[RabbitEMP - Project] 작성자 소개(About the author) 1. Dodo (rabbit.white@daum.net / jungwy@kumoh.ac.kr) 2. Created by: 2017-12-30 3. Description: 3-1. Linked List (Data Structure) was used. 3-2. UML blueprint was created. 3-3. Data structures implemented a header template, the template class. 4. License: GNU General Public License, version 3 빌드(Build) 1. G++ Compiler 또는 Visual Studio, Mingw(with G++)에서 컴파일을 할 수 있습니다. (You can compile from G++ Compiler, Visual Studio, or Mingw (with G++).) 개발환경(Development environment) 1. Mingw(with Gpp) = C++ 2. Eclipse Neon