背景介绍 目录
In addition to probing the fundamental processes underlying the immune system in healthy individuals, Repseq has the potential to reveal the mechanisms underlying autoimmune diseases, allergy, cancer and aging
shed new light on antibody discovery
适应性免疫应答过程 目录
免疫细胞的发生与成熟过程 目录
- 细胞凋亡,克隆清除;
- 通过受体编辑改变其BCR的特异性;
- mIgM表达下调,仍然能进入外周免疫器官,但对抗原刺激不发生应答,称为“失能”;
- TRBV:42
- TRBD:2
- TRBJ:12
- TRAV:43
- TRAJ:58
免疫组库测序技术 目录
Profiling the T-cell receptor beta-chain repertoire by massively parallel sequencing. Genome Res. 2009 Oct;19(10):1817-24. doi: 10.1101/gr.092924.109. Epub 2009 Jun 18.
High throughput sequencing reveals a complex pattern of dynamic interrelationships among human T cell subsets. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Jan 26;107(4):1518-23. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0913939107. Epub 2010 Jan 4.
There are approximately 10^10–10^11 B cells in a human adult
These cells are critical components of adaptive immunity, and directly bind to pathogens through BCRs expressed on the cell surface. Each B cell expresses a different BCR that allows it to recognize a particular set of molecular patterns. For example, some B cells will bind to epitopes expressed by influenza A viruses, and others to smallpox viruses
Individual B cells gain this specificity during their development in the bone marrow, where they undergo a somatic rearrangement process: combines multiple germline-encoded gene segments to produce the BCR
- the large number of possible V(D)J segments
- additional (junctional) diversity
lead to a theoretical diversity of >10^14
further increased during adaptive immune responses, when activated B cells undergo a process of somatic hypermutation (SHM)
A 20 feet long table still not enough to hold the entire sequence alignment. Each row is an allele, and the entire locus is put together by scotch tape.
Designing primers like this make one feels like a general facing a map planning battles.
What we are doing is to align hundreds of sequences and design primers from the conserved regions from the same locus. Usually, design PCR require us to have detailed knowledge of biological function of the sequences. Computer software do not have that knowledge, and TM based primer design do not help, if at all.
在B细胞的发育过程中,有一个非常奇特的阶段:重组好的 VDJ 基因区(而且就在那个区)有高频率的突变,突变的结果是产生出与抗原结合效价更高的抗体。
免疫组库测序的技术流程 [1]
Rep-seq studies involve large-scale sequencing of DNA libraries, which are prepared by amplifying the genomic DNA (gDNA) or mRNA coding for the BCR using PCR
免疫组库测序的建库过程中采用的不同的PCR方法 [1]。(a)多个引物–设计两个引物来互补V和J
片段内的区域。(b)5'RACE –仅设计一种引物来互补cDNA的恒定区。在第一轮扩增之后,
(a)(b) TCR与APC的互作; (c)T细胞中的VDJ基因重排
TCR有 αβ(外周血中90%~95%)和 γδ(外周血中5%~10%)二聚体形式,一般对TCR的研究都是针对占主体的αβ二聚体形式,且α的CDR3区域是VJ junction,β的CDR3区域是VDJ junction,所以β链与α链相比具有更多的组合形式和连接的多样性,因此TCR-seq一般都是针对β链的CDR3区域
- 优点:丰富,容易提取且能保持长时间的稳定,且对于每一个TCR subunit,一个细胞只有两个位置有,或者说只有固定的两份拷贝,因此DNA模板分子的数量能反映T细胞的数量
- 缺点:必须进行PCR扩增来达到足够的测序量,而为了得到进尽可能全的TCR库的组成,使用了多套PCR引物多重PCR方法,使得很容易在PCR过程中引入PCR bias
使用5' RACE方法进行cDNA的扩增,因此只需要使用一套PCR引物即可
- 优点:只使用一套PCR引物,极大地降低了PCR bias
- 缺点:TCR表达水平的变异很大,不能准确地反映T细胞的数量
为了能够将两个或多个样本进行比较,需要先将它们的input data进行标准化处理:
- 以多个样本中的数据量最少的那个样本为基准,对其他样本的reads进行无偏好的随机抽样,将它们的input data砍到同一水平 —— 这是在生态学研究中常用的方法
- Simpson diversity index:样本间的多样性的比较
- Morisita-Horn similarity index:样本间相似度的比较
RepSeq的几大重要应用 目录
Glanville et al.利用Capture-Recapture 方法估计了 IGM 组库的多样性至少 3.5×10^10
免疫系统 VDJ基因重排频率的决定因素和规律是不清楚的
有的人认为是由遗传信息决定的,有的人认为是随机的;Zvyagin et al.发现双胞胎 TCR 组库有着不同的特点,提示环境因素对免疫组库的组成起着很大作用
艾滋病:监视艾滋病病人的免疫系统,找到一些起到中和 HIV 病毒的抗体或 TCR 序列,从而可以设计疫苗或对艾滋病患者进行病毒中和的治疗 *
自身免疫系统疾病:包含系统性红斑狼疮、类风湿关节炎、系统性血管炎、自身免疫性溶血性贫血等疾病 *
造血干细胞移植预后评估:van Heijst et al. 通过对骨髓造血干细胞移植患者免疫组库的测序可以定量的检测免疫系统多样性的恢复 *
可以精确的描述免疫系统的特点和状态,当然可以展示生物体注射疫苗后的免疫系统的变化 *
血液癌症(如白血病):白血病病人在经过治疗后的最小残余监控对于了解病情、预防复发有着重要的作用。Wu et al. 应用高通量测序技术诊断急性淋巴细胞白血病,通过对 43 对样本的实验,他们不仅可以检测出异常的克隆而且可以监控最小残余,比常规方法要灵敏 *
肿瘤异质性(肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞):Emerson et al. 通过对卵巢癌浸润 T 细胞的高通量测序研究发现浸润 T 细胞在肿瘤不同空间位置上是相似的 *
肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞的挖掘:肿瘤的免疫治疗有着深远的作用和影响。Sherwood et al. 应用测序技术对直肠癌浸润 T 细胞组库测序发现癌组织与周围正常组织的浸润 T 组库有着显著的不同,但由于测序通量较低,肿瘤异质性大的原因并未发掘出有活性的免疫 T 细胞 *
autoimmune diseases(目前主要针对多multiple sclerosis):
allergy :
- Wu Y-CB, James LK, Vander Heiden JA, Uduman M, Durham SR, Kleinstein SH, et al. Influence of seasonal exposure to grass pollen on local and peripheral blood IgE repertoires in patients with allergic rhinitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014;134(3):604–12.
- Patil SU, Ogunniyi AO, Calatroni A, Tadigotla VR, Ruiter B, Ma A, et al. Peanut oral immunotherapy transiently expands circulating Ara h 2–specific B cells with a homologous repertoire in unrelated subjects. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2015;136(1):125–34.
- Hoh RA, Joshi SA, Liu Y, Wang C, Roskin KM, Lee J-Y, et al. Single B-cell deconvolution of peanut-specific antibody responses in allergic patients. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2015.
cancer :
- Lossos IS, Okada CY, Tibshirani R, Warnke R, Vose JM, Greiner TC, et al. Molecular analysis of immunoglobulin genes in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas. Blood. 2000;95(5):1797–803.
- Glanville J, Kuo TC, Budingen H-C, Guey L, Berka J, Sundar PD, et al. Naive antibody gene-segment frequencies are heritable and unaltered by chronic lymphocyte ablation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011;108(50):20066–71.
- Kurtz DM, Green MR, Bratman SV, Scherer F, Liu CL, Kunder CA, et al. Non-invasive monitoring of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma by immunoglobulin high-throughput sequencing. Blood. 2015;125(24):3679–87.
aging :
- Dunn-Walters DK, Banerjee M, Mehr R. Effects of age on antibody affinity maturation. Biochem Soc Trans. 2003;31(2):447–8.
- Dunn-Walters DK, Ademokun AA. B cell repertoire and ageing. Curr Opin Immunol. 2010;22(4):514–20.
- Ademokun A, Wu Y-C, Martin V, Mitra R, Sack U, Baxendale H, et al. Vaccination-induced changes in human B-cell repertoire and pneumococcal IgM and IgA antibody at different ages. Aging Cell. 2011;10(6):922–30.
- Martin V, Wu Y-CB, Kipling D, Dunn-Walters D. Ageing of the B-cell repertoire. Phil Trans R Soc B Biol Sci. 2015;370(1676).
antibody discovery :
- Reddy ST, Ge X, Miklos AE, Hughes RA, Kang SH, Hoi KH, et al. Monoclonal antibodies isolated without screening by analyzing the variable-gene repertoire of plasma cells. Nat Biotechnol. 2010;28(9):965–9.
- Cheung WC, Beausoleil SA, Zhang X, Sato S, Schieferl SM, Wieler JS, et al. A proteomics approach for the identification and cloning of monoclonal antibodies from serum. Nat Biotechnol. 2012;30(5):447–52.
- Zhu J, Wu X, Zhang B, McKee K, O’Dell S, Soto C, et al. De novo identification of VRC01 class HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies by next-generation sequencing of B-cell transcripts. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013;110(43):E4088–97.
- Georgiou G, Ippolito GC, Beausang J, Busse CE, Wardemann H, Quake SR. The promise and challenge of high-throughput sequencing of the antibody repertoire. Nat Biotechnol. 2014;32(2):158–68.
