Cell-specific Genome Neural Cellular Automata
- Bit Packing
- Assume rgba32ui (can go smaller)
- Bits 0-a (Booleans/1 bit) (maybe for program use / optimization)
- Self (Properties):
- isAlive
- markedForBirth
- markedForDeath
- hasNeighbor(Up/Down/Left/Right)
- isReproducing
- isMobile
- isHungry
- isCommunicating
- Neighbors (* 8):
- isAlive
- hasNeighbor(Up/Down/Left/Right)
- isMutating
- isInReproductionProcess
- isUnderAttack
- isMobile
- isHungry
- isCommunicating
- Self (Properties):
- Bits a-b (Integers/2-8 bits)
- Self:
- energy (0 to 255)
- timeAlive
- reproductionCount
- mutationRate
- attackPower
- defensePower
- reproductionSpeed
- mobilitySpeed*
- Neighbors:
- energy
- timeAlive
- reproductionCount
- mutationRate
- attackPower
- defensePower
- communicationSkill
- mobilitySpeed
- Self:
- Arbitrary Memory?
- Self memory: (stores historical actions, status, etc.)
- Incoming memory: (communication from other cells)
- Outgoing memory: (communication to other cells)
Possible Actions:
- Move up, left, right, down
- Attack up, left, right, down
- Reproduce up, left, right, down (with mutations)
- Communicate up, left, right, down
- Consume energy
- Place pheremone
- Die
Need Some Update Rule Scheme
- New layer, rgba32f (2x 16f = 8 FP16 total)
- Each of the 8 FP16 is a weight
- Mini Neural Network:
- Input layer: (cell status, neighbors' status, etc.)
- 2 Hidden layers: (with activation functions)
- Output layer: (action, softmax)
Update Pipeline:
- Set states
- energy
- timeAlive
- ...
- (Sync)
- PlanMove
- (Sync)
- Perform NN forward pass
- Execute action (move, attack, reproduce, etc.)
- Update environment (energy consumption, cell deaths, etc.)
- Bit Packing