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Java 21

To run each example use: java --enable-preview --source 21 <>


  • 430 - String Templates (Preview)
  • 431 - Sequenced Collections
  • 439 - Generational ZGC
  • 440 - Record Patterns
  • 441 - Pattern Matching for switch
  • 442 - Foreign Function & Memory API (Third Preview)
  • 443 - Unnamed Patterns and Variables (Preview)
  • 444 - Virtual Threads
  • 445 - Unnamed Classes and Instance Main Methods (Preview)
  • 446 - Scoped Values (Preview)
  • 448 - Vector API (Sixth Incubator)
  • 449 - Deprecate the Windows 32-bit x86 Port for Removal
  • 451 - Prepare to Disallow the Dynamic Loading of Agents
  • 452 - Key Encapsulation Mechanism API
  • 453 - Structured Concurrency (Preview)


  • Virtual Threads
    • notes about Virtual Threads
    • promotion to standard
    • changed to make virtual threads always support thread-local
      • in preview releases was possible to create a virtual thread without thread-local support
    • flag jdk.traceVirtualThreadLocals to show the strack trace when a virtual threads sets a value in thread-local variable
    • continuations:
      • can be viewed as representation of the current state of the program
      • used internally by the JVM to wrap the work by virtual threads
      • there isn't a public API available, only internal
      • possible uses:
        • virtual threads
        • coroutines
        • generators
  • Scoped Values
    • promoted from incubated to preview feature
    • minor change from JDK 19
      • moved package from jdk.incubator.concurrent to java.util.concurrent
  • Structured Concurrency
    • promoted from incubated to preview feature
    • moved from pacote jdk.incubator.concurrent to java.util.concurrent
    • changes from JDK 19 and 20:
      • changed method StructuredTaskScope::fork to return a Subtask instanceof of a Future
      • the sealed interface Subtask extends Supplier<T>
      • the method Subtask::get behaves exaclty like Future::resultNow
      • calling the method Subtask::get never blocks, it throws an IllegalStateException when calling before join or when the subtask has not completed successfully
  • Record Patterns
    • promotion to standard
    • the main change is remove the support for record pattern in header of an enhanced for loop
  • Pattern Matching for switch
    • promotion to standard
    • main changes from last JEPs:
      • removed parenthesized patterns (case int i when (i > 0))
      • allow qualified enum constants as case constants (case MyEnum.ITEM)
      • exhaustiveness and compatibility:
        • compiler will only require exhaustiveness if the switch uses any pattern, null label or if selector expression isn't from a legacy type (char, byte, short, int, Character, Byte, Short, Integer, String or a enum)
    • improved switch to support pattern matching for types (like instanceof)
    • support for null case
    • support for guards where we can use a boolean expression (case String s when s.length > 10)
    • scope for pattern variable:
      • the scope of pattern variable in visible only in the guard clause and the case body (expression, block or throw)
      • fall through:
        • switch with type pattern doesn't support falling through
        • if using case label with :, we must end the block with break or yield (case String s: ...; break;, case String s: ...; yield s.length();)
  • String Templates
    • improve the string with embedded expressions and template processors
    • goals:
      • simply the creation and expression of string with computed computed
      • improve the security to work with strings provided by users with validations and transformations
      • enable the cration of non-string values computed from literal text and embedded expressions without having to use a intermediate string representation
    • string templates introduces the string interpolatins in Java and also provides a mechanism to validate/transform the string to avoid security issues
    • template expressions are a new kind of expressions that performs string interpolation and also provides a way to programmatically validate or transform the interpolation result
      • String greetings = STR."Hello \{name}"
      • template expression is composed by:
        • a template processor (STR)
        • dot character (.)
        • template ("My name is \{name}") which contains an embedded expresion (\{name})
      • the template literal can be defined with single or multi-line (using """ like text blocks)
        Hello \{name} from multi-line template expression.
      • the template expressions is evaluated at run time, the template processor combines the literal text with the values of the embedded expressions to produce a result
      • the result of the template processor is often a string, but it could be transform to any other value
    • embedded expression
      • an embedded expression can perform any Java expression (access variable, arithmetic operation, call method and fields, another template expression)
      • the embedded expressions are evaluated from left to right
      • double-quote character doesn't need to be escaped inside an embedded expression
        • STR."The file exists: \{file.exists() ? "yes" : "no"}"
      • the embedded expression can be spread over multiples lines without introducing newlines
        • the expression is interpolated in the same line from \ character
        String time = STR."The time is \{
        } right now"
    • template processors:
      • STR template processor:
        • STR is a template processor provided by Java Platform, it performs the interpolation by replacing the embedded expressions with the stringified value of the expression
        • STR is a public static final field StringTemplate.STR that is automatically imported into every Java source file
      • FMT template processor:
        • FMT is another template processor provided by Java Platform, it behaves like STR but allows value formatting like those in Formatter
        • is a static final field of type java.util.FormatProcessor and must be explicity referenced with java.util.FormatProcessor.FMT
        • it uses the default locale
          • we can create a custom template processor with another locale:
          Locale locale = Locale.forLanguageTag("pt-BR"):
          FormatProcessor FMT_BR = FormatProcessor.create(locale);
          FMT_BR."Total: R$ %1.2f{42.42}";
        • ex.:
        StringTemplate.Processor.FMT."Total price: $%5.2f\{120.50}";
      • RAW template processor:
        • is the standard template processor thar produces a unprocessed StringTemplate object
        • must be explicity referenced with StringTemplate.RAW.""
        • the STR template processor is just a lambda wrapper that calls RAW and return the StringTemplate processed
          • ex.:
          StringTemplate st = StringTemplate.RAW."My name is \{"Neo"}";
