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Harmony Prysm Lighthouse Artemis Trinity Lodestar Nimbus Shasper
0. Link to raw answers Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link
1. General
1.1 What is the latest version of the specification which your client currently supports? v0.8.2 v0.8.1 v0.8.2 v0.8.1 v0.8.2 v0.8.1 v0.8.2 v0.8.1
1.2 Is v0.8.2+ targeted as interop version? If not, which version do you suggest? Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
1.3 Are any features or components particularly difficult to update, and on what versions are these currently? test suite update test suite update merklization. SSZ 8.1 update No No No No
1.4 In terms of interop, do you have any suggestions? time/place to work on code - network conformance multi-client integration test network
SEE DOC for full answer
Start small A best-effort for Lodestar, see if latest speed improvements make interop possible Start with libp2p and work our way up the stack all the way to application layer / consensus N/A
1.5 What has been your primary bottleneck in development? network stack and attestation pool runtime bugs, libp2p breaking or poor design Spec updates -- re-doing work or coding defensively in expectation of a spec update. SSZ and (more recently) test format changes Optimizing python, and taking on libp2p in python resource allocation Dependencies whose code needs writing Networking
1.6 What do you anticipate to be the primary bottleneck in the future? sync process and consensus runtime bugs, and following design changes Perhaps spec updates during future phases, or friction trying to collaborate with other teams. Keeping 9 clients interoperable. Performant state transition function. Attestations workload resource allocation Testing / polish while community is pushing for release Haven't been doing much
2. Networking Essentials
2.1 Does your client currently implement libp2p? If not, what subset is working? No, but we are going to integrate JVM libp2p. Currently using TCP wire protocol. Yes Yes Yes, Mothra is handling our libp2p side. Yes Yes Yes, libp2p Go deamon Yes
2.2 Do you make use of a libp2p daemon approach? No No No No, we have native bindings to rust libp2p. No gRPC required No No Yes No
2.3 How does your client become aware of its peers? Static node list, DHT/discv5, etc. Static node list Kademlia now, wrapping up discv5 Discv5 - Although we can support libp2p kademlia if needed. We use discv5 and static nodes (via mothra) Static node list Static node list Static node list mDNS discovery and Kademlia
2.4 By which process does your client establish a handshake with its peers? unencrypted TCP libp2p spec discv5 session handshake, libp2p secio* Network spec Networking spec req/resp hello messages static nodes, networking spec status message starts sync
2.5 Which wire-level encryption methods does your client implement or support? Secio? TLS? Other? If your client supports multiple encryption methods, please indicate which ones. none now. secio and noise in future. SecIO supported, could add TLS Secio (although we could upgrade to noise relatively easily). Secio currently Secio Secio Everything supported by the Go daemon tcp-ws-secio-mplex-yamux
2.6 Does your client conform to the specified wire protocol? If not, please provide a link to the appropriate code snippet or repo which defines these message types. Yes, except for libp2p Yes Yes Yes, GOSSIP as defined in the network spec. Working on RPC Yes WIP, old wire protocol with 1 stream/peer works Yes simple status sync
2.7 Can you run a stable testnet with multiple nodes of your single client? Yes Yes* Yes Yes* Yes Yes
3. Syncing
3.1 Do you use the /eth2/beacon_chain/req/beacon_blocks/1/ proposed in the Network Spec for syncing? Not yet, using custom protocol. Yes Yes Not yet Yes Not yet WIP No
3.2 Do you support a full sync from genesis after the network is running for a longer period of time? Yes Yes Yes Not yet Not yet No Yes Yes
3.3 Can you bootstrap syncing with a copy of sync data? No, but will before event No No No No No Yes No
3.4 Do you make use of batch-requests for blocks? If so, what does your batched block request look like? Yes, 128 chunks. Yes Yes, it's based on the BeaconBlocks req. We batch lookup with fixed count parameters. Not yet Not yet No Not yet, we plan to use batch requests for both No
3.5 Do you have any particular sync strategy? (Full sequential, skip-ahead, or some hybrid approach?) Randomly requesting peers* Full sequential sync from genesis with multiple peers Primarily full sequential if needed, with optimizations No No No full sequential sync* simple full sequential
3.6 Do you implement any pruning mechanism? (not necessary for initial interop) No For attestations Not in master, but we are prototyping in a PR (its a part of the hot/cold DB we're working on). No No No Not yet No
4. State Storage
(Out of interest, no hard requirements)
4.1 Do you minimize storage? Are you supporting any of the following approaches? No WIP, should be ready in 1-2 weeks. No minimization. Currently store all blocks and states for all slots No No No
Immutable state data structure No No No No Yes No No No
Segmented/chunkfied state No No No No No No No No
Full copies Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Other No Yes No No No No No No
