From ea8c6cb28ab4582214dcae4541fcc76f19e07493 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ct-ajovanovic Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 10:37:00 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 1/6] Added PSD 2 Hint in CC configuration mask Signed-off-by: ct-ajovanovic --- .../PaymentMethod/CreditCardPaymentMethod.php | 13 + translations/de/module_de_lang.php | 494 ++++++++--------- translations/en/module_en_lang.php | 494 ++++++++--------- translations/fr/module_fr_lang.php | 494 ++++++++--------- translations/id/module_id_lang.php | 494 ++++++++--------- translations/jp/module_jp_lang.php | 494 ++++++++--------- translations/kr/module_kr_lang.php | 494 ++++++++--------- translations/zh_CN/module_zh_CN_lang.php | 494 ++++++++--------- translations/zh_TW/module_zh_TW_lang.php | 494 ++++++++--------- views/admin/de/module_de_lang.php | 499 +++++++++--------- views/admin/en/module_en_lang.php | 499 +++++++++--------- views/admin/fr/module_fr_lang.php | 494 ++++++++--------- views/admin/id/module_id_lang.php | 494 ++++++++--------- views/admin/jp/module_jp_lang.php | 494 ++++++++--------- views/admin/kr/module_kr_lang.php | 494 ++++++++--------- views/admin/zh_CN/module_zh_CN_lang.php | 493 ++++++++--------- views/admin/zh_TW/module_zh_TW_lang.php | 494 ++++++++--------- 17 files changed, 3981 insertions(+), 3945 deletions(-) diff --git a/Model/PaymentMethod/CreditCardPaymentMethod.php b/Model/PaymentMethod/CreditCardPaymentMethod.php index b40cf85d8..e1a64e05f 100644 --- a/Model/PaymentMethod/CreditCardPaymentMethod.php +++ b/Model/PaymentMethod/CreditCardPaymentMethod.php @@ -177,6 +177,19 @@ public function getConfigFields() ], $iUrlFieldOffset ); + $iPsdTwoFieldOffset = 5; + Helper::insertToArrayAtPosition( + $aFirstFields, + [ + 'psdTwo' => [ + 'type' => 'link', + 'field' => 'oxpayments__psd2', + 'title' => Helper::translate('wd_config_PSD2_information'), + 'text' => Helper::translate('wd_config_PSD2_information_desc_oxid'), + ], + ], + $iPsdTwoFieldOffset + ); $aAdditionalFields = [ 'threeDMaid' => [ diff --git a/translations/de/module_de_lang.php b/translations/de/module_de_lang.php index 77d0ccaa6..1ebd2a5da 100644 --- a/translations/de/module_de_lang.php +++ b/translations/de/module_de_lang.php @@ -1,246 +1,248 @@ - 'UTF-8', - 'wd_accept' => 'Akzeptieren', - 'wd_account_holder_title' => 'Kontoinhaber', - 'wd_amount' => 'Betrag', - 'wd_bic' => 'BIC', - 'wd_birthdate_input' => 'Geburtsdatum', - 'wd_cancel' => 'Abbrechen', - 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => 'Sie haben den Bezahlprozess abgebrochen.', - 'wd_capture' => 'Buchen', - 'wd_city' => 'Stadt', - 'wd_company_name_input' => 'Firma', - 'wd_config_additional_info' => 'Zusätzliche Informationen mitsenden', - 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => 'Zum Schutz vor Betrug werden zusätzliche Daten mitgesendet. Zu diesen zusätzlichen Daten gehören Rechnungs-/Lieferadresse, Warenkorb und Deskriptor.', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => 'Erlaubte Währungen', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => 'Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung wird nur dann angezeigt, wenn die aktive Währung einer der hier gewählten Währungen entspricht.', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => 'Änderung der Lieferadresse zulassen', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => 'Ist diese Option deaktiviert, muss der Konsument bei Änderung der Lieferadresse seine Kreditkartendaten erneut eingeben.', - 'wd_config_base_url' => 'Wirecard Server Adresse (URL)', - 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Server Adresse (URL) (z. B.', - 'wd_config_billing_countries' => 'Erlaubte Rechnungsländer', - 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => 'Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung wird nur dann angezeigt, wenn das Rechnungsland einem der hier gewählten Länder entspricht. Mehrfachauswahl mit STRG + Klick. Standardvorauswahl: Österreich und Deutschland.', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => 'Identische Rechnungs- und Lieferadresse', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => 'Bei Aktivierung wird Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung nur dann beim Bezahlprozess angezeigt, wenn Rechnungs- und Lieferadresse übereinstimmen.', - 'wd_config_country_code' => 'Ländercode', - 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. benötigt einen Ländercode um das richtige Logo zu verwenden (z.B. de_de).', - 'wd_config_creditor_id' => 'Creditor ID', - 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'Die Creditor ID wird benötigt, um das SEPA-Lastschriftmandat zu erstellen. Die Creditor-ID muss beim zuständigen Bankinstitut angefordert werden.', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => 'Abgebrochene Bestellung löschen', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => 'Bestellung nach Abbruch des Bezahlprozesses automatisch löschen.', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => 'Fehlgeschlagene Bestellung löschen', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => 'Bestellung nach fehlgeschlagenem Bezahlprozess automatisch löschen.', - 'wd_config_descriptor' => 'Deskriptor', - 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => 'Aktivieren Sie den Deskriptor, um bei jeder Transaktion eine Referenz zur jeweiligen Bestellung mitzuschicken. Diese Referenz wird im Buchungstext angezeigt, der dem Kosumenten vom Finanzdienstleister übermittelt wird.', - 'wd_config_email' => 'Ihre E-Mail-Adresse', - 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'BIC aktivieren', - 'wd_config_http_password' => 'Passwort (Password)', - 'wd_config_http_user' => 'Benutzername (Username)', - 'wd_config_logo_variant' => 'Logovariante', - 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => 'Konsumenten das Standard-Logo oder die deskriptive Variante zeigen.', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => 'Merchant Account ID (MAID)', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Eindeutiger Identifikator, der Ihrem Händlerkonto zugewiesen ist.', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => 'Geheimschlüssel (Secret Key)', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Der Geheimschlüssel (Secret Key) wird benötigt, um die Digitale Signatur für Zahlungen zu berechnen.', - 'wd_config_message' => 'Ihre Nachricht', - 'wd_config_payment_action' => 'Zahlungsaktion', - 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => 'Wählen Sie "Buchung", um automatisch eine Buchung durchzuführen, oder "Genehmigung", um eine manuelle Buchung zu ermöglichen.', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution URL', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => 'Erforderlich wenn Zustimmung einfordern aktiviert ist', - 'wd_config_reply_to' => 'Antwort an (optional)', - 'wd_config_require_consent' => 'Zustimmung einfordern', - 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => 'Der Konsument muss den Bedingungen zustimmen um mit dem Bezahlvorgang fortzufahren.', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => 'Erlaubte Lieferländer', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => 'Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung wird nur dann angezeigt, wenn das Lieferland einem der hier gewählten Länder entspricht. Mehrfachauswahl mit STRG + Klick. Standardvorauswahl: Österreich und Deutschland.', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => 'Warenkorb', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => 'Das Zahlungsmittel unterstützt die Anzeige des Warenkorbs während des Checkouts. Um dieses Feature zu verwenden, aktivieren Sie den Warenkorb.', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => 'Höchstbetrag (nicht 3-D Secure)', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'Ab diesem Betrag wird die Benutzung von 3-D Secure erzwungen. Tragen Sie "null" ein, um kein Non 3-D Secure Maximal Limit zu setzen.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => '3-D Secure MAID', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Eindeutiger Identifikator, der Ihrem 3-D Secure Händlerkonto zugewiesen ist. Kann auf "Null" gesetzt werden, um SSL-Verschlüsselung zu erzwingen.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => '3-D Secure Secret Key', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Der Geheimschlüssel (Secret Key) wird benötigt, um die Digitale Signatur für die 3-D Secure Zahlung zu berechnen. Kann auf "Null" gesetzt werden, um SSL-Verschlüsselung zu erzwingen.', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => '3-D Secure Mindestbetrag', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'Ab diesem Betrag wird die Verwendung von 3-D Secure versucht. Tragen Sie "null" ein, um kein 3-D Secure Minimum Limit zu setzen.', - 'wd_config_vault' => 'One-Click-Checkout', - 'wd_config_vault_desc' => 'Kreditkartendetails werden für die spätere Verwendung gespeichert.', - 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Adresse (URL WPP v2)', - 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Adresse (URL WPP v2) (z.B.', - 'wd_copy_xml_text' => 'XML kopieren', - 'wd_country' => 'Land', - 'wd_credit' => 'Rückerstatten', - 'wd_creditor' => 'Creditor', - 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => 'Mandate ID', - 'wd_currency_config' => 'Jede Währung muss konfiguriert werden.', - 'wd_customerId' => 'Kunden-ID', - 'wd_date-of-birth' => 'Geburtsdatum', - 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'd.m.Y', - 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'DD.MM.JJJJ', - 'wd_debtor' => 'Debitor', - 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => 'Kontoinhaber', - 'wd_default_currency' => 'Standardwährung', - 'wd_descriptor' => 'Deskriptor', - 'wd_email' => 'E-Mail', - 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => 'Bitte geben Sie einen korrekten Ländercode ein.', - 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => 'Geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein.', - 'wd_error_credentials' => 'Test fehlgeschlagen. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Zugangsdaten.', - 'wd_error_save_failed' => 'Konfigurationsdaten nicht gültig. Speichern abgebrochen.', - 'wd_first-name' => 'Vorname', - 'wd_gender' => 'Geschlecht', - 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Wirecard Alipay Cross-border', - 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Wirecard Kreditkarte', - 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard eps-Überweisung', - 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'Wirecard giropay', - 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'Wirecard iDEAL', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Wirecard Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Wirecard Kauf auf Rechnung (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Wirecard Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Kauf auf Rechnung (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', - 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Wirecard Vorauskasse', - 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Wirecard Kauf auf Rechnung', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Wirecard Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Kauf auf Rechnung von Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'Wirecard SEPA-Überweisung', - 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'Wirecard SEPA-Lastschrift', - 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Wirecard Sofort.', - 'wd_heading_title_support' => 'Wirecard Support', - 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Wirecard Transaktionen', - 'wd_house-extension' => 'Adresszusatz', - 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN', - 'wd_ideal_legend' => 'Wählen Sie Ihre Bank', - 'wd_ip' => 'IP-Adresse', - 'wd_last-name' => 'Nachname', - 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', - 'wd_manipulated' => 'manipuliert', - 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => 'Händler-CRM-ID', - 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'Nachricht darf nicht leer sein.', - 'wd_more_info' => 'Nähere Informationen', - 'wd_no' => 'Nein', - 'wd_orderNumber' => 'Bestellnummer', - 'wd_order_error' => 'Beim Bezahlprozess ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.', - 'wd_order_error_info' => 'Während dem Bezahlvorgang ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Die Bestellung wurde gelöscht.', - 'wd_order_status' => 'Bestellstatus', - 'wd_order_status_authorized' => 'Genehmigt', - 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'Abgebrochen', - 'wd_order_status_failed' => 'Fehlgeschlagen', - 'wd_order_status_pending' => 'Ausstehend', - 'wd_order_status_purchased' => 'Bezahlt', - 'wd_order_status_refunded' => 'Rückerstattet', - 'wd_panel_action' => 'Aktion', - 'wd_panel_amount' => 'Betrag', - 'wd_panel_currency' => 'Währung', - 'wd_panel_details' => 'Details', - 'wd_panel_order_id' => 'Bestellreferenz', - 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Bestellnummer', - 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => 'Parent Transaction ID', - 'wd_panel_payment_method' => 'Zahlungsmittel', - 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => 'Provider Transaction ID', - 'wd_panel_transaction' => 'Transaktion', - 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => 'XML kopieren', - 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => 'Datum', - 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => 'Transaktionsstatus', - 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => 'Transaction ID', - 'wd_paymentMethod' => 'Zahlungsmittel', - 'wd_payment_awaiting' => 'Ausständige Zahlung von Wirecard.', - 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => 'Die Zahlung wurde abgebrochen.', - 'wd_payment_cost' => 'Aufschlag Zahlungsart', - 'wd_payment_failed_text' => 'Bezahloperation fehlgeschlagen.', - 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Zahlungsmittel-Einstellungen', - 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => 'Die Zahlung wurde zurückerstattet.', - 'wd_payment_success_text' => 'Bezahloperation erfolgreich durchgeführt.', - 'wd_payolution_terms' => 'Mit der Übermittlung der für die Abwicklung des Rechnungskaufes und einer Identitäts- und Bonitätsprüfung erforderlichen Daten an Payolution bin ich einverstanden. Meine Einwilligung kann ich jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen.', - 'wd_phone' => 'Telefon', - 'wd_pia_ptrid' => 'Verwendungszweck', - 'wd_postal-code' => 'Postleitzahl', - 'wd_ptrid' => 'Provider Transaction Reference ID', - 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => 'Für die Nutzung dieses Zahlungmittels müssen Sie mindestens 18 Jahre alt sein.', - 'wd_redirect_text' => 'Sie werden weitergeleitet. Bitte warten.', - 'wd_refund' => 'Rückerstatten', - 'wd_requestedAmount' => 'Betrag', - 'wd_requestId' => 'Request ID', - 'wd_save_to_user_account' => 'Daten in ihrem Benutzerkonto speichern', - 'wd_secured' => 'sicher', - 'wd_send_email' => 'Senden', - 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'SEPA-Mandat', - 'wd_sepa_text_1' => 'Ich ermächtige den Creditor', - 'wd_sepa_text_2' => 'einmalig eine Zahlung von meinem Konto mittels SEPA-Lastschrift einzuziehen. Zugleich weise ich meine Bank an, die vom Creditor', - 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => 'auf mein Konto gezogene SEPA-Lastschrift einzulösen.', - 'wd_sepa_text_3' => 'Hinweis: Ich kann innerhalb von acht Wochen, beginnend mit dem Belastungsdatum, die Erstattung des belasteten Betrags verlangen. Es gelten dabei die mit meiner Bank vereinbarten Bedingungen.', - 'wd_sepa_text_4' => 'Für den Fall der Nichteinlösung der Lastschrift oder des Widerspruchs gegen die Lastschrift weise ich meine Bank unwiderruflich an, dem Creditor', - 'wd_sepa_text_5' => 'oder Dritten auf Anforderung meinen Namen, Adresse und Geburtsdatum vollständig mitzuteilen.', - 'wd_sepa_text_6' => 'Ich habe die Informationen zum SEPA-Lastschriftmandat gelesen und verstanden.', - 'wd_shipping-method' => 'Versandart', - 'wd_shipping_title' => 'Versand', - 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => 'E-Mails', - 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => 'Benachrichtigungs-Mail senden wenn Bestellstatus ausstehend ist', - 'wd_social-security-number' => 'Sozialversicherungsnummer', - 'wd_state_awaiting' => 'ausstehend', - 'wd_state_closed' => 'beendet', - 'wd_state_error' => 'fehlerhaft', - 'wd_state_success' => 'erfolgreich', - 'wd_street1' => 'Straße', - 'wd_street2' => 'Straße 2', - 'wd_success_credentials' => 'Die Konfigurationseinstellungen wurden erfolgreich getestet.', - 'wd_success_email' => 'E-Mail wurde erfolgreich versendet.', - 'wd_support_description' => 'System-Informationen werden automatisch Ihrer Nachricht hinzugefügt und gesendet an', - 'wd_support_email_from' => 'Von', - 'wd_support_email_modules' => 'Andere Module', - 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'Modul ID', - 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'Modul Titel', - 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'Modul Version', - 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP Version', - 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => 'Antworten an', - 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID eShop Edition', - 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID eShop Version', - 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID eShop Support-Anfrage', - 'wd_support_email_system' => 'Server Info', - 'wd_support_send_error' => 'Support E-Mail konnte nicht gesendet werden.', - 'wd_test_credentials' => 'Zugangsdaten testen', - 'wd_text_article_name' => 'Produktname', - 'wd_text_article_number' => 'Artikelnummer', - 'wd_text_backend_operations' => 'Mögliche Folgeoperationen', - 'wd_text_delete' => 'Löschen', - 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'Die Aktion konnte nicht ausgeführt werden.', - 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'Die Aktion wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt.', - 'wd_text_list' => 'Transaktionen', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => 'Deskriptiv', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => 'Standard', - 'wd_text_message' => 'Nachricht', - 'wd_text_no_data_available' => 'Keine Daten vorhanden.', - 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'Keine weiteren Operationen verfügbar.', - 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'Dieser Bestellung sind keine Transaktionen zugeordnet.', - 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Direktbuchung', - 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Genehmigung', - 'wd_text_quantity' => 'Stück', - 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', - 'wd_text_vault' => 'One-Click-Checkout', - 'wd_three_d_link_text' => 'Nicht-3-D-Secure- und 3-D-Secure-Limits', - 'wd_timeStamp' => 'Datum', - 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => 'Gesamtsumme nicht innerhalb der erlaubten Bestellsumme für dieses Zahlungsmittel.', - 'wd_transactionID' => 'Transaction ID', - 'wd_transactionState' => 'Transaktionsstatus', - 'wd_transactionType' => 'Transaktionstyp', - 'wd_transaction_details_title' => 'Transaktionsdetails', - 'wd_transaction_response_details' => 'Antwort-Details', - 'wd_transfer_notice' => 'Verwenden Sie für die Überweisung die folgenden Daten:', - 'wd_unmatched' => 'nicht zugeordnet', - 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => 'Ihre Lieferadresse hat sich seit Ihrer letzten Bestellung geändert. Aus Sicherheitsgründen müssen Sie Ihre Kreditkartendaten erneut eingeben.', - 'wd_vault_save_text' => 'Für spätere Verwendung speichern.', - 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => 'Neue Kreditkarte verwenden', - 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => 'Bitte warten Sie auf ein zusätzliches E-Mail mit dem finalen Bezahlstatus.', - 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => 'Achtung: Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Konfigurationsdaten in den URL-Eingabefeldern. Möglicherweise haben Sie ein Produktivkonto mit einem Testkonto kombiniert.', - 'wd_yes' => 'Ja', -); + 'UTF-8', + 'wd_accept' => 'Akzeptieren', + 'wd_account_holder_title' => 'Kontoinhaber', + 'wd_amount' => 'Betrag', + 'wd_bic' => 'BIC', + 'wd_birthdate_input' => 'Geburtsdatum', + 'wd_cancel' => 'Abbrechen', + 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => 'Sie haben den Bezahlprozess abgebrochen.', + 'wd_capture' => 'Buchen', + 'wd_city' => 'Stadt', + 'wd_company_name_input' => 'Firma', + 'wd_config_additional_info' => 'Zusätzliche Informationen mitsenden', + 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => 'Zum Schutz vor Betrug werden zusätzliche Daten mitgesendet. Zu diesen zusätzlichen Daten gehören Rechnungs-/Lieferadresse, Warenkorb und Deskriptor.', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => 'Erlaubte Währungen', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => 'Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung wird nur dann angezeigt, wenn die aktive Währung einer der hier gewählten Währungen entspricht.', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => 'Änderung der Lieferadresse zulassen', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => 'Ist diese Funktion deaktiviert, muss der Konsument bei Änderung seiner Lieferadresse seine Kartendaten erneut eingeben.', + 'wd_config_base_url' => 'Wirecard Server Adresse (URL)', + 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Server Adresse (URL) (z. B.', + 'wd_config_billing_countries' => 'Erlaubte Rechnungsländer', + 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => 'Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung wird nur dann angezeigt, wenn das Rechnungsland einem der hier gewählten Länder entspricht. Mehrfachauswahl mit STRG + Klick. Standardvorauswahl: Österreich und Deutschland.', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => 'Identische Rechnungs- und Lieferadresse', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => 'Bei Aktivierung wird Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung nur dann beim Bezahlprozess angezeigt, wenn Rechnungs- und Lieferadresse übereinstimmen.', + 'wd_config_country_code' => 'Ländercode', + 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. benötigt einen Ländercode um das richtige Logo zu verwenden (z.B. de_de).', + 'wd_config_creditor_id' => 'Creditor ID', + 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'Die Creditor-ID wird benötigt, um das SEPA-Lastschriftmandat zu erstellen. Die Creditor-ID muss beim zuständigen Bankinstitut angefordert werden.', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => 'Abgebrochene Bestellung löschen', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => 'Bestellung nach Abbruch des Bezahlprozesses automatisch löschen.', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => 'Fehlgeschlagene Bestellung löschen', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => 'Bestellung nach fehlgeschlagenem Bezahlprozess automatisch löschen.', + 'wd_config_descriptor' => 'Deskriptor', + 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => 'Aktivieren Sie den Deskriptor, um bei jeder Transaktion eine Referenz zur jeweiligen Bestellung mitzuschicken. Diese Referenz wird im Buchungstext angezeigt, der dem Kosumenten vom Finanzdienstleister übermittelt wird.', + 'wd_config_email' => 'Ihre E-Mail-Adresse', + 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'BIC aktivieren', + 'wd_config_http_password' => 'Passwort (Password)', + 'wd_config_http_user' => 'Benutzername (Username)', + 'wd_config_logo_variant' => 'Logovariante', + 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => 'Konsumenten das Standard-Logo oder die deskriptive Variante zeigen.', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => 'Merchant Account ID (MAID)', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Eindeutiger Identifikator, der Ihrem Händlerkonto zugewiesen ist.', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => 'Geheimschlüssel (Secret Key)', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Der Geheimschlüssel (Secret Key) wird benötigt, um die Digitale Signatur für Zahlungen zu berechnen.', + 'wd_config_message' => 'Ihre Nachricht', + 'wd_config_payment_action' => 'Zahlungsaktion', + 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => 'Wählen Sie "Buchung", um automatisch eine Buchung durchzuführen, oder "Autorisierung", um eine manuelle Buchung zu ermöglichen.', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution-URL', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => 'Pflichtfeld, wenn "Zustimmung einholen" aktiviert ist.', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information' => 'PSD 2', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information_desc_oxid' => 'Angesichts der Bestimmungen der PSD 2 sollten Sie beim
Checkout bestimmte persönliche Daten von Ihren Kunden anfordern,