免疫组库面临的挑战 目录
测序长度不足,无法覆盖基因全长。免疫基因一条链的长度大约 400600 bp,目前能达到要求的测序仪主要有 Roche 454 (4001000 bp) 和 Illimina MiSeq (2×250 bp),但二者的测序深度不高。高测序深度的 Illumina HiSeq2500 测序长度为 2×150 bp,目前可以覆盖 BCR/TCR 的 CDR3 区域,该区域是 BCR/TCR 基因变异最大区域,可以很好的代表特定的 BCR/TCR 克隆
测序深度不足。BCR 和 TCR 多样性巨大,只有深度测序(deep sequencing)才能找到稀有克隆(rare clone),对免疫系统多样性进行更为准确的估计 *
(2)多重 PCR 扩增获取目的基因片段存在扩增偏好性
一般 PCR 仅使用一对引物,通过 PCR 扩增产生一个核酸片段而多重 PCR(multiplex PCR) 在同一 PCR 反应体系里加上二对以上引物,同时扩增出多个核酸片段的 PCR 反应。免疫基因多样性的进化通过基因复制和基因突变,想要扩增出目的 BCR/TCR 基因所有片段一对引物是不够的,只能通过设计多重 PCR 扩增引物。通常在 V 区和 J/C 区的保守区域设计引物实现多重 PCR 扩增。但由于引物不同 PCR 扩增的效率必然不同造成扩增偏差(amplification bias)
Carlson et al.利用人工合成的 56 条 TCRG 组库模板来评估不同 V 区和 J 区引物的扩增偏差,证实扩增偏差的确存在,有些引物被大量扩增有些却几乎没有扩出来,通过优化不同引物浓度达到扩增平衡。并且证实 V 区和 J 区引物并无相互作用产生从而提出独立的提高不同 V 区和 J 区引物浓度的方法来矫正扩增偏差。通过几次优化找到最优的引物浓度组合来消除了 PCR 扩增偏差,并且在生物体实验也证实了有效性*。但这种方法对新的引物不具有通用性,因而增加了寻找最佳引物浓度的复杂性
UID(unique molecular identifiers)方法主要思想是在未大规模 PCR 扩增目标分子前为每个分子加入唯一的 UID,这种 UID 是随机合成的一般 12~16 个寡聚核苷酸 (random barcode),他们的随机组合会产生庞大的数量来为样品中特定的每个分子加上不同的标签,这样即使 PCR 扩增不均匀也可以通过计算的方法消除这种偏差,同时还能矫正 PCR 和测序错误。但这种方法需要更长的引物可能导致扩增效率下降和目标基因片段缩短,并且需要极高的通量才能覆盖所有的 UID,目前应用于 IGH/TCR 的 RNA 测序
免疫组库水平(repertoire-level)的信息分析是和以前单条 BCR/TCR 基因序列分析不同的。早在 Sanger 测序法时,由于测序通量和测序价格限制,人们只能一次测出几十条基因序列,只能对这些序列进行序列水平(sequence-level)的分析。现有的一些数据分析的工具 IMGT/V-QUEST,iHMMune-align,JOINSOLVER可以进行对单个 BCR/TCR 序列进行全面的分析。而免疫组库水平的分析是要对整个免疫组库的全部序列进行分析以得出免疫系统整体功能状态信息
高通量测序技术产生大量序列信息,这也催生了一些 BCR/TCR 基因高通量数据分析软件,如 IMGT/HighV-QUEST 和 IgBlast。它们都利用 BLAST 算法实现加速对序列的比对分析,但没有原始数据的质量控制和预处理。这些软件重点也主要集中于序列比对上,更缺乏免疫组库功能的分析。
几个基础性的问题 目录
10^10–10^11 B cells in a human adult (Ganusov VV, De Boer RJ. Do most lymphocytes in humans really reside in the gut? Trends Immunol. 2007;28(12):514–8.)
a theoretical diversity of > 10^14, which is further increased during adaptive immune responses, when activated B cells undergo a process of somatic hypermutation (SHM)
Glanville et al. 利用Capture-Recapture 方法估计了 IGM 组库的多样性至少 3.5×10^10
This generation of diversity process can potentially yield a repertoire of 10^15 different TCR clonotypes( Nikolich-Zugich J, Slifka MK, Messaoudi I. The many important facets of T-cell repertoire diversity. Nat Rev Immunol 2004;4:123–132. )
it is estimated that only 2% of the 1–2 × 10^11 B cells in the human body are present in peripheral blood, compared with almost 28% in lymph nodes, 23% in the spleen and on mucosal surfaces, and 17% in the red bone marrow(Georgiou G, Ippolito GC, Beausang J et al. The promise and challenge of high-throughput sequencing of the antibody repertoire.Nat Biotechnol. 2014 Feb;32(2):158-68.)
技术标准 目录
挑战与 AIRR 社区目标 目录
New technology often spreads rapidly, sometimes more rapidly than the understanding of how to make the products of that technology reliable, reproducible, or usable by others. As complex technologies have developed, scientific communities have come together to adopt common standards, protocols, and policies for generating and sharing data sets, such as the MIAME protocols developed for microarray experiments.
The Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire (AIRR) Community formed in 2015 to address similar issues for HTS data of immune repertoires.
芯片数据的标准化组织:MIAME(2001, DOI: 10.1038/ng1201-365)
NGS数据的标准化组织:DATA ACCESS (2015, DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa7485)
the storage and transport of such large datasets
deposition into public archives is not uniformly required by journals or funding agencies
As of September 4, 2017, a Wiki page on the B-T.CR forum lists 82 AIRR-seq studies that report full HTS data to a public archive,2 while 42 (34%) do not
the information required to ensure appropriate use of such data by secondary users requires delineation
the processing pipeline between the experiment and the ultimate analysis of the data is lengthy and specialized
- Yaari G, Kleinstein SH. Practical guidelines for B-cell receptor repertoire sequencing analysis. Genome Med. 2015 Nov 20; 7():121.
- Victor Greiff, Enkelejda Miho, Ulrike Menzel, Sai T.Reddy. Bioinformatic and Statistical Analysis of Adaptive Immune Repertoires. Trend in Immunology. 2015 Nov;36(11):738-749. doi: 10.1016/j.it.2015.09.006.
the annotation required of AIRR-seq data is unique to these genes and subject to substantial uncertainty
- randomly chosen gene segments
- non-templated nucleotides added to the junctions
- nucleotides nibbled away from the gene segments
In B cells, somatic hypermutation during affinity maturation results in further diversification of immunoglobulin genes
AIRR Community的发展历史:
2015 established, at a meeting organized by Felix Breden, Jamie Scott, and Thomas Kepler in Vancouver, BC, USA to address these data sharing challenges.
Membership includes:
- researchers expert in the generation of AIRR data;
- statisticians and bioinformaticians versed in their analysis;
- informaticians and data security experts experienced in their management;
- basic scientists and physicians who turn to such data for critical insights;
- experts in the ethical, legal, and policy implications of sharing AIRR data
- The Minimal Standards Working Group: the development of a set of metadata standards for the publication and sharing of AIRR-seq datasets
- The Tools and Resources Working Group: focused on the development of standardized resources to facilitate the comparison of AIRR-seq datasets and analysis tools, including collection, validation, and nomenclature of germline alleles
- The Common Repository Working Group: establish requirements for repositories that will store AIRR data
Data Generation 目录
standard operating procedures for cell isolation and purification, including panels and gating strategies for flow cytometry
primers and protocols for amplification and sequencing of BCR or TCR rearrangements
a clear description of library preparation and sequencing
Data Sharing 目录
For transparency and reliable reuse, experiments need to be sufficiently well annotated to allow evaluation of the quality of individual datasets and comparability of different datasets
experimental metadata standards
data: consist of the raw sequences and the processed sequences
metadata: include
clinical and demographic data on study subjects
protocols for cell phenotyping, nucleic acid purification, AIRR amplicon production, HTS library preparation and sequencing
documentation of the computational pipelines used to process the data
实验设计的几点建议 目录
取样 目录
从哪里取样 目录
Most human antibody sequencing studies have used B cells from peripheral blood because the blood is one of the few readily accessible sources of B cells in humans (tonsils is the other one).
However, it is estimated that only 2% of the 1–2 × 10^11 B cells in the human body are present in peripheral blood, compared with almost 28% in lymph nodes, 23% in the spleen and on mucosal surfaces, and 17% in the red bone marrow
Thus, the antibody repertoire in peripheral B cells provides a narrow view of the humoral response to antigen challenge
—— 韩健blog
R.L. Warren, et al. Exhaustive T-cell repertoire sequencing of human peripheral blood samples reveals signatures of antigen selection and a directly measured repertoire size of at least 1 million clonotypes Genome Res., 21 (2011), pp. 790-797
distinct 20 ml blood samples from the same individual captured only a portion of the TCR peripheral blood repertoire (biological undersampling)
足够高的测序深度能保证public clones的准确检测:
technological undersampling has been shown to compromise the detection of ‘public’ clones (clones shared across individuals), which are a common target in immune repertoire studies
In fact, several studies indicated that there was a positive correlation between sequencing depth and the number of public clones detected
the number of sequencing reads should at least exceed the clonal diversity of the sample if complete read coverage is unattainable
the lower the frequency of a clone, the higher the sequencing depth must be for its accurate capture
While knowing the exact clonal diversity of a lymphocyte population before HTS is not possible, basic knowledge of cell numbers and clonal frequency distributions, as well as mathematical modeling, facilitate the estimation of the required sequencing depth
For example, antigen-specific or clonally expanded populations (e.g., memory B and T cells, plasma cells) will have a clone-to-cell ratio that is well below 1, and thus less sequencing reads would be required to obtain a good snapshot of the clonal diversity
By contrast, clonal frequency distributions of naïve B and T cells have been shown to be more uniform (i.e., higher clone-to-cell ratios than clonally expanded populations)
gDNA or mRNA 目录
Whether or not one should use gDNA or mRNA depends on what question is being asked
Sequencing gDNA facilitates estimation of the clonality of a given Ig sequence (in other words, the number of B cells expressing that antibody) because the number of sequence reads will, in general, be proportional to the number of gDNA template molecules (assuming no primer biases, as discussed below)
amplification of VDJ segments from gDNA necessitates the use of primer sets that anneal to all the individual germline V-gene segments
they contain productive and nonproductive VDJ rearrangements
the lower concentration of template in gDNA necessitates a greater number of PCR cycles; this increases error frequencies and further confounds quantification
On the other hand, using mRNA as a template can provide an estimate of the relative expression level of various immunoglobulin sequences in the repertoire.
enables amplification with reverse transcription and 5′RACE (5′ rapid amplification of cDNA ends) with 3′ primers that anneal to the constant region of IgH or IgL, thus circumventing the need for complex V-gene-specific primer sets
However, because immunoglobulin transcription varies dramatically (up to 100-fold) between naive B cells and plasma cells, using unsorted bulk B cells from peripheral blood as the source of mRNA makes it challenging to deduce cellular clonal frequencies
—— Nat Biotechnol. 2014 Feb;32(2):158-68.
