make up
for building the images and for spinning up the containers.- For stopping them run
make down
Set your passwords and credentials in a .env
file which has to be located in the nest
Use ./nest/env.example, ./env.example and ./ui/env.example as an examples.
- Go to the root of the project and build the image by using
make uibuild
- Run the container via
make uiup
- The application will be available at http://IP_ADDRESS:3000
- For the development experience : go to the
folder and install dependencies by runningnpm install <package-name>
oryarn add <package-name>
The app is compatible with the browsers Chrome and Firefox.
- Go to the root of the project and build the image by using
make nestbuild
- Run the container via
make nestup
- The application will be available at http://IP_ADDRESS:8080
- To seed the database run :
docker exec -it nest npx prisma db seed
- To reset and to seed it run :
docker exec -it nest npx prisma migrate reset
- Go to the corresponding "xxx" folder and add new dependencies by running
npm install <package-name>
oryarn add <package-name>
- Rebuild the Docker image using
make xxxbuild
- Restart the container using
make xxxup
- React App : http://IP_ADDRESS:3000/
- Nest Server : http://IP_ADDRESS:8080
- Swagger : http://IP_ADDRESS:8080/api