um das Risiko, dass Transaktionen abgelehnt werden, zu reduzieren.', + 'wd_config_reply_to' => 'Antwort an (optional)', + 'wd_config_require_consent' => 'Zustimmung einholen', + 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => 'Der Konsument muss den Bedingungen zustimmen, um mit dem Checkout fortfahren zu können.', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => 'Erlaubte Lieferländer', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => 'Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung wird nur dann angezeigt, wenn das Lieferland einem der hier gewählten Länder entspricht. Mehrfachauswahl mit STRG + Klick. Standardvorauswahl: Österreich und Deutschland.', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => 'Warenkorb', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => 'Das Zahlungsmittel unterstützt die Anzeige des Warenkorbs während des Checkouts. Um dieses Feature zu verwenden, aktivieren Sie den Warenkorb.', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => 'Höchstbetrag ohne 3D Secure', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'Dieser Betrag erzwingt 3D Secure Transaktionen. Geben Sie "Null" ein, um den Höchstbetrag für Transaktionen ohne 3D Secure zu deaktivieren.', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => '3D Secure MAID', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Eindeutiger Identifikator, der Ihrem 3D-Secure-Händlerkonto zugewiesen ist. Kann auf "Null" gesetzt werden, um SSL-Verschlüsselung zu erzwingen.', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => '3D Secure Secret Key', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Der Geheimschlüssel (Secret Key) wird benötigt, um die Digitale Signatur für die 3D Secure Zahlung zu berechnen. Kann auf "Null" gesetzt werden, um SSL-Verschlüsselung zu erzwingen.', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => '3D Secure Mindestbetrag', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'Dieser Betrag erzwingt 3D Secure Transaktionen. Geben Sie "Null" ein, um den 3D Secure Mindestbetrag zu deaktivieren.', + 'wd_config_vault' => 'One-Click-Checkout', + 'wd_config_vault_desc' => 'Kartendaten werden für die spätere Verwendung gespeichert.', + 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Adresse (URL WPP v2)', + 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Adresse (URL WPP v2) (z.B.', + 'wd_copy_xml_text' => 'XML kopieren', + 'wd_country' => 'Land', + 'wd_credit' => 'Rückerstatten', + 'wd_creditor' => 'Creditor', + 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => 'Mandate ID', + 'wd_currency_config' => 'Jede Währung muss konfiguriert werden.', + 'wd_customerId' => 'Customer ID', + 'wd_date-of-birth' => 'Geburtsdatum', + 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'd.m.Y', + 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'DD.MM.JJJJ', + 'wd_debtor' => 'Debitor', + 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => 'Kontoinhaber', + 'wd_default_currency' => 'Standardwährung', + 'wd_descriptor' => 'Deskriptor', + 'wd_email' => 'E-Mail', + 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => 'Bitte geben Sie einen korrekten Ländercode ein.', + 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => 'Geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein.', + 'wd_error_credentials' => 'Test fehlgeschlagen. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Zugangsdaten.', + 'wd_error_save_failed' => 'Konfiguration ungültig. Speichern nicht möglich.', + 'wd_first-name' => 'Vorname', + 'wd_gender' => 'Geschlecht', + 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Alipay Cross-border', + 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Kartenzahlungen', + 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'eps-Überweisung', + 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'giropay', + 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'iDEAL', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Kauf auf Rechnung (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung (Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Kauf auf Rechnung (Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'PayPal', + 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Vorauskasse', + 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Kauf auf Rechnung', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung mit Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Kauf auf Rechnung mit Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'SEPA-Überweisung', + 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'SEPA-Lastschrift', + 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Sofort.', + 'wd_heading_title_support' => 'Wirecard Support', + 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Wirecard Transaktionen', + 'wd_house-extension' => 'Adresszusatz', + 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN', + 'wd_ideal_legend' => 'Wählen Sie Ihre Bank', + 'wd_ip' => 'IP-Adresse', + 'wd_last-name' => 'Nachname', + 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', + 'wd_manipulated' => 'manipuliert', + 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => 'Merchant CRM ID', + 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'Nachricht darf nicht leer sein.', + 'wd_more_info' => 'Nähere Informationen', + 'wd_no' => 'Nein', + 'wd_orderNumber' => 'Bestellnummer', + 'wd_order_error' => 'Beim Bezahlprozess ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.', + 'wd_order_error_info' => 'Während dem Bezahlvorgang ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Die Bestellung wurde gelöscht.', + 'wd_order_status' => 'Bestellstatus', + 'wd_order_status_authorized' => 'Autorisiert', + 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'Abgebrochen', + 'wd_order_status_failed' => 'Fehlgeschlagen', + 'wd_order_status_pending' => 'Ausstehend', + 'wd_order_status_purchased' => 'Bezahlt', + 'wd_order_status_refunded' => 'Rückerstattet', + 'wd_panel_action' => 'Aktion', + 'wd_panel_amount' => 'Betrag', + 'wd_panel_currency' => 'Währung', + 'wd_panel_details' => 'Details', + 'wd_panel_order_id' => 'Bestellreferenz', + 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Bestellnummer', + 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => 'Parent Transaction ID', + 'wd_panel_payment_method' => 'Zahlungsmittel', + 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => 'Provider Transaction ID', + 'wd_panel_transaction' => 'Transaktion', + 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => 'XML kopieren', + 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => 'Datum', + 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => 'Transaktionsstatus', + 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => 'Transaction ID', + 'wd_paymentMethod' => 'Zahlungsmittel', + 'wd_payment_awaiting' => 'Ausständige Zahlung von Wirecard.', + 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => 'Die Zahlung wurde abgebrochen.', + 'wd_payment_cost' => 'Aufschlag für dieses Zahlungsmittel', + 'wd_payment_failed_text' => 'Bezahlvorgang fehlgeschlagen.', + 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Zahlungsmittel-Einstellungen', + 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => 'Die Zahlung wurde zurückerstattet.', + 'wd_payment_success_text' => 'Bezahlvorgang erfolgreich durchgeführt.', + 'wd_payolution_terms' => 'Mit der Übermittlung der für die Abwicklung des Rechnungskaufes sowie der Identitäts- und Bonitätsprüfung erforderlichen Daten an Payolution bin ich einverstanden. Meine Einwilligung kann ich jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen.', + 'wd_phone' => 'Telefon', + 'wd_pia_ptrid' => 'Verwendungszweck', + 'wd_postal-code' => 'Postleitzahl', + 'wd_ptrid' => 'Provider Transaction Reference ID', + 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => 'Für die Nutzung dieses Zahlungmittels müssen Sie mindestens 18 Jahre alt sein.', + 'wd_redirect_text' => 'Sie werden weitergeleitet. Bitte warten.', + 'wd_refund' => 'Rückerstatten', + 'wd_requestedAmount' => 'Betrag', + 'wd_requestId' => 'Request ID', + 'wd_save_to_user_account' => 'Daten in Ihrem Benutzerkonto speichern.', + 'wd_secured' => 'sicher', + 'wd_send_email' => 'Senden', + 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'SEPA-Mandat', + 'wd_sepa_text_1' => 'Ich ermächtige den Creditor', + 'wd_sepa_text_2' => 'einmalig eine Zahlung von meinem Konto mittels SEPA-Lastschrift einzuziehen. Zugleich weise ich meine Bank an, die vom Creditor', + 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => 'auf mein Konto gezogene SEPA-Lastschrift einzulösen.', + 'wd_sepa_text_3' => 'Hinweis: Ich kann innerhalb von acht Wochen, beginnend mit dem Belastungsdatum, die Erstattung des belasteten Betrags verlangen. Es gelten dabei die mit meiner Bank vereinbarten Bedingungen.', + 'wd_sepa_text_4' => 'Für den Fall der Nichteinlösung der Lastschrift oder des Widerspruchs gegen die Lastschrift weise ich meine Bank unwiderruflich an, dem Creditor', + 'wd_sepa_text_5' => 'oder Dritten auf Anforderung meinen Namen, Adresse und Geburtsdatum vollständig mitzuteilen.', + 'wd_sepa_text_6' => 'Ich habe die Informationen zum SEPA-Lastschriftmandat gelesen und verstanden.', + 'wd_shipping-method' => 'Versandart', + 'wd_shipping_title' => 'Versand', + 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => 'E-Mails', + 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => 'E-Mail-Benachrichtigung für ausstehende Bestellungen senden.', + 'wd_social-security-number' => 'Sozialversicherungsnummer', + 'wd_state_awaiting' => 'ausstehend', + 'wd_state_closed' => 'beendet', + 'wd_state_error' => 'fehlerhaft', + 'wd_state_success' => 'erfolgreich', + 'wd_street1' => 'Straße', + 'wd_street2' => 'Straße 2', + 'wd_success_credentials' => 'Die Konfigurationseinstellungen wurden erfolgreich getestet.', + 'wd_success_email' => 'E-Mail wurde erfolgreich versendet.', + 'wd_support_description' => 'System-Informationen werden automatisch Ihrer Nachricht hinzugefügt und gesendet an', + 'wd_support_email_from' => 'Von', + 'wd_support_email_modules' => 'Andere Module', + 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'Module ID', + 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'Modul Titel', + 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'Modul Version', + 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP Version', + 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => 'Antwort an', + 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID eShop Edition', + 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID eShop Version', + 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID eShop Support-Anfrage', + 'wd_support_email_system' => 'Server Info', + 'wd_support_send_error' => 'E-Mail an Support konnte nicht gesendet werden.', + 'wd_test_credentials' => 'Zugangsdaten testen', + 'wd_text_article_name' => 'Produktname', + 'wd_text_article_number' => 'Artikelnummer', + 'wd_text_backend_operations' => 'Mögliche Folgeoperationen', + 'wd_text_delete' => 'Löschen', + 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'Aktion fehlgeschlagen.', + 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'Aktion erfolgreich durchgeführt.', + 'wd_text_list' => 'Transaktionen', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => 'Deskriptiv', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => 'Standard', + 'wd_text_message' => 'Nachricht', + 'wd_text_no_data_available' => 'Keine Daten vorhanden.', + 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'Keine weiteren Operationen verfügbar.', + 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'Dieser Bestellung sind keine Transaktionen zugeordnet.', + 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Direktbuchung', + 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Autorisierung', + 'wd_text_quantity' => 'Stück', + 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', + 'wd_text_vault' => 'One-Click-Checkout', + 'wd_three_d_link_text' => 'Limits mit/ohne 3D Secure', + 'wd_timeStamp' => 'Datum', + 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => 'Gesamtsumme außerhalb des erlaubten Bereichs.', + 'wd_transactionID' => 'Transaction ID', + 'wd_transactionState' => 'Transaktionsstatus', + 'wd_transactionType' => 'Transaktionstyp', + 'wd_transaction_details_title' => 'Transaktionsdetails', + 'wd_transaction_response_details' => 'Antwort-Details', + 'wd_transfer_notice' => 'Verwenden Sie für die Überweisung die folgenden Daten:', + 'wd_unmatched' => 'nicht zugeordnet', + 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => 'Ihre Lieferadresse hat sich seit Ihrer letzten Bestellung geändert. Aus Sicherheitsgründen müssen Sie Ihre Kartendaten erneut eingeben.', + 'wd_vault_save_text' => 'Für spätere Verwendung speichern.', + 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => 'Neue Karte verwenden', + 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => 'Bitte warten Sie auf das separate E-Mail mit dem finalen Bezahlstatus.', + 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => 'Achtung: Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Konfigurationsdaten in den URL-Eingabefeldern. Möglicherweise haben Sie ein Produktivkonto mit einem Testkonto kombiniert.', + 'wd_yes' => 'Ja', +); diff --git a/translations/en/module_en_lang.php b/translations/en/module_en_lang.php index 3ca2e316b..9484435c6 100644 --- a/translations/en/module_en_lang.php +++ b/translations/en/module_en_lang.php @@ -1,246 +1,248 @@ - 'UTF-8', - 'wd_accept' => 'Accept', - 'wd_account_holder_title' => 'Account Owner', - 'wd_amount' => 'Amount', - 'wd_bic' => 'BIC', - 'wd_birthdate_input' => 'Date of Birth', - 'wd_cancel' => 'Cancel', - 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => 'You have canceled the payment process.', - 'wd_capture' => 'Capture', - 'wd_city' => 'City', - 'wd_company_name_input' => 'Company', - 'wd_config_additional_info' => 'Send Additional Information', - 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => 'Additional data will be sent for the purpose of fraud protection. This additional data includes billing/shipping address, shopping basket and descriptor.', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => 'Allowed Currencies', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => 'Payment method Guaranteed Invoice is only displayed if the activated currency is one of the currencies selected here.', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => 'Allow Shipping Address Change', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => 'If disabled, consumer is required to re-enter credit card details if the shipping address has changed between two orders.', - 'wd_config_base_url' => 'Wirecard Server Address (URL)', - 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Server Address (URL) (e.g.', - 'wd_config_billing_countries' => 'Allowed Billing Countries', - 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => 'Payment method Guaranteed Invoice is only displayed during checkout if the consumer\'s billing country is one of the countries selected here. CTRL-click to select. Default pre-selection: Austria and Germany.', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => 'Identical Billing/Shipping Address', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => 'If activated, payment method Guaranteed Invoice is only displayed if billing/shipping address are identical.', - 'wd_config_country_code' => 'Country Code', - 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. requires a valid country code to use the correct logo (i.e. en_gb).', - 'wd_config_creditor_id' => 'Creditor ID', - 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'SEPA Direct Debit requires Creditor ID to create SEPA Direct Debit Mandate. You may apply for a Creditor ID at your financial institution.', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => 'Delete Canceled Order', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => 'Automatically delete order after canceled payment process.', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => 'Delete Failed Order', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => 'Automatically delete order after failed payment process.', - 'wd_config_descriptor' => 'Descriptor', - 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => 'Send text which is displayed on the bank statement issued to your consumer by the financial service provider.', - 'wd_config_email' => 'Your email address', - 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'BIC enabled', - 'wd_config_http_password' => 'Password', - 'wd_config_http_user' => 'Username', - 'wd_config_logo_variant' => 'Logo version', - 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => 'Show either standard or descriptive logo version to your consumers.', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => 'Merchant Account ID (MAID)', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Unique identifier assigned to your merchant account.', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => 'Secret Key', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Secret Key is mandatory to calculate the Digital Signature for payments.', - 'wd_config_message' => 'Your message', - 'wd_config_payment_action' => 'Payment Action', - 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => 'Select between "Purchase" to capture/invoice your order automatically or "Authorization" to capture/invoice manually.', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution URL', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => 'Mandatory if require consent is set to yes', - 'wd_config_reply_to' => 'Reply to (optionally)', - 'wd_config_require_consent' => 'Require consent', - 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => 'Consumer must agree with the terms before proceeding with the checkout process.', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => 'Allowed Shipping Countries', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => 'Payment method Guaranteed Invoice is only displayed if the consumer\'s shipping country is one of the countries selected here. CTRL-click to select. Default pre-selection: Austria and Germany.', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => 'Shopping Basket', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => 'For the purpose of confirmation, payment supports shopping basket display during checkout. To enable this feature, activate Shopping Basket.', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => 'Non 3-D Secure Max. Limit', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the Non 3-D Secure Max. Limit.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => '3-D Secure MAID', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Unique identifier assigned to your 3-D Secure merchant account. Can be set to "null" to force SSL process.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => '3-D Secure Secret Key', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Secret Key is mandatory to calculate the Digital Signature for the 3-D Secure payment. Can be set to "null" to force SSL process.', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => '3-D Secure Min. Limit', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the 3-D Secure Min. Limit.', - 'wd_config_vault' => 'One-Click Checkout', - 'wd_config_vault_desc' => 'Credit Card details are saved for later use.', - 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2)', - 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2) (e.g.', - 'wd_copy_xml_text' => 'Copy XML', - 'wd_country' => 'Country', - 'wd_credit' => 'Refund', - 'wd_creditor' => 'Creditor', - 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => 'Mandate ID', - 'wd_currency_config' => 'Each currency has to be configured.', - 'wd_customerId' => 'Customer ID', - 'wd_date-of-birth' => 'Date of Birth', - 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', - 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', - 'wd_debtor' => 'Debtor', - 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => 'Account Owner', - 'wd_default_currency' => 'Default Currency', - 'wd_descriptor' => 'Descriptor', - 'wd_email' => 'Email', - 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => 'Please enter a valid country code.', - 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => 'Please enter a valid email address.', - 'wd_error_credentials' => 'Test failed, please check your credentials.', - 'wd_error_save_failed' => 'Configuration not valid. Save aborted.', - 'wd_first-name' => 'First Name', - 'wd_gender' => 'Gender', - 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Wirecard Alipay Cross-border', - 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Wirecard Credit Card', - 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard eps-Überweisung', - 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'Wirecard giropay', - 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'Wirecard iDEAL', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', - 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Wirecard Payment In Advance', - 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Wirecard Payment On Invoice', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice by Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice by Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'Wirecard SEPA Credit Transfer', - 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'Wirecard SEPA Direct Debit', - 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Wirecard Sofort.', - 'wd_heading_title_support' => 'Wirecard Support', - 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Wirecard Transactions', - 'wd_house-extension' => 'House Extension', - 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN', - 'wd_ideal_legend' => 'Select your bank', - 'wd_ip' => 'IP Address', - 'wd_last-name' => 'Last Name', - 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', - 'wd_manipulated' => 'manipulated', - 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => 'Merchant CRM ID', - 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'Message cannot be empty.', - 'wd_more_info' => 'More info', - 'wd_no' => 'No', - 'wd_orderNumber' => 'Order Number', - 'wd_order_error' => 'An error occurred during the payment process. Please try again.', - 'wd_order_error_info' => 'An error occurred in the payment process. The order has been canceled.', - 'wd_order_status' => 'Order status', - 'wd_order_status_authorized' => 'Authorized', - 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'Cancelled', - 'wd_order_status_failed' => 'Failed', - 'wd_order_status_pending' => 'Pending', - 'wd_order_status_purchased' => 'Paid', - 'wd_order_status_refunded' => 'Refunded', - 'wd_panel_action' => 'Action', - 'wd_panel_amount' => 'Amount', - 'wd_panel_currency' => 'Currency', - 'wd_panel_details' => 'Details', - 'wd_panel_order_id' => 'Order Reference', - 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Order Number', - 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => 'Parent Transaction ID', - 'wd_panel_payment_method' => 'Payment Method', - 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => 'Provider Transaction ID', - 'wd_panel_transaction' => 'Transaction', - 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => 'Copy XML', - 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => 'Date', - 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => 'Transaction State', - 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => 'Transaction ID', - 'wd_paymentMethod' => 'Payment Method', - 'wd_payment_awaiting' => 'Awaiting payment from Wirecard.', - 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => 'Payment was cancelled.', - 'wd_payment_cost' => 'Payment cost', - 'wd_payment_failed_text' => 'Payment process failed.', - 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Payment Method Settings', - 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => 'Payment was refunded.', - 'wd_payment_success_text' => 'Payment process successful.', - 'wd_payolution_terms' => 'I agree that the data which are necessary for the liquidation of purchase on account and which are used to complete the identity and credit check are transmitted to Payolution. My consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.', - 'wd_phone' => 'Phone', - 'wd_pia_ptrid' => 'Reference', - 'wd_postal-code' => 'Postal Code', - 'wd_ptrid' => 'Provider Transaction Reference ID', - 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => 'Minimum age to pay with Guaranteed Invoice: 18.', - 'wd_redirect_text' => 'You are being redirected. Please wait.', - 'wd_refund' => 'Refund', - 'wd_requestedAmount' => 'Amount', - 'wd_requestId' => 'Request ID', - 'wd_save_to_user_account' => 'Save data to your user account', - 'wd_secured' => 'secured', - 'wd_send_email' => 'Submit', - 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'SEPA Mandate', - 'wd_sepa_text_1' => 'I authorize the creditor', - 'wd_sepa_text_2' => 'to send instructions to my bank to collect one single direct debit from my account. At the same time I instruct my bank to debit my account in accordance with the instructions from the creditor', - 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '.', - 'wd_sepa_text_3' => 'Note: As part of my rights, I am entitled to a refund under the terms and conditions of my agreement with my bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which my account was debited.', - 'wd_sepa_text_4' => 'I irrevocably agree that, in the event that the direct debit is not honored, or objection against the direct debit exists, my bank will disclose to the creditor', - 'wd_sepa_text_5' => 'my full name, address and date of birth.', - 'wd_sepa_text_6' => 'I have read and accepted the SEPA Direct Debit Mandate information.', - 'wd_shipping-method' => 'Shipping Method', - 'wd_shipping_title' => 'Shipping', - 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => 'Emails', - 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => 'Send notification emails when order pending', - 'wd_social-security-number' => 'Social Security Number', - 'wd_state_awaiting' => 'awaiting', - 'wd_state_closed' => 'closed', - 'wd_state_error' => 'error', - 'wd_state_success' => 'success', - 'wd_street1' => 'Street', - 'wd_street2' => 'Street 2', - 'wd_success_credentials' => 'Merchant configuration was successfully tested.', - 'wd_success_email' => 'Email sent successfully.', - 'wd_support_description' => 'System information will be automatically added to your message and will be sent to', - 'wd_support_email_from' => 'From', - 'wd_support_email_modules' => 'Other modules', - 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'Module ID', - 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'Module Title', - 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'Module Version', - 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP Version', - 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => 'Reply to', - 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID eShop Edition', - 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID eShop Version', - 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID eShop support request', - 'wd_support_email_system' => 'Server Info', - 'wd_support_send_error' => 'Support e-mail could not be sent.', - 'wd_test_credentials' => 'Test Credentials', - 'wd_text_article_name' => 'Product Name', - 'wd_text_article_number' => 'Article Number', - 'wd_text_backend_operations' => 'Possible Post-Processing Operations', - 'wd_text_delete' => 'Delete', - 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'Action could not be performed.', - 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'Action performed successfully.', - 'wd_text_list' => 'Transactions', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => 'Descriptive', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => 'Standard', - 'wd_text_message' => 'Message', - 'wd_text_no_data_available' => 'No data available.', - 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'No further operations possible.', - 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'There are no associated transactions for this order.', - 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Purchase', - 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Authorization', - 'wd_text_quantity' => 'Quantity', - 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', - 'wd_text_vault' => 'One-Click Checkout', - 'wd_three_d_link_text' => 'Non 3-D Secure and 3-D Secure Limits', - 'wd_timeStamp' => 'Date', - 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => 'Total amount not in allowed range.', - 'wd_transactionID' => 'Transaction ID', - 'wd_transactionState' => 'Transaction State', - 'wd_transactionType' => 'Transaction Type', - 'wd_transaction_details_title' => 'Transaction Details', - 'wd_transaction_response_details' => 'Response Details', - 'wd_transfer_notice' => 'Please transfer the amount using the following data:', - 'wd_unmatched' => 'unmatched', - 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => 'Your shipping address has changed since your last order. For security purposes we require you to enter the new credit card details.', - 'wd_vault_save_text' => 'Save for later use.', - 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => 'Use new credit card', - 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => 'Please, wait for additional email with the final status of your payment.', - 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => 'Attention: Please check your credentials within the URL setting fields. You might have configured/combined a productive account with a test account.', - 'wd_yes' => 'Yes', -); + 'UTF-8', + 'wd_accept' => 'Accept', + 'wd_account_holder_title' => 'Account Owner', + 'wd_amount' => 'Amount', + 'wd_bic' => 'BIC', + 'wd_birthdate_input' => 'Date of Birth', + 'wd_cancel' => 'Cancel', + 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => 'You have canceled the payment process.', + 'wd_capture' => 'Capture', + 'wd_city' => 'City', + 'wd_company_name_input' => 'Company', + 'wd_config_additional_info' => 'Send Additional Information', + 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => 'Additional data will be sent for the purpose of fraud protection. This additional data includes billing/shipping address, shopping basket and descriptor.', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => 'Allowed Currencies', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => 'Payment method Guaranteed Invoice is only displayed if the activated currency is one of the currencies selected here.', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => 'Allow Shipping Address Change', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => 'If disabled, the consumer is required to re-enter their card details in case their shipping address has changed.', + 'wd_config_base_url' => 'Wirecard Server Address (URL)', + 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Server Address (URL) (e.g.', + 'wd_config_billing_countries' => 'Allowed Billing Countries', + 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => 'Payment method Guaranteed Invoice is only displayed during checkout if the consumer\'s billing country is one of the countries selected here. CTRL-click to select. Default pre-selection: Austria and Germany.', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => 'Identical Billing/Shipping Address', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => 'If activated, payment method Guaranteed Invoice is only displayed if billing/shipping address are identical.', + 'wd_config_country_code' => 'Country Code', + 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. requires a valid country code to use the correct logo (i.e. en_gb).', + 'wd_config_creditor_id' => 'Creditor ID', + 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'SEPA Direct Debit requires Creditor ID to create SEPA Direct Debit Mandate. You may apply for a Creditor ID at your financial institution.', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => 'Delete Canceled Order', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => 'Automatically delete order after canceled payment process.', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => 'Delete Failed Order', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => 'Automatically delete order after failed payment process.', + 'wd_config_descriptor' => 'Descriptor', + 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => 'Send text which is displayed on the bank statement issued to your consumer by the financial service provider.', + 'wd_config_email' => 'Your email address', + 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'BIC enabled', + 'wd_config_http_password' => 'Password', + 'wd_config_http_user' => 'Username', + 'wd_config_logo_variant' => 'Logo version', + 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => 'Show either standard or descriptive logo version to your consumers.', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => 'Merchant Account ID (MAID)', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Unique identifier assigned to your merchant account.', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => 'Secret Key', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Secret Key is mandatory to calculate the Digital Signature for payments.', + 'wd_config_message' => 'Your message', + 'wd_config_payment_action' => 'Payment Action', + 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => 'Select between "Purchase" to capture/invoice your order automatically or "Authorization" to capture/invoice manually.', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution URL', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => 'Mandatory if "Require Consent" is set to Yes.', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information' => 'PSD 2', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information_desc_oxid' => 'With regard to PSD 2 requirements, you should request
