Deep Learning 最需要的還是資料,缺少資料的情況下大部分的 SMT 還是勝過 NMT 的,在這個章節將會研究各種 data sparsity
的問題,例如 noise reducing
, different domain data
, less or no parallel data
因為 MT training data 往往是自動或半自動從爬蟲而來,所以會有很多 noise,例如會抓到:
- Sentence fragments
- Wrong languages
- Misaligned sentence pairs
- MT output (並非真正的 parallel text)
雖然在 back-translation 的合成資料中加入 noise 可以提升效能,而 noise 也能幫助產生多樣性的翻譯結果,但這邊指的原生 noise 是完全沒有幫助的髒東西,已經有許多研究證明這些 noise 對 training 和 testing 都有不好的影響:
On the impact of various types of noise on neural machine translation
Synthetic and natural noise both break neural machine translation
A testbed for machine translation of noisy text
Towards robust neural machine translation
Assessing the tolerance of neural machine translation systems against speech recognition errors
在不改善 noise 情況下想要增加效能的一種方法,是讓 model 在包含 synthetic noise 的情況下訓練。
Training on synthetic noise improves robustness to natural noise in machine translation
Improving robustness of machine translation with synthetic noise
而要在 training 就解決 noise 問題,有一種做法在 SMT 就已經在研究,稱為 corpus filtering
,常與 domain adaptation
一起實作,但 SMT 的 corpus filtering
無法有效的在 NMT 上被實踐,所以開始有人針對 NMT 設計 corpus filtering
- Based on semantic analysis
Detecting cross-lingual semantic divergence for neural machine translation
- (Most effective in WMT18) Combination of
likelihood scores
fromneural translation models
andneural language models
which trained onclean data
Findings of the WMT 2018 shared task on parallel corpus filtering
Microsoft’s submission to the WMT2018 news translation task
Dual conditional cross-entropy filtering of noisy parallel corpora
The RWTH Aachen University filtering system for the WMT 2018 parallel corpus filtering task
這些做法最終都是希望 sentence pairs 為 translation model 所翻譯出的最接近的結果,但有一些人反對這個說法,他們認為 'difficult' training samples 才對 NMT 模型有幫助 (samples with low translation probability)
這種 hard data filtering 的做法又稱為 curriculum learning
Curriculum learning
Dynamic data selection for neural machine translation
Denoising neural machine translation training with trusted data and online data selection
Reinforcement learning based curriculum optimization for neural machine translation
Competence-based curriculum learning for neural machine translation
Domain adaptation
是 MT 中非常重要的領域,目標是在非常大的 out-of-domain corpus
中挑選 (select) 或加權 (weight) 樣本,做法有好幾種:
- Back-translation 透過將
in-domain monolingual corpus
資料 - 聯合訓練
來幫助訓練Domain control for neural machine translation
Multi-domain neural machine translation
Effective domain mixing for neural machine translation
- 簡單的
串聯,就能提升 NMT 的實力和一般化效果Neural machine translation training in a multi-domain scenario
- 將分開訓練的
的模型透過 ensembling 合併Fast domain adaptation for neural machine translation
- Constraining an NMT system to SMT lattices
Neural lattice search for domain adaptation in machine translation
另一類的方法是先訓練一個 general-domain model
然後再利用 in-domain corpus
來繼續 fine-tune,這方法有兩個缺陷:
- Catastrophic forgetting
- 在
- 在
- Over-fitting
- 因為
- 因為
可以利用在 fine-tuning
- 凍結 sub-networks
Freezing subnetworks to analyze domain adaptation in neural machine translation
- 不更新所有 weights,而是只學習一些 hidden units 的
scaling factors
Learning hidden unit contributions for unsupervised speaker adaptation of neural network acoustic models
Learning hidden unit contribution for adapting neural machine translation models
- 應用 regularizers 來讓 weights 保留在接近原本的權重
- 用
knowledge distillation
來 regularizeoutput distributions
Regularized training objective for continued training for domain adaptation in neural machine translation
Fine-tuning for neural machine translation with limited degradation across in-and out-of-domain data
- 用
L2 regularization
來執行domain adaptation
Regularization techniques for finetuning in neural machine translation
- Elastic weight consolidation (EWC) 將
importance of weights
納入考量,像是 L2 的一般化做法 2.Overcoming catastrophic forgetting during domain adaptation of neural machine translation
3.Domain adaptive inference for neural machine translation
- 用
EWC does not only reduce catastrophic forgetting but even yields gains on the general domain when used for fine-tuning on a related domain.
雖然前面有提到 SMT 在 low-resource
的情況下通常都贏過 NMT,但近期也有非常多的研究旨在提升 NMT 於 low-resource
Monolingual data
- Translation from
intothird resource-rich language
, then intotarget
Triangular architecture for rare language translation
- Transfer learning 首先在
resource-rich language
上訓練一個parent model
(e.g., French-English),再用該 model 來訓練low-resource language pairs
(e.g., Uzbek-English)Transfer learning for low-resource neural machine translation
- 這個方法需要依賴語言的相關性:
Transfer learning across low-resource, related languages for neural machine translation
Addressing word-order divergence in multilingual neural machine translation for extremely low resource languages
An empirical study of language relatedness for transfer learning in neural machine translation
- Multilingual NMT system 可以良好適應
low-resource language pairs
Rapid adaptation of neural machine translation to new languages
- Supervised the generation order of an insertion-based low-resource translation model with word alignments
Neural machine translation for low-resource languages
A series of NIST evaluation campaigns called LoReHLT
focuses on low-resource MT
, and recent WMT editions
also contain low-resource language pairs
Overview of the NIST 2016 LoReHLT evaluation
Findings of the 2017 conference on machine translation (WMT17)
Findings of the 2018 conference on machine translation (WMT18)
Findings of the 2019 conference on machine translation (WMT19)
- Notes on Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation
Unsupervised NMT
不使用任何 cross-lingual data
而是完全只用 (unrelated) monolingual data
來訓練,通常一開始會有一個 unsupervised cross-lingual word embedding model
Word translation without parallel data
Learning bilingual word embeddings with (almost) no bilingual data
Non-adversarial unsupervised word translation
該 model 負責將 source 和 target 的 embedding 映射到 joint embedding space
Unsupervised machine translation using monolingual corpora only
Unsupervised neural machine translation
該 model 再透過遞迴的 back-translation 來更新並完善
Phrase-based & neural unsupervised machine translation
Unsupervised neural machine translation with SMT as posterior regularization
Back-translation 有一個替代方案為 extract-edit scheme
,用編輯來取代合成 monolingual corpus
An alternative to back-translation for unsupervised neural machine translation
近年來 unsupervised NMT 已經在 WMT 中受到關注
Findings of the 2018 conference on machine translation (WMT18)
Findings of the 2019 conference on machine translation (WMT19)