数据质量:error correction 目录
Regardless of the sequencing platform, HTS has not yet reached the level of accuracy of Sanger sequencing because it suffers from errors introduced during library amplification (experimental) or sequencing (HTS, bridge amplification, platform-specific)
differential amplification of some DNA templates over others (even in 5′RACE)
base misincorporation
Nucleotide misincorporation by PCR cannot generally be distinguished from most types of base-calling errors introduced during sequencing, but the latter generally occur at higher frequency and hence they are a greater concern
template switching
results in chimeras from the joining of fragments encoded by two or more template DNAs
Chimeras resulting from template switching generate sequences that either cannot be assigned to a germline V-gene segment by standard VDJ identification algorithms
Therefore, both experimental and computational strategies have been devised to attenuate the impact of errors on biological conclusions
a well-known statistical principle: a given entity converges to its true (‘expected’) value (law of large numbers) if sampled sufficiently often
UMI methods
UMI methods in immune repertoire sequencing have been shown to achieve up to a 100-fold error reduction, thus considerably reducing artificial repertoire diversity
However, a study by Shugay and colleagues indicated that increased RNA input (increasing from ng to μg) required a considerable increase in sequencing depth (10^6 to 10^7 sequencing reads) and a switch in sequencing platform (Illumina MiSeq to HiSeq) to ensure consensus read construction (presence of multiple sequencing reads with identical UMIs)
Therefore, to effectively use UMI approaches for error correction, technological oversampling is needed
Reliable clonal detection cutoffs
While these cutoffs exploit the multiplicity of reads per clone as detection confidence, it has been indicated that hotspot PCR or sequencing errors are reproducible across technical replicates
其他的error correction方法:
The simplest
filtering HTS datasets (before any V(D)J annotation) for low-quality reads (e.g., Phred score) using
heuristic clonal abundance cutoffs
removal of clones with only 1–5 reads to decrease artificial diversity
Warren and colleagues showed that abundance filtering is superior to strict quality filtering in decreasing artificial diversity
Bolotin and colleagues demonstrated that aggressive quality filtering can even lead to loss of a significant portion of the data
In fact, lower-quality reads may be recovered from paired-end sequencing (the inherently lower-quality 3′ ends of sequencing reads gain in confidence via an overlapping region in both forward and reverse reads) or by merging lower-quality reads with reads of higher quality and identical or very similar clonal identifiers
数据分析 目录
Genome Med. 2015 Nov 20;7:121.
For bioinformaticians and others used to dealing with different types of HTS experimental data (such as DNA-seq and RNA-seq data), approaching Rep-seq data requires a change of mindset
BCR sequences are not encoded directly in the genome
While parts of the BCR can be traced back to segments encoded in the germline (that is, the V, D and J segments), the set of segments used by each receptor is something that needs to be inferred, as it is coded in a highly repetitive region of the genome and currently cannot be sequenced directly
these segments can be significantly modified during the rearrangement process and through SHM, whichleads to >5 % of bases being mutated in many B-cell subsets
there are no pre-existing full-length templates to align the sequencing reads
Pre-processing 目录
goal: transform the raw reads that are produced by HTS into error-corrected BCR sequences
sequencing depth
read length
paired-end versus single-end reads
inclusion of unique molecular identifiers (UMIs; sometimes referred to as UIDs)
if the data are very large (several million reads per sample are common), it is advisable to sample a random subset (say 10,000 reads) and carry out the steps below to make sure quality is reasonable and the read conforms to the experimental design
It is useful to keep track of how many sequences pass each step successfully so that outliers can be detected. The outliers may reflect steps for which the parameters need further tuning or may indicate issues related to the experiments
Quality control and read annotation
If samples are multiplexed, the sequencing facility will normally de-multiplex the data into one FASTQ file for each sample
If the data are pairedend, each sample will produce two FASTQ files (one for each read-end)
If the data have not been de-multiplexed by the sequencing facility, the first step in the analysis is to identify the sample identification tags to as multiplex identifiers (MIDs) or sample identifiers (SIDs)) to determine which reads belong to which samples
These MID tags typically consist of a short number of base pairs (commonly 6–16) that are located near the end(s) of the amplicon
If multiple MIDs are designed to be in each sequence(named UMI), these should be checked for consistency in order to reduce the probability of misclassification of reads due to PCR and sequencing errors
handling low-quality reads and bases
It is desirable to have a Phred-like score >30 for a long stretch at the beginning of each read. Quality will typically drop near the end of each read
If the library is designed to have a lot of overlap in the paired reads, then low-quality positions at the ends of the reads can be cut at this stage to allow better assembly of the paired reads
The appropriate quality thresholds to employ are dataset dependent, and insight may be gained by plotting the distribution of quality scores as a function of position in the sequence
identify, annotate, and mask the primers
The location of the primer sequences depends on the library preparation protocol
A typical setup includes a collection of V segment primers at the 5′ end and a set of J (or constant region) primers at the 3′ end of the amplicon
In library preparation protocols in which 5′ rapid amplification of cDNA ends (5′ RACE) is used, there will not be a V segment primer
In this step, it is crucial to know where on the read (and on which read of a pair) each primer is located
each constant region primer may be associated with a specific isotype (immunoglobulin (Ig)M, IgG, and so on)
The part of the sequence that matches the primer should then be cut or masked (bases changed to N)
This is because the region bound by the primer may not accurately reflect the state of the mRNA/DNA molecule being amplified. For example, a primer designed to match a germline V segment sequence may bind to sequences with somatic mutations, thus leading to inaccuracy in mutation identification in downstream analysis
Unique molecular identifiers
UMIs are highly diverse nucleotide tags appended to the mRNA, usually at the reverse transcription step. UMIs are usually located at a specific position(s) in a read (for example, a 12 base pair (bp) UMI at one end of the read or split as two 6 bp identifiers at opposite ends of the amplicon). The length of the UMI depends on protocol, but is typically around 15 bases. The random nature of the UMI enables each sequence to be associated with a single mRNA molecule. They are designed to reduce PCR amplification biases and sequencing error rates through the generation of consensus sequences from all amplicons with the same UMI
identified in each read, and then it is removed from the read and the read is annotated with the UMI sequence
checked that the UMIs conform to the experimental protocol by plotting the distribution of bases at each position in the UMI and the distribution of reads per UMI to make sure that there are no unexpected biases
sequences with “similar” UMIs should be clustered together
Clustering approaches can be used for recognizing UMIs that are expected to correspond to the same pre-amplified mRNA molecule (for example, single linkage hierarchical clustering)
However, it is possible that each of these UMI clusters corresponds to multiple mRNA molecules. This may be due to incorrect merging, insufficient UMI diversity (that is, UMI sequences that are too short, or bad quality such as GC content biases), or bad luck
build a consensus sequence from each cluster of reads
可用的工具:MiGEC 和 pRESTO
Assembly of paired-end reads
In most cases, experiments using paired-end sequencing are designed so that the two reads are expected to overlap each other
Assembly of the two reads into a single BCR sequence can be done de novo by scoring different possible overlaps and choosing the most significant. Discarding reads that fail to assemble may bias the data towards shorter BCR sequences, which will have a longer overlapping region
Alignment-aided overlaps : When the overlap region is expected to be in the V segment, it is also possible to determine the relative positions of the reads by aligning them to the same germline V segment. This is especially useful when not all read pairs are expected to overlap, and Ns can be added between the reads to indicate positions that have not been sequenced
上面这一段可能有些难以理解,下面附上来自MiXCR工具的 document 中的信息,以帮助理解:
If two reads were aligned against the same V gene (which is the most common case; while the same algorithm is applied to J alignments), and MiXCR detects that the same nucleotides (positions in the reference sequence) were aligned in both mates - this is a strong evidence that paired-end reads actually overlap. In this case MiXCR merges them into a single sequence using this new information
Since each read of a pair may be associated with different annotations (for example, which primers were identified), it is critical to merge these annotations so that they are all associated with the single assembled read, such as the base quality in the overlap region can be recomputed and propagated
it is also useful to identify sequences that are identical at the nucleotide level, referred to as “duplicate” sequences, and group them to create a set of “unique” sequences —— 这部操作存在一个问题:扩增的克隆可能带来“duplicate” sequences,此时如果以PCR重复来过滤就可能丢掉了克隆扩增的信息,不过这种操作在mRNA文库有益,而对DNA文库不合适
在Eur Heart J. 2019 给出的质量统计:
Sample ID | Total reads | Productive DNA sequences | Unique amino acid sequences | Total/unique clonotype |
IHF-blood 01 | 10278457 | 8104563 0.788499966 |
80594 | 100.5604 |
IHF-blood 02 | 12637817 | 9824639 0.777400005 |
110107 | 89.2281 |
IHF-blood 03 | 10045144 | 7809095 0.777400005 |
92345 | 84.5644 |
IHF-blood 04 | 9696271 | 7514610 0.774999997 |
92835 | 80.9459 |
IHF-blood 05 | 8404009 | 6594626 0.784700016 |
65268 | 101.0392 |
IHF-blood 06 | 8806811 | 6867551 0.779799975 |
104356 | 65.8089 |
IHF-blood 07 | 8788469 | 6881371 0.782999974 |
