The sass is built to be configurable per project, we do this by having a default properties map which we refer to as the "theme", it's located here: sass\variables\_theme.scss
$default-theme-properties: (
// Colors
primaryColor: #999999,
secondaryColor: #000000,
tertiaryColor: #cccccc,
backgroundColorLight: #ffffff,
backgroundColorDark: #333333,
textColorLight: #ffffff,
textColorDark: #333333,
// Fonts
fontHeader: "Montserrat",
fontText: "Roboto",
fontIcon: "Font Awesome 5 Free",
// Layout
layoutSpace: 20px,
layoutContainerWdth: 1366px,
// Breakpoints
breakpointDesktop: (
desktop: 1366px
breakpointResponsive: (
desktopsmall: 1366px,
tablet: 1024px,
phone : 600px
Furthermore, there are individual components that have their own property maps.
The theme and component properties can be completely overridden or added to in your project.
To override a theme or component property, define the override before you include the fw-bundle.scss in your project.
@import 'your-override-maps';
@import 'framewerk/sass/fw-bundle';
The following example updates the primary color of the site and defines a new breakpoint to be included:
primaryColor: #362636,
breakpointResponsive: (
tabletLarge: 2024px
Components are also configurable, see a list of components
To retrieve a theme property in your sass getThemeProperty(PROPERTY);
an example:
color: getThemeProperty(textColor);
To retrieve a component property in your sass getThemeProperty(PROPERTY, MAP);
an example:
getThemeProperty(textHoverColor, $component-button-properties);