NMT 模型通常會有上千萬個 parameters
,而能使用的 GPU 數量卻有限制,所以只好從模型大小下手了
較小的模型不但能降低 computational complexity
,而且能透過增加 batch size
來更好的運用 GPU parallelism
另外模型的檔案需要非常大的硬碟空間來存取,例如一個有效的方式是 neural architecture search
- 利用 systematic neural architecture search 來找到
computationally efficient Transformer hyper-parameters
A survey of multilingual neural machine translation
- 將運算中的 32-bit 浮點數調整為 8 或 16 bits
Fast neural machine translation implementation
Scaling neural machine translation
Pieces of eight: 8-bit neural machine translation
Fast and accurate neural machine translation decoding on the CPU
- 使用
vector quantization
Quantized convolutional neural networks for mobile devices
- 什麼是 neural architecture search ?
- Neural architecture search
- 提煉再提煉濃縮再濃縮:Neural Architecture Search 介紹
很多將模型修剪縮小的方法在 30 年前就有了,也被證實過網路中的權重有大多數是多餘的:
Optimal brain damage
Pruning algorithms of neural networks
Compression of neural machine translation models via pruning
其中一個研究是 remove umimportant network connections
,這些 connections 可以用以下方法選擇:
- second-derivative of the training error with respect to the weight
Second order derivatives for network pruning: Optimal brain surgeon
- threshold criterion on its magnitude
Learning both weights and connections for efficient neural network
其他改良 model size 的方法還有:
- 移除重複性較大且權重較小的
Data-free parameter pruning for deep neural networks
- 在訓練時合併相似度較大的
A simple way to prune neural networks
- 利用
low rank matrics
來近似Predicting parameters in deep learning
Exploiting linear structure within convolutional networks for efficient evaluation
Restructuring of deep neural network acoustic models with singular value decomposition
On the compression of recurrent neural networks with an application to LVCSR acoustic modeling for embedded speech recognition
Learning compact recurrent neural networks
最後一個方法是 knowledge distillation
,利用一個較大的網路 (teacher) 來產生 soft training labels
給予另一個較小的網路 (student),而 student network
是通過最小化 teacher 的 cross-entropy
Model compression
Distilling the knowledge in a neural network
這個方法已經被使用在多種 sequence modelling task
Sequence student-teacher training of deep neural networks
Ensemble distillation for neural machine translation
Analyzing knowledge distillation in neural machine translation
Knowledge distillation using output errors for self-attention end-to-end models
End-to-end speech translation with knowledge distillation
什麼是 knowledge distillation ?