certain personal information from your consumers during
checkout to reduce the risk of transactions being rejected.', + 'wd_config_reply_to' => 'Reply to (optionally)', + 'wd_config_require_consent' => 'Require Consent', + 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => 'Consumer must agree to the terms before proceeding with the checkout process.', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => 'Allowed Shipping Countries', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => 'Payment method Guaranteed Invoice is only displayed if the consumer\'s shipping country is one of the countries selected here. CTRL-click to select. Default pre-selection: Austria and Germany.', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => 'Shopping Basket', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => 'For the purpose of confirmation, payment supports shopping basket display during checkout. To enable this feature, activate Shopping Basket.', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => 'Non 3-D Secure Max. Limit', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the Non 3-D Secure Max. Limit.', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => '3-D Secure MAID', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Unique identifier assigned to your 3-D Secure merchant account. Can be set to "null" to force SSL process.', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => '3-D Secure Secret Key', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Secret Key is mandatory to calculate the Digital Signature for the 3-D Secure payment. Can be set to "null" to force SSL process.', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => '3-D Secure Min. Limit', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the 3-D Secure Min. Limit.', + 'wd_config_vault' => 'One-Click Checkout', + 'wd_config_vault_desc' => 'Card details are saved for later use.', + 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2)', + 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2) (e.g.', + 'wd_copy_xml_text' => 'Copy XML', + 'wd_country' => 'Country', + 'wd_credit' => 'Refund', + 'wd_creditor' => 'Creditor', + 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => 'Mandate ID', + 'wd_currency_config' => 'Each currency has to be configured.', + 'wd_customerId' => 'Customer ID', + 'wd_date-of-birth' => 'Date of Birth', + 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', + 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', + 'wd_debtor' => 'Debtor', + 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => 'Account Owner', + 'wd_default_currency' => 'Default Currency', + 'wd_descriptor' => 'Descriptor', + 'wd_email' => 'Email', + 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => 'Please enter a valid country code.', + 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => 'Please enter a valid email address.', + 'wd_error_credentials' => 'Test failed, please check your credentials.', + 'wd_error_save_failed' => 'Configuration not valid. Unable to save.', + 'wd_first-name' => 'First Name', + 'wd_gender' => 'Gender', + 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Alipay Cross-border', + 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Card Payments', + 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'eps-Überweisung', + 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'giropay', + 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'iDEAL', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Invoice (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Invoice (Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'PayPal', + 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Payment In Advance', + 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Payment On Invoice', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Guaranteed Invoice by Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Invoice by Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'SEPA Credit Transfer', + 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'SEPA Direct Debit', + 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Sofort.', + 'wd_heading_title_support' => 'Wirecard Support', + 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Wirecard Transactions', + 'wd_house-extension' => 'House Extension', + 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN', + 'wd_ideal_legend' => 'Select your bank', + 'wd_ip' => 'IP Address', + 'wd_last-name' => 'Last Name', + 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', + 'wd_manipulated' => 'manipulated', + 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => 'Merchant CRM ID', + 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'Message must not be empty.', + 'wd_more_info' => 'More Information', + 'wd_no' => 'No', + 'wd_orderNumber' => 'Order Number', + 'wd_order_error' => 'An error occurred during the payment process. Please try again.', + 'wd_order_error_info' => 'An error occurred in the payment process. The order has been canceled.', + 'wd_order_status' => 'Order status', + 'wd_order_status_authorized' => 'Authorized', + 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'Cancelled', + 'wd_order_status_failed' => 'Failed', + 'wd_order_status_pending' => 'Pending', + 'wd_order_status_purchased' => 'Paid', + 'wd_order_status_refunded' => 'Refunded', + 'wd_panel_action' => 'Action', + 'wd_panel_amount' => 'Amount', + 'wd_panel_currency' => 'Currency', + 'wd_panel_details' => 'Details', + 'wd_panel_order_id' => 'Order Reference', + 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Order Number', + 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => 'Parent Transaction ID', + 'wd_panel_payment_method' => 'Payment Method', + 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => 'Provider Transaction ID', + 'wd_panel_transaction' => 'Transaction', + 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => 'Copy XML', + 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => 'Date', + 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => 'Transaction State', + 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => 'Transaction ID', + 'wd_paymentMethod' => 'Payment Method', + 'wd_payment_awaiting' => 'Awaiting payment from Wirecard.', + 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => 'Payment was cancelled.', + 'wd_payment_cost' => 'Payment Cost', + 'wd_payment_failed_text' => 'Payment process failed.', + 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Payment Method Settings', + 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => 'Payment was refunded.', + 'wd_payment_success_text' => 'Payment process successful.', + 'wd_payolution_terms' => 'I agree that the data which is necessary for the liquidation of purchase on account and which is used to complete the identity and credit check is transmitted to Payolution. My consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.', + 'wd_phone' => 'Phone', + 'wd_pia_ptrid' => 'Reference', + 'wd_postal-code' => 'Postal Code', + 'wd_ptrid' => 'Provider Transaction Reference ID', + 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => 'Minimum age to pay with Guaranteed Invoice: 18.', + 'wd_redirect_text' => 'You are being redirected. Please wait.', + 'wd_refund' => 'Refund', + 'wd_requestedAmount' => 'Amount', + 'wd_requestId' => 'Request ID', + 'wd_save_to_user_account' => 'Save data to your user account.', + 'wd_secured' => 'secured', + 'wd_send_email' => 'Submit', + 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'SEPA Mandate', + 'wd_sepa_text_1' => 'I authorize the creditor', + 'wd_sepa_text_2' => 'to send instructions to my bank to collect one single direct debit from my account. At the same time I instruct my bank to debit my account in accordance with the instructions from the creditor', + 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '.', + 'wd_sepa_text_3' => 'Note: As part of my rights, I am entitled to a refund under the terms and conditions of my agreement with my bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which my account was debited.', + 'wd_sepa_text_4' => 'I irrevocably agree that, in the event that the direct debit is not honored, or objection against the direct debit exists, my bank will disclose to the creditor', + 'wd_sepa_text_5' => 'my full name, address and date of birth.', + 'wd_sepa_text_6' => 'I have read and accepted the SEPA Direct Debit Mandate information.', + 'wd_shipping-method' => 'Shipping Method', + 'wd_shipping_title' => 'Shipping', + 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => 'Emails', + 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => 'Send notification email for pending orders.', + 'wd_social-security-number' => 'Social Security Number', + 'wd_state_awaiting' => 'awaiting', + 'wd_state_closed' => 'closed', + 'wd_state_error' => 'error', + 'wd_state_success' => 'success', + 'wd_street1' => 'Street', + 'wd_street2' => 'Street 2', + 'wd_success_credentials' => 'Merchant configuration was successfully tested.', + 'wd_success_email' => 'Email sent successfully.', + 'wd_support_description' => 'System information will be automatically added to your message and will be sent to', + 'wd_support_email_from' => 'From', + 'wd_support_email_modules' => 'Other Modules', + 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'Module ID', + 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'Module Title', + 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'Module Version', + 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP Version', + 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => 'Reply to', + 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID eShop Edition', + 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID eShop Version', + 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID eShop Support Request', + 'wd_support_email_system' => 'Server Info', + 'wd_support_send_error' => 'Support email could not be sent.', + 'wd_test_credentials' => 'Test Credentials', + 'wd_text_article_name' => 'Product Name', + 'wd_text_article_number' => 'Article Number', + 'wd_text_backend_operations' => 'Possible Post-Processing Operations', + 'wd_text_delete' => 'Delete', + 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'Action could not be performed.', + 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'Action performed successfully.', + 'wd_text_list' => 'Transactions', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => 'Descriptive', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => 'Standard', + 'wd_text_message' => 'Message', + 'wd_text_no_data_available' => 'No data available.', + 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'No further operations possible.', + 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'There are no associated transactions for this order.', + 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Purchase', + 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Authorization', + 'wd_text_quantity' => 'Quantity', + 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', + 'wd_text_vault' => 'One-Click Checkout', + 'wd_three_d_link_text' => 'Non 3D Secure and 3D Secure Limits', + 'wd_timeStamp' => 'Date', + 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => 'Total amount not in allowed range.', + 'wd_transactionID' => 'Transaction ID', + 'wd_transactionState' => 'Transaction State', + 'wd_transactionType' => 'Transaction Type', + 'wd_transaction_details_title' => 'Transaction Details', + 'wd_transaction_response_details' => 'Response Details', + 'wd_transfer_notice' => 'Please transfer the amount using the following data:', + 'wd_unmatched' => 'unmatched', + 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => 'Your shipping address has changed since your last order. For security purposes we require you to enter the new card details.', + 'wd_vault_save_text' => 'Save for later use.', + 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => 'Use new card', + 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => 'Please wait for separate email with the final status of your payment.', + 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => 'Attention: Please check your credentials within the URL setting fields. You might have configured/combined a productive account with a test account.', + 'wd_yes' => 'Yes', +); diff --git a/translations/fr/module_fr_lang.php b/translations/fr/module_fr_lang.php index b84184285..be4c91828 100644 --- a/translations/fr/module_fr_lang.php +++ b/translations/fr/module_fr_lang.php @@ -1,246 +1,248 @@ - 'UTF-8', - 'wd_accept' => 'Accept', - 'wd_account_holder_title' => 'Titulaire du compte', - 'wd_amount' => 'Montant', - 'wd_bic' => 'Code BIC', - 'wd_birthdate_input' => 'Date de naissance', - 'wd_cancel' => 'Annuler', - 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => 'Vous avez annulé le processus de paiement.', - 'wd_capture' => 'Capture', - 'wd_city' => 'Ville', - 'wd_company_name_input' => 'Company', - 'wd_config_additional_info' => 'Envoyer les renseignements complémentaires', - 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => 'Des renseignements complémentaires doivent être fournis dans le cadre de la prévention des fraudes. Ces renseignements complémentaires incluent l’adresse de facturation/livraison, le panier et le descripteur.', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => 'Devises autorisées', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => 'L’écran Mode de paiement Facture avec garantie de paiement n’est affiché que si la devise activée fait partie des devises sélectionnées ici.', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => 'Autoriser la modification de l’adresse de livraison', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => 'Si cette option est désactivée, le client doit saisir de nouveau les informations de sa carte de crédit si l’adresse de livraison a été modifiée entre deux commandes.', - 'wd_config_base_url' => 'Adresse du serveur Wirecard', - 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'L’adresse du serveur Wirecard (par ex.', - 'wd_config_billing_countries' => 'Pays de facturation autorisés', - 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => 'L’écran Mode de paiement Facture avec garantie de paiement n’est affiché lors du processus de paiement que si le pays de facturation du client fait partie des pays sélectionnés ici. Appuyez sur Ctrl et cliquez pour sélectionner. Présélection par défaut : Autriche et Allemagne.', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => 'Adresse de facturation/livraison identique', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => 'Si ce champ est activé, l’écran Mode de paiement Facture avec garantie de paiement n’est affiché que si l’adresse de facturation est identique à l’adresse de livraison.', - 'wd_config_country_code' => 'Country Code', - 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. requires a valid country code to use the correct logo (i.e. en_gb).', - 'wd_config_creditor_id' => 'Identifiant créancier', - 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'Avec le mode paiement par prélèvement SEPA, un identifiant créancier est obligatoire pour créer le mandat de prélèvement SEPA. Vous pouvez demander un identifiant créancier auprès de votre institution financière.', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => 'Supprimer la commande annulée', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => 'Supprimer automatiquement la commande après l’annulation du processus de paiement.', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => 'Supprimer la commande échouée', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => 'Supprimer automatiquement la commande après l’échec du processus de paiement.', - 'wd_config_descriptor' => 'Descripteur', - 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => 'Envoyer le texte qui est affiché sur le relevé bancaire délivré à votre client par l’institution financière.', - 'wd_config_email' => 'Votre adresse e-mail', - 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'Code BIC activé', - 'wd_config_http_password' => 'HTTP Password', - 'wd_config_http_user' => 'HTTP User', - 'wd_config_logo_variant' => 'Version du logo', - 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => 'Montrer soit la version du logo standard ou descriptive à vos clients.', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => 'MAID (Identifiant de compte marchand)', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Identifiant unique affecté à votre compte marchand.', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => 'Secret Key', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Secret Key est obligatoire pour générer la signature digitale des paiements.', - 'wd_config_message' => 'Votre message', - 'wd_config_payment_action' => 'Action de paiement', - 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => 'Sélectionnez « Acheter » pour enregistrer/facturer automatiquement votre commande ou « Autorisation » pour enregistrer/facturer manuellement.', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution URL', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => 'Mandatory if require consent is set to yes', - 'wd_config_reply_to' => 'Reply to (optionally)', - 'wd_config_require_consent' => 'Require consent', - 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => 'Consumer must agree with the terms before proceeding with the checkout process.', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => 'Pays d’expédition autorisés', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => 'L’écran Mode de paiement Facture avec garantie de paiement n’est affiché que si le pays d’expédition du client fait partie des pays sélectionnés ici. Appuyez sur Ctrl et cliquez pour sélectionner. Présélection par défaut : Autriche et Allemagne.', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => 'Panier de commande', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => 'Pour la confirmation de la commande, le paiement supporte le panier de commande affiché lors du processus de paiement. Pour activer cette fonction, cochez le champ Panier de commande.', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => 'Valeur limite max. sans le protocole 3-D Secure', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the Non 3-D Secure Max. Limit.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => 'MAID 3-D Secure', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Identifiant unique affecté à votre compte marchand 3-D Secure. Peut être « null » pour forcer le processus SSL.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => 'Secret Key 3-D Secure', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Secret Key est obligatoire pour générer la signature digitale du paiement 3-D Secure. Peut être « null » pour forcer le processus SSL.', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => 'Valeur limite min. avec protocole 3-D Secure', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the 3-D Secure Min. Limit.', - 'wd_config_vault' => 'Paiement en un clic', - 'wd_config_vault_desc' => 'Les données de la carte de crédit sont enregistrées pour une utilisation ultérieure.', - 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Adresse (URL WPP v2)', - 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Adresse (URL WPP v2) (ex.', - 'wd_copy_xml_text' => 'Copier XML', - 'wd_country' => 'Pays', - 'wd_credit' => 'Remboursement', - 'wd_creditor' => 'Créancier', - 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => 'Identifiant du mandat', - 'wd_currency_config' => 'Each currency has to be configured.', - 'wd_customerId' => 'Identifiant client', - 'wd_date-of-birth' => 'Date de naissance', - 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', - 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', - 'wd_debtor' => 'Débiteur', - 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => 'Titulaire du compte', - 'wd_default_currency' => 'Devise par défaut', - 'wd_descriptor' => 'Descripteur', - 'wd_email' => 'E-mail', - 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => 'Please enter a valid country code.', - 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => 'Veuillez saisir une adresse e-mail valide.', - 'wd_error_credentials' => 'Le test a échoué, vérifiez vos informations d’identification.', - 'wd_error_save_failed' => 'Configuration not valid. Save aborted.', - 'wd_first-name' => 'Prénom', - 'wd_gender' => 'Sexe', - 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Wirecard Alipay Cross-border', - 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Wirecard Carte de crédit', - 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard Virement eps', - 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'Wirecard giropay', - 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'Wirecard iDEAL', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', - 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Wirecard Paiement à l’avance', - 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Wirecard Paiement sur facture', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Wirecard Facture avec garantie de paiement par Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice by Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'Wirecard Virement SEPA', - 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'Wirecard Prélèvement SEPA', - 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Wirecard Sofort.', - 'wd_heading_title_support' => 'Support Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Transactions Wirecard', - 'wd_house-extension' => 'Extension maison', - 'wd_iban' => 'Code IBAN', - 'wd_ideal_legend' => 'Sélectionner votre banque', - 'wd_ip' => 'Adresse IP', - 'wd_last-name' => 'Nom de famille', - 'wd_maid' => 'MAID (Identifiant de compte marchand)', - 'wd_manipulated' => 'manipulated', - 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => 'Identifiant CRM du marchand', - 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'Message cannot be empty.', - 'wd_more_info' => 'More info', - 'wd_no' => 'No', - 'wd_orderNumber' => 'Numéro de commande', - 'wd_order_error' => 'Une erreur est survenue durant le processus de paiement. Veuillez réessayer.', - 'wd_order_error_info' => 'An error occurred in the payment process. The order has been canceled.', - 'wd_order_status' => 'Order status', - 'wd_order_status_authorized' => 'Autorisé', - 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'Cancelled', - 'wd_order_status_failed' => 'Failed', - 'wd_order_status_pending' => 'Pending', - 'wd_order_status_purchased' => 'Paid', - 'wd_order_status_refunded' => 'Refunded', - 'wd_panel_action' => 'Action', - 'wd_panel_amount' => 'Montant', - 'wd_panel_currency' => 'Devise', - 'wd_panel_details' => 'Détails', - 'wd_panel_order_id' => 'Order Reference', - 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Numéro de commande', - 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => 'Identifiant de la transaction parent', - 'wd_panel_payment_method' => 'Mode de paiement', - 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => 'Provider Transaction ID', - 'wd_panel_transaction' => 'Transaction', - 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => 'Copier XML', - 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => 'Date', - 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => 'État de transaction', - 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => 'Identifiant de la transaction', - 'wd_paymentMethod' => 'Mode de paiement', - 'wd_payment_awaiting' => 'En attente du paiement à partir de Wirecard.', - 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => 'Payment was cancelled.', - 'wd_payment_cost' => 'Payment cost', - 'wd_payment_failed_text' => 'Payment process failed.', - 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Paramètres du mode de paiement', - 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => 'Payment was refunded.', - 'wd_payment_success_text' => 'Payment process successful.', - 'wd_payolution_terms' => 'I agree that the data which are necessary for the liquidation of purchase on account and which are used to complete the identity and credit check are transmitted to Payolution. My consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.', - 'wd_phone' => 'Téléphone', - 'wd_pia_ptrid' => 'Reference', - 'wd_postal-code' => 'Code postal', - 'wd_ptrid' => 'Identifiant de référence du fournisseur de transactions', - 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => 'Âge minimum requis pour le mode de paiement Facture avec garantie de paiement : 18.', - 'wd_redirect_text' => 'Vous êtes redirigé. Veuillez patienter.', - 'wd_refund' => 'Remboursement', - 'wd_requestedAmount' => 'Montant', - 'wd_requestId' => 'Identifiant de la demande', - 'wd_save_to_user_account' => 'Save data to your user account', - 'wd_secured' => 'secured', - 'wd_send_email' => 'Soumettre', - 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'Mandat SEPA', - 'wd_sepa_text_1' => 'J’autorise le créancier', - 'wd_sepa_text_2' => 'à envoyer des ordres à ma banque pour initier un et un seul débit de mon compte. En même temps, j’instruis ma banque de débiter mon compte conformément aux instructions du créancier.', - 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '.', - 'wd_sepa_text_3' => 'Remarque : Dans le cadre de mes droits, j’ai droit à un remboursement selon les conditions générales du contrat avec ma banque. Toute demande de remboursement doit être présentée dans les 8 semaines suivant la date de débit de votre compte.', - 'wd_sepa_text_4' => 'J’accepte irrévocablement que si le prélèvement n’est pas honoré ou s’il y a une opposition au prélèvement bancaire, ma banque en informera le créancier', - 'wd_sepa_text_5' => 'mon nom, mon prénom, mon adresse et ma date de naissance.', - 'wd_sepa_text_6' => 'J’ai lu et accepté les informations du mandat de prélèvement SEPA.', - 'wd_shipping-method' => 'Mode de livraison', - 'wd_shipping_title' => 'Livraison', - 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => 'Emails', - 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => 'Send notification emails when order pending', - 'wd_social-security-number' => 'Numéro de sécurité sociale', - 'wd_state_awaiting' => 'awaiting', - 'wd_state_closed' => 'closed', - 'wd_state_error' => 'error', - 'wd_state_success' => 