Alias: actions:
Contains definitions of [step:]
elements structure for reusing and syntax shortenings in the whole pwshake.yaml
This tells to PWSHAKE engine how to substitute any structured yaml
input in step definitions into an executable Powershell command.
PS>cat python.yaml templates: python: options: $[[$_.python]] inline: powershell: | if ($_.python -is [string]) { "python $($_.python)" | Cmd-Shell } elseif ($python.inline) { python -c $python.inline } elseif ($python.options) { "python $($python.options)" | Cmd-Shell } else { python --version }
The given example can be used with regular
config by including the template filepython.yaml
and using a newpython:
element as a regular step intasks:
definition.PS>cat hello.py import sys print("Hello " + sys.argv[1] + "!", file=sys.stdout, flush=True) PS>cat python_pwshake.yaml includes: - python.yaml tasks: test_python_template: - 'All defaults': python: - 'Give me a version please': python: --version - 'Inline python': python: inline: print('Hello pwshake!'); - 'Explicit options': python: options: '{{pwshake_path}}/hello.py again' - 'Implicit options': python: '{{pwshake_path}}/hello.py twice' invoke_tasks: - test_python_template
Output should look like the following:
PS>Invoke-pwshake ./python_pwshake.yaml ... Invoke task: test_python_template Execute step: All defaults Python 3.6.8 Execute step: Give me a version please bash: python --version Python 3.6.8 Execute step: Inline python Hello pwshake! Execute step: Explicit options bash: python /workdir/examples/5.templates/v1.2/hello.py again Hello again! Execute step: Implicit options bash: python /workdir/examples/5.templates/v1.2/hello.py twice Hello twice!
Some built-in
template definitions are already included into the PWSHAKE module and loaded during the PWSHAKE engine initialization.So, they can be used in regular
config without including either as external files ortemplates:
element items.Examples:
PS>cat some_pwshake.yaml ... tasks: # execute cmd.exe shell command on Windows host - cmd: 'dir /b' # ensure that given directory exists in the current work_dir - directory: .test_results # iterates items: elements and pass each of them to the action: as Powershell command or template call - each: items: - Hello - PWSHAKE action: echo $_ # writes text to stdout - echo: 'Hello PWSHAKE!' # writes text to the given file by path:, content: and optionally encoding: values - file: path: 'test.json' content: '{"I":"m","a":"test"}' encoding: Ascii # default is UTF8 # performs git checkout from the given source: repo to the relational target: directory - git: source: https://github.com/wild-devops/pwshake.git ref: v1.0.0 directories: - examples - doc target: .old_repo # performs conditional executing for lists of provided steps - if: condition: true then: - echo: true else: - echo: false - pwsh: throw 'Good bye!' # performs unconditional executing for list of provided steps - invoke_steps: - echo: List - cmd: echo of - pwsh: echo other - shell: echo steps # performs unconditional executing for list of provided tasks - invoke_tasks: - list_of - tasks_to_execute # run msbuild.exe with given attributes - msbuild: project: 'MySolution.sln' targets: - Clean - Build properties: - Configuration=Release - SolutionDir=. options: /m # run Powershell script with name tasks_to_execute.ps1 found in work_dir or scripts_directories: items - script: tasks_to_execute # execute bash shell command on Linux host - shell: 'ls .' # create symbolic links for each key of provided hashtable with target of its values - symlinks: link1: target1 'link 2': target 2 # transform xml file by given path: and items of hashtables with XPath keys and [string] values to apply - xml-file: path: test.xml # xmlns: # - 'q': 'uri:my-config-xml-file' inserts: - '/xml': '<five six="seven"/>' - '/xml/five[1]': '<eight nine="wrong"/>' - '//one': 'count="zero"' transforms: - '/xml/two/@three': 'four' - '//@nine': 'ten' deletes: - '/xml/six[@seven="wrong"]':
All these steps above are actually substituted templates which are loaded from this location.