          String message = STR.process(st);
      • user-defined template processor:
        • template processor is an object of the functional interface StringTemplate.Processor that receives a StringTemplate and returns an object
        • StringTemplate has the following attributes:
          • List<String> fragments: list of the text fragments coming before and after the embedded expressions
          • List<Object> values: list of the values produced by evaluating the embedded expressions in the order they appear
        • to create a template processor we can just class that implements StringTemplate.Processor, a lambda expression or use static factory method:
          • ex:
          // both are the same
          StringTemplate.Processor<String, RuntimeException> STR_NULL_SANITIZER = (StringTemplate st) -> { /* code */ };
          // here we use `StringTemplate.Processor::of` so the `var` is inferred correctly to `StringTemplate.Processor<String, RuntimeException>`
          var STR_NULL_SANITIZER = StringTemplate.Processor.of((StringTemplate st) -> {
              var sb = new StringBuilder();
              var fragments = st.fragments().iterator();
              for (Object value : st.values()) {
                if (value == null) {
                } else {
              return sb.toString();
        • we can use normally:
          • ex:
          var message = STR_NULL_SANITIZER."Test: \{null}":
          // is equivalent to
          StringTemplate st = StringTemplate.RAW."Test: \{null}";
          var message = STR_NULL_SANITIZER.process(st);
  • Sequenced Collections
    • new interfaces to define a common way to iterate throught sequenced collections (list, sets and maps)
    • collections type hierarchy with new interfaces
    • sequenced collection:
      • a sequenced collection is a collection whose elements have a defined encounter order
      • sequenced collection has a first and last elements, and the elements between them have successors and predecessors
      • it supports common operations at the beginning and the end of the collection, also allow iterate it forward or backward
      • methods from SequencedCollection<E> interface:
        • reversed
        • addFirst
        • addLast
        • getFirst
        • getLast
        • removeFirst
        • removeLast
    • sequenced set:
      • sequenced set is a set that is sequenced collcetion that do not allow duplicate elements
      • methods from SequencedSet<E> interface:
        • reversed
    • sequenced map:
      • sequenced map is a map whose entries have a defined encounter order
      • methods from SequencedMap<K,V> interface:
        • reversed
        • sequencedKeySet
        • sequencedValues
        • sequencedEntrySet
        • putFirst
        • putLast
        • firstEntry
        • lastEntry
        • pollFirstEntry
        • pollLastEntry
    • new methods in Collections:
      • unmodifiableSequencedCollection
      • unmodifiableSequencedSet
      • unmodifiableSequencedMap
  • Unnamed Classes and Instance Main Methods
    • a.k.a. relaxed launch protocol
    • facilitate the writing of first programm for students without needing to know another features designed for large programs
    • unnamed class:
      • any method declared in a source file without an enclosed class will be considered to be member of an unnamed top-level class
      • the compiler requires an unnamed method to have a valid main method to be launched
      • we cannot use javadoc tool to generate documation from a unnamed class (doesn't have a accessible API from other class)
      • unnamed class is always final and cannot implement or extends any class other than Object
        • is equivalent to the following usage of anonymous class declaration:
        new Object() {
            void main() {}
      • as it doesn't have a name, so we can use its static methods like ClassName.staticMethodName()
      • it still will have the impliticy this reference
      • it can have:
        • instance and static methods
        • instance and static fields
        • the default modifers are the same (package access and instance membership)
      • the main difference is will only have an impliticy default zero-paramater constructor and cannot have initializers (static nor instance)
      • Class.isSynthetic method returns true
    • this JEPs introduces changes to how Java programs are launched:
      • instance main method:
        • the class must have a non-private zero-paramater constructor
        • the main method doesn't need to be static, public nor have parameter
        • example:
        class HelloWord {
            void main() {
                System.out.println("Hello World!");
      • allowing unnamed class:
      void main() {
          System.out.println("Hello World!");
    • order to select a main method (all must be non-private and it prioritize the methods in current class before the superclass):
      • static void main(String[])
      • static void main()
      • void main(String[])
      • void main()
  • Unnamed Patterns and Variables
    • goals:
      • improve the readability of record patterns by ediling unnecessary nested patterns
      • improve the maintanability of code by identifying variables that must be declared but will not be used
    • unnamed pattern is denoted by _
    • it is a shorthand for the type pattern var _
    • it will facilitate the pattern matching where we are interested in the data types or structure
    • unnamed variables:
      • it never shadows another variable, can be used many times
      • it can be used when:
        • declaring a local variable (int _ = q.remove())
        • resource specification of a try-with-resources (try (var _ = ScopedContxt.acquire()))
        • exception parameter in a catch clause (catch (NumberFormatException _))
        • header of an enhanced for loop (for (int i = 0; _ = sideEffect(); i++))
        • header of an enhanced for loop (for (Order _ : orders))
        • lambda parameter ((int x, int _) -> x + x, _ -> "lambda with single parameter")
    • unnamed patterns:
      • unnamed pattern is an unconditional pattern which binds nothing
      • we can use it in a nested position of a type pattern or a record pattern
        • p instanceof Point(_, int y)
        • case Point(int x, _)
        • p instanceof ColoredPoint(Point _, Color c)
    • unnamed pattern variables:
      • we can use it in any type pattern
        • p instanceof Point _
        • case Point _
  • Generational ZGC
    • improve application performance by extending the Z Garbage Collection (ZGC) to maintain separate generations for young and old objects
    • ZGC will be able to collect young objects more often
    • possible gains:
      • lower risk of allowcations stalls
      • lower required heap memory overhead
      • lower garbage collection CPU overhead
    • JVM flags:
      • java -XX:+UseZGC -XX:+ZGenerational