'success', - 'wd_street1' => 'Rue', - 'wd_street2' => 'Rue 2', - 'wd_success_credentials' => 'Le test de la configuration du marchand a été effectué avec succès.', - 'wd_success_email' => 'E-mail envoyé avec succès.', - 'wd_support_description' => 'System information will be automatically added to your message and will be sent to', - 'wd_support_email_from' => 'From', - 'wd_support_email_modules' => 'Other modules', - 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'Module ID', - 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'Module Title', - 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'Module Version', - 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP Version', - 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => 'Reply to', - 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID eShop Edition', - 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID eShop Version', - 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID eShop support request', - 'wd_support_email_system' => 'Server Info', - 'wd_support_send_error' => 'Support e-mail could not be sent.', - 'wd_test_credentials' => 'Tester les informations d’identification', - 'wd_text_article_name' => 'Nom du produit', - 'wd_text_article_number' => 'Numéro d’article', - 'wd_text_backend_operations' => 'Traitements ultérieurs éventuels', - 'wd_text_delete' => 'Supprimer', - 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'Action could not be performed.', - 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'Action performed successfully.', - 'wd_text_list' => 'Transactions', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => 'Descriptif', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => 'Standard', - 'wd_text_message' => 'Message', - 'wd_text_no_data_available' => 'No data available.', - 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'No further operations possible.', - 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'There are no associated transactions for this order.', - 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Achat', - 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Autorisation', - 'wd_text_quantity' => 'Quantité', - 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', - 'wd_text_vault' => 'Paiement en un clic', - 'wd_three_d_link_text' => 'Non 3-D Secure and 3-D Secure Limits', - 'wd_timeStamp' => 'Date', - 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => 'Total amount not in allowed range.', - 'wd_transactionID' => 'Identifiant de la transaction', - 'wd_transactionState' => 'État de transaction', - 'wd_transactionType' => 'Type de transaction', - 'wd_transaction_details_title' => 'Détails de la transaction', - 'wd_transaction_response_details' => 'Response Details', - 'wd_transfer_notice' => 'Veuillez transférer le montant en utilisant les données suivantes :', - 'wd_unmatched' => 'unmatched', - 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => 'Votre adresse de livraison a changé depuis votre dernière commande. Pour des raisons de sécurité, vous devez saisir vos nouvelles données de carte de crédit.', - 'wd_vault_save_text' => 'Enregistrer pour une utilisation ultérieure.', - 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => 'Utiliser une nouvelle carte de crédit', - 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => 'Please, wait for additional email with the final status of your payment.', - 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => 'Attention: Veuillez vérifier vos données de configuration dans les champs de saisie de l\'URL. Vous avez peut-être combiné un compte réel avec un compte d\'essai.', - 'wd_yes' => 'Yes', -); + 'UTF-8', + 'wd_accept' => 'Accepter', + 'wd_account_holder_title' => 'Titulaire du compte', + 'wd_amount' => 'Montant', + 'wd_bic' => 'Code BIC', + 'wd_birthdate_input' => 'Date de naissance', + 'wd_cancel' => 'Annuler', + 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => 'Vous avez annulé le processus de paiement.', + 'wd_capture' => 'Capturer', + 'wd_city' => 'Ville', + 'wd_company_name_input' => 'Entreprise', + 'wd_config_additional_info' => 'Envoyer les renseignements complémentaires', + 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => 'Des renseignements complémentaires doivent être fournis dans le cadre de la prévention des fraudes. Ces renseignements complémentaires incluent l’adresse de facturation/livraison, le panier et le descripteur.', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => 'Devises autorisées', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => 'L’écran Mode de paiement Facture avec garantie de paiement n’est affiché que si la devise activée fait partie des devises sélectionnées ici.', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => 'Autoriser la modification de l’adresse de livraison', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => 'Si cette fonction est désactivée, le client doit saisir de nouveau les informations de sa carte si l’adresse de livraison a été modifiée.', + 'wd_config_base_url' => 'Adresse du serveur Wirecard', + 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'L’adresse du serveur Wirecard (par ex.', + 'wd_config_billing_countries' => 'Pays de facturation autorisés', + 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => 'L’écran Mode de paiement Facture avec garantie de paiement n’est affiché lors du processus de paiement que si le pays de facturation du client fait partie des pays sélectionnés ici. Appuyez sur Ctrl et cliquez pour sélectionner. Présélection par défaut : Autriche et Allemagne.', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => 'Adresse de facturation/livraison identique', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => 'Si ce champ est activé, l’écran Mode de paiement Facture avec garantie de paiement n’est affiché que si l’adresse de facturation est identique à l’adresse de livraison.', + 'wd_config_country_code' => 'Code pays', + 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. nécessite un code pays valide pour utiliser le bon logo (à savoir en_gb).', + 'wd_config_creditor_id' => 'Identifiant créancier', + 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'Avec le mode paiement par prélèvement SEPA, un identifiant créancier est obligatoire pour créer le mandat de prélèvement SEPA. Vous pouvez demander un identifiant créancier auprès de votre institution financière.', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => 'Supprimer la commande annulée', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => 'Supprimer automatiquement la commande après l’annulation du processus de paiement.', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => 'Supprimer la commande échouée', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => 'Supprimer automatiquement la commande après l’échec du processus de paiement.', + 'wd_config_descriptor' => 'Descripteur', + 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => 'Envoyer le texte qui est affiché sur le relevé bancaire délivré à votre client par l’institution financière.', + 'wd_config_email' => 'Votre adresse e-mail', + 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'Code BIC activé', + 'wd_config_http_password' => 'HTTP Password', + 'wd_config_http_user' => 'HTTP User', + 'wd_config_logo_variant' => 'Version du logo', + 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => 'Montrer soit la version du logo standard ou descriptive à vos clients.', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => 'MAID (Identifiant de compte marchand)', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Identifiant unique affecté à votre compte marchand.', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => 'Secret Key', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Secret Key est obligatoire pour générer la signature digitale des paiements.', + 'wd_config_message' => 'Votre message', + 'wd_config_payment_action' => 'Action de paiement', + 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => 'Sélectionnez « Acheter » pour enregistrer/facturer automatiquement votre commande ou « Autorisation » pour enregistrer/facturer manuellement.', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'URL de Payolution', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => 'Obligatoire si « Nécessiter une autorisation » est défini sur Oui.', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information' => 'PSD 2', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information_desc_oxid' => 'With regard to PSD 2 requirements, you should request
certain personal information from your consumers during
checkout to reduce the risk of transactions being rejected.', + 'wd_config_reply_to' => 'Répondre à (en option)', + 'wd_config_require_consent' => 'Nécessiter une autorisation', + 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => 'Le consommateur doit approuver les conditions avant de procéder au paiement.', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => 'Pays d’expédition autorisés', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => 'L’écran Mode de paiement Facture avec garantie de paiement n’est affiché que si le pays d’expédition du client fait partie des pays sélectionnés ici. Appuyez sur Ctrl et cliquez pour sélectionner. Présélection par défaut : Autriche et Allemagne.', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => 'Panier de commande', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => 'Pour la confirmation de la commande, le paiement supporte le panier de commande affiché lors du processus de paiement. Pour activer cette fonction, cochez le champ Panier de commande.', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => 'Valeur limite max. sans le protocole 3-D Secure', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'Ce montant force les transactions 3-D Secure. Tapez « zéro » pour désactiver le plafond max. sans 3-D Secure.', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => 'MAID 3-D Secure', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Identifiant unique affecté à votre compte marchand 3-D Secure. Peut être « null » pour forcer le processus SSL.', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => 'Secret Key 3-D Secure', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Secret Key est obligatoire pour générer la signature digitale du paiement 3-D Secure. Peut être « null » pour forcer le processus SSL.', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => 'Valeur limite min. avec protocole 3-D Secure', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'Ce montant force les transactions 3-D Secure. Tapez « zéro » pour désactiver le plafond min. avec 3-D Secure.', + 'wd_config_vault' => 'Paiement en un clic', + 'wd_config_vault_desc' => 'Les données de la carte sont enregistrées pour une utilisation ultérieure.', + 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Adresse (URL WPP v2)', + 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Adresse (URL WPP v2) (ex.', + 'wd_copy_xml_text' => 'Copier XML', + 'wd_country' => 'Pays', + 'wd_credit' => 'Remboursement', + 'wd_creditor' => 'Créancier', + 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => 'Identifiant du mandat', + 'wd_currency_config' => 'Chaque devise doit être configurée.', + 'wd_customerId' => 'Identifiant client', + 'wd_date-of-birth' => 'Date de naissance', + 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', + 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', + 'wd_debtor' => 'Débiteur', + 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => 'Titulaire du compte', + 'wd_default_currency' => 'Devise par défaut', + 'wd_descriptor' => 'Descripteur', + 'wd_email' => 'E-mail', + 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => 'Veuillez saisir un code pays valide.', + 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => 'Veuillez saisir une adresse e-mail valide.', + 'wd_error_credentials' => 'Le test a échoué, vérifiez vos informations d’identification.', + 'wd_error_save_failed' => 'Configuration non valide. Enregistrement impossible.', + 'wd_first-name' => 'Prénom', + 'wd_gender' => 'Sexe', + 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Alipay Cross-border', + 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Carte', + 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'eps-Überweisung', + 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'giropay', + 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'iDEAL', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Facture avec garantie de paiement (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Facture (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Facture avec garantie de paiement (Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Facture (Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'PayPal', + 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Paiement à l’avance', + 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Paiement sur facture', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Facture avec garantie de paiement par Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Facture par Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'Virement SEPA', + 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'Prélèvement SEPA', + 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Sofort.', + 'wd_heading_title_support' => 'Support Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Transactions Wirecard', + 'wd_house-extension' => 'Extension maison', + 'wd_iban' => 'Code IBAN', + 'wd_ideal_legend' => 'Sélectionner votre banque', + 'wd_ip' => 'Adresse IP', + 'wd_last-name' => 'Nom de famille', + 'wd_maid' => 'MAID (Identifiant de compte marchand)', + 'wd_manipulated' => 'manipulé', + 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => 'Identifiant CRM du marchand', + 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'Le message ne doit pas être vide.', + 'wd_more_info' => 'Plus d\'informations', + 'wd_no' => 'Non', + 'wd_orderNumber' => 'Numéro de commande', + 'wd_order_error' => 'Une erreur est survenue durant le processus de paiement. Veuillez réessayer.', + 'wd_order_error_info' => 'Une erreur est survenue durant le processus de paiement. La commande a été annulée.', + 'wd_order_status' => 'Statut de la commande', + 'wd_order_status_authorized' => 'Autorisé', + 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'Annulé', + 'wd_order_status_failed' => 'Échec', + 'wd_order_status_pending' => 'En attente', + 'wd_order_status_purchased' => 'Payé', + 'wd_order_status_refunded' => 'Remboursé', + 'wd_panel_action' => 'Action', + 'wd_panel_amount' => 'Montant', + 'wd_panel_currency' => 'Devise', + 'wd_panel_details' => 'Détails', + 'wd_panel_order_id' => 'Référence de la commande', + 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Numéro de commande', + 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => 'Identifiant de la transaction parent', + 'wd_panel_payment_method' => 'Mode de paiement', + 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => 'Identifiant de la transaction fournisseur', + 'wd_panel_transaction' => 'Transaction', + 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => 'Copier XML', + 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => 'Date', + 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => 'État de transaction', + 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => 'Identifiant de la transaction', + 'wd_paymentMethod' => 'Mode de paiement', + 'wd_payment_awaiting' => 'En attente du paiement à partir de Wirecard.', + 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => 'Le paiement a été annulé.', + 'wd_payment_cost' => 'Frais de paiement', + 'wd_payment_failed_text' => 'Échec du paiement.', + 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Paramètres du mode de paiement', + 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => 'Le paiement a été remboursé.', + 'wd_payment_success_text' => 'Paiement réussi.', + 'wd_payolution_terms' => 'J’accepte que les données qui sont nécessaires pour la liquidation du paiement sur facture et qui sont utilisées pour compléter l’identité et le contrôle de crédit soient transmises à Payolution. Mon consentement peut être révoqué à tout moment avec effet pour l’avenir.', + 'wd_phone' => 'Téléphone', + 'wd_pia_ptrid' => 'Référence', + 'wd_postal-code' => 'Code postal', + 'wd_ptrid' => 'Identifiant de référence du fournisseur de transactions', + 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => 'Âge minimum requis pour le mode de paiement Facture avec garantie de paiement : 18.', + 'wd_redirect_text' => 'Vous êtes redirigé. Veuillez patienter.', + 'wd_refund' => 'Remboursement', + 'wd_requestedAmount' => 'Montant', + 'wd_requestId' => 'Identifiant de la demande', + 'wd_save_to_user_account' => 'Enregistrez les données sur votre compte utilisateur.', + 'wd_secured' => 'sécurisé', + 'wd_send_email' => 'Soumettre', + 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'Mandat SEPA', + 'wd_sepa_text_1' => 'J’autorise le créancier', + 'wd_sepa_text_2' => 'à envoyer des ordres à ma banque pour initier un et un seul débit de mon compte. En même temps, j’instruis ma banque de débiter mon compte conformément aux instructions du créancier.', + 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '.', + 'wd_sepa_text_3' => 'Remarque : Dans le cadre de mes droits, j’ai droit à un remboursement selon les conditions générales du contrat avec ma banque. Toute demande de remboursement doit être présentée dans les 8 semaines suivant la date de débit de votre compte.', + 'wd_sepa_text_4' => 'J’accepte irrévocablement que si le prélèvement n’est pas honoré ou s’il y a une opposition au prélèvement bancaire, ma banque en informera le créancier', + 'wd_sepa_text_5' => 'mon nom, mon prénom, mon adresse et ma date de naissance.', + 'wd_sepa_text_6' => 'J’ai lu et accepté les informations du mandat de prélèvement SEPA.', + 'wd_shipping-method' => 'Mode de livraison', + 'wd_shipping_title' => 'Livraison', + 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => 'E-mails', + 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => 'Envoyer une notification par e-mail pour les commandes en attente.', + 'wd_social-security-number' => 'Numéro de sécurité sociale', + 'wd_state_awaiting' => 'en attente', + 'wd_state_closed' => 'fermé', + 'wd_state_error' => 'erreur', + 'wd_state_success' => 'validé', + 'wd_street1' => 'Rue', + 'wd_street2' => 'Rue 2', + 'wd_success_credentials' => 'Le test de la configuration du marchand a été effectué avec succès.', + 'wd_success_email' => 'E-mail envoyé avec succès.', + 'wd_support_description' => 'Les données système seront automatiquement ajoutées à votre message et seront envoyées à', + 'wd_support_email_from' => 'De', + 'wd_support_email_modules' => 'Autres modules', + 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'ID de module', + 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'Titre du module', + 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'Version de module', + 'wd_support_email_php' => 'Version PHP', + 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => 'Répondre à', + 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'Édition d’OXID eShop', + 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'Version d’OXID eShop', + 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'Demande d’assistance d’OXID eShop', + 'wd_support_email_system' => 'Infos sur le serveur', + 'wd_support_send_error' => 'Impossible d’envoyer l’e-mail d’assistance.', + 'wd_test_credentials' => 'Tester les informations d’identification', + 'wd_text_article_name' => 'Nom du produit', + 'wd_text_article_number' => 'Numéro d’article', + 'wd_text_backend_operations' => 'Traitements ultérieurs éventuels', + 'wd_text_delete' => 'Supprimer', + 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'L’action n’a pas pu être exécutée.', + 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'L’action a été exécutée avec succès.', + 'wd_text_list' => 'Transactions', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => 'Descriptif', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => 'Standard', + 'wd_text_message' => 'Message', + 'wd_text_no_data_available' => 'Aucune donnée disponible.', + 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'Aucune autre opération possible.', + 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'Il n’y a pas de transactions associées pour cette commande.', + 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Achat', + 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Autorisation', + 'wd_text_quantity' => 'Quantité', + 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', + 'wd_text_vault' => 'Paiement en un clic', + 'wd_three_d_link_text' => 'Plafonds avec et sans 3D Secure', + 'wd_timeStamp' => 'Date', + 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => 'Montant total hors plage autorisée.', + 'wd_transactionID' => 'Identifiant de la transaction', + 'wd_transactionState' => 'État de transaction', + 'wd_transactionType' => 'Type de transaction', + 'wd_transaction_details_title' => 'Détails de la transaction', + 'wd_transaction_response_details' => 'Détails de la réponse', + 'wd_transfer_notice' => 'Veuillez transférer le montant en utilisant les données suivantes :', + 'wd_unmatched' => 'non associé', + 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => 'Votre adresse de livraison a changé depuis votre dernière commande. Pour des raisons de sécurité, vous devez saisir vos nouvelles données de carte.', + 'wd_vault_save_text' => 'Enregistrer pour une utilisation ultérieure.', + 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => 'Utiliser une nouvelle carte', + 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => 'Veuillez attendre de recevoir un e-mail séparé avec le statut final de votre paiement.', + 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => 'Attention: Veuillez vérifier vos données de configuration dans les champs de saisie de l\'URL. Vous avez peut-être combiné un compte réel avec un compte d\'essai.', + 'wd_yes' => 'Oui', +); diff --git a/translations/id/module_id_lang.php b/translations/id/module_id_lang.php index 6dc965fad..ed4ab3bd9 100644 --- a/translations/id/module_id_lang.php +++ b/translations/id/module_id_lang.php @@ -1,246 +1,248 @@ - 'UTF-8', - 'wd_accept' => 'Accept', - 'wd_account_holder_title' => 'Pemilik Akun', - 'wd_amount' => 'Amount', - 'wd_bic' => 'BIC:', - 'wd_birthdate_input' => 'Tanggal lahir', - 'wd_cancel' => 'Cancel', - 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => 'Anda telah membatalkan proses pembayaran.', - 'wd_capture' => 'Capture', - 'wd_city' => 'Kota', - 'wd_company_name_input' => 'Company', - 'wd_config_additional_info' => 'Kirim informasi tambahan', - 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => 'Data tambahan akan dikirimkan untuk perlindungan atas penipuan. Data tambahan ini mencakup alamat pengiriman tagihan/barang, keranjang belanja, dan pendeskripsi.', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => 'Mata uang yang diizinkan', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => 'Metode pembayaran Faktur Bergaransi hanya akan ditampilkan jika mata uang yang aktif termasuk salah satu mata uang negara terpilih.', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => 'Izinkan Perubahan Alamat Pengiriman', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => 'Jika dinonaktifkan, pelanggan harus memasukkan detail kartu kredit jika alamat pengiriman telah diubah di antara dua pesanan.', - 'wd_config_base_url' => 'URL Dasar', - 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'URL dasar Wirecard. (misal,', - 'wd_config_billing_countries' => 'Negara tujuan yang diizinkan untuk pengiriman tagihan', - 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => 'Metode pembayaran Faktur Bergaransi hanya akan ditampilkan jika negara tujuan pengiriman barang pembeli termasuk salah satu negara terpilih.\nNegara-negara yang diizinkan berikut ini telah ditentukan sebelumnya: AT, DE.', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => 'Alamat pengiriman tagihan/barang harus sama', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => 'Jika diaktifkan, metode pembayaran Faktur Bergaransi hanya akan ditampilkan jika alamat pengiriman Tagihan/Barang sama', - 'wd_config_country_code' => 'Country Code', - 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. requires a valid country code to use the correct logo (i.e. en_gb).', - 'wd_config_creditor_id' => 'Identitas Kreditur', - 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'SEPA membutuhkan Identitas Kreditur untuk membuat Mandat Debit Langsung SEPA. Untuk mendapatkan Identitas Kreditur, ajukan di lembaga bank yang bertanggung jawab.', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => 'Hapus Pesanan yang Dibatalkan', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => 'Menghapus pesanan secara otomatis setelah proses pembayaran yang dibatalkan.', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => 'Hapus Pesanan yang gagal', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => 'Menghapus pesanan secara otomatis setelah proses pembayaran gagal.', - 'wd_config_descriptor' => 'Pendeskripsi', - 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => 'Kirim teks yang akan ditampilkan pada laporan bank yang diterbitkan untuk pembeli Anda oleh penyedia jasa keuangan', - 'wd_config_email' => 'Alamat e-mail Anda', - 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'BIC diaktifkan', - 'wd_config_http_password' => 'Kata Sandi HTTP', - 'wd_config_http_user' => 'Pengguna HTTP', - 'wd_config_logo_variant' => 'Versi Logo', - 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => 'Tunjukkan versi logo standar atau deskriptif kepada pelanggan Anda.', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => 'Identitas Rekening Penjual', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Tanda pengenal unik yang diberikan untuk rekening penjual.', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => 'Kunci Rahasia', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Kunci rahasia wajib digunakan untuk mengkalkulasi Tanda Tangan Digital dalam pembayaran.', - 'wd_config_message' => 'Pesan Anda', - 'wd_config_payment_action' => 'Tindakan Pembayaran', - 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => 'Pilih \"Catat transaksi\" untuk mencatat transaksi/menerbitkan faktur atas pesanan Anda secara otomatis atau \"Otorisasi\" untuk mencata transaksi/menerbitkan faktur secara manual.', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution URL', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => 'Mandatory if require consent is set to yes', - 'wd_config_reply_to' => 'Reply to (optionally)', - 'wd_config_require_consent' => 'Require consent', - 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => 'Consumer must agree with the terms before proceeding with the checkout process.', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => 'Negara tujuan yang diizinkan untuk pengiriman barang', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => 'Metode pembayaran Faktur Bergaransi hanya akan ditampilkan bila negara tujuan pengiriman tagihan pembeli termasuk salah satu negara terpilih.\nBerdasarkan kontrak Wirecard Anda, negara-negara yang diizinkan berikut ini telah ditentukan sebelumnya: AT, DE.', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => 'Keranjang Belanja', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => 'Untuk tujuan konfirmasi, metode pembayaran ini mendukung tampilan keranjang belanja saat checkout. Untuk mengaktifkan fitur ini, aktifkan Keranjang Belanja.', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => 'Batas Maksimum untuk Non 3-D Secure', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the Non 3-D Secure Max. Limit.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => 'ID 3-D Secure Rekening Penjual', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Tanda pengenal unik yang diberikan untuk Rekening 3D Secure Penjual Anda.