cmd + ctrl + left " focus left display
cmd + ctrl + right " focus right display
cmd + ctrl + h " focus left display
cmd + ctrl + l " focus right display
cmd + ctrl + shift + left " move window to left display
cmd + ctrl + shift + right " move window to right display
cmd + ctrl + shift + h " move window to left display
cmd + ctrl + shift + l " move window to right display
alt + , " toggle tiles vertical/horizontal
alt + / " toggle tailing vertical/horizontal
cmd + ctrl + # " go to workspace at index #
cmd + alt + shift + # " move window to workspace at index #
cmd + ctrl + tab " go to last focused workspace
cmd + ctrl + alt + n " move windowgo to next workspace
cmd + ctrl + alt + p " move window to previous workspace
cmd + alt + j " focus below window
cmd + alt + k " focus upper window
cmd + alt + h " focus left window
cmd + alt + l " focus right window
cmd + shift + alt + h " swap left window
cmd + shift + alt + j " swap below window
cmd + shift + alt + k " swap below window
cmd + shift + alt + l " swap right window
cmd + ctrl + shift + alt + h " move and split window to left
cmd + ctrl + shift + alt + j " move and split window to below
cmd + ctrl + shift + alt + k " move and split window to upper
cmd + ctrl + shift + alt + l " move and split window to right
cmd + alt + enter " maximize window
alt + tab " go to last focused window
Leader key is C-a
C-S-l " cycle window layout
<Leader>c " create new tab
<Leader>| " create new window aside
<Leader>- " create new window aside
<Leader>C " create new window
<Leader>shift+. " move window to right
<Leader>shift+, " move window to left
<Leader>x " close window
<Leader>d " close tab
<Leader>, " rename tab
<Leader># " go to tab #
<Leader>S-j " resize window
<Leader>S-k " resize window
<Leader>S-h " resize window
<Leader>S-l " resize window
C-S-Delete " clear terminal
Cmd-A-r " clear terminal
C-S-a>m " increase background opacity
C-S-a>l " decrease background opacity
C-S-a>d " reset background opacity
C-S-a>1 " full background opacity
Leader key is C-b
Reload config: <Leader>C-r
Help: <Leader>?
<Leader>C-c " create new session
<Leader>$ " rename session
<Leader>C-f " find session
<Leader>s " choose session
<Leader>d " detach from session
<Leader>) " next session
<Leader>( " previous session
<Leader>L " go to last active session
<Leader>C-c " create new window
<Leader>, " rename window
<Leader>w " choose window
<Leader>n " next window
<Leader>p " previous window
<Leader># " jump to #-th window
<Leader>l " go to last active window
<Leader>X " kill window
<Leader>| " split pane vertically
<Leader>- " split pane horizontally
<Leader>; " go to last active pane
<Leader>o " go to next pane
<Leader>{ " move current pane to left
<Leader>} " move current pane to right
<Leader> C-<Arrow> " resize pane
<Leader>< + Arrow> " resize pane
<Leader>q " shot pane numbers
<Leader>q <number> " select pane by number
<Leader><Space> " toggle between pane layouts
<Leader>+ " zoom pane
<Leader>! " convert pane to a new window
<Leader>x " close current pane
<Leader>[ " Use VI keys in buffer
Leader key is <Space>
<Leader>S; " Show startify
<Leader>Sf " find session
<Leader>e " toggle explorer
Item action
a " addFile
r " rename
c " copyFile
x " cutFile
p " pasteFile
d " delete
y " copyFilepath
Y " copyFilename
R " refresh
h " collapse folder
gh " collapse recursive
l " expand folder
gl " expand recursive
o " toggle collapsed/expanded
<CR> " expand folder or open file
e " open the selected file
s " open the selected file in a vertical split window
v " open the selected file in a horizontal split window
e " open the selected file in a new tab
. " toggleHidden
X " open item using system defaults
gf " gotoSource:file
gb " gotoSource:buffer
[d " diagnosticPrev
]d " diagnosticNext
[l " previous location in list
]l " next location in list
[c " gitPrev
]c " gitNext
<< " gitStage
>> " gitUnstage
Windows manipulation:
<C-w>s " split current window horizontally (alternative :split)
<Leader>ws " split current window horizontally (alternative :split)
<C-w>v " split current window vertically (alternative :vsplit)
<Leader>wv " split current window vertically (alternative :vsplit)
<Leader>wd " close current buffer
<Leader>wc " close current window
<C-w>c " close current window
<C-w>q " close current window
<C-w>#< " Shrink/resize current window from the right by # (default 1)
<C-w>#> " Increase/resize current window to the right by # (default 1)
<C-w>x " flip windows
<Leader>wfh " flip split window from vertical to horizontal
<Leader>wfv " flip split window from horizontal to vertical
<C-w>H " move panel to left
<C-w>L " move panel to right
<C-w>J " move panel to down
<C-w>K " move panel to up
Navigation between windows:
<C-w>w " Jump to the next window
<C-w><ARROW> " Jump to window left/right/top/bottom (arrow keys) to the current
<C-\> " go previous window
<C-h> " jump to left window
<C-j> " jump to down window
<C-k> " jump to up window
<C-l> " jump to right window
:q<index> " close window with index
Navigation between buffers and tabs:
gt " go to next tab
gT " go to previous tab
#gt " go to tab at index #
gb or ]b " go to next buffer
gB or [b " go to previous buffer
C-^ " go to last buffer
<Leader>bp " go to next buffer
<Leader>bn " go to previous buffer
<Leader>bf " go to first buffer
<Leader>bl " go to last buffer
<Leader>bd " delete current buffer
<Leader>bk " wipeout current buffer (delete with marks and so on)
There are two tools to use with the following prefix:
- Telescope:
- FZF:
<Leader>f_ " open Telescope
<Leader>f; " find command
<Leader>f/ " find command history
<Leader>f? " find help tags
C-p " fuzzy finder with Telescope
C-b " fuzzy finder for buffers
<Leader>fw " find open windows
<Leader>fe " file explorer finder
<Leader>ff " find file
<Leader>fb " find buffer
<Leader>fL " fuzzy finder buffer content
<Leader>fr " find ripgrep
<Leader>fgf " find file in git
<Leader>fgs " find file in git chages
<Leader>fgc " find git commit
<Leader>fgC " find git commit in current buffer
<Leader>fm " find mark
<Leader>ft " find tag
<Leader>fT " find tag in current buffer
<Leader>fX " find tmux sessions
<Leader>fS " find sessions
<Leader>fP " find projects
In result use:
C-t " open new tab
C-x " open in a horizontal split window
C-v " open in a vertical split window
Buffer content:
* " find current word and jump next occurrence
# " jump previous occurrence
<Leader><Esc> " clear searching results
[i " show first occurrence of current word
[I " show all occurrences of current word
<Leader>sf " select tresitter node
zm " fold most inner open scope
zM " fold all scopes
zr " unfold most inner open scope
zR " unfold all scopes
<Leader>mM " show quick menu
<Leader>mt " toggle file
<Leader>ma " add file
<Leader>md " remove file
<Leader>mC " clear all files
<Leader>m# " go to file #
g; " go to last edition position
g. " go to next edition position
`^ " last position of cursor in insert mode
`. " last change in current buffer
`< " to beginning of last visual selection
`> " to end of last visual selection
`[ " go to the beginning of last changed or yanked txt
`] " go to the end of last changed or yanked txt
% " jump to matching () or {} or []
{ " go to previous paragraph
} " go to next paragraph
[/ " go to start of first comment block /* */
]/ " go to end of first comment block /* */
[m " go to start of previous body
]m " go to start of next body
[M " go to end of previous body
]M " go to end of next body
H " mapped to ^
L " mapped to $
[% " go to previous enclosing [ or ( or {
]% " go to next enclosing ] or ) or }
[{ " go to enclosing {
]} " go to enclosing }
[( " go to enclosing (
]) " go to enclosing )
<C-h> " Left
<C-j> " Down
<C-k> " Up
<C-l> " Right
<C-a> " Start of the line
<C-e> " End of the line
<Leader>gf " fetch
<Leader>gp " pull
<Leader>gr " rebase