4.2 What is your storage approach like?
Store on X interval No No No No No No No No
Store every slot No No No Yes Yes No No No
Store every block No Yes Yes, but to be replaced Yes No Yes No Yes
Other write-buffer that is flushed when its reaches pre-defined threshold (64Mb for now) No WIP, hot/cold database where hot is space-inefficient but fast & cold uses a highly optimized layout which assumes no forking (relies upon finality). No WIP, Epoch boundaries No Yes, Epoch boundaries No
5. Attestation Aggregation
5.1 Do you follow the current basic interop aggregate strategy? (parse anything, but publish just minimal what you have to aggregate later). No Yes Yes Yes* Yes No Yes* No
5.2 Do you support alternative (more advanced) aggregation strategies? No No We can support strategies but none are built/employed. No No No No No
6. Fork Choice
6.1 Do you test fork choice? In what kind of context(s) do you test it? No Yes No Yes No No No
6.2 What is your implementation type like:
Unoptimized spec Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Cached spec-like No WIP Yes No No No No No
Reduced form (shortcut 1-child nodes) No Yes Yes No No No No No
Stateful structure No No No No No Yes No No
Other No No No No No No No No
7. Spec-Tests / Transition Consensus
7.1 Do you pass the following spec tests? If not, in which configuration and what tests?:
Block operations Yes Yes Yes Not yet Yes Yes WIP Yes
Epoch processing Yes Yes Yes Not yet Yes Yes WIP Yes
Sanity tests Yes Yes Yes Not yet Yes Yes WIP Yes
BLS integration Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SSZ_static Yes Yes Yes Yes Not yet Yes Yes Yes
Shuffling Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
7.2 What spec version are you currently targetting for tests? v0.8.2 v0.8.1 v0.8.2 v0.8.2 v0.8.3 v0.8.1 v0.8.3 v0.8.1
8. Block Propagation (Strategy)
8.1 Do you follow the network spec: verify the proposer signature before relaying a block? No Yes No, Currently no gossipsub validation - it's on the TODO list No Yes WIP No No, import block first
8.2 And if so, do you transition state completely, or just enough to know the proposer index? N/A Just enough to know proposer and verify signature Full state transition Just enough to know proposer and verify signature Just enough to know proposer and verify signature Transition state completely Our block propagation is immediate and fully naive Transition state completely
8.3 Do you use any different approaches, like: N/A
8.3.1 Do you at any time randomly (or always) relay blocks without verification of the signature? always rely on unverified blocks No Relay all blocks currently - planned to change We receive the block and propogate before checking it. No Yes Yes N/A
8.3.2 Which blocks do you process first (i.e. what gets priority)? No priority No We request needed blocks during syncing and they are processed sequentially. We process each block from gossip prioritised by time of arrival FIFO No priority FIFO FIFO N/A
8.3.3 Do you detect spam? (i.e. drop peers with high amounts of invalid blocks) No No We detect this, but do not drop peers No Not yet Save block root of invalid blocks and skip them if they are received repeatedly. No N/A
8.3.4 Is there any security check for double voting on the same block height before propagation? No No No No No No No N/A
9. Attestation Propagation (strategy)
9.1 Do you follow the network spec: verify a voted-for block fully before relaying an attestation? (option 1), or do you take another approach, such as relaying first, or with certain peers only? queued until block is known Like spec blindly relay blindly relay Verify attestation, but not if block root is known blindly relay blindly relay No
10. Block Proposals
10.1 Do you fill grafitti with any debug data? - What do you think of thus grafitti debug format proposal, described here? No, lgtm No, lgtm Yes, but only tag the client version. No, lgtm No, lgtm No, lgtm No, lgtm No, lgtm
10.2 Do you implement the latest Validator API? Yes Yes, but JSON only with b64 WIP No, we have our own gRPC communication with our Validators Not yet Yes No Yes
10.3 What is your clock syncing approach? local machine time NTP roughtime servers/sytem time NTP system clock system clock system clock system clock system clock
11. Monitoring
11.1 Do you implement the proposed Metrics No Yes Yes* Yes No Yes No No
11.2 Do you provide a API endpoint for:
- Sync status
- Current chain head (from node perspective)
- A series of blocks