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => 'Kunci Rahasia 3-D Secure', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Kunci rahasia wajib digunakan untuk mengkalkulasi Tanda Tangan Digital dalam pembayaran 3D.', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => 'Batas Minimum untuk 3-D Secure', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the 3-D Secure Min. Limit.', - 'wd_config_vault' => 'Checkout Satu Klik', - 'wd_config_vault_desc' => 'Kartu Kredit dapat disimpan untuk digunakan kembali di kemudian hari tanpa memasukkan perincian kartu kredit', - 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2)', - 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2) (e.g.', - 'wd_copy_xml_text' => 'Salin XML', - 'wd_country' => 'Negara', - 'wd_credit' => 'Pengembalian Dana', - 'wd_creditor' => 'Kreditor', - 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => 'Identitas Mandat', - 'wd_currency_config' => 'Each currency has to be configured.', - 'wd_customerId' => 'ID Pelanggan', - 'wd_date-of-birth' => 'Pengiriman', - 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', - 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', - 'wd_debtor' => 'Debitur', - 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => 'Pemilik akun:', - 'wd_default_currency' => 'Mata Uang Default', - 'wd_descriptor' => 'Pendeskripsi', - 'wd_email' => 'Email', - 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => 'Please enter a valid country code.', - 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => 'Please enter a valid e-mail address', - 'wd_error_credentials' => 'Tes gagal, harap cek kredensial Anda.', - 'wd_error_save_failed' => 'Configuration not valid. Save aborted.', - 'wd_first-name' => 'Nama depan', - 'wd_gender' => 'Jenis kelamin', - 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Alipay Cross-border Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Kartu Kredit Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard eps-Überweisung', - 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'giropay Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'iDEAL Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', - 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Pembayaran Di Muka untuk Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Pembayaran Berdasarkan Faktur untuk Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Faktur Bergaransi Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice by Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'SEPA Credit Transfer Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'SEPA Direct Debit Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Sofort. Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_support' => 'Dukungan', - 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Wirecard Transactions', - 'wd_house-extension' => 'Nomor Ekstensi Rumah', - 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN:', - 'wd_ideal_legend' => 'Pilih bank Anda', - 'wd_ip' => 'Alamat IP', - 'wd_last-name' => 'Nama belakang', - 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', - 'wd_manipulated' => 'manipulated', - 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => 'Identitas CRM Penjual', - 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'Message cannot be empty.', - 'wd_more_info' => 'More info', - 'wd_no' => 'No', - 'wd_orderNumber' => 'Nomor Pesanan', - 'wd_order_error' => 'Kesalahan terjadi saat proses pembayaran. Harap coba lagi.', - 'wd_order_error_info' => 'An error occurred in the payment process. The order has been canceled.', - 'wd_order_status' => 'Order status', - 'wd_order_status_authorized' => 'Sah', - 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'Cancelled', - 'wd_order_status_failed' => 'Failed', - 'wd_order_status_pending' => 'Pending', - 'wd_order_status_purchased' => 'Paid', - 'wd_order_status_refunded' => 'Refunded', - 'wd_panel_action' => 'Tindakan', - 'wd_panel_amount' => 'Jumlah', - 'wd_panel_currency' => 'Mata uang', - 'wd_panel_details' => 'Detail', - 'wd_panel_order_id' => 'Order Reference', - 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Order Number', - 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => 'ID transaksi-induk', - 'wd_panel_payment_method' => 'Metode pembayaran', - 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => 'Provider Transaction ID', - 'wd_panel_transaction' => 'Transaksi', - 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => 'Salin XML', - 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => 'Tanggal', - 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => 'Status transaksi', - 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => 'ID Transaksi', - 'wd_paymentMethod' => 'Metode Pembayaran', - 'wd_payment_awaiting' => 'Menunggu pembayaran dari Wirecard', - 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => 'Payment was cancelled.', - 'wd_payment_cost' => 'Payment cost', - 'wd_payment_failed_text' => 'Payment process failed.', - 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Payment method settings', - 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => 'Payment was refunded.', - 'wd_payment_success_text' => 'Payment process successful.', - 'wd_payolution_terms' => 'I agree that the data which are necessary for the liquidation of purchase on account and which are used to complete the identity and credit check are transmitted to Payolution. My consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.', - 'wd_phone' => 'Telepon', - 'wd_pia_ptrid' => 'Reference', - 'wd_postal-code' => 'Kode Pos', - 'wd_ptrid' => 'Identitas referensi transaksi provider', - 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => 'Anda harus berusia 18 tahun ke atas untuk memesan.', - 'wd_redirect_text' => 'Koneksi Anda sedang dialihkan, harap menunggu', - 'wd_refund' => 'Pengembalian Dana', - 'wd_requestedAmount' => 'Jumlah', - 'wd_requestId' => 'ID Permintaan', - 'wd_save_to_user_account' => 'Save data to your user account', - 'wd_secured' => 'secured', - 'wd_send_email' => 'Kirim', - 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'Mandat SEPA', - 'wd_sepa_text_1' => 'Saya mengizinkan kreditor', - 'wd_sepa_text_2' => 'untuk mengirimkan instruksi ke bank saya untuk mengumpulkan satu debit langsung dari akun saya. Pada waktu yang sama saya menginstruksikan bank untuk mendebit akun saya sesuai dengan instruksi dari kreditor', - 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '.', - 'wd_sepa_text_3' => 'Catatan: Sebagai bagian dari hak saya, saya berhak atas pengembalian dana sesuai dengan syarat dan ketentuan perjanjian saya dengan bank. Pengembalian dana harus diklaim dalam waktu 8 minggu dimulai dari tanggal akun saya didebit.', - 'wd_sepa_text_4' => 'Saya menyatakan persetujuan yang tidak dapat dibatalkan bahwa jika debit langsung tidak ditanggapi, atau terdapat keberatan atas debit langsung tersebut, bank saya akan mengungkapkan kepada kreditor', - 'wd_sepa_text_5' => 'nama lengkap, alamat, dan tanggal lahir saya.', - 'wd_sepa_text_6' => 'Saya telah membaca dan menyetujui informasi mengenai Mandat Debit Langsung SEPA.', - 'wd_shipping-method' => 'Metode Pengiriman', - 'wd_shipping_title' => 'Pengiriman', - 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => 'Emails', - 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => 'Send notification emails when order pending', - 'wd_social-security-number' => 'Nomor Jaminan Sosial', - 'wd_state_awaiting' => 'awaiting', - 'wd_state_closed' => 'closed', - 'wd_state_error' => 'error', - 'wd_state_success' => 'success', - 'wd_street1' => 'Jalan', - 'wd_street2' => 'Jalan 2', - 'wd_success_credentials' => 'Pengujian konfigurasi penjual berhasil.', - 'wd_success_email' => 'E-Mail berhasil dikirim', - 'wd_support_description' => 'System information will be automatically added to your message and will be sent to', - 'wd_support_email_from' => 'From', - 'wd_support_email_modules' => 'Other modules', - 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'Module ID', - 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'Module Title', - 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'Module Version', - 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP Version', - 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => 'Reply to', - 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID eShop Edition', - 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID eShop Version', - 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID eShop support request', - 'wd_support_email_system' => 'Server Info', - 'wd_support_send_error' => 'Support e-mail could not be sent.', - 'wd_test_credentials' => 'Tes', - 'wd_text_article_name' => 'Nama Produk', - 'wd_text_article_number' => 'Nomor Artikel', - 'wd_text_backend_operations' => 'Kemungkinan Operasi Pascapemrosesan', - 'wd_text_delete' => 'Hapus', - 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'Action could not be performed.', - 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'Action performed successfully.', - 'wd_text_list' => 'Transaksi', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => 'Deskriptif', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => 'Standar', - 'wd_text_message' => 'Pesan', - 'wd_text_no_data_available' => 'No data available.', - 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'No further operations possible.', - 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'There are no associated transactions for this order.', - 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Purchase', - 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Authorization', - 'wd_text_quantity' => 'Kuantitas', - 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', - 'wd_text_vault' => 'Checkout Satu Klik', - 'wd_three_d_link_text' => 'Non 3-D Secure and 3-D Secure Limits', - 'wd_timeStamp' => 'Tanggal', - 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => 'Total amount not in allowed range.', - 'wd_transactionID' => 'ID Transaksi', - 'wd_transactionState' => 'Status Transaksi', - 'wd_transactionType' => 'Jenis Transaksi', - 'wd_transaction_details_title' => 'Detail Transaksi', - 'wd_transaction_response_details' => 'Response Details', - 'wd_transfer_notice' => 'Harap transfer jumlah tersebut menggunakan data berikut ini:', - 'wd_unmatched' => 'unmatched', - 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => 'Alamat pengiriman Anda telah berubah sejak pesanan terakhir. Untuk tujuan keamanan, kami mewajibkan Anda memasukkan detail kartu kredit baru.', - 'wd_vault_save_text' => 'Simpan untuk digunakan di kemudian hari.', - 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => 'Gunakan Kartu Kredit baru', - 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => 'Please, wait for additional email with the final status of your payment.', - 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => 'Attention: Please check your credentials within the URL setting fields. You might have configured/combined a productive account with a test account.', - 'wd_yes' => 'Yes', -); + 'UTF-8', + 'wd_accept' => 'Terima', + 'wd_account_holder_title' => 'Pemilik Akun', + 'wd_amount' => 'Amount', + 'wd_bic' => 'BIC:', + 'wd_birthdate_input' => 'Tanggal lahir', + 'wd_cancel' => 'Cancel', + 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => 'Anda telah membatalkan proses pembayaran.', + 'wd_capture' => 'Ambil', + 'wd_city' => 'Kota', + 'wd_company_name_input' => 'Perusahaan', + 'wd_config_additional_info' => 'Kirim informasi tambahan', + 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => 'Data tambahan akan dikirimkan untuk perlindungan atas penipuan. Data tambahan ini mencakup alamat pengiriman tagihan/barang, keranjang belanja, dan pendeskripsi.', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => 'Mata uang yang diizinkan', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => 'Metode pembayaran Faktur Bergaransi hanya akan ditampilkan jika mata uang yang aktif termasuk salah satu mata uang negara terpilih.', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => 'Izinkan Perubahan Alamat Pengiriman', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => 'Jika dinonaktifkan, pelanggan harus memasukkan detail kartu kredit jika alamat pengiriman telah diubah di antara dua pesanan.', + 'wd_config_base_url' => 'URL Dasar', + 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'URL dasar Wirecard. (misal,', + 'wd_config_billing_countries' => 'Negara tujuan yang diizinkan untuk pengiriman tagihan', + 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => 'Metode pembayaran Faktur Bergaransi hanya akan ditampilkan jika negara tujuan pengiriman barang pembeli termasuk salah satu negara terpilih.\nNegara-negara yang diizinkan berikut ini telah ditentukan sebelumnya: AT, DE.', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => 'Alamat pengiriman tagihan/barang harus sama', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => 'Jika diaktifkan, metode pembayaran Faktur Bergaransi hanya akan ditampilkan jika alamat pengiriman Tagihan/Barang sama', + 'wd_config_country_code' => 'Kode Negara', + 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. membutuhkan kode negara yang valid untuk menggunakan logo yang sesuai (contohnya en_gb).', + 'wd_config_creditor_id' => 'Identitas Kreditur', + 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'SEPA membutuhkan Identitas Kreditur untuk membuat Mandat Debit Langsung SEPA. Untuk mendapatkan Identitas Kreditur, ajukan di lembaga bank yang bertanggung jawab.', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => 'Hapus Pesanan yang Dibatalkan', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => 'Menghapus pesanan secara otomatis setelah proses pembayaran yang dibatalkan.', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => 'Hapus Pesanan yang gagal', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => 'Menghapus pesanan secara otomatis setelah proses pembayaran gagal.', + 'wd_config_descriptor' => 'Pendeskripsi', + 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => 'Kirim teks yang akan ditampilkan pada laporan bank yang diterbitkan untuk pembeli Anda oleh penyedia jasa keuangan', + 'wd_config_email' => 'Alamat e-mail Anda', + 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'BIC diaktifkan', + 'wd_config_http_password' => 'Kata Sandi HTTP', + 'wd_config_http_user' => 'Pengguna HTTP', + 'wd_config_logo_variant' => 'Versi Logo', + 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => 'Tunjukkan versi logo standar atau deskriptif kepada pelanggan Anda.', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => 'Identitas Rekening Penjual', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Tanda pengenal unik yang diberikan untuk rekening penjual.', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => 'Kunci Rahasia', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Kunci rahasia wajib digunakan untuk mengkalkulasi Tanda Tangan Digital dalam pembayaran.', + 'wd_config_message' => 'Pesan Anda', + 'wd_config_payment_action' => 'Tindakan Pembayaran', + 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => 'Pilih \"Catat transaksi\" untuk mencatat transaksi/menerbitkan faktur atas pesanan Anda secara otomatis atau \"Otorisasi\" untuk mencata transaksi/menerbitkan faktur secara manual.', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'URL Payolution', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => 'Wajib jika opsi "Membutuhkan Persetujuan" diisi Ya.', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information' => 'PSD 2', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information_desc_oxid' => 'With regard to PSD 2 requirements, you should request
certain personal information from your consumers during
checkout to reduce the risk of transactions being rejected.', + 'wd_config_reply_to' => 'Balas ke (opsional)', + 'wd_config_require_consent' => 'Membutuhkan Persetujuan', + 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => 'Konsumen wajib menyetujui persyaratan sebelum bisa melanjutkan proses checkout.', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => 'Negara tujuan yang diizinkan untuk pengiriman barang', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => 'Metode pembayaran Faktur Bergaransi hanya akan ditampilkan bila negara tujuan pengiriman tagihan pembeli termasuk salah satu negara terpilih.\nBerdasarkan kontrak Wirecard Anda, negara-negara yang diizinkan berikut ini telah ditentukan sebelumnya: AT, DE.', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => 'Keranjang Belanja', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => 'Untuk tujuan konfirmasi, metode pembayaran ini mendukung tampilan keranjang belanja saat checkout. Untuk mengaktifkan fitur ini, aktifkan Keranjang Belanja.', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => 'Batas Maksimum untuk Non 3-D Secure', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'Jumlah ini mengharuskan transaksi dengan 3-D Secure. Masukkan "null" untuk menonaktifkan Batas Maksimal Mata Uang untuk Non 3-D Secure.', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => 'ID 3-D Secure Rekening Penjual', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Tanda pengenal unik yang diberikan untuk Rekening 3D Secure Penjual Anda.', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => 'Kunci Rahasia 3-D Secure', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Kunci rahasia wajib digunakan untuk mengkalkulasi Tanda Tangan Digital dalam pembayaran 3D.', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => 'Batas Minimum untuk 3-D Secure', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'Jumlah ini mengharuskan transaksi dengan 3-D Secure. Masukkan "null" untuk menonaktifkan Batas Minimal untuk 3-D Secure.', + 'wd_config_vault' => 'Checkout Satu Klik', + 'wd_config_vault_desc' => 'Kartu Kredit dapat disimpan untuk digunakan kembali di kemudian hari tanpa memasukkan perincian kartu kredit', + 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Alamat Wirecard Payment Page v2 (URL WPP v2)', + 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Alamat Wirecard Payment Page v2 (URL WPP v2) (misalnya', + 'wd_copy_xml_text' => 'Salin XML', + 'wd_country' => 'Negara', + 'wd_credit' => 'Pengembalian Dana', + 'wd_creditor' => 'Kreditor', + 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => 'Identitas Mandat', + 'wd_currency_config' => 'Setiap mata uang harus dikonfigurasi.', + 'wd_customerId' => 'ID Pelanggan', + 'wd_date-of-birth' => 'Pengiriman', + 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', + 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', + 'wd_debtor' => 'Debitur', + 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => 'Pemilik akun:', + 'wd_default_currency' => 'Mata Uang Default', + 'wd_descriptor' => 'Pendeskripsi', + 'wd_email' => 'Email', + 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => 'Masukkan kode negara yang valid.', + 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => 'Please enter a valid e-mail address', + 'wd_error_credentials' => 'Tes gagal, harap cek kredensial Anda.', + 'wd_error_save_failed' => 'Konfigurasi tidak valid. Penyimpanan tidak bisa dilakukan.', + 'wd_first-name' => 'Nama depan', + 'wd_gender' => 'Jenis kelamin', + 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Alipay Cross-border Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Kartu Kredit Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard eps-Überweisung', + 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'giropay Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'iDEAL Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Faktur Bergaransi Wirecard (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Faktur Wirecard (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Faktur Bergaransi Wirecard (Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Faktur Wirecard (Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', + 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Pembayaran Di Muka untuk Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Pembayaran Berdasarkan Faktur untuk Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Faktur Bergaransi Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Faktur Wirecard oleh Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'SEPA Credit Transfer Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'SEPA Direct Debit Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Sofort. Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_support' => 'Dukungan', + 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Wirecard Transactions', + 'wd_house-extension' => 'Nomor Ekstensi Rumah', + 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN:', + 'wd_ideal_legend' => 'Pilih bank Anda', + 'wd_ip' => 'Alamat IP', + 'wd_last-name' => 'Nama belakang', + 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', + 'wd_manipulated' => 'dimanipulasi', + 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => 'Identitas CRM Penjual', + 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'Kolom pesan tidak boleh kosong.', + 'wd_more_info' => 'Informasi Lainnya', + 'wd_no' => 'Tidak', + 'wd_orderNumber' => 'Nomor Pesanan', + 'wd_order_error' => 'Kesalahan terjadi saat proses pembayaran. Harap coba lagi.', + 'wd_order_error_info' => 'Kesalahan terjadi dalam proses pembayaran. Perintah telah dibatalkan.', + 'wd_order_status' => 'Status perintah', + 'wd_order_status_authorized' => 'Sah', + 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'Dibatalkan', + 'wd_order_status_failed' => 'Gagal', + 'wd_order_status_pending' => 'Tunda', + 'wd_order_status_purchased' => 'Dibayar', + 'wd_order_status_refunded' => 'Dikembalikan', + 'wd_panel_action' => 'Tindakan', + 'wd_panel_amount' => 'Jumlah', + 'wd_panel_currency' => 'Mata uang', + 'wd_panel_details' => 'Detail', + 'wd_panel_order_id' => 'Referensi Pemesanan', + 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Order Number', + 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => 'ID transaksi-induk', + 'wd_panel_payment_method' => 'Metode pembayaran', + 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => 'Identitas Transaksi Penyedia', + 'wd_panel_transaction' => 'Transaksi', + 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => 'Salin XML', + 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => 'Tanggal', + 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => 'Status transaksi', + 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => 'ID Transaksi', + 'wd_paymentMethod' => 'Metode Pembayaran', + 'wd_payment_awaiting' => 'Menunggu pembayaran dari Wirecard', + 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => 'Pembayaran dibatalkan.', + 'wd_payment_cost' => 'Biaya Pembayaran', + 'wd_payment_failed_text' => 'Proses pembayaran gagal dilakukan.', + 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Payment method settings', + 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => 'Pembayaran dikembalikan.', + 'wd_payment_success_text' => 'Proses pembayaran berhasil dilakukan.', + 'wd_payolution_terms' => 'Saya setuju bahwa data yang diperlukan untuk proses likuidasi pembelian pada akun dan data yang digunakan untuk melengkapi identitas serta pemeriksaan kredit akan dikirimkan ke Payolution. Persetujuan saya bisa dicabut kapan saja dengan efek segera di masa depan.', + 'wd_phone' => 'Telepon', + 'wd_pia_ptrid' => 'Referensi', + 'wd_postal-code' => 'Kode Pos', + 'wd_ptrid' => 'Identitas referensi transaksi provider', + 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => 'Anda harus berusia 18 tahun ke atas untuk memesan.', + 'wd_redirect_text' => 'Koneksi Anda sedang dialihkan, harap menunggu', + 'wd_refund' => 'Pengembalian Dana', + 'wd_requestedAmount' => 'Jumlah', + 'wd_requestId' => 'ID Permintaan', + 'wd_save_to_user_account' => 'Simpan data ke akun pengguna Anda.', + 'wd_secured' => 'diamankan', + 'wd_send_email' => 'Kirim', + 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'Mandat SEPA', + 'wd_sepa_text_1' => 'Saya mengizinkan kreditor', + 'wd_sepa_text_2' => 'untuk mengirimkan instruksi ke bank saya untuk mengumpulkan satu debit langsung dari akun saya. Pada waktu yang sama saya menginstruksikan bank untuk mendebit akun saya sesuai dengan instruksi dari kreditor', + 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '.', + 'wd_sepa_text_3' => 'Catatan: Sebagai bagian dari hak saya, saya berhak atas pengembalian dana sesuai dengan syarat dan ketentuan perjanjian saya dengan bank. Pengembalian dana harus diklaim dalam waktu 8 minggu dimulai dari tanggal akun saya didebit.', + 'wd_sepa_text_4' => 'Saya menyatakan persetujuan yang tidak dapat dibatalkan bahwa jika debit langsung tidak ditanggapi, atau terdapat keberatan atas debit langsung tersebut, bank saya akan mengungkapkan kepada kreditor', + 'wd_sepa_text_5' => 'nama lengkap, alamat, dan tanggal lahir saya.', + 'wd_sepa_text_6' => 'Saya telah membaca dan menyetujui informasi mengenai Mandat Debit Langsung SEPA.', + 'wd_shipping-method' => 'Metode Pengiriman', + 'wd_shipping_title' => 'Pengiriman', + 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => 'Email', + 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => 'Kirim email pemberitahuan untuk pesanan yang tertunda.', + 'wd_social-security-number' => 'Nomor Jaminan Sosial', + 'wd_state_awaiting' => 'menunggu', + 'wd_state_closed' => 'ditutup', + 'wd_state_error' => 'kesalahan', + 'wd_state_success' => 'berhasil', + 'wd_street1' => 'Jalan', + 'wd_street2' => 'Jalan 2', + 'wd_success_credentials' => 'Pengujian konfigurasi penjual berhasil.', + 'wd_success_email' => 'E-Mail berhasil dikirim', + 'wd_support_description' => 'Informasi sistem akan ditambahkan ke pesan Anda secara otomatis dan akan dikirimkan ke', + 'wd_support_email_from' => 'Dari', + 'wd_support_email_modules' => 'Modul Lainnya', + 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'ID Modul', + 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'Judul Modul', + 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'Versi Modul', + 'wd_support_email_php' => 'Versi PHP', + 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => 'Balas ke', + 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'Edisi OXID eShop', + 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'Versi OXID eShop', + 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'Permintaan Dukungan OXID eShop', + 'wd_support_email_system' => 'Informasi Server', + 'wd_support_send_error' => 'Email dukungan tidak bisa dikirimkan.', + 'wd_test_credentials' => 'Tes', + 'wd_text_article_name' => 'Nama Produk', + 'wd_text_article_number' => 'Nomor Artikel', + 'wd_text_backend_operations' => 'Kemungkinan Operasi Pascapemrosesan', + 'wd_text_delete' => 'Hapus', + 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'Tindakan tidak bisa dilakukan.', + 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'Tindakan berhasil dilakukan.', + 'wd_text_list' => 'Transaksi', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => 'Deskriptif', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => 'Standar', + 'wd_text_message' => 'Pesan', + 'wd_text_no_data_available' => 'Data tidak tersedia.', + 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'Tidak ada tindakan operasi lebih lanjut yang bisa dilakukan.', + 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'Tidak ada transaksi yang terkait untuk perintah ini.', + 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Purchase', + 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Authorization', + 'wd_text_quantity' => 'Kuantitas', + 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', + 'wd_text_vault' => 'Checkout Satu Klik', + 'wd_three_d_link_text' => 'Batasan Non 3D Secure dan 3D Secure', + 'wd_timeStamp' => 'Tanggal', + 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => 'Jumlah berada di luar dari rentang yang diizinkan.', + 'wd_transactionID' => 'ID Transaksi', + 'wd_transactionState' => 'Status Transaksi', + 'wd_transactionType' => 'Jenis Transaksi', + 'wd_transaction_details_title' => 'Detail Transaksi', + 'wd_transaction_response_details' => 'Rincian Tanggapan', + 'wd_transfer_notice' => 'Harap transfer jumlah tersebut menggunakan data berikut ini:', + 'wd_unmatched' => 'tiada cocok', + 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => 'Alamat pengiriman Anda telah berubah sejak pesanan terakhir. Untuk tujuan keamanan, kami mewajibkan Anda memasukkan detail kartu kredit baru.', + 'wd_vault_save_text' => 'Simpan untuk digunakan di kemudian hari.', + 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => 'Gunakan Kartu Kredit baru', + 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => 'Tunggu email terpisah berikutnya dengan status akhir pembayaran Anda.', + 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => 'Perhatian: Periksa kredensial Anda dalam kolom pengaturan URL. Anda mungkin telah mengonfigurasi/menggabungkan akun produktif dengan akun pengujian.', + 'wd_yes' => 'Ya', +); diff --git a/translations/jp/module_jp_lang.php b/translations/jp/module_jp_lang.php index 7eb15ba83..059ab8647 100644 --- a/translations/jp/module_jp_lang.php +++ b/translations/jp/module_jp_lang.php @@ -1,246 +1,248 @@ - 'UTF-8', - 'wd_accept' => 'Accept', - 'wd_account_holder_title' => '口座名義人', - 'wd_amount' => 'Amount', - 'wd_bic' => 'BIC:', - 'wd_birthdate_input' => '誕生日', - 'wd_cancel' => 'Cancel', - 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => '支払い処理が取り消されました。', - 'wd_capture' => 'Capture', - 'wd_city' => '市町村', - 'wd_company_name_input' => 'Company', - 'wd_config_additional_info' => '追加情報を送信する', - 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => '詐欺防止のための追加データが送信されます。