71189 | 96.6634 |
IHF-blood 08 | 7326838 | 5858540 0.799600046 |
75479 | 77.6181 |
IHF-blood 09 | 8270081 | 6416756 0.775900018 |
87656 | 73.2038 |
IHF-blood 10 | 9439353 | 7508061 0.79539996 |
75261 | 99.7603 |
IHF-blood 11 | 9570510 | 7358765 0.768899985 |
138902 | 52.9781 |
IHF-blood 12 | 10002601 | 7736012 0.773400039 |
99737 | 77.5641 |
IHF-blood 13 | 8031627 | 6142588 0.764799959 |
56417 | 108.8783 |
IHF-blood 14 | 26391574 | 18782883 0.711699992 |
62233 | 301.8155 |
Con-blood 01 | 10216847 | 8065179 0.789399998 |
118354 | 68.1445 |
Con-blood 02 | 9361056 | 7315665 0.781499972 |
113278 | 64.5815 |
Con-blood 03 | 9206992 | 7269841 0.789600013 |
114613 | 63.4295 |
Con-blood 04 | 7543676 | 5921786 0.785000045 |
96163 | 61.5807 |
Con-blood 05 | 8916064 | 6914408 0.775500041 |
111617 | 61.9476 |
Con-blood 06 | 9399148 | 7436606 0.791200011 |
86905 | 85.5717 |
Con-blood 07 | 9537954 | 7490155 0.785299971 |
101270 | 73.9622 |
Con-blood 08 | 10311133 | 8206631 0.795900024 |
97891 | 83.8344 |
Con-blood 09 | 8950627 | 7105008 0.793800032 |
86445 | 82.1911 |
Con-blood 10 | 7769527 | 6142588 0.790599994 |
75020 | 81.8793 |
Con-blood 11 | 8363100 | 6574233 0.786100011 |
88712 | 74.1076 |
Con-blood 12 | 8963902 | 7054591 0.787000014 |
115395 | 61.1343 |
Con-blood 13 | 8451271 | 6465222 0.764999963 |
97841 | 66.0789 |
Con-blood 14 | 7719820 | 5874011 0.760899995 |
33980 | 172.8667 |
IHF-heart 01 | 10058731 | 7484702 0.744100026 |
12608 | 593.647 |
IHF-heart 02 | 5409870 | 3754450 0.694000041 |
3311 | 1133.9323 |
IHF-heart 03 | 2876901 | 1845244 0.641399895 |
3850 | 479.2842 |
IHF-heart 04 | 7131209 | 5386202 0.755299978 |
15138 | 355.8067 |
IHF-heart 05 | 4848194 | 3518819 0.725799958 |
2307 | 1525.2792 |
IHF-heart 06 | 6473466 | 4934076 0.762200033 |
12008 | 410.8991 |
IHF-heart 07 | 9118397 | 6889861 0.755600025 |
13891 | 495.9946 |
IHF-heart 08 | 9577801 | 7053093 0.736400036 |
14511 | 486.0515 |
IHF-heart 09 | 8451541 | 6347107 0.750999966 |
11794 | 538.1641 |
IHF-heart 10 | 7181175 | 5666665 0.789099973 |
13386 | 423.3277 |
IHF-heart 11 | 8733149 | 6211889 0.711300013 |
8982 | 691.5931 |
IHF-heart 12 | 9647905 | 7016921 0.727299968 |
16883 | 415.6205 |
IHF-heart 13 | 13094278 | 9604653 0.733500007 |
13939 | 689.0489 |
IHF-heart 14 | 8358983 | 5949924 0.711799988 |
8158 | 729.3361 |
Con-heart 01 | 830352 | 289793 0.349000183 |
4339 | 66.788 |
Con-heart 02 | 870928 | 450705 0.517499724 |
9699 | 46.4692 |
Con-heart 03 | 2290585 | 662208 0.289099946 |
8290 | 79.8803 |
Con-heart 04 | 870098 | 318108 0.365600197 |
1930 | 164.8228 |
Con-heart 05 | 755868 | 361985 0.478899755 |
2954 | 122.5406 |
Con-heart 06 | 737759 | 322327 0.436900126 |
10205 | 31.5852 |
V(D)J germline segment assignment 目录
In order to identify somatic mutations, it is necessary to infer the germline (pre-mutation) state for each observed sequence. This involves identifying the V(D)J segments that were rearranged to generate the BCR and determining the boundaries between each segment
Most commonly this is done by applying an algorithm to choose among a set of potential germline segments from a database of known segment alleles
Since the observed BCR sequences may be mutated, the identification is valid only in a statistical sense
As such, multiple potential germline segment combinations may be equally likely. In these cases, many tools for V(D)J assignment report multiple possible segments for each BCR sequence
In practice, it is common to use one of the matching segments and ignore the rest
This has the potential to introduce artificial mutations at positions where the possible segments differ from each other
Genotyping and clonal grouping, which are described below, can help reduce the number of sequences that have multiple segment assignments
The performance of V(D)J assignment methods crucially depends on the set of germline V(D)J segments. If the segment allele used by a BCR does not appear in the database, then the polymorphic position(s) will be identified as somatic mutation(s)
Statistical analyses rely predominantly on clonotyped data and are therefore preceded by a workflow composed of raw data preprocessing (read filtering, error correction), germline annotation, and clonotyping
Sequence-dependent approaches:
visualize convergence of repertoires by quantifying clonal overlap [Venn diagrams; overlap indices such as Morisita–Horn]
display the clonal architecture of repertoires (networks)
highlighting denser (clonal expansion) or sparser regions of the repertoire
each vertex is a clone, the size of each vertex is proportional to its abundance, red color highlights selected clones
reveal dynamics of clones (Circos graphs) shared across samples (sections) by visualizing their change in frequency (bars)
retrace clonal evolution (phylogenetic trees) helping for instance the visualization of the phylogenetic relation of different clonal lineages (color-coded)
While the definition of clonality in a biological sense is widely accepted (all lymphocytes having the same BCR or TCR belong to the same clone, see above), its translation to HTS data is challenging owing to the influence of PCR and sequencing errors, and of SHM
clustering by CDR3 homology at the nucleotide level has been performed in the following ways:
inferring unmutated common ancestors
absolute edit distance cutoffs in hierarchical clustering linkage trees, allowing a range of mismatches (one, three, or five) in sequences within one clonotype
clustering by using relative thresholds (90%, 95%, 97.25%, 100%)
Clonotyping reduces the influence of PCR and sequencing errors on clonal diversity estimations but also, in the case of B cells, serves to group clones that belong to the same clonal lineage
A robust clonotype definition is, therefore, a defining step in every immune repertoire HTS study because it has a large impact on biological conclusions drawn (especially in diversity analyses
Tipton et al. recently defined clonotypes by experimental validation as sequences with CDR3 (hamming) nucleotide identity of >85% using replicate sequencing
常用的免疫组库数据注释(或VDJ mapping)工具及其功能和优缺点比较:
IMGT/High-V-Quest | IgBlast | iHMMune-align | MIGEC | MIXCR |
Analysis of TCR and BCR data | TCR and BCR | BCR | BCR | TCR and BCR | TCR and BCR |
Prediction of germline sequences | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
Extraction of FR/CDR/constant region (CR) | FR, CDR | For V region only (until V-part of CDR3) | No | CDR3 | FR/CDR/CR |
SHM extraction | Yes (but V region only) | Yes (entire V(D)J region) | Yes (entire V(D)J region) | No | Yes (entire V(D)J region) |
Reference numbering scheme | IMGT | IMGT/Kabat/NCBI | UNSWIg | IMGT | IMGT |
Max number of sequences per analysis | ≤500 000 | ∼1000 (online) Unrestricted (standalone) | ∼2 Mb (Online), Unrestricted (standalone) | Unrestricted | Unrestricted |
Processing of unique molecular identifiers | No | No | No | Yes | No |
Consideration of sequencing quality information (Phred scores) | No | No | No | Yes | Yes |
Speed (standard dataset of 1 × 106 reads) | Days | Hours | Hours | Minutes | Minutes |
Supported input format | FASTA | FASTA | FASTA | FASTQ | FASTA, FASTQ |
Platform | Online | Online/stand-alone | Online/stand-alone | Stand-alone | Stand-alone |
现有通用工具集 目录
![]() |
pRESTO - Quality control - Read assembly - UMI processing |
![]() |
Change-O - V(D)J reference alignment standardization - Clonal clustering - Germline reconstruction -Conversion and annotation |
composed of a suite of utilities to handle all stages of sequence processing prior to germline segment assignment
pRESTO is designed to handle either single reads or paired-end reads. It includes features for
- quality control
- primer masking
- annotation of reads with sequence embedded barcodes
- generation of unique molecular identifier (UMI) consensus sequences
- assembly of paired-end reads and identification of duplicate sequences
Numerous options for sequence sorting, sampling and conversion operations are also included.
The workflow is divided into four high-level tasks:
Paired-end assembly
Depending on the amplicon length in your data, not all mate-pairs may overlap. For the sake of simplicity, we have excluded a demonstration of assembly in such cases. pRESTO provides a couple approaches to deal with such reads.
The reference subcommand of
can use the ungapped V-segment reference sequences to properly space non-overlapping reads. Or, if all else fails, thejoin
subcommand can be used to simply stick mate-pairs together end-to-end with some intervening gap.Quality control and primer annotation
Removal of low quality reads, use subcommand
Read annotation and masking of primer regions
primer mask的必要性:
When dealing with Ig sequences, it is important to cut or mask the primers, as B cell receptors are subject to somatic hypermutation (the accumulation of point mutations in the DNA) and degenerate primer matches can look like mutations in downstream applications
注意:对于双端reads与由原始PE合并后的一条长reads,它们的primer mask/cut的操作时不同的,而且它们的两端的称号也不同,PE:Forward-end与Reverse-end,Assembled:head与tail:
PE read: |-------------------------> >>>>> <<<< <==========================| Assembled long read: |------------------------->====================| >>>>> <<<<<
对于Assembled long read,其head端的primer mask/cut的操作正常,而对于tail端的,它时其原始reads的反向互补序列,此时要么将tail端反向互补回来再与Reverse-end的primer进行比较,要么将Reverse-end的primer进行反向互补回来再与tail端比较,pRESTO就采用了两步操作来完成Assembled long read的head与tail端primer mask/cut
MaskPrimers.py score -s M1_quality-pass.fastq -p Greiff2014_VPrimers.fasta \ --start 4 --mode mask --pf VPRIMER --outname M1-FWD --log MPV.log MaskPrimers.py score -s M1-FWD_primers-pass.fastq -p Greiff2014_CPrimers.fasta \ --start 4 --mode cut --revpr --pf CPRIMER --outname M1-REV --log MPC.logDeduplication and filtering
Identify duplicate sequences
First, the set of unique sequences is identified using the CollapseSeq tool, allowing for up to 20 interior N-valued positions (-n 20 and --inner), and requiring that all reads considered duplicates share the same C-region primer annotation (--uf CPRIMER). Additionally, the V-segment primer annotations of the set of duplicate reads are propagated into the annotation of each retained unique sequence (--cf VPRIMER and --act set)
Filtering to repeated sequences
Creating an annotation table
Finally, the annotations, including duplicate read count (
), isotype (CPRIMER
) and V-segment primer (VPRIMER
), of the final repertoire are then extracted from the SplitSeq output into a tab-delimited file using the table subcommand ofParseHeaders
Change-O 目录
功能与原理 目录
Change-O is a collection of tools for
- processing the output of V(D)J alignment tools
- assigning clonal clusters to immunoglobulin (Ig) sequences
- reconstructing germline sequences.