No Yes Yes No No Yes No* No
11.3 What do you use for logging? (e.g. custom JSON, library XYZ) log4j2 library Logrus, JSON JSON Log4J, JSON/CSV Python native custom text, winston logger JSON No
11.4 Provide links to any misc. API implemented by the beacon node. N/A Link N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
12. Keystore
12.1 Do you use anything like the Eth1 keystore format? Yes Yes No, currently store raw keys. Yes Not yet Yes Not yet. No
12.2 Do you see any problems with the latest proposed keystore format, for interop purposes specifically? No No No No No No Yes* No
13. SSZ
13.1 Do you have SSZ v0.8 (hash-tree-roots with stable depth, bitlists/vectors) implemented currently? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
13.2 Do you experience any particular delays with hash-tree-root? (If not already for the minimal configuration, does it apply to mainnet state sizes for your ssz implementation?) No No No No Yes No No No
14. BLS
14.1 Do tests pass for version v0.8.2+ (little endian domain bytes) Yes No Not sure. Will be easy to fix if not. Yes Yes TBD Yes Passed for v0.8.1, haven't upgraded yet
14.2 What BLS library do you use? (provide link) Milagro BLS12-381 Apache Milagro Milagro Milagro Milagro BLS12-381 Milagro
14.3 Do you implement a BLS wrapper? (provide link) Milagro Custom Milagro Mikuli Milagro Custom Milagro N/A
14.4 Do you have a benchmark of verify-aggregate bench speed of 128 participants, same message being signed. Called from client. Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No
15. Chain Start (reference doc)
15.1 Do you support loading: only support loading genesis spec
A kickstart (plain (balance, pubkey, witdraw_credentials) tuple) No No Yes* No Yes Yes No No
A list of deposits, with incremental proofs (genesis spec) No No WIP Yes No No No, (?) No
A list of deposits, with proofs all to the same deposit root. Yes No WIP No No No No, (?) No
A series of deposit contract logs from an Eth 1.0 oracle, from a mock/test service Yes Yes WIP Yes No Yes No No
A series of deposit contract logs from a real Eth 1.0 node? Yes Yes WIP No No Yes No No
A genesis constructed from a (slow and long) stream of deposit log events? No Yes Not yet Yes No No No No
A plain prepared genesis BeaconState object from SSZ? No No Yes Yes Yes, yaml Yes Yes No
15.2 For testing genesis, do you generate keys in advance? And/or in a predictable reproducible manner for debugging? Advance Advance Reproducible Reproducible Both Reproducible Reproducible Advance
16. Configuration & Performance
16.1 Do you meet minimal configuration in respect to processing performance; 6 seconds with 8-slot epochs? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
16.2 Are there alternative variations / easier parameters that work particularly well for your testnet(s)? No No 1s slot times Not sure Yes, 4 slots/epoch, 4 shards No 3 seconds slots in 16 shards, 1000 validators network No
16.3 Do you load configuration on compile-time or run-time? Both Comile time presets, switch on runtime Compile time presets, switch on runtime. Some TOML configurables Both Compile-time Runtime Compile-time Compile-time
17. Building & deploying
17.1 Do you provide a build script for the client? Gradle Bazel Cargo Yes No Yes Yes No
17.2 Do you use a form of containerization? E.g. Docker? No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
17.3 Have you automated testnet deployments? No Yes Yes No No No Yes No
17.4 What platforms/architectures are supported? x86_64 x86_64 & ARM OSX, Linux OSX, Linux OSX Linux OSX, Linux, Windows Linux
18. Conclusion
18.1 Is there anything that this questionnaire did not cover? No No No No No No No No
18.2 Any miscellaneous suggestions? No No No No No No No No
18.3 Are there any bottlenecks into which we may not currently have visibility? No Libp2p design causing problems No No Phase 1 to phase 2, BLS standard Naive implementation, slow code, brittle cli No No
18.4 What can we do to provide you with adequate support? In other words, how can we make your life easier? No test format changes No test format changes - - - list optimizations, create “slow network” configuration - -
18.5 In terms of tooling, what are we currently lacking? Network/chain monitors - Interop network tests, large scale testing, differential fuzzing Decode encrypted payloads with wireshark or tcpdump Network monitor/stats, hive for eth2. A stable eth1 light client No Network monitoring tools (libp2p, Eth2) No