The Seismic Cross Correlation workflow represents a common data-intensive analysis pattern used by many seismologists. The workflow preprocesses and cross-correlates instances (sequences of measurements of acceleration in three dimensions) from multiple seismic stations. The workflow is composed of two different tasks:
: receives a pair of signals, one from EGF and another from MShock, and computes seismogram deconvolutions to estimate earthquake source time functions (STFs). The output file is in the SAC (Seismic Analysis Code) format.siftSTFByMisfit
: receives all STFs generated from the sG1IterDecon jobs and sifts the data by misfit. Only the good fits are kept and compressed into a single.tar.gz
The figure below shows an overview of the Seismic Cross Correlation workflow structure:
Details of the Seismic Cross Correlation workflow description, computational jobs, and performance metrics can be found in the following research publication:
- Filgueira, R., Ferreira da Silva, R., Krause, A., Deelman, E., & Atkinson, M. (2016). Asterism: Pegasus and dispel4py hybrid workflows for data-intensive science. In 7th International Workshop on Data-Intensive Computing in the Clouds (pp. 1–8).
Execution instances are formatted according to the WfCommons JSON format for describing workflow executions. Execution instances from different computing platforms are organized into sub-folders.
Instance files are named using the following convention:
, where:
: The compute platform where the actual Pegasus workflow was executed (e.g.,chameleon
: The number of pair of signals to estimate earthquake STFs.<RUN_ID>
: The workflow execution identification.
The Seismic Cross Correlation workflow structure depends exclusively on the
number of pairs (<NUM_PAIRS>
), in which each pair will be processed by a
job. The workflow has a single siftSTFByMisfit
the number of pairs) that merges and processess all STFs generated by the
first job.