The Change-O suite is composed of four software packages: a collection of Python commandline tools (changeo-ctl
) and three separate R packages (alakazam
, shm
, and tigger
Package | Analysis tasks |
changeo-clt | Parsing of V(D)J assignment output |
Basic database manipulation | |
Multiple alignment of sequence records | |
Assignment of sequences into clonal groups | |
Calculation of CDR3 physiochemical properties | |
alakazam | Clonal diversity analysis |
Lineage reconstruction | |
shm | SHM hot/cold-spot modeling |
Quantification of selection pressure | |
tigger | Inference of novel germline alleles |
Construction of personalized germline genotype |
Inference of novel alleles and individual genotype
Germline segment assignment tools, such as IMGT/HighV-QUEST, work by aligning each sequence against a database of known alleles. However, this process is inaccurate for sequences that utilize previously undetected alleles
In this case, the sequence will be assigned to the closest known allele and any polymorphisms will be incorrectly identified as somatic mutations
为了解决这个问题,使用了Immunoglobulin Genotype Elucidation (TIgGER)这个R包
TIgGER determines the complete set of variable region gene segments carried by an individual and identifies novel alleles, yielding a set of germline alleles personalized to an individual
The germline variable region allele assignments are then adjusted based on this individual Ig genotype
Partitioning sequences into clonally related groups
Identifying sequences that are descended from the same B cell (clonal groups) is important to virtually all Ig repertoire analyses
Clonal group sizes and lineage structures provide information on the underlying response, and clonally related sequences cannot be treated independently in statistical analyses and models
Change-O provides several methods for partitioning sequences into clones:
- based on hierarchical clustering
- everal published somatic hypermutation (SHM) hot/cold-spot targeting models as distance metrics in the clustering methods
Quantification of repertoire diversity
Change-O provides an implementation of the general diversity index (qD) proposed by Hill (1973), which encompasses a range of diversity measures as a smooth curve over a single varying parameter q
Special cases of this general index of diversity correspond to the most popular diversity measures:
species richness (q = 0), the exponential Shannon-Weiner index (as q → 1), the inverse of the Simpson index (q = 2), and the reciprocal abundance of the largest clone (as q → ∞)
Generation of B cell lineage trees
Lineage trees provide a means to trace the ancestral relationships of cells within a clone. This information has been used to estimate mutation rates, infer B cell trafficking patterns and trace the accumulation of mutations that drive affinity maturation
Change-O provides a tool for generating lineage trees using PHYLIP’s maximum parsimony algorithm, with modifications to meet the requirements of an Ig lineage tree. Trees may be viewed and exported into different file formats using the
R package. -
Somatic hypermutation hot/cold-spot motifs
SHM is a process that operates in activated B cells and introduces point mutations into the DNA coding for the Ig receptor at a very high rate ( ≈ 10^−3 per base-pair per division)
Accurate background models of SHM are critical, since SHM displays intrinsic hot/cold-spot biases
Change-O provides utilities for estimating the mutability and substitution rates of DNA motifs from large-scale Ig sequencing data to construct hot/cold-spot motif models
Analysis of selection pressure
For quantifying selection pressure in Ig sequences, Change-O includes the
method, which has been implemented as an R package for inclusion in the suite. BASELINe quantifies deviations in the frequency of replacement mutations compared with a background model of SHM. Users may choose between published background models or infer the background from their own data using the SHM model building tools described above
简单使用 目录
(1)先用IgBlast完成V(D)J assignment
从 这里 获取构建IgBLAST database的相关命令
# Download reference databases
$ fetch_igblastdb.sh -o ~/share/igblast
$ fetch_imgtdb.sh -o ~/share/germlines/imgt
# Build IgBLAST database from IMGT reference sequences
$ imgt2igblast.sh -i ~/share/germlines/imgt -o ~/share/igblast
通过调用IgBlast来完成V(D)J assignment
$ AssignGenes.py igblast -s S43_atleast-2.fasta -b ~/share/igblast \
--organism human --loci ig --format blast
$ exprt IGDATA=~/share/igblast
$ igblastn \
-germline_db_V ~/share/igblast/database/imgt_human_ig_v\
-germline_db_D ~/share/igblast/database/imgt_human_ig_d \
-germline_db_J ~/share/igblast/database/imgt_human_ig_v \
-auxiliary_data ~/share/igblast/optional_file/human_gl.aux \
-domain_system imgt -ig_seqtype Ig -organism human \
-outfmt '7 std qseq sseq btop' \
-query S43_atleast-2.fasta \
-out S43_atleast-2.fmt7
$ MakeDb.py igblast \
-i S43_atleast-2.fmt7 \
-s S43_atleast-2.fasta \
-r IMGT_Human_IGHV.fasta IMGT_Human_IGHD.fasta IMGT_Human_IGHJ.fasta \
--regions --scores
(3)Filtering records
Removing non-functional sequences
# 选择FUNCTIONAL列取值为T的行输出到一个文件中
$ ParseDb.py select -d S43_atleast-2_db-pass.tab -f FUNCTIONAL -u T
# 将FUNCTIONAL列取不同值的行拆分到对应的文件中
$ ParseDb.py split -d S43_atleast-2_db-pass.tab -f FUNCTIONAL
Removing disagreements between the C-region primers and the reference alignment
$ ParseDb.py select -d db.tab -f V_CALL J_CALL CPRIMER -u "IGH" \
--logic all --regex --outname heavy
$ ParseDb.py select -d db.tab -f V_CALL J_CALL CPRIMER -u "IG[LK]" \
--logic all --regex --outname light
(4)Clustering sequences into clonal groups
Before running, it is important to determine an appropriate threshold for trimming the hierarchical clustering into B cell clones
基本数据质控 目录
CDR3区域结构鉴定 目录
CDR3结构鉴定(VDJ mapping)是免疫组库数据分析中的关键性的也是基础性的一步:
A fundamental step in the analysis of such a sequencing data set is to reconstruct the origin of each nucleotide in each sequence: whether it came from an N-addition or from a germline V, D, or J gene, and if so, which one and where
VDJ mapping存在的困难和挑战:
Even if a complete collection of alleles (gene variants between individuals) for the germline V, D, and J genes were available, this problem would be challenging because exonuclease deletion obscures the boundaries between N-regions and germline V, D, and J gene sequences
BCR的结构鉴定更困难:体细胞高频突变(somatic hypermutation)的存在
若邻接N-region的片段无法找到完全匹配的germline V,D,J片段,则它有困难是germline V,D,J片段发生了点突变,也有可能是N-addtion
这本质上可以看做是序列中碱基来源的注释问题(“annotation problem”)
隐含状态: (gene, nucleotide position) pairs 或 N-region nucleotides
发射状态:碱基 或 氨基酸残基
Gene features and anchor points 目录
There are several immunologically important parts of TCR/BCR gene (gene features). For example, such regions are three complementarity determining regions (CDR1
, CDR2
and CDR3
), four framework regions (FR1
, FR2
, FR3
and FR4
) etc
Germline features
V Gene structure
Additionally to core gene features in V region (like
) we introduceVGene
for convenienceD Gene structure
J Gene structure
Mature TCR/BCR gene features
Important difference between rearranged TCR/BCR sequence and germline sequence of its segments lies in the fact that during V(D)J recombination exact cleavage positions at the end of V gene, begin and end of D gene and begin of J gene varies
As a result in most cases actual
anchor positions are not covered by alignment:In order to use actual V, D, J gene boundaries we introduce four additional anchor positions:
and several named gene features:VDJunction
On the following picture one can see the structure of V(D)J junction:
If D gene is not found in the sequence or is not present in target locus (e.g. TRA),
anchor points as well asVDJunction
gene features are not defined -
Gene feature syntax
Syntax for gene features is the same everywhere. The best way to explain it is by example:
to enter any gene feature mentioned above or listed in the next section just use its name:
etc -
to define a gene feature consisting of several concatenated features use
is equivalent toVTranscript
to create gene feature starting at anchor point
and ending at anchor pointY
one can add or subtract offset from original position of anchor point using positive or negative integer value in brackets after anchor point name
for CDR3 without first three nucleotides (coding conserved cysteine),{CDR3Begin(-6):CDR3End(+6)}
for CDR3 with 6 nucleotides downstream its left bound and 6 nucleotides upstream its right bound -
one can specify offsets for predefined gene feature boundaries using GeneFeatureName(leftOffset, rightOffset) syntax:
- equivalents of two examples from previous item -
all syntax constructs can be combined:
标准结构鉴定方法 目录
标准结构鉴定方法存在的问题及解决策略 目录
某一个检测到的CDR3序列,可能由多种重组方式得到,而基于序列比对方法的结构鉴定倾向于选择尽可能长匹配 germline 基因片段,来作为最优重组来源的片段,但是最长的匹配并不意味着一定是最可能的重组方式
最好的方式是将所有可能的潜在重组形式列出来,然后计算出每种重组形式的似然,而似然的计算可以基于从测序数据中学习得到的概率模型算出 [2]
一些描述样本免疫组库的指标 目录
个体免疫多样性 (immunological diversity)
$$H=-\sum_i^{|S|}p(c_i)\log p(c_i)$$ 其中,$S$表示该样本total unique clone的集合$S={c_1,c_2,...,c_m}$
采用了生态学中常用的 Chao1 指数 [3],它常被用作种群丰富度的一个描述指标
$$S_{chao1}=S_{obs}+\frac{F_1^2}{2F_2}$$ $S_{obs}$ 表示样本中观察到的物种数目。$F_1$和$F_2$分别表示singletons和doubletons的数目由经典公式可以看到,当doubletons为0(即$F_2$为0)时计算的结果没有意义,因此又提出了另外一种修正偏差的公式
$$\hat S_{chao1}=S_{obs}+\frac{F_1(F_1-1)}{2(F_2+1)}$$ 可以这样理解这个修正公式(虽然不太严格):它从singletons中拿出1条来(严格来说与经典公式相比还不到1条),当作doubletons,这样分母一定会大于0
$(F_1^2)/(2F_2)$ ,它通过singletons和doubletons进行了合理的推算,那么差距为$(F_1^2)/(2F_2)$ 的合理性在哪里?分析
$(F_1^2)/(2*F_2)$ 我们不难发现它对singletons的权重要高于doubletons (即$F_1^2$ 比$2F_2$ 变化的速度更快),这和我们的一个直观理解是相符的:在一个群体中随机抽样,当稀有的物种 (singletons) 依然不断的被发现时,则表明还有一些稀有的物种没有被发现;直到所有物种至少被抽到两次 (doubletons) 时,则表明不会再有新的物种被发现
PCR与测序错误的校正 目录
Nguyen P [10] 等试图直接评估这些错误率,并提出了通过分析这些错误并实施质量过滤器来减少库中错误序列数量的新方法。为此,他们分析了从RAG缺陷型(Rag-/-)小鼠中获得的特定转基因TCR,使它们能够表达单个种系重排的TCR,因此可以将测序的受体与原始DNA进行比较。他们的研究表明,错误序列的总发生率为1–6%,在过滤过程之后,这些错误被大大减少了,但并没有完全减少
TCR-seq对测序错误十分敏感,因为只要有一个碱基不同,一条TCR β链就能区别于其他的克隆,一个碱基的测序错误可能在后续的分析中会被错误地鉴定出一个低丰度的新克隆,因此
(1) 在进入后续分析之前需要执行严格的质控,但是 (2) 对于深度的TCR-seq则没有这个必要,因为错误的TCR序列总是表现出低丰度的特征,因此通过一个丰度的阈值筛选就可以比较轻松且准确地将这些错误的TCR克隆过滤掉;还有另外一种解决方法 (3) 假设每一种低丰度的克隆都是由测序错误产生的,将它们分别与高丰度的克隆依据序列相似性进行聚类,将高丰度的克隆的序列作为它的正确的序列
- 基于计算方法的校正
(1)Wei Zhang等提出了一种进行错误校正的方法 [4]
- 高质量序列:每个碱基的质量都大于Q20;
- 丢弃序列:超过5个碱基的质量低于Q20,将这样的reads直接丢弃;
- 低质量序列:减去前两组,剩下的那些序列;
(2)Bolotin D等开发的MiXCR的错误矫正方法也同时考虑了PCR错误与测序错误 [5]:
校正PCR error依据这样一个假设:
PCR错误一般出现在PCR的比较靠后的阶段,如果共进行了N轮PCR,对于某一条template read,在这N轮PCR过程中总共发生了n次PCR错误(假设每次PCR错误只发生一个碱基错误且每轮最多只发生一次),PCR错误既可能发生在原始的template read上,也可能发生在已经发生PCR错误的read上,我们可以用一个树形结构来记录这条template read的PCR错误的发生进程(称为变异发生树)
- 基于实验技术的方法 [6]
缩小多重PCR引入的PCR bias 目录
一般PCR仅应用一对引物,通过PCR扩增产生一个核酸片段,而多重PCR (multiplex PCR),又称多重引物PCR或复合PCR,它是在同一PCR反应体系里加上二对以上引物,同时扩增出多个核酸片段的PCR反应,其反应原理,反应试剂和操作过程与一般PCR相同·
在免疫组库建库的过程中一般都采用针对V和J基因的多套引物进行PCR扩增,即使用的是多重PCR方法,与普通PCT相比,多重PCR明显会带来更大程度的PCR bias,所以为了保证下游分析的可靠性,进行PCR bias的修正是非常有必要的
Wei Zhang等提出了一种进行PCR bias修正的方法 [4]:
该方法基于这样一个前提假设:multiplex PCR过程中,克隆的扩增效率仅受到以下两个因素的影响——模板的浓度和多重引物的效率
Plasmid No. | V gene | J gene | Plasmidmix 1-1* | Plasmidmix 1-2* | Plasmidmix 2-1* | Plasmidmix 2-2* | Plasmidmix 3-1* | Plasmidmix 3-2* |
C-01 | TRBV10-1 | TRBJ2-7 | 2000 | 2000 | 10 | 10 | 100000 | 100000 |
C-02 | TRBV10-2/3 | TRBJ2-7 | 2000 | 2000 | 1000 | 1000 | 1000 | 1000 |
C-03 | TRBV11-1/2/3 | TRBJ1-3 | 2000 | 2000 | 10 | 10 | 100000 | 100000 |
…… | …… | …… | …… | …… | …… | …… | …… | …… |
C-33 | TRBV9 | TRBJ1-2 | 2000 | 2000 | 100 | 100 | 10000 | 10000 |
注:$\text{Plasmidmix}_{i-j} , (i\in {1,2,3},j\in{1,2})$表示第i个样本对中的第j个样本
(1)先进行克隆浓度的校正。先排除引物效率的影响,即选定某一种克隆(则与它对应的PCR引物也唯一确定了,也就排除了不同引物的效率的影响了),使用不同的克隆浓度,分析克隆浓度对PCR bias(表现为不同浓度导致扩增后observed frequency的不同)的影响,构建回归模型来定量描述克隆浓度与PCR bias的关系;
(2)进行引物效率的校正。先排除克隆浓度的影响,即选择克隆浓度相同的那些克隆放在一起分析,这些克隆浓度相同,但是所对应的PCR引物不同,则在前面的前提假设下,导致PCR bias(表现为不同PCR引物导致扩增后observed frequency的不同)的因素只有引物的效率,因可以据此分析引物效率队PCR bias的影响
为了控制潜在变量的影响,将相同浓度的克隆合并到一个相同的组进行研究,因此可以聚成5个浓度的组(总共有5种可选浓度,则理论上总共有$\left( \begin{matrix} 5 \ 3 \end{matrix}\right)=10$种可能,但是实际上只用到了里面的5种):10_2E4_1E5、1000_2E4、100_1000_2E4、100_1E4_2E4 和 10_1E4_2E4 (可以看出是$i_j_k(i<j<k)$形式,它是某个克隆的3个浓度)
$$\mu(j)=\frac 1n \sum_{i=1}^nf(i,j) \quad j\in{10; 2E4; 1E5}$$ 然后对每个克隆i,寻找它对应的浓度校正系数$k_i\in(0,+\infty)$使得校正后的浓度与实际浓度的均值$\mu(j)$最小,即
$$k_i^*=arg \min_{k_i\in(0,+\infty)}\sum_{j\in{10,2E4,1E5}}|f(i,j)k_i-\mu(j)|$$ 则克隆$i$校正之后的clone frequency为
$$f_{norm}(i,j)=f(i,j)k_i^*$$ 这里得到的是每组中每个克隆的校正结果,下面要依据每一组都具有的浓度2E4为基准,将5个组的校正结果相结合,并进行拟合得到克隆浓度与PCR bias的回归模型:
$$y=0.60636\log_{1.8}x+1 $$ -
为了排除克隆浓度的影响,将所有样本中浓度相同的克隆聚成相同的组,则共得到6个组:10、100、1E3、1E4、2E4 和 1E5
从上面的图可以看出,相同浓度的克隆,不同的对应引物的扩增效率存在较大的差异,表现为Observed frequency的较大波动,而浓度为2E4的那些克隆相对来说波动较小,即不同引物带来的扩增效率差异比较小
对于引物效率差异导致的PCR bias的校正目标很明确,就是消除PCR bias,即使相同浓度的克隆扩增出相近的observed freqency,表现在上面的图上就是曲线波动比较小,类似于2E4那条曲线
$$ r(i,j)= \begin{cases} \frac{f(i,j)l}{f(i,2E4)} \quad if , f(i,j)l > f(i,2E4)\ \ \frac{f(i,2E4)}{f(i,j)l} \quad if , f(i,j)l < f(i,2E4) \end{cases} $$
其中,$l\in(0,+\infty),j\in{10, 100, 1E3, 1E4, 2E4, 1E5}$
对于$j$浓度的组要找到合适的校正系数$l_k$使得该组的PCR bias最小化,即
$$l_j^*=arg \min_{l_j\in (0,+\infty)} \sum_{i=1}^n r(i,j)$$ 则对引物效率进行校正后的clone frequency为
$$f_{norm}(i,j)=f(i,j)l_j^*$$ 下图是整个多重PCR bias校正的总流程图
分析切入点 目录
库的大小 (the size of the repertoire);
库之间的相似性 (similarities between repertoires);
V(D)J段使用 (V(D)J segment use);
核苷酸插入和缺失 (nucleotide insertions and deletions);
CDR长度 (CDR lengths);
沿着CDR的氨基酸分布 (amino acid distributions along the CDRs);
The enormous diversity of the TCR repertoire results in individual experiments capturing thousands or even millions of different sequences from a single sample. Furthermore, two different samples, even if taken from the same individual, often only have a small degree of overlap. It is not obvious how to extract information from data of such diversity and heterogeneity.
A major focus of much of the TCR repertoire analysis to date has therefore been the analysis of summary statistics, which can capture some of the essential information about a repertoire in a small number of parameters.
comparative V and J region usage
which provides an expanded version of older antibody- or PCR-based techniques
Unexpectedly, V and J gene usage turn out to be highly non-uniform, following an underlying pattern that is remarkably conserved across different individuals and may reflect transcriptional regulation encoded at the level of chromatin remodeling or biases in the DNA recombination process
CDR3 length distribution
overlap between repertoires
多样性分析 目录
多样性分析的难点 目录
Robins HS1, Campregher PV, Srivastava SK at al. Comprehensive assessment of T-cell receptor beta-chain diversity in alphabeta T cells. Blood. 2009 Nov 5;114(19):4099-107.
- total TCRbeta receptor diversity is at least 4-fold higher than previous estimates;
- the diversity in the subset of CD45RO(+) antigen-experienced alphabeta T cells is at least 10-fold higher than previous estimates;
Rep-Seq的一项重要任务是估算唯一受体的数量,即在任何给定时刻个体中表达的库大小,称为 repertoires diversity estimation,而这是一个 unseen species problem
在大约60年前,统计学家费舍尔(Fisher)确定了类似问题的解决方案,主要是基于capture–recapture方法上的泊松分布估计 [7]:
目前repertoires diversity 的估计存在不准确性的原因:
疾病状态下的多样性缺失 目录
如上面的幻灯片所示,正常人的免疫组库(T细胞beta受体)多样性很好,在三维图像上看起来丛林密布;而结肠癌病人或系统性红斑狼疮病人的免疫组库则多 样性缺失,三维图像看上去就是几棵树。这些病人T细胞总数是正常的,可是他们的T细胞功能太专一,缺乏健康人应有的多样性
常用的多样性指标 目录
Observed diversity, the total number of clonotypes in a sample Lower bound total diversity (LBTD) estimates
- Chao estimate (denoted chao1)
- Efron-Thisted estimate
Diversity indices
Shannon-Wiener index. The exponent of clonotype frequency distribution entropy is returned.
Normalized Shannon-Wiener index. Normalized (divided by log[number of clonotypes]) entropy of clonotype frequency distribution. Note that plain entropy is returned, not its exponent.
Inverse Simpson index
Extrapolated Chao diversity estimate, denoted chaoE here.