この追加データには、請求先 / 配送先の住所、買い物かご、および記述子が含まれます。', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => '許可されている通貨', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => '有効な通貨がこれらの選択済み通貨のいずれかである場合、保証付きインボイスの支払い方法だけが表示されます。', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => '配送先住所の変更を許可する', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => '無効の場合、購入者は2回の注文の間に配送先住所が変わったら、クレジットカードの詳細を再入力する必要があります。', - 'wd_config_base_url' => 'ベース URL', - 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'Wirecard ベース URL。(例:', - 'wd_config_billing_countries' => '許可されている請求先国', - 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => '消費者の発送先国がこれらの選択された国々のいずれかと一致する場合、保証付きインボイスの支払い方法だけが表示されます。\n\t\t\t\tあらかじめ許可されている国々は次の通りです: AT、DE。', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => '請求先/発送先の住所は、同一でなければなりません', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => '有効にすると、請求先/発送先の住所が同一の場合、保証付きインボイスの支払い方法だけが表示されます', - 'wd_config_country_code' => 'Country Code', - 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. requires a valid country code to use the correct logo (i.e. en_gb).', - 'wd_config_creditor_id' => '債権者 ID', - 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'SEPA では、SEPA ダイレクト デビット委託の作成に債権者 ID が必要です。債権者 ID は、信頼のおける金融機関でお申し込みください。', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => 'キャンセルされた注文を削除する', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => '支払処理がキャンセルされると自動的に注文を削除します。', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => '失敗した注文を削除する', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => '支払処理に失敗すると自動的に注文を削除します。', - 'wd_config_descriptor' => '記述子', - 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => '金融サービス プロバイダーが消費者に発行する取引明細書に表示されるテキストを送信します', - 'wd_config_email' => 'お客様のメール アドレス', - 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'BIC が有効', - 'wd_config_http_password' => 'HTTP パスワード', - 'wd_config_http_user' => 'HTTP ユーザー', - 'wd_config_logo_variant' => 'ロゴバージョン', - 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => '購入者に標準的または記述的ロゴバージョンのいずれかを表示します。', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => '販売者アカウント ID', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => '販売者アカウントに割り当てられる一意の ID。', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => '秘密鍵', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => '秘密鍵は、支払いのデジタル署名の計算に必須です。', - 'wd_config_message' => 'メッセージ', - 'wd_config_payment_action' => '支払い処理', - 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => '注文のキャプチャ / インボイスを自動的に行う場合は「キャプチャ」を、キャプチャ / インボイスを手動で行う場合は「承認」を選択します。', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution URL', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => 'Mandatory if require consent is set to yes', - 'wd_config_reply_to' => 'Reply to (optionally)', - 'wd_config_require_consent' => 'Require consent', - 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => 'Consumer must agree with the terms before proceeding with the checkout process.', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => '許可されている発送先国', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => '消費者の請求先国がこれらの選択された国々のいずれかと一致する場合、保証付きインボイスの支払い方法だけが表示されます。Wirecard 契約により許可されている国々は次の通りです: AT、DE。', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => 'ショッピング バスケット', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => '確認のため、この支払方法では注文中に買い物かごが表示されます。この機能を有効化するには、買い物かごを有効にします。', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => '3-D セキュアの最大限度ではない', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the Non 3-D Secure Max. Limit.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => '3-D セキュア販売者アカウント ID', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => '3D セキュア販売者アカウントに割り当てられた一意の識別子。', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => '3-D セキュア秘密鍵', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => '秘密鍵は、3D セキュア支払いのデジタル署名の計算に必須です。', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => '3-D セキュアの最小限度', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the 3-D Secure Min. Limit.', - 'wd_config_vault' => 'ワンクリック注文', - 'wd_config_vault_desc' => 'クレジット カードを保存しておけば、次回からはクレジット カードの詳細を入力しなくても使用できるようになります。', - 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2)', - 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2) (e.g.', - 'wd_copy_xml_text' => 'XMLをコピーする', - 'wd_country' => '国', - 'wd_credit' => '返金する', - 'wd_creditor' => '債権者', - 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => 'マンデートID', - 'wd_currency_config' => 'Each currency has to be configured.', - 'wd_customerId' => 'カスタマーID', - 'wd_date-of-birth' => '送料', - 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', - 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', - 'wd_debtor' => '債務者', - 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => '口座名義人', - 'wd_default_currency' => 'デフォルト通貨', - 'wd_descriptor' => '記述子', - 'wd_email' => '電子メール', - 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => 'Please enter a valid country code.', - 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => '有効なメールアドレスを入力してください。', - 'wd_error_credentials' => 'テストが失敗しました。信用証明を確認してください。', - 'wd_error_save_failed' => 'Configuration not valid. Save aborted.', - 'wd_first-name' => '名', - 'wd_gender' => '性別', - 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Wirecard Alipay Cross-border', - 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Wirecard クレジット カード', - 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard eps-Überweisung', - 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'Wirecard Giropay', - 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'Wirecard iDEAL', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', - 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Wirecardの前払い', - 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Wirecardの請求書払い', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Wirecard 保証付きインボイス', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice by Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'Wirecard SEPA Credit Transfer', - 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'Wirecard SEPA Direct Debit', - 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Wirecard Sofort。', - 'wd_heading_title_support' => 'サポート', - 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Transaksi Wirecard', - 'wd_house-extension' => '内線', - 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN:', - 'wd_ideal_legend' => '銀行を選択する', - 'wd_ip' => 'IPアドレス', - 'wd_last-name' => '氏', - 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', - 'wd_manipulated' => 'manipulated', - 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => 'マーチャントCRM ID', - 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'Message cannot be empty.', - 'wd_more_info' => 'More info', - 'wd_no' => 'No', - 'wd_orderNumber' => '注文番号', - 'wd_order_error' => '支払い処理中にエラーが発生しました。もう一度実行してください。', - 'wd_order_error_info' => 'An error occurred in the payment process. The order has been canceled.', - 'wd_order_status' => 'Order status', - 'wd_order_status_authorized' => '承認済み', - 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'Cancelled', - 'wd_order_status_failed' => 'Failed', - 'wd_order_status_pending' => 'Pending', - 'wd_order_status_purchased' => 'Paid', - 'wd_order_status_refunded' => 'Refunded', - 'wd_panel_action' => 'アクション', - 'wd_panel_amount' => '金額', - 'wd_panel_currency' => '通貨', - 'wd_panel_details' => '明細', - 'wd_panel_order_id' => 'Order Reference', - 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Order Number', - 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => '親トランザクション ID', - 'wd_panel_payment_method' => '支払い方法', - 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => 'Provider Transaction ID', - 'wd_panel_transaction' => 'トランザクション', - 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => 'XMLをコピーする', - 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => '日付', - 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => 'トランザクションの状態', - 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => 'トランザクション ID', - 'wd_paymentMethod' => '支払方法', - 'wd_payment_awaiting' => 'Wirecard からの支払いを待機しています', - 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => 'Payment was cancelled.', - 'wd_payment_cost' => 'Payment cost', - 'wd_payment_failed_text' => 'Payment process failed.', - 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Payment method settings', - 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => 'Payment was refunded.', - 'wd_payment_success_text' => 'Payment process successful.', - 'wd_payolution_terms' => 'I agree that the data which are necessary for the liquidation of purchase on account and which are used to complete the identity and credit check are transmitted to Payolution. My consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.', - 'wd_phone' => '電話', - 'wd_pia_ptrid' => 'Reference', - 'wd_postal-code' => '郵便番号', - 'wd_ptrid' => 'プロバイダーのトランザクション参照 ID', - 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => '注文を行うには、18 歳以上でなければなりません。', - 'wd_redirect_text' => 'リダイレクトしています。お待ちください', - 'wd_refund' => '返金する', - 'wd_requestedAmount' => '金額', - 'wd_requestId' => 'リクエストID', - 'wd_save_to_user_account' => 'Save data to your user account', - 'wd_secured' => 'secured', - 'wd_send_email' => '送信する', - 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'SEPAマンデート', - 'wd_sepa_text_1' => '債権者が', - 'wd_sepa_text_2' => '私の口座から1回のダイレクトデビットを回収するように、私の銀行に指示を送信することを許可します。同時に、私は、債権者からの指示に従い、私の銀行が口座から引き落とすように銀行に指示します。', - 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '.', - 'wd_sepa_text_3' => '注記:私の権利の一部として、私は、銀行との合意の条項および条件に基づき、返金を受け取る資格があります。返金は、私の口座から引き落としがあった日から起算して8週間以内に請求する必要があります。', - 'wd_sepa_text_4' => '私は、取消不能の形式で、ダイレクトデビットが無効になった場合や、ダイレクトデビットに対する異議が存在する場合には、私の銀行が債権者', - 'wd_sepa_text_5' => 'に対して私の氏名、住所、生年月日を開示することに同意します。', - 'wd_sepa_text_6' => '私は、SEPAダイレクトデビットマンデート情報を読んで同意しました。', - 'wd_shipping-method' => '配送方法', - 'wd_shipping_title' => '送料', - 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => 'Emails', - 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => 'Send notification emails when order pending', - 'wd_social-security-number' => '社会保障番号', - 'wd_state_awaiting' => 'awaiting', - 'wd_state_closed' => 'closed', - 'wd_state_error' => 'error', - 'wd_state_success' => 'success', - 'wd_street1' => '番地', - 'wd_street2' => '番地2', - 'wd_success_credentials' => '販売者構成のテストが成功しました。', - 'wd_success_email' => 'メールの送信に成功しました', - 'wd_support_description' => 'System information will be automatically added to your message and will be sent to', - 'wd_support_email_from' => 'From', - 'wd_support_email_modules' => 'Other modules', - 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'Module ID', - 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'Module Title', - 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'Module Version', - 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP Version', - 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => 'Reply to', - 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID eShop Edition', - 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID eShop Version', - 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID eShop support request', - 'wd_support_email_system' => 'Server Info', - 'wd_support_send_error' => 'Support e-mail could not be sent.', - 'wd_test_credentials' => 'テスト', - 'wd_text_article_name' => '商品名', - 'wd_text_article_number' => '商品番号', - 'wd_text_backend_operations' => '可能な処理後の操作', - 'wd_text_delete' => '削除', - 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'Action could not be performed.', - 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'Action performed successfully.', - 'wd_text_list' => '取引', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => '記述的', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => '標準的', - 'wd_text_message' => 'メッセージ', - 'wd_text_no_data_available' => 'No data available.', - 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'No further operations possible.', - 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'There are no associated transactions for this order.', - 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Purchase', - 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Authorization', - 'wd_text_quantity' => '数', - 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', - 'wd_text_vault' => 'ワンクリック注文', - 'wd_three_d_link_text' => 'Non 3-D Secure and 3-D Secure Limits', - 'wd_timeStamp' => '日付', - 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => 'Total amount not in allowed range.', - 'wd_transactionID' => '取引ID', - 'wd_transactionState' => '取引の状態', - 'wd_transactionType' => '取引の種類', - 'wd_transaction_details_title' => '取引明細', - 'wd_transaction_response_details' => 'Response Details', - 'wd_transfer_notice' => '以下のデータを使用して金額を送金してください:', - 'wd_unmatched' => 'unmatched', - 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => '前回の注文から配送先住所が変更されています。セキュリティの目的で新規クレジットカードの詳細を入力する必要があります。', - 'wd_vault_save_text' => '後で使用するために保存する', - 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => '新しいクレジット カードを使用する', - 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => 'Please, wait for additional email with the final status of your payment.', - 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => 'Attention: Please check your credentials within the URL setting fields. You might have configured/combined a productive account with a test account.', - 'wd_yes' => 'Yes', -); + 'UTF-8', + 'wd_accept' => '同意する', + 'wd_account_holder_title' => '口座名義人', + 'wd_amount' => 'Amount', + 'wd_bic' => 'BIC:', + 'wd_birthdate_input' => '誕生日', + 'wd_cancel' => 'Cancel', + 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => '支払い処理が取り消されました。', + 'wd_capture' => 'キャプチャする', + 'wd_city' => '市町村', + 'wd_company_name_input' => '会社名', + 'wd_config_additional_info' => '追加情報を送信する', + 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => '詐欺防止のための追加データが送信されます。この追加データには、請求先 / 配送先の住所、買い物かご、および記述子が含まれます。', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => '許可されている通貨', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => '有効な通貨がこれらの選択済み通貨のいずれかである場合、保証付きインボイスの支払い方法だけが表示されます。', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => '配送先住所の変更を許可する', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => '無効の場合、購入者は2回の注文の間に配送先住所が変わったら、クレジットカードの詳細を再入力する必要があります。', + 'wd_config_base_url' => 'ベース URL', + 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'Wirecard ベース URL。(例:', + 'wd_config_billing_countries' => '許可されている請求先国', + 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => '消費者の発送先国がこれらの選択された国々のいずれかと一致する場合、保証付きインボイスの支払い方法だけが表示されます。\n\t\t\t\tあらかじめ許可されている国々は次の通りです: AT、DE。', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => '請求先/発送先の住所は、同一でなければなりません', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => '有効にすると、請求先/発送先の住所が同一の場合、保証付きインボイスの支払い方法だけが表示されます', + 'wd_config_country_code' => '国名コード', + 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort.では、正しいロゴ(en_gbなど)を使用するために有効な国名コードが必要です。', + 'wd_config_creditor_id' => '債権者 ID', + 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'SEPA では、SEPA ダイレクト デビット委託の作成に債権者 ID が必要です。債権者 ID は、信頼のおける金融機関でお申し込みください。', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => 'キャンセルされた注文を削除する', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => '支払処理がキャンセルされると自動的に注文を削除します。', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => '失敗した注文を削除する', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => '支払処理に失敗すると自動的に注文を削除します。', + 'wd_config_descriptor' => '記述子', + 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => '金融サービス プロバイダーが消費者に発行する取引明細書に表示されるテキストを送信します', + 'wd_config_email' => 'お客様のメール アドレス', + 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'BIC が有効', + 'wd_config_http_password' => 'HTTP パスワード', + 'wd_config_http_user' => 'HTTP ユーザー', + 'wd_config_logo_variant' => 'ロゴバージョン', + 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => '購入者に標準的または記述的ロゴバージョンのいずれかを表示します。', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => '販売者アカウント ID', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => '販売者アカウントに割り当てられる一意の ID。', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => '秘密鍵', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => '秘密鍵は、支払いのデジタル署名の計算に必須です。', + 'wd_config_message' => 'メッセージ', + 'wd_config_payment_action' => '支払い処理', + 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => '注文のキャプチャ / インボイスを自動的に行う場合は「キャプチャ」を、キャプチャ / インボイスを手動で行う場合は「承認」を選択します。', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'PayolutionのURL', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => '「同意が必要」が「はい」に設定されている場合は、必須です。', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information' => 'PSD 2', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information_desc_oxid' => 'With regard to PSD 2 requirements, you should request
certain personal information from your consumers during
checkout to reduce the risk of transactions being rejected.', + 'wd_config_reply_to' => '返信(オプション)', + 'wd_config_require_consent' => '同意が必要', + 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => '購入者は、注文処理を進める前に条件に同意する必要があります。', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => '許可されている発送先国', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => '消費者の請求先国がこれらの選択された国々のいずれかと一致する場合、保証付きインボイスの支払い方法だけが表示されます。Wirecard 契約により許可されている国々は次の通りです: AT、DE。', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => 'ショッピング バスケット', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => '確認のため、この支払方法では注文中に買い物かごが表示されます。この機能を有効化するには、買い物かごを有効にします。', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => '3-D セキュアの最大限度ではない', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'この額で3-Dセキュア取引を進めます。「null」を入力して3-Dセキュア以外の最大限を無効にします。', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => '3-D セキュア販売者アカウント ID', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => '3D セキュア販売者アカウントに割り当てられた一意の識別子。', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => '3-D セキュア秘密鍵', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => '秘密鍵は、3D セキュア支払いのデジタル署名の計算に必須です。', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => '3-D セキュアの最小限度', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'この額で3-Dセキュア取引を進めます。「null」を入力して3-Dセキュアの最小限を無効にします。', + 'wd_config_vault' => 'ワンクリック注文', + 'wd_config_vault_desc' => 'クレジット カードを保存しておけば、次回からはクレジット カードの詳細を入力しなくても使用できるようになります。', + 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'WirecardのPayment Page v2アドレス(URL WPP v2)', + 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'WirecardのPayment Page v2アドレス(URL WPP v2)(https://wpp.wirecard.comなど)。', + 'wd_copy_xml_text' => 'XMLをコピーする', + 'wd_country' => '国', + 'wd_credit' => '返金する', + 'wd_creditor' => '債権者', + 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => 'マンデートID', + 'wd_currency_config' => '各通貨を設定する必要があります。', + 'wd_customerId' => 'カスタマーID', + 'wd_date-of-birth' => '送料', + 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', + 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', + 'wd_debtor' => '債務者', + 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => '口座名義人', + 'wd_default_currency' => 'デフォルト通貨', + 'wd_descriptor' => '記述子', + 'wd_email' => '電子メール', + 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => '有効な国名コードを入力してください。', + 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => '有効なメールアドレスを入力してください。', + 'wd_error_credentials' => 'テストが失敗しました。信用証明を確認してください。', + 'wd_error_save_failed' => '設定が無効です。保存できません。', + 'wd_first-name' => '名', + 'wd_gender' => '性別', + 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Wirecard Alipay Cross-border', + 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Wirecard クレジット カード', + 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard eps-Überweisung', + 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'Wirecard Giropay', + 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'Wirecard iDEAL', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Wirecard保証付き請求書(Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Wirecard請求書(Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Wirecard保証付き請求書(Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard請求書(Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', + 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Wirecardの前払い', + 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Wirecardの請求書払い', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Wirecard 保証付きインボイス', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'WirecardによるWirecard請求書', + 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'Wirecard SEPA Credit Transfer', + 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'Wirecard SEPA Direct Debit', + 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Wirecard Sofort。', + 'wd_heading_title_support' => 'サポート', + 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Transaksi Wirecard', + 'wd_house-extension' => '内線', + 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN:', + 'wd_ideal_legend' => '銀行を選択する', + 'wd_ip' => 'IPアドレス', + 'wd_last-name' => '氏', + 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', + 'wd_manipulated' => '操作', + 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => 'マーチャントCRM ID', + 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'メッセージを空にすることはできません。', + 'wd_more_info' => '詳細情報', + 'wd_no' => 'いいえ', + 'wd_orderNumber' => '注文番号', + 'wd_order_error' => '支払い処理中にエラーが発生しました。もう一度実行してください。', + 'wd_order_error_info' => '決済にエラーが発生しました。注文がキャンセルされました。', + 'wd_order_status' => '注文状況', + 'wd_order_status_authorized' => '承認済み', + 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'キャンセル済み', + 'wd_order_status_failed' => '失敗', + 'wd_order_status_pending' => '保留中', + 'wd_order_status_purchased' => '支払い済み', + 'wd_order_status_refunded' => '返金済み', + 'wd_panel_action' => 'アクション', + 'wd_panel_amount' => '金額', + 'wd_panel_currency' => '通貨', + 'wd_panel_details' => '明細', + 'wd_panel_order_id' => '注文参照', + 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Order Number', + 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => '親トランザクション ID', + 'wd_panel_payment_method' => '支払い方法', + 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => '提供者取引ID', + 'wd_panel_transaction' => 'トランザクション', + 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => 'XMLをコピーする', + 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => '日付', + 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => 'トランザクションの状態', + 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => 'トランザクション ID', + 'wd_paymentMethod' => '支払方法', + 'wd_payment_awaiting' => 'Wirecard からの支払いを待機しています', + 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => '支払いはキャンセルされました。', + 'wd_payment_cost' => '支払費用', + 'wd_payment_failed_text' => '支払処理が失敗しました。', + 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Payment method settings', + 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => '支払いが返金されました。', + 'wd_payment_success_text' => '支払処理が成功しました。', + 'wd_payolution_terms' => '口座での購入の清算に必要であり、身元確認と信用調査の完了に使用されるデータがPayolutionに転送されることに同意します。私の同意は今後効力を有し、いつでも取り消すことができます。', + 'wd_phone' => '電話', + 'wd_pia_ptrid' => '参照', + 'wd_postal-code' => '郵便番号', + 'wd_ptrid' => 'プロバイダーのトランザクション参照 ID', + 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => '注文を行うには、18 歳以上でなければなりません。', + 'wd_redirect_text' => 'リダイレクトしています。お待ちください', + 'wd_refund' => '返金する', + 'wd_requestedAmount' => '金額', + 'wd_requestId' => 'リクエストID', + 'wd_save_to_user_account' => '自分のユーザーアカウントにデータを保存します。', + 'wd_secured' => '安全な', + 'wd_send_email' => '送信する', + 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'SEPAマンデート', + 'wd_sepa_text_1' => '債権者が', + 'wd_sepa_text_2' => '私の口座から1回のダイレクトデビットを回収するように、私の銀行に指示を送信することを許可します。同時に、私は、債権者からの指示に従い、私の銀行が口座から引き落とすように銀行に指示します。', + 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '.', + 'wd_sepa_text_3' => '注記:私の権利の一部として、私は、銀行との合意の条項および条件に基づき、返金を受け取る資格があります。返金は、私の口座から引き落としがあった日から起算して8週間以内に請求する必要があります。', + 'wd_sepa_text_4' => '私は、取消不能の形式で、ダイレクトデビットが無効になった場合や、ダイレクトデビットに対する異議が存在する場合には、私の銀行が債権者', + 'wd_sepa_text_5' => 'に対して私の氏名、住所、生年月日を開示することに同意します。', + 'wd_sepa_text_6' => '私は、SEPAダイレクトデビットマンデート情報を読んで同意しました。', + 'wd_shipping-method' => '配送方法', + 'wd_shipping_title' => '送料', + 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => '電子メール', + 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => '保留中の注文に対してメールを送信します。', + 'wd_social-security-number' => '社会保障番号', + 'wd_state_awaiting' => '待機中', + 'wd_state_closed' => '業務停止', + 'wd_state_error' => 'エラー', + 'wd_state_success' => '成功', + 'wd_street1' => '番地', + 'wd_street2' => '番地2', + 'wd_success_credentials' => '販売者構成のテストが成功しました。', + 'wd_success_email' => 'メールの送信に成功しました', + 'wd_support_description' => 'システム情報は、自動的にメッセージに追加されて送信されます。', + 'wd_support_email_from' => '送信元', + 'wd_support_email_modules' => '他のモジュール', + 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'モジュールID', + 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'モジュールのタイトル', + 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'モジュールのバージョン', + 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHPのバージョン', + 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => '返信する', + 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID eShopエディション', + 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID eShopバージョン', + 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID eShopサポートリクエスト', + 'wd_support_email_system' => 'サーバー情報', + 'wd_support_send_error' => 'サポートメールを送信できませんでした。', + 'wd_test_credentials' => 'テスト', + 'wd_text_article_name' => '商品名', + 'wd_text_article_number' => '商品番号', + 'wd_text_backend_operations' => '可能な処理後の操作', + 'wd_text_delete' => '削除', + 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'アクションを実行できませんでした。', + 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'アクションが成功しました。', + 'wd_text_list' => '取引', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => '記述的', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => '標準的', + 'wd_text_message' => 'メッセージ', + 'wd_text_no_data_available' => '利用できるデータがありません。', + 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'これ以上操作を続けることができません。', + 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'この注文に関連する取引はありません。', + 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Purchase', + 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Authorization', + 'wd_text_quantity' => '数', + 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', + 'wd_text_vault' => 'ワンクリック注文', + 'wd_three_d_link_text' => '3Dセキュア以外と3Dセキュアの制限', + 'wd_timeStamp' => '日付', + 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => '許容範囲外の総額', + 'wd_transactionID' => '取引ID', + 'wd_transactionState' => '取引の状態', + 'wd_transactionType' => '取引の種類', + 'wd_transaction_details_title' => '取引明細', + 'wd_transaction_response_details' => '応答の詳細', + 'wd_transfer_notice' => '以下のデータを使用して金額を送金してください:', + 'wd_unmatched' => '不適合', + 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => '前回の注文から配送先住所が変更されています。セキュリティの目的で新規クレジットカードの詳細を入力する必要があります。', + 'wd_vault_save_text' => '後で使用するために保存する', + 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => '新しいクレジット カードを使用する', + 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => '支払いの最終状態が記載された別メールをお待ちください。', + 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => '注意:URLの設定フィールドにある資格証明書を確認してください。利用アカウントにテスト用アカウントを設定している、または組み合わせている可能性があります。', + 'wd_yes' => 'はい', +); diff --git a/translations/kr/module_kr_lang.php b/translations/kr/module_kr_lang.php index 9fdc9a3d0..9067bfa3c 100644 --- a/translations/kr/module_kr_lang.php +++ b/translations/kr/module_kr_lang.php @@ -1,246 +1,248 @@ - 'UTF-8', - 'wd_accept' => 'Accept', - 'wd_account_holder_title' => '계좌 소유자', - 'wd_amount' => 'Amount', - 'wd_bic' => 'BIC:', - 'wd_birthdate_input' => '생년월일', - 'wd_cancel' => 'Cancel', - 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => '결제 프로세스를 취소하셨습니다.', - 'wd_capture' => 'Capture', - 'wd_city' => '도시', - 'wd_company_name_input' => 'Company', - 'wd_config_additional_info' => '추가 정보 전송', - 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => '사기로부터의 보호를 위해 추가적인 데이터가 전송될 것입니다. 