  • changes in Thread class:
    • improve Thread::sleep(millis, nanos) to actually perform sleep with sub-millisecond time
    • added method Thread::sleep(Durantion), Thread::join(Durantion) and Thread::isVirtual
  • added methos in Future that doesn't declare any checked exception (but will throw a IllegalStateException if is not completed):
    • T resultNow()
    • Throwable exceptionNow()
    • State state(): returns the current state of the task (values: RUNNING, SUCCESS, FAILED, CANCELLED)
  • added method String::indexOf(String substr, int startIndex, int endIndex) to find substring withing a index range
  • added method StringBuilder::repeat(String str, int numberOfTimes) to repeat a string # times
  • new methods to create collection with initial capacity:
    • HashMap::newHashMap(int)
    • HashSet::newHashSet(int)
    • LinkedHashMap::newLinkedHashMap(int)
    • LinkedHashSet::newLinkedHashSet(int)
  • added method InputStream::transferTo(OutputStream) to read the stream and send to the received output stream
  • Client is now AutoCloseable and new methods were added to close/shutdown the connection pool.
  • classes ExecutorService and ForkJoinPool changed to implement AutoCloseable
  • added methods to Math class:
    • int ceilDiv(int, int)
    • long ceilDiv(long, int)
    • long ceilDiv(long, long)
    • int ceilDivExact(int, int)
    • long ceilDivExact(long, long)
    • int ceilMod(int, int)
    • long ceilMod(long, int)
    • long ceilMod(long, long)
    • division that throws ArithmeticException in case of overflow:
      • int divideExact(int, int)
      • long divideExact(long, long)
      • int floorDivExact(int, int)
      • long floorDivExact(long, long)
    • methods to clamp a value in a range for each type int, long, float and double:
      • clamp(value, min, max)
  • added method BigInteger::parallelMultiply(BigInteger)


  • Object::finalize
  • constructors in Integer class: Integer(int) and Integer(String)
    • should use Integer::valueOf(int) and Integer::valueOf(String)
