A project for integrating Highmaps into a React app, with proper React components for each Highmaps component. Inspired by Recharts, but for Highmaps, obviously.
npm install --save react-jsx-highmaps
You'll need the peer dependencies too
npm install --save react react-dom highcharts@^11.0.0
React JSX Highmaps is free to use, however Highcharts itself requires a license for commercial use. Highcharts license FAQs.
The intention of this library is to provide a very thin abstraction of Highmaps using React components. This has been achieved by passing configuration options as component props.
In the vast majority of cases, the name of the configuration option, and the name of the component prop are the same.
<Tooltip />
<Tooltip padding={10} hideDelay={250} shape="square" split />
This corresponds to the Highcharts' tooltip
configuration of
tooltip: {
enabled: true, // This is assumed when component is mounted
padding: 10,
hideDelay: 250,
shape: 'square',
split: true
We aim to pass all configuration options using the same name, so we use Highcharts' documentation to figure out how to achieve the same with React JSX Highcharts.
There are two exceptions to the above;
Where Highcharts events are concerned - instead of passing events
as an object, we use the React convention onEventName.
This would correspond to the Highcharts configuration
series: [
type: 'mapbubble',
id: 'my-series',
data: myData,
events: { hide: this.handleHide, show: this.handleShow }
configuration options are passed as a React child
<Title>Some Text Here</Title>
This would correspond to the Highcharts configuration
title: {
text: 'Some Text Here';
// import Highmaps from 'highcharts/highmaps' - Import Highmaps from Highcharts
// import { Fetch } from 'react-request'
const MyMapChart = (props) => (
<HighmapsProvider Highcharts={Highmaps}>
<Fetch url="https://code.highcharts.com/mapdata/custom/europe.geo.json">
{({ fetching, failed, data }) => {
if (fetching) return <div>Loading…</div>
if (failed) return <div>Failed to load map.</div>
if (data) {
return (
<HighchartsMapChart map={data}>
<Title>Nordic countries</Title>
['is', 1],
['no', 1],
['se', 1],
['dk', 1],
['fi', 1]
enabled: true,
color: '#FFFFFF',
format: '{point.name}'
return null