이 추가적인 데이터에는 청구지 / 배송지 주소, 쇼핑 장바구니 및 서술자가 있습니다.', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => '허용된 통화', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => 'Guaranteed Invoice 결제방법은 활성 통화가 이 선택된 통화들 중 하나와 동일한 경우에만 표시됩니다.', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => '배송지 주소 변경을 허용합니다', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => '사용 가능으로 설정하지 않으면, 배송지 주소가 이전과 다를 경우 소비자가 신용카드 정보를 다시 입력해야 합니다.', - 'wd_config_base_url' => '베이스 URL', - 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'Wirecard 베이스 URL. (예:', - 'wd_config_billing_countries' => '허용된 청구지 국가', - 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => 'Guaranteed Invoice 결제방법은 소비자 배송지 국가가 이 선택된 국가들 중 하나에 동일한 경우에만 표시됩니다. \n\t\t\t\t사전 정의된 다음 국가들이 허용됩니다: AT, DE.', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => '청구지/배송지 주소는 동일해야 합니다', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => '활성화하면 청구지/배송지 주소가 동일한 경우 Guaranteed Invoice만이 표시됩니다', - 'wd_config_country_code' => 'Country Code', - 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. requires a valid country code to use the correct logo (i.e. en_gb).', - 'wd_config_creditor_id' => '채권자 ID', - 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'SEPA는 SEPA 자동 이체 위임을 만들기 위해서는 채권자 ID를 필요로 합니다. 채권자 ID를 얻으려면 담당 은행 기관에 신청하십시오.', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => '취소된 주문 삭제', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => '결제 프로세스 취소 후 주문 자동 삭제.', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => '실패한 주문 삭제', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => '결제 프로세스 실패 후 주문 자동 삭제.', - 'wd_config_descriptor' => '서술자', - 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => '금융 서비스 공급자에 의해 고객에게 발행된 은행 계좌내역서에 표시된 텍스트 전송', - 'wd_config_email' => '사용자 이메일 주소', - 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'BIC 사용 설정됨', - 'wd_config_http_password' => 'HTTP 비밀번호', - 'wd_config_http_user' => 'HTTP 사용자', - 'wd_config_logo_variant' => '로고 버전', - 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => '표준 로고와 서술 로고 버전 중 하나를 고객에게 보여주십시오.', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => '상인 계정 ID', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => '상인 계정에 지정된 고유 식별자.', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => '비밀 키', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => '비밀 키는 결제에 대한 디지털 서명을 계산하기 위해 필수적입니다.', - 'wd_config_message' => '사용자 메시지', - 'wd_config_payment_action' => '결제 동작', - 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => '캡처 / 송장 발송하기 위한 \"캡처\" 또는 수동으로 캡처 / 송장 발송하기 위한 \"승인\" 중에서 선택합니다.', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution URL', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => 'Mandatory if require consent is set to yes', - 'wd_config_reply_to' => 'Reply to (optionally)', - 'wd_config_require_consent' => 'Require consent', - 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => 'Consumer must agree with the terms before proceeding with the checkout process.', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => '허용된 배송지 국가', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => 'Guaranteed Invoice 결제방법은 소비자 청구지 국가가 이 선택된 국가들 중 하나에 동일한 경우에만 표시됩니다. Wirecard 연락처에 따라 다음 국가들이 사전 정의됩니다: AT, DE.', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => '쇼핑 장바구니', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => '확인상 말씀드리자면, 이 결제 방법은 체크아웃 중에 장바구니 디스플레이를 지원합니다. 이 기능을 사용 설정하면, 장바구니가 활성화됩니다.', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => '비 3-D 보안 최대. 한계', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the Non 3-D Secure Max. Limit.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => '3-D 보안 상인 계정 ID', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => '3D 상인 계정에 지정된 고유 식별자.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => '3-D 보안 비밀 키', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => '비밀 키는 3D 결제를 위해 디지털 서명을 계산하기 위해 필수입니다.', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => '3-D 보안 최소. 한계', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the 3-D Secure Min. Limit.', - 'wd_config_vault' => '원클릭 체크아웃', - 'wd_config_vault_desc' => '신용카드는 이후 사용을 위해 저장할 수 있습니다', - 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2)', - 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2) (e.g.', - 'wd_copy_xml_text' => 'XML 복사', - 'wd_country' => '국가', - 'wd_credit' => '환불', - 'wd_creditor' => '채권자', - 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => '위임서 ID', - 'wd_currency_config' => 'Each currency has to be configured.', - 'wd_customerId' => '고객 ID', - 'wd_date-of-birth' => '배송', - 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', - 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', - 'wd_debtor' => '채무자', - 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => '계좌 소유자', - 'wd_default_currency' => '기본 통화', - 'wd_descriptor' => '서술자', - 'wd_email' => '이메일', - 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => 'Please enter a valid country code.', - 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => '유효한 이메일 주소를 입력하십시오.', - 'wd_error_credentials' => '테스트 실패함, 자격증명을 확인하십시오.', - 'wd_error_save_failed' => 'Configuration not valid. Save aborted.', - 'wd_first-name' => '이름', - 'wd_gender' => '성별', - 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Wirecard Alipay Crossborder', - 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Wirecard 신용카드', - 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard eps-Überweisung', - 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'Wirecard Giropay', - 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'Wirecard iDEAL', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', - 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Wirecard 사전 결제', - 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Wirecard 송장 결제', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice by Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'Wirecard SEPA Credit Transfer', - 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'Wirecard SEPA Direct Debit', - 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Wirecard Sofort.', - 'wd_heading_title_support' => '지원', - 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Wirecard 트랜잭션', - 'wd_house-extension' => '하우스 확장', - 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN:', - 'wd_ideal_legend' => '은행을 선택하세요', - 'wd_ip' => 'IP 주소', - 'wd_last-name' => '성', - 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', - 'wd_manipulated' => 'manipulated', - 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => '상인 CRM ID', - 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'Message cannot be empty.', - 'wd_more_info' => 'More info', - 'wd_no' => 'No', - 'wd_orderNumber' => '주문 번호', - 'wd_order_error' => '결제 프로세스 중 오류 발생. 다시 시도하십시오.', - 'wd_order_error_info' => 'An error occurred in the payment process. The order has been canceled.', - 'wd_order_status' => 'Order status', - 'wd_order_status_authorized' => '승인됨', - 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'Cancelled', - 'wd_order_status_failed' => 'Failed', - 'wd_order_status_pending' => 'Pending', - 'wd_order_status_purchased' => 'Paid', - 'wd_order_status_refunded' => 'Refunded', - 'wd_panel_action' => '동작', - 'wd_panel_amount' => '금액', - 'wd_panel_currency' => '통화', - 'wd_panel_details' => '정보', - 'wd_panel_order_id' => 'Order Reference', - 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Order Number', - 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => '부모 트랜잭션 ID', - 'wd_panel_payment_method' => '결제방법', - 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => 'Provider Transaction ID', - 'wd_panel_transaction' => '트랜잭션', - 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => 'XML 복사', - 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => '날짜', - 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => '트랜잭션 상태', - 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => '트랜잭션 ID', - 'wd_paymentMethod' => '결제 방법', - 'wd_payment_awaiting' => 'Wirecard의 결제를 기다리는 중', - 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => 'Payment was cancelled.', - 'wd_payment_cost' => 'Payment cost', - 'wd_payment_failed_text' => 'Payment process failed.', - 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Payment method settings', - 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => 'Payment was refunded.', - 'wd_payment_success_text' => 'Payment process successful.', - 'wd_payolution_terms' => 'I agree that the data which are necessary for the liquidation of purchase on account and which are used to complete the identity and credit check are transmitted to Payolution. My consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.', - 'wd_phone' => '전화', - 'wd_pia_ptrid' => 'Reference', - 'wd_postal-code' => '우편번호', - 'wd_ptrid' => '제공자 트랜잭션 참조 ID', - 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => '18세 이상이어야 합니다.', - 'wd_redirect_text' => '리디렉션 중입니다. 잠시 기다려주십시오', - 'wd_refund' => '환불', - 'wd_requestedAmount' => '금액', - 'wd_requestId' => '요청 ID', - 'wd_save_to_user_account' => 'Save data to your user account', - 'wd_secured' => 'secured', - 'wd_send_email' => '제출', - 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'SEPA 위임서', - 'wd_sepa_text_1' => '본인은 채권자가 본인의 계좌에서', - 'wd_sepa_text_2' => '한 건의 자동 이체를 수취할 수 있도록 은행에 요청합니다. 또한, 본인은 채권자의 지시에 따라 계좌에서 금액을 인출하도록 은행에 요청합니다', - 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '.', - 'wd_sepa_text_3' => '참고: 본인은 권리의 일부로서, 은행 이용 약관에 따라 환불받을 권리가 있습니다. 환불은 본인 계좌에서 인출된 날로부터 8주 이내에 청구되어야 합니다.', - 'wd_sepa_text_4' => '본인의 계좌에서 금액이 이체되지 않거나 계좌 이체에 이의가 제기될 경우, 은행은 채권자', - 'wd_sepa_text_5' => '에게 본인의 성명, 주소, 생년월일을 제공합니다.', - 'wd_sepa_text_6' => '본인은 SEPA 자동 이체 신청서를 확인했으며 이에 동의합니다.', - 'wd_shipping-method' => '배송 방법', - 'wd_shipping_title' => '배송', - 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => 'Emails', - 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => 'Send notification emails when order pending', - 'wd_social-security-number' => '사회보장번호', - 'wd_state_awaiting' => 'awaiting', - 'wd_state_closed' => 'closed', - 'wd_state_error' => 'error', - 'wd_state_success' => 'success', - 'wd_street1' => '거리명', - 'wd_street2' => '거리명 2', - 'wd_success_credentials' => '상인 구성이 성공적으로 테스트되었습니다.', - 'wd_success_email' => '이메일이 성공적으로 전송됨', - 'wd_support_description' => 'System information will be automatically added to your message and will be sent to', - 'wd_support_email_from' => 'From', - 'wd_support_email_modules' => 'Other modules', - 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'Module ID', - 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'Module Title', - 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'Module Version', - 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP Version', - 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => 'Reply to', - 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID eShop Edition', - 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID eShop Version', - 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID eShop support request', - 'wd_support_email_system' => 'Server Info', - 'wd_support_send_error' => 'Support e-mail could not be sent.', - 'wd_test_credentials' => '테스트', - 'wd_text_article_name' => '제품명', - 'wd_text_article_number' => '제품 번호', - 'wd_text_backend_operations' => '가능한 처리 후 작업', - 'wd_text_delete' => '삭제', - 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'Action could not be performed.', - 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'Action performed successfully.', - 'wd_text_list' => '트랜잭션', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => '서술', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => '표준', - 'wd_text_message' => '메시지', - 'wd_text_no_data_available' => 'No data available.', - 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'No further operations possible.', - 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'There are no associated transactions for this order.', - 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Purchase', - 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Authorization', - 'wd_text_quantity' => '수량', - 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', - 'wd_text_vault' => '원클릭 체크아웃', - 'wd_three_d_link_text' => 'Non 3-D Secure and 3-D Secure Limits', - 'wd_timeStamp' => '날짜', - 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => 'Total amount not in allowed range.', - 'wd_transactionID' => '트랜잭션 ID', - 'wd_transactionState' => '트랜잭션 상태', - 'wd_transactionType' => '트랜잭션 유형', - 'wd_transaction_details_title' => '트랜잭션 정보', - 'wd_transaction_response_details' => 'Response Details', - 'wd_transfer_notice' => '다음 데이터를 이용하여 금액을 이체하십시오:', - 'wd_unmatched' => 'unmatched', - 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => '지난 번 주문할 때의 배송지 주소와 다릅니다. 보안상의 이유로 새로운 신용 카드 정보를 입력해주실 것을 요청드립니다.', - 'wd_vault_save_text' => '이후 사용을 위해 저장', - 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => '새 신용카드 사용', - 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => 'Please, wait for additional email with the final status of your payment.', - 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => 'Attention: Please check your credentials within the URL setting fields. You might have configured/combined a productive account with a test account.', - 'wd_yes' => 'Yes', -); + 'UTF-8', + 'wd_accept' => '승인', + 'wd_account_holder_title' => '계좌 소유자', + 'wd_amount' => 'Amount', + 'wd_bic' => 'BIC:', + 'wd_birthdate_input' => '생년월일', + 'wd_cancel' => 'Cancel', + 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => '결제 프로세스를 취소하셨습니다.', + 'wd_capture' => '캡쳐', + 'wd_city' => '도시', + 'wd_company_name_input' => '회사', + 'wd_config_additional_info' => '추가 정보 전송', + 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => '사기로부터의 보호를 위해 추가적인 데이터가 전송될 것입니다. 이 추가적인 데이터에는 청구지 / 배송지 주소, 쇼핑 장바구니 및 서술자가 있습니다.', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => '허용된 통화', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => 'Guaranteed Invoice 결제방법은 활성 통화가 이 선택된 통화들 중 하나와 동일한 경우에만 표시됩니다.', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => '배송지 주소 변경을 허용합니다', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => '사용 가능으로 설정하지 않으면, 배송지 주소가 이전과 다를 경우 소비자가 신용카드 정보를 다시 입력해야 합니다.', + 'wd_config_base_url' => '베이스 URL', + 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'Wirecard 베이스 URL. (예:', + 'wd_config_billing_countries' => '허용된 청구지 국가', + 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => 'Guaranteed Invoice 결제방법은 소비자 배송지 국가가 이 선택된 국가들 중 하나에 동일한 경우에만 표시됩니다. \n\t\t\t\t사전 정의된 다음 국가들이 허용됩니다: AT, DE.', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => '청구지/배송지 주소는 동일해야 합니다', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => '활성화하면 청구지/배송지 주소가 동일한 경우 Guaranteed Invoice만이 표시됩니다', + 'wd_config_country_code' => '국가 코드', + 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. 올바른 로고를 이용하기 위해 유효한 국가 코드가 필요합니다(즉, en_gb).', + 'wd_config_creditor_id' => '채권자 ID', + 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'SEPA는 SEPA 자동 이체 위임을 만들기 위해서는 채권자 ID를 필요로 합니다. 채권자 ID를 얻으려면 담당 은행 기관에 신청하십시오.', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => '취소된 주문 삭제', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => '결제 프로세스 취소 후 주문 자동 삭제.', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => '실패한 주문 삭제', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => '결제 프로세스 실패 후 주문 자동 삭제.', + 'wd_config_descriptor' => '서술자', + 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => '금융 서비스 공급자에 의해 고객에게 발행된 은행 계좌내역서에 표시된 텍스트 전송', + 'wd_config_email' => '사용자 이메일 주소', + 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'BIC 사용 설정됨', + 'wd_config_http_password' => 'HTTP 비밀번호', + 'wd_config_http_user' => 'HTTP 사용자', + 'wd_config_logo_variant' => '로고 버전', + 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => '표준 로고와 서술 로고 버전 중 하나를 고객에게 보여주십시오.', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => '상인 계정 ID', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => '상인 계정에 지정된 고유 식별자.', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => '비밀 키', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => '비밀 키는 결제에 대한 디지털 서명을 계산하기 위해 필수적입니다.', + 'wd_config_message' => '사용자 메시지', + 'wd_config_payment_action' => '결제 동작', + 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => '캡처 / 송장 발송하기 위한 \"캡처\" 또는 수동으로 캡처 / 송장 발송하기 위한 \"승인\" 중에서 선택합니다.', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution URL', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => '"동의 필요" 시 필수적으로 예를 선택해야 합니다.', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information' => 'PSD 2', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information_desc_oxid' => 'With regard to PSD 2 requirements, you should request
certain personal information from your consumers during
checkout to reduce the risk of transactions being rejected.', + 'wd_config_reply_to' => '회신(선택)', + 'wd_config_require_consent' => '동의 필요', + 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => '고객은 체크아웃 프로세스를 진행하기 전에 약관에 동의해야 합니다.', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => '허용된 배송지 국가', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => 'Guaranteed Invoice 결제방법은 소비자 청구지 국가가 이 선택된 국가들 중 하나에 동일한 경우에만 표시됩니다. Wirecard 연락처에 따라 다음 국가들이 사전 정의됩니다: AT, DE.', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => '쇼핑 장바구니', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => '확인상 말씀드리자면, 이 결제 방법은 체크아웃 중에 장바구니 디스플레이를 지원합니다. 이 기능을 사용 설정하면, 장바구니가 활성화됩니다.', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => '비 3-D 보안 최대. 한계', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => '이 금액은 3-D 보안 트랜잭션을 강제로 실행합니다. "null"을 입력하여 비 3-D 보안 최대 한도를 비활성화하십시오.', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => '3-D 보안 상인 계정 ID', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => '3D 상인 계정에 지정된 고유 식별자.', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => '3-D 보안 비밀 키', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => '비밀 키는 3D 결제를 위해 디지털 서명을 계산하기 위해 필수입니다.', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => '3-D 보안 최소. 한계', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => '이 금액은 3-D 보안 트랜잭션을 강제로 실행합니다. "null"을 입력하여 3-D 보안 최소 한도를 비활성화하십시오.', + 'wd_config_vault' => '원클릭 체크아웃', + 'wd_config_vault_desc' => '신용카드는 이후 사용을 위해 저장할 수 있습니다', + 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 주소(URL WPP v2)', + 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 주소(URL WPP v2) (예:', + 'wd_copy_xml_text' => 'XML 복사', + 'wd_country' => '국가', + 'wd_credit' => '환불', + 'wd_creditor' => '채권자', + 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => '위임서 ID', + 'wd_currency_config' => '각 통과를 구성해야 합니다.', + 'wd_customerId' => '고객 ID', + 'wd_date-of-birth' => '배송', + 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', + 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', + 'wd_debtor' => '채무자', + 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => '계좌 소유자', + 'wd_default_currency' => '기본 통화', + 'wd_descriptor' => '서술자', + 'wd_email' => '이메일', + 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => '유효한 국가 코드를 입력하십시오', + 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => '유효한 이메일 주소를 입력하십시오.', + 'wd_error_credentials' => '테스트 실패함, 자격증명을 확인하십시오.', + 'wd_error_save_failed' => '유효하지 않은 구성. 저장할 수 없음.', + 'wd_first-name' => '이름', + 'wd_gender' => '성별', + 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Wirecard Alipay Crossborder', + 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Wirecard 신용카드', + 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard eps-Überweisung', + 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'Wirecard Giropay', + 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'Wirecard iDEAL', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Wirecard 보증 송장(Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Wirecard 송장(Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Wirecard 보증 송장(Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard 송장(Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', + 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Wirecard 사전 결제', + 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Wirecard 송장 결제', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard에 의한 Wirecard 송장', + 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'Wirecard SEPA Credit Transfer', + 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'Wirecard SEPA Direct Debit', + 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Wirecard Sofort.', + 'wd_heading_title_support' => '지원', + 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Wirecard 트랜잭션', + 'wd_house-extension' => '하우스 확장', + 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN:', + 'wd_ideal_legend' => '은행을 선택하세요', + 'wd_ip' => 'IP 주소', + 'wd_last-name' => '성', + 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', + 'wd_manipulated' => '조정됨', + 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => '상인 CRM ID', + 'wd_message_empty_error' => '메시지를 비워둘 수 없습니다.', + 'wd_more_info' => '자세한 정보', + 'wd_no' => '아니요', + 'wd_orderNumber' => '주문 번호', + 'wd_order_error' => '결제 프로세스 중 오류 발생. 다시 시도하십시오.', + 'wd_order_error_info' => '결제 처리 중 오류가 발생했습니다. 주문이 취소되었습니다.', + 'wd_order_status' => '주문 상태', + 'wd_order_status_authorized' => '승인됨', + 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => '취소됨', + 'wd_order_status_failed' => '실패함', + 'wd_order_status_pending' => '미결', + 'wd_order_status_purchased' => '지불함', + 'wd_order_status_refunded' => '환불함', + 'wd_panel_action' => '동작', + 'wd_panel_amount' => '금액', + 'wd_panel_currency' => '통화', + 'wd_panel_details' => '정보', + 'wd_panel_order_id' => '주문 참조', + 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Order Number', + 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => '부모 트랜잭션 ID', + 'wd_panel_payment_method' => '결제방법', + 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => '제공자 트랜잭션 ID', + 'wd_panel_transaction' => '트랜잭션', + 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => 'XML 복사', + 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => '날짜', + 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => '트랜잭션 상태', + 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => '트랜잭션 ID', + 'wd_paymentMethod' => '결제 방법', + 'wd_payment_awaiting' => 'Wirecard의 결제를 기다리는 중', + 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => '결제가 취소되었습니다.', + 'wd_payment_cost' => '결제 비용', + 'wd_payment_failed_text' => '결제 처리 실패.', + 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Payment method settings', + 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => '결제가 환불되었습니다.', + 'wd_payment_success_text' => '결제 처리 성공.', + 'wd_payolution_terms' => '본인은 계정 구매의 현금화에 필요하고 신원과 신용 확인을 완료하는데 필요한 데이터를 Payolution에 전송할 것에 동의합니다. 본인의 동의는 언제든지 향후 효력을 갖고 취소될 수 있습니다.', + 'wd_phone' => '전화', + 'wd_pia_ptrid' => '참조', + 'wd_postal-code' => '우편번호', + 'wd_ptrid' => '제공자 트랜잭션 참조 ID', + 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => '18세 이상이어야 합니다.', + 'wd_redirect_text' => '리디렉션 중입니다. 잠시 기다려주십시오', + 'wd_refund' => '환불', + 'wd_requestedAmount' => '금액', + 'wd_requestId' => '요청 ID', + 'wd_save_to_user_account' => '본인의 사용자 계정으로 데이터를 저장하십시오.', + 'wd_secured' => '보안', + 'wd_send_email' => '제출', + 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'SEPA 위임서', + 'wd_sepa_text_1' => '본인은 채권자가 본인의 계좌에서', + 'wd_sepa_text_2' => '한 건의 자동 이체를 수취할 수 있도록 은행에 요청합니다. 또한, 본인은 채권자의 지시에 따라 계좌에서 금액을 인출하도록 은행에 요청합니다', + 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '.', + 'wd_sepa_text_3' => '참고: 본인은 권리의 일부로서, 은행 이용 약관에 따라 환불받을 권리가 있습니다. 환불은 본인 계좌에서 인출된 날로부터 8주 이내에 청구되어야 합니다.', + 'wd_sepa_text_4' => '본인의 계좌에서 금액이 이체되지 않거나 계좌 이체에 이의가 제기될 경우, 은행은 채권자', + 'wd_sepa_text_5' => '에게 본인의 성명, 주소, 생년월일을 제공합니다.', + 'wd_sepa_text_6' => '본인은 SEPA 자동 이체 신청서를 확인했으며 이에 동의합니다.', + 'wd_shipping-method' => '배송 방법', + 'wd_shipping_title' => '배송', + 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => '이메일', + 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => '미결 주문 알림 이메일 전송.', + 'wd_social-security-number' => '사회보장번호', + 'wd_state_awaiting' => '대기 중', + 'wd_state_closed' => '닫힘', + 'wd_state_error' => '오류', + 'wd_state_success' => '성공', + 'wd_street1' => '거리명', + 'wd_street2' => '거리명 2', + 'wd_success_credentials' => '상인 구성이 성공적으로 테스트되었습니다.', + 'wd_success_email' => '이메일이 성공적으로 전송됨', + 'wd_support_description' => '귀하의 메시지에 시스템 정보가 자동으로 추가되고 다음으로 발송됩니다', + 'wd_support_email_from' => '발신', + 'wd_support_email_modules' => '다른 모듈', + 'wd_support_email_module_id' => '모듈 ID', + 'wd_support_email_module_title' => '모듈 제목', + 'wd_support_email_module_version' => '모듈 버전', + 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP 버전', + 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => '회신', + 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID eShop 에디션', + 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID eShop 버전', + 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID eShop 지원 요청', + 'wd_support_email_system' => '서버 정보', + 'wd_support_send_error' => '지원 이메일을 보내지 못했습니다.', + 'wd_test_credentials' => '테스트', + 'wd_text_article_name' => '제품명', + 'wd_text_article_number' => '제품 번호', + 'wd_text_backend_operations' => '가능한 처리 후 작업', + 'wd_text_delete' => '삭제', + 'wd_text_generic_error' => '작업을 수행하지 못했습니다.', + 'wd_text_generic_success' => '작업을 성공적으로 수행했습니다.', + 'wd_text_list' => '트랜잭션', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => '서술', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => '표준', + 'wd_text_message' => '메시지', + 'wd_text_no_data_available' => '이용할 수 있는 데이터 없음.', + 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => '추가 운영 불가', + 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => '이 주문의 관련 트랜잭션이 없습니다.', + 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Purchase', + 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Authorization', + 'wd_text_quantity' => '수량', + 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', + 'wd_text_vault' => '원클릭 체크아웃', + 'wd_three_d_link_text' => '비 3D 보안 및 3D 보안 한도', + 'wd_timeStamp' => '날짜', + 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => '총액이 허용된 범위에서 벗어남', + 'wd_transactionID' => '트랜잭션 ID', + 'wd_transactionState' => '트랜잭션 상태', + 'wd_transactionType' => '트랜잭션 유형', + 'wd_transaction_details_title' => '트랜잭션 정보', + 'wd_transaction_response_details' => '답변 세부사항', + 'wd_transfer_notice' => '다음 데이터를 이용하여 금액을 이체하십시오:', + 'wd_unmatched' => '불일치', + 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => '지난 번 주문할 때의 배송지 주소와 다릅니다. 보안상의 이유로 새로운 신용 카드 정보를 입력해주실 것을 요청드립니다.', + 'wd_vault_save_text' => '이후 사용을 위해 저장', + 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => '새 신용카드 사용', + 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => '귀하의 결제 최종 상태를 포함한 별도의 이메일을 기다려주십시오.', + 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => '주의: URL 설정 필드에서 귀하의 로그인 정보를 확인해주십시오. 귀하는 시험용 계정과 실제 사용 계정을 구성/조합하였을 수도 있습니다.', + 'wd_yes' => '예', +); diff --git a/translations/zh_CN/module_zh_CN_lang.php b/translations/zh_CN/module_zh_CN_lang.php index d575d83d9..cc95ad8e7 100644 --- a/translations/zh_CN/module_zh_CN_lang.php +++ b/translations/zh_CN/module_zh_CN_lang.php @@ -1,246 +1,248 @@ - 'UTF-8', - 'wd_accept' => 'Accept', - 'wd_account_holder_title' => '账户所有者', - 'wd_amount' => 'Amount', - 'wd_bic' => 'BIC:', - 'wd_birthdate_input' => '出生日期', - 'wd_cancel' => 'Cancel', - 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => '您已取消付款过程。', - 'wd_capture' => 'Capture', - 'wd_city' => '城市', - 'wd_company_name_input' => 'Company', - 'wd_config_additional_info' => '发送附加信息', - 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => '将发送附加数据用于欺诈保护。这些附加数据包括账单/收货地址、购物篮和描述符。', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => '允许货币', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => '仅当有效货币属于任一选定货币时,才会显示保证发票付款方式。', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => '允许修改运送地址', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => '若禁用,如果两个订单的运送地址发生变化,则消费者需重新输入信用卡详细信息', - 'wd_config_base_url' => '基准 URL', - 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'Wirecard 基准 URL。(例如', - 'wd_config_billing_countries' => '可开票国家', - 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => '仅当消费者配送国家属于任一选定国家时,才会显示保证发票付款方式。\n\t\t\t\t预先确定了以下允许国家:奥地利、德国。', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => '账单/收货地址必须相同', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => '如已激活,则仅在账单/收货地址相同时才会显示保证发票付款方式', - 'wd_config_country_code' => 'Country Code', - 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. requires a valid country code to use the correct logo (i.e. en_gb).', - 'wd_config_creditor_id' => '债权人 ID', - 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'SEPA 需要债权人 ID 才能创建 SEPA 直接借记授权。