A tool which records the copied text of the clipboard.
- Record each copied text into the txt file.
- Show each copied text with proper date and time.
- If the clipboard is empty, then the program stopped.
- Update the txt file every second.
- After every 60 seconds, it email the txt file.
- Windows 10
- Kali Linux
- Make sure the latest python and pip3 is installed on your system (Windows/Linux/MacOS).
- Install the pyperclip module on your system (Windows/Linux/MacOS) by copy and run the following command :
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Download or Clone the Repository.
- Open the folder.
- Put the Sender EmailID, App Password and Reciever EmailID at the indicated places.
- After that run the ClipMon.py file.
- To run without console window in windows:
pythonw.exe ClipMon.py
- Go to this link - Google Account.
- Search App Passwords.
- Enter your gmail password to proceed.
- It ask for App Name, give a name of the app.
- After that, click on Create.
- Wait for few seconds, it gives a 16-digit password.
- Copy the password and paste in the code.