- prettier
// settings.json:
"prettier-config.tool": "npm" // support 'npm' 'yarn' 'pnpm'
// settings.json:
"prettier-config.gist": {
// Use raw URL
"configRaw": "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/whosydd/3d7554d6818b0f9c9a2ec8e928857211/raw/354d4100aa23e8d9379e07d74ad6e4151f482c22/.prettierrc",
// If you want to generate a .prettierignore file
// "ignoreRaw": ""
// settings.json:
"prettier-config.tip": true //default
printWidth: 100 # 代码宽度建议不超过100字符
tabWidth: 2 # tab缩进2个空格
semi: false # 末尾分号
singleQuote: true # 单引号
jsxSingleQuote: true # jsx中使用单引号
trailingComma: 'es5' # 尾随逗号
arrowParens: 'avoid' # 箭头函数仅在必要时使用()
htmlWhitespaceSensitivity: 'css' # html空格敏感度
- If you see this dialog many times, please switch to the other profile which installed this extension and replace 'configID' with 'configRaw'.