<Leader>gm " modified files
<Leader>gs " diff status
<Leader>gS " status
<Leader>gc " commit
<Leader>gP " push
<Leader>gl " log
<Leader>gb " blame inline
<Leader>gB " blame view
<Leader>gdf " diff current file
<Leader>gdc " close diff view
<Leader>gv " diff vertical split
<Leader>gh " diff horizontal split
<M-n> " start multicursor and directly select all matches
<C-n> " start multicursor and add a virtual cursor + selection on the match
After <C-n>
<C-n> " add a new virtual cursor + selection on the next match
<C-x> " skip the next match
<C-p> " remove current virtual cursor + selection and go back on previous match
[c " go to previous git change
]c " go to next git change
[g " navigate to previous diagnostic (coc-vim)
]g " navigate to next diagnostic (coc-vim)
[l " navigate to previous diagnostic (syntastic)
]l " navigate to next diagnostic (syntastic)
[e " Move current line above
]e " move current line bellow
<M-Up> " move current line above
<M-Down> " move current line bellow
[<Space> " add blankline before current line
]<Space> " add blankline after current line
>p " paste after linewise, increasing indent
>P " paste before linewise, increasing indent
<p " paste after linewise, decreasing indent
<P " paste before linewise, decreasing indent
=p " paste after linewise, reindenting
=P " paste linewise, reindenting
[f " go to the file preceding the current one
]f " go to the file succeeding the current one
Using {
, (
or [
will wrap the content with a space between the {}
, ()
or []
Ysing }
, ]
, )
will wrap the content with no space.
cs"' " replace surrounding the " to '
ds" " delete surrounding "
yss) " wrap the line with ()
yss} " wrap the line with {}
ysiw] " wrap the current word (iw -> inner word) with ]
<C-Space> " refresh autocomplete (INSERT MODE)
[g " go to previous diagnostic
]g " go to next diagnostic
gd " go to definition
gD " peek definition
gi " go to implementation
gI " peek implementation
gt " go to type definition
gr " find references
glt " go to last run test
gh " hover action
<Leader>cdl " show line diagnostics
<Leader>cdp " show workspace diagnostics
<Leader>cdt " show view diagnostics
<Leader>ch " show documentation
C-\ " show documentation (Insert Mode)
<Leader>cft " find workspace symbols
<Leader>cfm " find members
<Leader>cfi " find ingoing calls
<Leader>cfo " find outgoing calls
<Leader>csf " format buffer (when Visual Mode, format the selecion)
<Leader>crn " rename var
<Leader>cqf " quick fix
<Leader>cal " action for current line
<Leader>cas " action for selected content in Visual Mode
<Leader>cam " action menu with preview
<Leader>rta " run all tests
<Leader>rtf " run file test
<Leader>rtl " run last test
<Leader>pb " run project build
<Leader>pb " run project build
<Leader>pc " run project clean
<Leader>pp " run project package
<Leader>pta " run project tests
<Leader>ptf " run project test from current file
<Leader>cro " organize imports
<Leader>crm " extract method
<Leader>crv " extract variable
<Leader>crc " extract constant
<Leader>rtc " run test class
<Leader>rtn " run nearest test method
<Leader>dt " run test class
<Leader>ds " stop debug
<Leader>dv " toggle debug view
<Leader>dt " toggle repl view
<Leader>de " eval selected expression
<Leader>dp " view selected expression in preview window
<Leader>dh " view selected expression in float window
<Leader>ds " show scopes
<Leader>df " show frames
F5 " continue/start debug
S-F5 " stop debug
F9 " toggle breakpoint
S-F9 " remove all breakpoints
F10 " step over
F11 " step into
S-F11 " step out
F12 " step out
<Leader>clc " code check
<Leader>cls " server start
<Leader>clr " server restart
<Leader>clp " server stop
<Leader>cfs " find symbols
<C-l> " cut the selected content to use inside a snippet (when used later)
<C-n> " next item
<C-p> " previous item
Format JSON
Select the JSON and execute: !jq
to replace the selected content with the output from JQ.