The d50 index, a recently developed immune diversity estimate
“所谓D50,就是通过arm-PCR技术扩增免疫组库然后测序。把半定量扩增出的免疫组库和测序结果做sorting, 表达量最高到表达量最低排列,然后从高到低地相加。加到50%(reads)的时候看看一共包括多少个克隆,克隆数占总数的百分比就是D50值。
一个健康 人,因为免疫组库多样性好,免疫细胞总数的50%就会由许多不同的细胞组成,D50值就会偏高;相反,病人常常会有克隆性扩增,免疫多样性差,所以几个克 隆就占据了免疫细胞的50%了,因此D50值就偏低。”
Diversity estimates are computed in two modes: using original data and via several re-sampling steps (usually down-sampling to the size of smallest dataset).
The estimates computed on original data could be biased by uneven sampling depth (sample size), of those only chaoE is properly normalized to be compared between samples. While not good for between-sample comparison, the LBTD estimates provided for original data are most useful for studying the fundamental properties of repertoires under study, i.e. to answer the question how large the repertoire diversity of an entire organism could be.
Estimates computed using re-sampling are useful for between-sample comparison, e.g. we have successfully used the re-sampled (normalized) observed diversity to measure the repertoire aging trends (see this paper).
An additional complication in interpreting measurements of diversity is that the measures are strongly influenced by the large numbers of rare species (often present only once) that are typically observed in a repertoire sample, and which are themselves dependent on sequencing error and the accuracy of the algorithms used to correct this
VDJ重组差异 目录
Analysis by our laboratory and by others of germline VH, Vκ and Vλ segment usage and frequencies of recombination between particular V-D and D-J segments in the naive BCR repertoire revealed a marked skewing that in turn then shapes the repertoire in mature, antigen-experienced B cells
Ippolito, G.C. et al. Forced usage of positively charged amino acids in immunoglobulin CDR-H3 impairs B cell development and antibody production. J. Exp. Med. 203, 1567–1578 (2006).
Boyd, S.D. et al. Individual variation in the germline Ig gene repertoire inferred from variable region gene rearrangements. J. Immunol. 184, 6986–6992 (2010).
Boyd, S.D. et al. Measurement and clinical monitoring of human lymphocyte clonality by massively parallel VDJ pyrosequencing. Sci. Transl. Med. 1, 12ra23 (2009).
Larimore, K., McCormick, M.W., Robins, H.S. & Greenberg, P.D. Shaping of human germline IgH repertoires revealed by deep sequencing. J. Immunol. 189, 3221–3230 (2012).
我们也和其它科学家一样,试图通过多做一些病人标本找到更特异性的免疫组库变化:某个特定的VDJ重组总是和某个肿瘤相关。可是,免疫系统潜在的多样性(人可以有10的20次方那么多不同的T细胞)实在太大,找到病人之间共有的特异性VDJ (或者CDR3)可能性很小
Public or private T cells 目录
Public T cells, which are identical T-cell clonotypes shared among individuals, have been a curiosity for some time given the incredibly low likelihood of identical TCRs being generated in separate individuals by chance.
TCR-seq studies have revealed that public T cells are actually commonplace (1, 2, 3, 4) and result from the increased generation probability of these shared TCR specificities across individuals [29], as well as the fact that different TCR nucleotide sequences can code for the same TCR amino acid sequence, because of the degeneracy of the genetic code
——Genome Med. 2013 Oct 30;5(10):98.
克隆融合度(convergence)或者称为简并性 目录
Freeman JD, Warren RL, Webb JR at al. Profiling the T-cell receptor beta-chain repertoire by massively parallel sequencing. Genome Res. 2009 Oct; 19(10):1817-24.
免疫组库多样性产生的非随机性 目录
Vβ-Jβ组合的频率在naive T细胞和记忆T细胞之间存在着明显的差异 [8];
基于对V-D-J基因片段之间的组合形式的分析发现:Vβ-Dβ重组倾向于随机,而Dβ-Jβ的组合的随机性不够明显 [8];
不同个体的免疫组库的相似性高于随机期望 [8]。例如,一项针对naive CD8+ T细胞的研究表明,在任意两个个体中,其重叠程度都比均匀分布的随机库大7000倍;
以上的种种都表明 IgH/TCRB 存在序列选择的非随机性,在某种程度上有一定收敛规律,这种现象可以被克隆融合度或简并性部分解释:
Repertoire Bias 目录
responding T cells in an individual use the same TCR α-chain variable (Vα) region or β-chain variable (Vβ) region, but have little or no similarity in the complementarity-determining region 3 (CDR3)- or junctional (J)-region sequences
responding T cells in an individual use the same TCR Vα or Vβ region, and also share amino acids at the same position in the CDR3 region (a CDR3 motif). The motif can be as small as one amino acid, or as large as four amino acids
The example shown here comprises a two amino-acid motif, WG
responding T cells in an individual use the same TCR Vα or Vβ region, CDR3 and J-region sequence. It can refer to a single TCR α- or β-chain, or both
那么Repertoire Bias对个体免疫力来说,是好是坏?
C57BL / 6J小鼠的野生型 H2-Kb 和突变型 H2-Kbm8 对单纯疱疹病毒糖蛋白B(HSV gB)提呈相同的抗原肽SL8(HSV gB氨基酸序列的495-502位,SSIEFARL,表示为SL8)
对这两种小鼠施加HSV gB刺激,H2-Kb 型表现出较强的易感性,而突变型H2-Kbm8具有抗性,分析它们的免疫组库的组成发现:
表现出较强易感性的 H2-Kb 型小鼠,其被 SL8-H2-Kb 特异性选择出来的TCR克隆型具有TRBV4 bias,且在CDR3β有保守WG基序(符合上述的Type2 TCR bias);
具有抗性的 H2-Kbm8 型小鼠,其被 SL8-H2-Kbm8 特异性选择出来的TCR克隆型具有更高的多样性,且有更强的亲和力;
结构分析表明,SL8肽在 H2-Kb 和 H2-Kbm8 分子凹槽中的结合形态看起来几乎相同。然而,H2-Kbm8 的肽结合槽中的多态性残基使其构象发生改变,导致MHC分子α1-螺旋表面62位上的精氨酸残基的侧链获得更稳定的构象,在不存在TCR连接的情况下,这种稳定作用是显而易见的。因此,在SL8–H2-K bm8复合物中Arg62的迁移性降低,使得从幼稚的TCR库中选择的一系列特定TCR(更多样化)可以实现更大的TCR接触(更高的亲和力)
鉴于一般认为TCR亲和力与功能能力正相关,因此,更多样化,更高亲和力 SL8–H2-Kbm8 特异性T细胞库比更严格,“质量”较低的 SL8–H2-Kb 特异性T细胞反应在控制HSV感染方面更好
由此,我们可以从这个示例中得出一个结论:Repertoire Bias不利于个体免疫力
对于MHC I型基因型为Mamu-A*01的猴子,面对SIV(猿猴免疫缺陷病毒)的侵染,会对两个病毒蛋白Tat和Gag,分别提呈抗原肽TL8和CM9,对TL8-MHCI和CM9-MHCI响应的CD8+T细胞分别存在TRBV6-5和TRBV27的选择偏好性
TL8-MHCI -> TRBV6-5 : Type 2 TCR bias
CM9-MHCI -> TRBV27 : Type 1 TCR bias
不同的TCR bias导致它们在面对病毒突变逃逸时,表现出不同的灵活性:
基于网络的分析方法 目录
一般来说,我们希望了解的是: 生物系统(网络)的哪些部分容易受到扰动的影响? 网络中生物分子及其相互作用的显著变化,形成差异性网络(Differential Network),这种差异性变化对细胞信号的转导、细胞发育、环境压力、药物治疗以及疾病状态的转变具有重要的价值
大多数的生物网络差异性的分析方法依赖于不同的相关性来衡量网络中顶点对之间的关联强度,其研究的重点在于 相关性的度量 和 差异性指标的提取 、差异性度量方法和先验知识的融合
网络分析中的中心度分析(centrality analysis):
一网络的中心指数(centrality indices)包括:网络中每个节点(vertex)的连接度(Degree)和顶点间度(Betweenness )
顶点间度(Betweenness ):该顶点所处的最短路径的数量,或者说是经过该节点的所有可达节点对中最短路径的比例,某一点的顶点间度越高表示该顶点是许多最短路径的必经入路,正所谓“咽喉要道”“一夫当关万夫莫开”,则它的全局网络结构中的中心度越高;
BMC Syst Biol. doi: 10.1186/1752-0509-5-27
Nat Com. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-09278-8
- 紫:NLVPMVATV (CMV/pp65)
- 灰:其他
健康个体的免疫组库 目录
TCR β的CDR3序列,长度为45bp,其最大可能的容量为445,考虑一些已知的限制因素,它理论上的多样性也能达到1011,然而实际上T细胞在胸腺成熟的过程中要经历两个选择过程:
- 阳性选择:留下那些能与自身MHC结合的T细胞克隆
- 阴性选择:消除那些与自身MHC结合能力过强的T细胞克隆
在1999年的Science文章中,有人基于Vβ18 和 Jβ1.4 subset抽样推断,认为TCR β的克隆种类大概为106
2009年,基于深度的TCR-seq和unseen species model,推断TCR β的克隆种类大概为3-4 million,目前对个体进行全面深度的TCR-seq的研究得出结论,一个健康个体大概有1.3 million的distinct TCR β chain sequences
Public T cells:个体间共有的相同的T细胞克隆型,由于不同个体偶然产生相同的TCR的可能性极低,一段时间以来,它们一直是一种稀奇的事物。
其实在每个个体的 naive T 库中都随时在产生着丰富多样的T细胞克隆类型(T细胞克隆类型由TCR决定),因为其足够丰富,丰富到 naive T 库的容量几乎达到甚至已经超过它可能产生的克隆类型的总量,那么此时大部分的TCRβ在不同个体间,不论什么时刻什么生理状态下,都是共享的,但是此时每种T细胞克隆几乎都是微量的,或者说是单克隆。
当个体被暴露在某种特定的抗原环境下,针对这种特定抗原的TCR识别MHC-抗原复合物(antigen–MHC complex),使得带有这种TCR的T细胞克隆增殖发生克隆扩张(clonal expansion),那么它在整个T细胞库中的比例就会显著增加,而从外周血取样也只是对T细胞库进行抽样测序,比例高的T细胞克隆类型相对于其他克隆类型当然更容易被检测到。
对低丰度的T细胞克隆具有极高的灵敏度 目录
在相同的T细胞克隆的混合背景(1 million) 中添加不同量的已知的T细胞克隆作为spike-in
免疫组库机器学习方法 目录
use the biochemical features encoded by the complementarity determining region 3 of each B cell receptor heavy chain in every patient repertoire as input to a detector function, which is fit to give the correct diagnosis for each patient using maximum likelihood optimization methods. The resulting statistical classifier assigns patients to one of two diagnosis categories, RRMS or other neurological disease, with 87% accuracy by leave-one-out cross-validation on training data (N = 23) and 72% accuracy on unused data from a separate study (N = 102)
public clones possess predictable sequence features that differentiate them from private clones, which are believed to be generated largely stochastically
Leveraging a machine learning approach capable of capturing the high-dimensional compositional information of each clonal sequence (defined by CDR3), we detected predictive public clone and private clone-specific immunogenomic differences concentrated in CDR3's N1-D-N2 region, which allowed the prediction of public and private status with 80% accuracy in humans and mice.
