- Summary
- Heroku Link
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Screenshots
- Installation
Delish is a homemade meal web app for home cooks to create meals and customers to search and order meals - collaborated project, a team of 5.
- Live: https://delish.herokuapp.com/
- Youtube: https://youtu.be/sMqee24ct54
- Ruby on Rails
- Bootstrap
- PostgreSQL
- Sign in and sign up as either a cook or a customer
- View and search for meals based on the title, ingredients, and cook's name
- Leave reviews on the meals show page
- Top 10 cooks on the index page
- Place orders on meals
- Cooks to receive notifications when customers leave new reviews
- Customers to receive notifications when reviews have been accepted by cooks
- git clone URL
- cd into project
- Run rails db:create
- Run rails db:migrate
- Run rails db:seed
- Run rails s
- On the browser run localhost:3000