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Example programs which use the viterbi decoder library.

Building programs

  1. cd examples
  2. Configure cmake: cmake . -B build --preset windows-msvc -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
  3. Build: cmake --build build --config Release

Change preset for your specific compiler. Refer to CMakePresets.json for example presets.


Name Description
run_simple A simple and common decoder use pattern
run_tests Runs test suite on all decoder combinations
run_benchmark Runs benchmark to compare performance between vectorisations
run_punctured_decoder Implementation of DAB radio punctured decoding
run_snr_ber Measures bit error rate vs SNR for all decoders and prints to stdout

Run tests

  1. ./build/run_tests.exe

Plot performance of decoders

  1. ./build/run_snr_ber.exe > ./data_snr_ber_0.txt
  2. pip install matplotlib
  3. python ./ ./data_snr_ber_0.txt

NOTE: soft_8 decoders for high code rates will overflow for scalar implementations due to non saturating arithmetic.

Run benchmark

  1. ./build/run_benchmark.exe > ./data_benchmark_0.txt
  2. pip install numpy
  3. python ./ ./data_benchmark_0.txt

To compare benchmarks use:

diff -y <(python ./ ./0.txt) <(python ./ ./1.txt)