总结:用SVM判别public clones vs. private clones
TCR/BCR的基础分析及分析工具 目录
- 跟踪个体的克隆型变化;
- 比较V、D、J基因片段的使用偏好情况;
- 比较个体间免疫组多样性的差异,或者同一个体某一过程中免疫组库多样性的变化;
VDJtools 目录
工具文章 [9]:
功能 目录
简要概览 目录
Basic analysis
Computes summary statistics for samples: read counts, mean clonotype sizes, number of non-functional clonotypes, etc
Computes Variable (V) and Joining (J) segment usage profiles
Computes spectratype, the distribution of clonotype abundance by CDR3 sequence length
Plots spectratype explicitly showing top N clonotypes
Plots the frequency of different V-J pairings
Plots distribution of V segment abundance by resulting CDR3 sequence length
详细举例 目录
Basic analysis 目录
(1) CalcBasicStats
This routine computes a set of basic sample statistics, such as read counts, number of clonotypes, etc
Column | Description |
sample_id | Sample unique identifier |
… | Metadata columns. See Metadata section |
count | Number of reads in a given sample |
diversity | Number of clonotypes in a given sample |
mean_frequency | Mean clonotype frequency |
geomean_frequency | Geometric mean of clonotype frequency |
nc_diversity | Number of non-coding clonotypes |
nc_frequency | Frequency of reads that belong to non-coding clonotypes |
mean_cdr3nt_length | Mean length of CDR3 nucleotide sequence. Weighted by clonotype frequency |
mean_insert_size | Mean number of inserted random nucleotides in CDR3 sequence. Characterizes V-J insert for receptor chains without D segment, or a sum of V-D and D-J insert sizes |
mean_ndn_size | Mean number of nucleotides that lie between V and J segment sequences in CDR3 |
convergence | Mean number of unique CDR3 nucleotide sequences that code for the same CDR3 amino acid sequence |
(2) CalcSegmentUsage
This routine computes Variable (V) and Joining (J) segment usage vectors, i.e. the frequency of associated reads for each of V/J segments present in sample(s). If plotting is on, will also perform clustering for V/J usage vectors
Column | Description |
sample_id | Sample unique identifier |
… | Metadata columns. See Metadata section |
Segment name, e.g. TRBJ1-1 | Segment frequency in a given sample |
Next segment name, e.g. TRBJ1-2 | … |
… | … |
(3) CalcSpectratype
Calculates spectratype, that is, histogram of read counts by CDR3 nucleotide length. The spectratype is useful to detect pathological and highly clonal repertoires, as the spectratype of non-expanded T- and B-cells has a symmetric gaussian-like distribution.
Column | Description |
sample_id | Sample unique identifier |
… | Metadata columns. See Metadata section |
CDR3 length, e.g. 22 | Frequency of reads with a given CDR3 length in a given sample |
Next CDR3 length, 23 | … |
… | … |
(4) PlotFancySpectratype
Plots a spectratype that also displays CDR3 lengths for top N clonotypes in a given sample. This plot allows to detect the highly-expanded clonotypes.
Column | Description |
Len | Length of CDR3 nucleotide sequence |
Other | Frequency of clonotypes with a given CDR3 length, other than top N |
Clonotype#N, e.g. CASRLLRAGSTEAFF | Clonotype frequency, at the corresponding CDR3 length |
Clonotype#N-1 | … |
… | … |
(5) PlotFancyVJUsage
Plots a circos-style V-J usage plot displaying the frequency of various V-J junctions
(6) PlotSpectratypeV
Plots a detailed spectratype containing additional info displays CDR3 length distribution for clonotypes from top N Variable segment families. This plot is useful to detect type 1 and type 2 repertoire biases, that could arise under pathological conditions.
Diversity estimation 目录
(1) PlotQuantileStats
第一层:singleton 、doubleton 和更高频的clonetype的频率分布。singleton 和 doubleton对多样性评估影响比较大,例如chao1,在【J Immunol. 2014 Mar 15;192(6):2689-98】这篇文章中发现singleton与naive T细胞的数量呈正相关,它们是免疫组库多样性的基础;
第二层:“3+” set中丰度递减的克隆5个5等分部分克隆的各自丰度总会;
(2) RarefactionPlot
同时对多个样本进行稀疏曲线饱和度分析,从0到sample size进行抽样,得到实测的稀疏曲线,然后再以sample size最大的样本为基准,对sample size较小的样本进行稀疏曲线的外推补全
(3) CalcDiversityStats
- Observed diversity, the total number of clonotypes in a sample
- Lower bound total diversity (LBTD) estimates
- Chao estimate (denoted chao1)
- Efron-Thisted estimate
- Diversity indices
- Shannon-Wiener index. The exponent of clonotype frequency distribution entropy is returned.
- Normalized Shannon-Wiener index. Normalized (divided by log[number of clonotypes]) entropy of clonotype frequency distribution. Note that plain entropy is returned, not its exponent.
- Inverse Simpson index
- Extrapolated Chao diversity estimate, denoted chaoE here.
- The d50 index, a recently developed immune diversity estimate
基于重采样数据的计算,一般是在原始数据基础上的下采样,到最小的sample size
使用 目录
$ java -Xmx16G -jar vdjtools.jar RoutineName [arguments] -m metadata.txt output/prefix
$ java -Xmx16G -jar vdjtools.jar Convert -S software -m metadata.txt ... output_dir/
column1 | column2 | column3 | column4 | column5 | column6 | column7 | column8 | column9 | column10 | column11 |
count | frequency | CDR3nt | CDR3aa | V | D | J | Vend | Dstart | Dend | Jstart |
1176 | 9.90E-02 | TGTGCCAGC…AAGCTTTCTTT | CAST…EAFF | TRBV12-4 | TRBD1 | TRBJ1-1 | 11 | 14 | 16 | 23 |
# file.name | sample.id | col.name | … |
sample_1.txt | sample_1 | A | … |
sample_2.txt | sample_2 | A | … |
sample_3.txt | sample_3 | B | … |
sample_4.txt | sample_4 | C | … |
… | … | … | … |
附加信息 目录
* 数据库信息资源 目录
只保存germline IG 和 TCR的序列和结构相关信息
* 冠心病与免疫 目录
血脂代谢异常被认为是动脉粥样硬化发生的必要条件。当血浆低密度脂蛋白浓度升高时, 可通过穿胞作用滞留于血管内皮层,并经过氧化修饰形成脂过氧化物、磷脂化合物及羰基脂化合物。 这些脂类分子可以诱导巨噬细胞及血管壁细胞产生细胞黏附分子、化学因子及炎症介质,同时损伤血管内皮激活损伤—应答过程。
此外脂蛋白脱辅基蛋白部分也可以被修饰后产生自身抗原性, 激活 T 细胞及抗原特异性免疫反应从而促进炎性细胞在粥样斑块原位聚集, 加剧脂类聚集、内皮功能异常及平滑肌增生, 加速粥样硬化的形成
在高血压患者血管紧张素Ⅱ的升高非常普遍,它不但可以增加动脉内皮细胞及平滑肌细胞超氧化物阴离子的生成量,从而增加脂类物质的氧化修饰;还可以增加内皮细胞表面白细胞黏附分子的表达, 及血管平滑肌细胞间炎性细胞因子的表达
在糖尿病所致的高血糖状态下, 大分子物质可被修饰形成高级糖基化终产物。这些经修饰的大分子物质通过与内皮细胞表面的相应受体结合, 可增强内皮细胞在受到损伤后免疫应答过程中释放炎性细胞因子的能力,加之高血糖状态可以增强反应性氧及羰基基团的氧化损伤作用,在损伤— 应答两个方面加剧了粥样斑块形成
其机制可能是病原体含有与宿主蛋白肽同源序列,侵入的病原感染( 血管内或血管外) 诱发免疫反应,免疫产物不但针对病原体本身,同时也攻击含有交叉反应肽序列的宿主组织,血管内皮细胞即为攻击对象之一,从而引发了随后的粥样斑块形成。
* 多样性评估指标 目录
where fi is the frequency of the ith clone weighted by the parameter α.
Special cases of this Diversity function correspond to popular diversity indices in the immune repertoire field:
species richness (
$\alpha=0$ ) -
the exponential Shannon–Weiner (
$\alpha\to 1$ ) -
the inverse of the Simpson index (
$\alpha\to 2$ ) -
the Berger–Parker index (
$\alpha\to \infin$ )
The higher the value of α, the higher becomes the influence of the higher-abundance clones on the diversity
Owing to the mathematical properties of the diversity function (Schur concavity), two repertoires may yield qualitatively different αD values depending on the diversity index used
Diversity profiles, which are vectors of several diversity indices, have, therefore, been suggested to be superior to single diversity indices and are increasingly used in repertoire analyses
To quantify clonal expansion, diversity can be divided into evenness(
* 文章收藏 目录
- 李鹏.免疫组库高通量数据分析流程的构建与应用.中山大学, 2015.
(7) Harlan Robins, Cindy Desmarais, Jessica Matthis, et al. Ultra-sensitive detection of rare T cell clones[J]. Journal of Immunological Methods, 2012, 375(1-2):14-19.
(8) Woodsworth DJ, Castellarin M, Holt RA. Sequence analysis of T-cell repertoires in health and disease. Genome Med. 2013;5(10):98. Published 2013 Oct 30. doi:10.1186/gm502
(9) Robins, H.S. et al. Overlap and effective size of the human CD8 + T cell receptor repertoire. Sci. Transl. Med. 2, 47ra64 (2010).
(10) Emerson R O , Dewitt W S , Vignali M , et al. Immunosequencing identifies signatures of cytomegalovirus exposure history and HLA-mediated effects on the T cell repertoire[J]. Nature Genetics, 2017, 49(5):659-665.