};v203=v18({},{[v7("\69\179\244\66\192\127\148","\164\26\236\157\44")]=function(v254,v255)local v256=v204[v255];return v256[1056 -(87 + 968) ][v256[2]];end,[v7("\115\112\85\47\5\69\65\95\47\10","\114\44\47\59\74")]=function(v257,v258,v259)local v260=0;local v261;while true do if (v260==0) then v261=v204[v258];v261[1][v261[2]]=v259;break;end end end});for v262=1,v112[4] do local v263=0;local v264;while true do if (v263==0) then v104=v104 + 1 ;v264=v100[v104];v263=1;end if (1==v263) then if (v264[1]==(242 -187)) then v204[v262-(953 -(802 + 150)) ]={v110,v264[5 -2 ]};else v204[v262-1 ]={v72,v264[3]};end v109[ #v109 + 1 ]=v204;break;end end end v110[v112[4 -2 ]]=v41(v202,v203,v73);end elseif (v113==(1458 -(447 + 966))) then v110[v112[2]]=v110[v112[3]][v112[10 -6 ]];else v110[v112[2]]=v110[v112[3]];end elseif (v113<=48) then if (v113>47) then v110[v112[2]][v112[3]]=v110[v112[1821 -(1703 + 114) ]];else v110[v112[2]]=v112[3]~=0 ;end elseif (v113<=(750 -(376 + 325))) then local v213=0;local v214;local v215;local v216;local v217;while true do if (v213==2) then for v338=v214,v105 do local v339=0;while true do if (v339==0) then v217=v217 + 1 ;v110[v338]=v215[v217];break;end end end break;end if (1==v213) then v105=(v216 + v214) -1 ;v217=0;v213=2;end if (0==v213) then v214=v112[2];v215,v216=v103(v110[v214](v21(v110,v214 + 1 ,v105)));v213=1;end end elseif (v113>(37 + 13)) then v110[v112[2]]={};else v110[v112[2]]= #v110[v112[3]];end elseif (v113<=60) then if (v113<=55) then if (v113<=(86 -33)) then if (v113>52) then v110[v112[2]]={};else local v219=v112[2];local v220=v110[v219 + 2 ];local v221=v110[v219] + v220 ;v110[v219]=v221;if (v220>0) then if (v221<=v110[v219 + 1 ]) then v104=v112[3];v110[v219 + 3 ]=v221;end elseif (v221>=v110[v219 + (998 -(915 + 82)) ]) then local v342=0;while true do if (0==v342) then v104=v112[3];v110[v219 + 3 ]=v221;break;end end end end elseif (v113>54) then v110[v112[2]]=v110[v112[3]];else local v225=v112[2];v110[v225]=v110[v225](v21(v110,v225 + 1 ,v105));end elseif (v113<=57) then if (v113==56) then if ((v112[3]==v7("\59\150\11\231","\181\100\211\69\177")) or (v112[3]==v7("\14\206\163\92\12\197\161","\58\105\171\215"))) then v110[v112[2]]=v73;else v110[v112[5 -3 ]]=v73[v112[3]];end else local v227=v112[2 + 0 ];local v228=v110[v227];for v265=v227 + 1 ,v105 do v15(v228,v110[v265]);end end elseif (v113<=(178 -120)) then v110[v112[2]]=v112[3] + v110[v112[4]] ;elseif (v113>59) then v104=v112[3 -0 ];else local v286=0;local v287;local v288;local v289;while true do if (v286==0) then v287=v101[v112[3]];v288=nil;v286=1;end if (v286==2) then for v349=1,v112[4] do local v350=0;local v351;while true do if (v350==0) then v104=v104 + 1 ;v351=v100[v104];v350=1;end if (v350==1) then if (v351[1188 -(1069 + 118) ]==(120 -65)) then v289[v349-(2 -1) ]={v110,v351[3]};else v289[v349-(15 -(9 + 5)) ]={v72,v351[3]};end v109[ #v109 + (1 -0) ]=v289;break;end end end v110[v112[2]]=v41(v287,v288,v73);break;end if (v286==1) then v289={};v288=v18({},{[v7("\202\214\136\76\229\124\237","\25\149\137\225\34\129")]=function(v352,v353)local v354=0;local v355;while true do if (0==v354) then v355=v289[v353];return v355[1][v355[1 + 1 ]];end end end,[v7("\197\208\62\249\195\128\60\254\234\40","\82\154\143\80\156\180\233")]=function(v356,v357,v358)local v359=v289[v357];v359[1][v359[2]]=v358;end});v286=2;end end end elseif (v113<=64) then if (v113<=(11 + 51)) then if (v113>(108 -47)) then v110[v112[2]]=v112[379 -(85 + 291) ]~=0 ;else local v231=0;local v232;local v233;while true do if (v231==0) then v232=v112[1267 -(243 + 1022) ];v233=v110[v112[3]];v231=1;end if (v231==1) then v110[v232 + 1 + 0 ]=v233;v110[v232]=v233[v112[14 -10 ]];break;end end end elseif (v113==63) then local v234=0;local v235;while true do if (v234==0) then v235=v112[793 -(368 + 423) ];v110[v235]=v110[v235](v21(v110,v235 + 1 + 0 ,v112[3]));break;end end elseif not v110[v112[2]] then v104=v104 + (3 -2) ;else v104=v112[21 -(10 + 8) ];end elseif (v113<=66) then if (v113>65) then local v236=0;local v237;while true do if (0==v236) then v237=v112[2];do return v110[v237](v21(v110,v237 + 1 + 0 ,v112[3]));end break;end end else v110[v112[2]]=v112[257 -(163 + 91) ];end elseif (v113<=67) then v110[v112[1932 -(1869 + 61) ]]=v112[3];elseif (v113==68) then if v110[v112[2]] then v104=v104 + (3 -2) ;else v104=v112[3];end else local v291=v112[2];local v292=v110[v291 + (444 -(416 + 26)) ];local v293=v110[v291] + v292 ;v110[v291]=v293;if (v292>0) then if (v293<=v110[v291 + 1 ]) then local v361=0;while true do if (v361==0) then v104=v112[3];v110[v291 + 3 ]=v293;break;end end end elseif (v293>=v110[v291 + 1 ]) then v104=v112[1 + 2 ];v110[v291 + 3 ]=v293;end end v104=v104 + 1 ;end end;end end end return v41(v40(),{},v28)(...);end end end v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v17(),...);