请在负责的银行机构申请债权人 ID。', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => '删除已取消订单', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => '取消订单后自动删除。', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => '删除支付失败的订单', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => '支付失败后自动删除订单。', - 'wd_config_descriptor' => '描述符', - 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => '发送由金融服务供应商签发给消费者的银行对账单上显示的文本', - 'wd_config_email' => '您的电子邮件地址', - 'wd_config_enable_bic' => '银行识别码已启用', - 'wd_config_http_password' => 'HTTP 密码', - 'wd_config_http_user' => 'HTTP 用户', - 'wd_config_logo_variant' => '商标版本', - 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => '向客户展示标准或描述性商标。', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => '商家账户 ID', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => '为您的商家账户分配的唯一标识符。', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => '密钥', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => '必须使用密钥以计算付款的数字签名。', - 'wd_config_message' => '您的消息', - 'wd_config_payment_action' => '付款操作', - 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => '选择“获取”以自动获取您的订单/为您的订单开具发票或“授权”以手动获取/开具发票。', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution URL', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => 'Mandatory if require consent is set to yes', - 'wd_config_reply_to' => 'Reply to (optionally)', - 'wd_config_require_consent' => 'Require consent', - 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => 'Consumer must agree with the terms before proceeding with the checkout process.', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => '可配送国家', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => '仅当消费者开票国家属于任一选定国家时,才会显示保证发票付款方式。根据您的 Wirecard 合同,预先确定了以下允许国家:奥地利、德国。', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => '购物篮', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => '为了进行确认,该支付方式支持支付时显示购物车。为启用该特性,激活购物车。', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => '非 3-D 安全最大限制', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the Non 3-D Secure Max. Limit.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => '3-D 安全商家账户 ID', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => '为您的 3D 商家账户分配的唯一标识符。', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => '3-D 安全密钥', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => '必须使用密钥以计算 3D 付款的数字签名。', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => '3-D 安全最小限制', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the 3-D Secure Min. Limit.', - 'wd_config_vault' => '一键支付', - 'wd_config_vault_desc' => '可以保存信用卡以备后用', - 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2)', - 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2) (e.g.', - 'wd_copy_xml_text' => '复制XML', - 'wd_country' => '国籍', - 'wd_credit' => '退款', - 'wd_creditor' => '贷方', - 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => '授权 ID', - 'wd_currency_config' => 'Each currency has to be configured.', - 'wd_customerId' => '客户 ID', - 'wd_date-of-birth' => '运输', - 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', - 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', - 'wd_debtor' => '借方', - 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => '账户所有人', - 'wd_default_currency' => '默认货币', - 'wd_descriptor' => '描述符', - 'wd_email' => '邮箱', - 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => 'Please enter a valid country code.', - 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => '请输入有效的邮箱地址。', - 'wd_error_credentials' => '测试失败,请检查您的凭证。', - 'wd_error_save_failed' => 'Configuration not valid. Save aborted.', - 'wd_first-name' => '名', - 'wd_gender' => '性别', - 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Wirecard 支付宝跨境', - 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Wirecard 信用卡', - 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard eps-Überweisung', - 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'Wirecard giropay', - 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'Wirecard iDEAL', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', - 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Wirecard 预付方式', - 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Wirecard 发票付款方式', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Wirecard 保证发票', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice by Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'Wirecard SEPA Credit Transfer', - 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'Wirecard SEPA Direct Debit', - 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Wirecard Sofort。', - 'wd_heading_title_support' => '支持', - 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Wirecard 交易', - 'wd_house-extension' => '住宅号码', - 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN:', - 'wd_ideal_legend' => '选择您的银行', - 'wd_ip' => 'IP 地址', - 'wd_last-name' => '姓', - 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', - 'wd_manipulated' => 'manipulated', - 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => '商家CRM ID', - 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'Message cannot be empty.', - 'wd_more_info' => 'More info', - 'wd_no' => 'No', - 'wd_orderNumber' => '订单号', - 'wd_order_error' => '付款过程发生错误。请重试。', - 'wd_order_error_info' => 'An error occurred in the payment process. The order has been canceled.', - 'wd_order_status' => 'Order status', - 'wd_order_status_authorized' => '已授权', - 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'Cancelled', - 'wd_order_status_failed' => 'Failed', - 'wd_order_status_pending' => 'Pending', - 'wd_order_status_purchased' => 'Paid', - 'wd_order_status_refunded' => 'Refunded', - 'wd_panel_action' => '操作', - 'wd_panel_amount' => '金额', - 'wd_panel_currency' => '货币', - 'wd_panel_details' => '细节', - 'wd_panel_order_id' => 'Order Reference', - 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Order Number', - 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => '父交易 ID', - 'wd_panel_payment_method' => '付款方式', - 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => 'Provider Transaction ID', - 'wd_panel_transaction' => '交易', - 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => '复制 XML', - 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => '日期', - 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => '交易状态', - 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => '交易 ID', - 'wd_paymentMethod' => '支付方式', - 'wd_payment_awaiting' => '等待 Wirecard 付款', - 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => 'Payment was cancelled.', - 'wd_payment_cost' => 'Payment cost', - 'wd_payment_failed_text' => 'Payment process failed.', - 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Payment method settings', - 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => 'Payment was refunded.', - 'wd_payment_success_text' => 'Payment process successful.', - 'wd_payolution_terms' => 'I agree that the data which are necessary for the liquidation of purchase on account and which are used to complete the identity and credit check are transmitted to Payolution. My consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.', - 'wd_phone' => '联系电话', - 'wd_pia_ptrid' => 'Reference', - 'wd_postal-code' => '邮编', - 'wd_ptrid' => '供应商交易参考 ID', - 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => '您必须年满 18 周岁才能订购。', - 'wd_redirect_text' => '您正在重定向。请稍候', - 'wd_refund' => '退款', - 'wd_requestedAmount' => '金额', - 'wd_requestId' => '请求 ID', - 'wd_save_to_user_account' => 'Save data to your user account', - 'wd_secured' => 'secured', - 'wd_send_email' => '提交', - 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'SEPA 授权', - 'wd_sepa_text_1' => '我授权该贷方', - 'wd_sepa_text_2' => '向我的银行发送指示,以便从我的账户中直接收取一笔账目。与此同时,我指派我的银行根据贷方的指示在我的账户上记录相应的债务。', - 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '。', - 'wd_sepa_text_3' => '备注:作为我权力的一部分,根据我与银行之间协议的使用条款,我应当获得退款。该退款必须在我账户计入债务起的 8 周内索取。', - 'wd_sepa_text_4' => '我不可撤销地同意,当无法如期执行直接扣款或是直接扣款受到阻碍时,我的银行可以向贷方', - 'wd_sepa_text_5' => '公布我的全名、地址以及出生日期。', - 'wd_sepa_text_6' => '我已经阅读并接受 SEPA 直接扣款授权令的信息。', - 'wd_shipping-method' => '运输方式', - 'wd_shipping_title' => '运输', - 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => 'Emails', - 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => 'Send notification emails when order pending', - 'wd_social-security-number' => '社保编号', - 'wd_state_awaiting' => 'awaiting', - 'wd_state_closed' => 'closed', - 'wd_state_error' => 'error', - 'wd_state_success' => 'success', - 'wd_street1' => '街道', - 'wd_street2' => '街道 2', - 'wd_success_credentials' => '商家配置已成功通过测试。', - 'wd_success_email' => '电子邮件已发送成功', - 'wd_support_description' => 'System information will be automatically added to your message and will be sent to', - 'wd_support_email_from' => 'From', - 'wd_support_email_modules' => 'Other modules', - 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'Module ID', - 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'Module Title', - 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'Module Version', - 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP Version', - 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => 'Reply to', - 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID eShop Edition', - 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID eShop Version', - 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID eShop support request', - 'wd_support_email_system' => 'Server Info', - 'wd_support_send_error' => 'Support e-mail could not be sent.', - 'wd_test_credentials' => '测试', - 'wd_text_article_name' => '产品编号', - 'wd_text_article_number' => '商品编号', - 'wd_text_backend_operations' => '可能的后续处理', - 'wd_text_delete' => '删除', - 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'Action could not be performed.', - 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'Action performed successfully.', - 'wd_text_list' => '交易', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => '描述性', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => '标准的', - 'wd_text_message' => '消息', - 'wd_text_no_data_available' => 'No data available.', - 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'No further operations possible.', - 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'There are no associated transactions for this order.', - 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Purchase', - 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Authorization', - 'wd_text_quantity' => '数量', - 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', - 'wd_text_vault' => '一键支付', - 'wd_three_d_link_text' => 'Non 3-D Secure and 3-D Secure Limits', - 'wd_timeStamp' => '日期', - 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => 'Total amount not in allowed range.', - 'wd_transactionID' => '交易 ID', - 'wd_transactionState' => '交易状态', - 'wd_transactionType' => '交易类型', - 'wd_transaction_details_title' => '交易细节', - 'wd_transaction_response_details' => 'Response Details', - 'wd_transfer_notice' => '请使用以下数据转账:', - 'wd_unmatched' => 'unmatched', - 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => '与上个订单相比,您的发货地址发生了变动。出于安全,您需要输入新的信用卡详细信息。', - 'wd_vault_save_text' => '保存以备后用。', - 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => '使用新信用卡', - 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => 'Please, wait for additional email with the final status of your payment.', - 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => 'Attention: Please check your credentials within the URL setting fields. You might have configured/combined a productive account with a test account.', - 'wd_yes' => 'Yes', -); + 'UTF-8', + 'wd_accept' => '接受', + 'wd_account_holder_title' => '账户所有者', + 'wd_amount' => 'Amount', + 'wd_bic' => 'BIC:', + 'wd_birthdate_input' => '出生日期', + 'wd_cancel' => 'Cancel', + 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => '您已取消付款过程。', + 'wd_capture' => '获取交易', + 'wd_city' => '城市', + 'wd_company_name_input' => '公司', + 'wd_config_additional_info' => '发送附加信息', + 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => '将发送附加数据用于欺诈保护。这些附加数据包括账单/收货地址、购物篮和描述符。', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => '允许货币', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => '仅当有效货币属于任一选定货币时,才会显示保证发票付款方式。', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => '允许修改运送地址', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => '若禁用,如果两个订单的运送地址发生变化,则消费者需重新输入信用卡详细信息', + 'wd_config_base_url' => '基准 URL', + 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'Wirecard 基准 URL。(例如', + 'wd_config_billing_countries' => '可开票国家', + 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => '仅当消费者配送国家属于任一选定国家时,才会显示保证发票付款方式。\n\t\t\t\t预先确定了以下允许国家:奥地利、德国。', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => '账单/收货地址必须相同', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => '如已激活,则仅在账单/收货地址相同时才会显示保证发票付款方式', + 'wd_config_country_code' => '国家/地区代码', + 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. 需要有效的国家/地区代码,才能使用正确的徽标(即 en_gb)。', + 'wd_config_creditor_id' => '债权人 ID', + 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'SEPA 需要债权人 ID 才能创建 SEPA 直接借记授权。请在负责的银行机构申请债权人 ID。', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => '删除已取消订单', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => '取消订单后自动删除。', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => '删除支付失败的订单', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => '支付失败后自动删除订单。', + 'wd_config_descriptor' => '描述符', + 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => '发送由金融服务供应商签发给消费者的银行对账单上显示的文本', + 'wd_config_email' => '您的电子邮件地址', + 'wd_config_enable_bic' => '银行识别码已启用', + 'wd_config_http_password' => 'HTTP 密码', + 'wd_config_http_user' => 'HTTP 用户', + 'wd_config_logo_variant' => '商标版本', + 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => '向客户展示标准或描述性商标。', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => '商家账户 ID', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => '为您的商家账户分配的唯一标识符。', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => '密钥', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => '必须使用密钥以计算付款的数字签名。', + 'wd_config_message' => '您的消息', + 'wd_config_payment_action' => '付款操作', + 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => '选择“获取”以自动获取您的订单/为您的订单开具发票或“授权”以手动获取/开具发票。', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution URL', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => '如果“需要同意”设置为“是”,则必须提供。', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information' => 'PSD 2', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information_desc_oxid' => 'With regard to PSD 2 requirements, you should request
certain personal information from your consumers during
checkout to reduce the risk of transactions being rejected.', + 'wd_config_reply_to' => '回复(可选)', + 'wd_config_require_consent' => '需要同意', + 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => '客户必须同意这些条款,才能继续结帐流程。', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => '可配送国家', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => '仅当消费者开票国家属于任一选定国家时,才会显示保证发票付款方式。根据您的 Wirecard 合同,预先确定了以下允许国家:奥地利、德国。', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => '购物篮', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => '为了进行确认,该支付方式支持支付时显示购物车。为启用该特性,激活购物车。', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => '非 3-D 安全最大限制', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => '此金额强制进行 3-D 安全交易。输入“null”以禁用非 3-D 安全最大限额。', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => '3-D 安全商家账户 ID', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => '为您的 3D 商家账户分配的唯一标识符。', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => '3-D 安全密钥', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => '必须使用密钥以计算 3D 付款的数字签名。', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => '3-D 安全最小限制', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => '此金额强制进行 3-D 安全交易。输入“null”以禁用 3-D 安全最小限额。', + 'wd_config_vault' => '一键支付', + 'wd_config_vault_desc' => '可以保存信用卡以备后用', + 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard 支付页面v2 地址 (URL WPP v2)', + 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard 支付页面v2 地址 (URL WPP v2)', + 'wd_copy_xml_text' => '复制XML', + 'wd_country' => '国籍', + 'wd_credit' => '退款', + 'wd_creditor' => '贷方', + 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => '授权 ID', + 'wd_currency_config' => '必须配置每个币种。', + 'wd_customerId' => '客户 ID', + 'wd_date-of-birth' => '运输', + 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', + 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', + 'wd_debtor' => '借方', + 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => '账户所有人', + 'wd_default_currency' => '默认货币', + 'wd_descriptor' => '描述符', + 'wd_email' => '邮箱', + 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => '请输入有效的国家/地区代码。', + 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => '请输入有效的邮箱地址。', + 'wd_error_credentials' => '测试失败,请检查您的凭证。', + 'wd_error_save_failed' => '配置无效。无法保存。', + 'wd_first-name' => '名', + 'wd_gender' => '性别', + 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Wirecard 支付宝跨境', + 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Wirecard 信用卡', + 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard eps-Überweisung', + 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'Wirecard giropay', + 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'Wirecard iDEAL', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Wirecard 担保发票 (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Wirecard 发票 (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Wirecard 担保发票 (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard 发票 (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', + 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Wirecard 预付方式', + 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Wirecard 发票付款方式', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Wirecard 保证发票', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard 发票', + 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'Wirecard SEPA Credit Transfer', + 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'Wirecard SEPA Direct Debit', + 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Wirecard Sofort。', + 'wd_heading_title_support' => '支持', + 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Wirecard 交易', + 'wd_house-extension' => '住宅号码', + 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN:', + 'wd_ideal_legend' => '选择您的银行', + 'wd_ip' => 'IP 地址', + 'wd_last-name' => '姓', + 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', + 'wd_manipulated' => '操纵', + 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => '商家CRM ID', + 'wd_message_empty_error' => '消息不能为空。', + 'wd_more_info' => '更多信息', + 'wd_no' => '否', + 'wd_orderNumber' => '订单号', + 'wd_order_error' => '付款过程发生错误。请重试。', + 'wd_order_error_info' => '付款流程发生错误。订单已取消。', + 'wd_order_status' => '订单状态', + 'wd_order_status_authorized' => '已授权', + 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => '已取消', + 'wd_order_status_failed' => '失败', + 'wd_order_status_pending' => '待处理', + 'wd_order_status_purchased' => '已支付', + 'wd_order_status_refunded' => '已退款', + 'wd_panel_action' => '操作', + 'wd_panel_amount' => '金额', + 'wd_panel_currency' => '货币', + 'wd_panel_details' => '细节', + 'wd_panel_order_id' => '订单参考', + 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Order Number', + 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => '父交易 ID', + 'wd_panel_payment_method' => '付款方式', + 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => '提供方交易 ID', + 'wd_panel_transaction' => '交易', + 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => '复制 XML', + 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => '日期', + 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => '交易状态', + 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => '交易 ID', + 'wd_paymentMethod' => '支付方式', + 'wd_payment_awaiting' => '等待 Wirecard 付款', + 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => '付款已取消。', + 'wd_payment_cost' => '付款成本', + 'wd_payment_failed_text' => '付款流程失败。', + 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Payment method settings', + 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => '付款已退还。', + 'wd_payment_success_text' => '付款流程成功。', + 'wd_payolution_terms' => '我同意,清算购买账户所需的数据,以及用于完成身份验证和信用检查的数据会传送到 Payolution。我在未来可随时撤销我的同意。', + 'wd_phone' => '联系电话', + 'wd_pia_ptrid' => '参考', + 'wd_postal-code' => '邮编', + 'wd_ptrid' => '供应商交易参考 ID', + 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => '您必须年满 18 周岁才能订购。', + 'wd_redirect_text' => '您正在重定向。请稍候', + 'wd_refund' => '退款', + 'wd_requestedAmount' => '金额', + 'wd_requestId' => '请求 ID', + 'wd_save_to_user_account' => '将数据保存到您的用户帐户。', + 'wd_secured' => '安全', + 'wd_send_email' => '提交', + 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'SEPA 授权', + 'wd_sepa_text_1' => '我授权该贷方', + 'wd_sepa_text_2' => '向我的银行发送指示,以便从我的账户中直接收取一笔账目。与此同时,我指派我的银行根据贷方的指示在我的账户上记录相应的债务。', + 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '。', + 'wd_sepa_text_3' => '备注:作为我权力的一部分,根据我与银行之间协议的使用条款,我应当获得退款。该退款必须在我账户计入债务起的 8 周内索取。', + 'wd_sepa_text_4' => '我不可撤销地同意,当无法如期执行直接扣款或是直接扣款受到阻碍时,我的银行可以向贷方', + 'wd_sepa_text_5' => '公布我的全名、地址以及出生日期。', + 'wd_sepa_text_6' => '我已经阅读并接受 SEPA 直接扣款授权令的信息。', + 'wd_shipping-method' => '运输方式', + 'wd_shipping_title' => '运输', + 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => '电子邮件', + 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => '发送待处理订单的通知电子邮件。', + 'wd_social-security-number' => '社保编号', + 'wd_state_awaiting' => '等待中', + 'wd_state_closed' => '已关闭', + 'wd_state_error' => '错误', + 'wd_state_success' => '成功', + 'wd_street1' => '街道', + 'wd_street2' => '街道 2', + 'wd_success_credentials' => '商家配置已成功通过测试。', + 'wd_success_email' => '电子邮件已发送成功', + 'wd_support_description' => '系统信息将自动添加到您的消息中并将发送给', + 'wd_support_email_from' => '发件人', + 'wd_support_email_modules' => '其他模块', + 'wd_support_email_module_id' => '模块 ID', + 'wd_support_email_module_title' => '模块标题', + 'wd_support_email_module_version' => '模块版本', + 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP 版本', + 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => '回复', + 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID 网上商店版', + 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID 网上商店版', + 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID 网上商店支持请求', + 'wd_support_email_system' => '服务器信息', + 'wd_support_send_error' => '无法发送支持电子邮件。', + 'wd_test_credentials' => '测试', + 'wd_text_article_name' => '产品编号', + 'wd_text_article_number' => '商品编号', + 'wd_text_backend_operations' => '可能的后续处理', + 'wd_text_delete' => '删除', + 'wd_text_generic_error' => '无法执行操作。', + 'wd_text_generic_success' => '操作已成功执行。', + 'wd_text_list' => '交易', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => '描述性', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => '标准的', + 'wd_text_message' => '消息', + 'wd_text_no_data_available' => '没有可用的数据。', + 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => '无法执行进一步操作。', + 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => '此订单没有关联的交易。', + 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Purchase', + 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Authorization', + 'wd_text_quantity' => '数量', + 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', + 'wd_text_vault' => '一键支付', + 'wd_three_d_link_text' => '非 3D 安全通道和 3D 安全通道的限额', + 'wd_timeStamp' => '日期', + 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => '总金额不在允许范围内。', + 'wd_transactionID' => '交易 ID', + 'wd_transactionState' => '交易状态', + 'wd_transactionType' => '交易类型', + 'wd_transaction_details_title' => '交易细节', + 'wd_transaction_response_details' => '回复详情', + 'wd_transfer_notice' => '请使用以下数据转账:', + 'wd_unmatched' => '不一致', + 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => '与上个订单相比,您的发货地址发生了变动。出于安全,您需要输入新的信用卡详细信息。', + 'wd_vault_save_text' => '保存以备后用。', + 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => '使用新信用卡', + 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => '请等待单独的电子邮件,其中包含您的付款的最终状态。', + 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => '注意:请在 URL 设置字段中检查您的凭据。您可能已将生产账户配置/组合到测试帐户。', + 'wd_yes' => '是', +); diff --git a/translations/zh_TW/module_zh_TW_lang.php b/translations/zh_TW/module_zh_TW_lang.php index c9697018a..df33aed70 100644 --- a/translations/zh_TW/module_zh_TW_lang.php +++ b/translations/zh_TW/module_zh_TW_lang.php @@ -1,246 +1,248 @@ - 'UTF-8', - 'wd_accept' => 'Accept', - 'wd_account_holder_title' => '帳戶擁有者', - 'wd_amount' => 'Amount', - 'wd_bic' => 'BIC:', - 'wd_birthdate_input' => '出生日期', - 'wd_cancel' => 'Cancel', - 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => '您已取消付款過程。', - 'wd_capture' => 'Capture', - 'wd_city' => '城市', - 'wd_company_name_input' => 'Company', - 'wd_config_additional_info' => '傳送額外資訊', - 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => '將出於欺詐防範目的傳送額外資料。此額外資料包括賬單/送貨地址、購物籃和描述元。', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => '允許的貨幣', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => 'Guaranteed Invoice 付款方式只有在使用中貨幣與這些選定貨幣之一相同時才會顯示。', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => '允許更改送貨地址', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => '停用後,若兩張訂單之間的送貨地址有所不同,消費者需重新輸入信用卡資料。', - 'wd_config_base_url' => '基底 URL', - 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'Wirecard 基底 URL (例如。', - 'wd_config_billing_countries' => '允許的賬單國家/地區', - 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => 'Guaranteed Invoice 付款方式只有在消費者送貨國家/地區與這些選定國家/地區之一相同時才會顯示。\n\t\t\t\t預先定義以下允許的國家/地區:AT、DE。', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => '賬單/送貨地址必須完全相同', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => '如已啟動,則只有在賬單/送貨地址完全相同時才會顯示 Guaranteed Invoice 付款方式', - 'wd_config_country_code' => 'Country Code', - 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. requires a valid country code to use the correct logo (i.e. en_gb).', - 'wd_config_creditor_id' => '債權人 ID', - 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'SEPA 需要債權人 ID 才能建立 SEPA 直接付款授權。若要獲得債權人 ID,請在負責銀行機構申請。', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => '刪除已遭取消的訂單', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => '取消付款流程後自動刪除訂單。', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => '刪除付款失敗的訂單', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => '付款流程失敗後自動刪除訂單。', - 'wd_config_descriptor' => '描述元', - 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => '傳送金融服務提供商簽發給消費者的銀行結單上顯示的文字。', - 'wd_config_email' => '您的電郵地址', - 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'BIC 已啟用', - 'wd_config_http_password' => 'HTTP 密碼', - 'wd_config_http_user' => 'HTTP 使用者', - 'wd_config_logo_variant' => '商標版本', - 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => '向您的消費者顯示標準或說明性的商標版本。', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => 'MAID', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => '指派給您的商戶賬戶的唯一識別碼。', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => '祕密金鑰', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => '必須使用祕密金鑰來計算付款的數位簽章。', - 'wd_config_message' => '您的訊息', - 'wd_config_payment_action' => '付款動作', - 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => '選擇「擷取」以自動擷取您的訂單/為您的訂單開具發票,或選擇「授權」以手動擷取/開具發票。', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution URL', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => 'Mandatory if require consent is set to yes', - 'wd_config_reply_to' => 'Reply to (optionally)', - 'wd_config_require_consent' => 'Require consent', - 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => 'Consumer must agree with the terms before proceeding with the checkout process.', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => '允許的送貨國家/地區', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => 'Guaranteed Invoice 付款方式只有在消費者賬單國家/地區與這些選定國家/地區之一相同時才會顯示。根據您的 Wirecard 合約,預先定義以下允許的國家/地區:AT、DE。', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => '購物籃', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => '為方便您進行確認,購物籃將在結賬時顯示此付款方式。若要啟用此功能,請先啟用購物籃。', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => '非 3-D 安全上限', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the Non 3-D Secure Max. Limit.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => '3-D 安全商戶賬戶 ID', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => '為您的 3D 商戶賬戶指派的唯一識別碼。', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => '3-D 安全祕密金鑰', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => '必須使用祕密金鑰來計算 3D 付款的數位簽章。', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => '3-D 安全下限', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the 3-D Secure Min. Limit.', - 'wd_config_vault' => '一鍵式快速結帳', - 'wd_config_vault_desc' => '信用卡可以儲存並用於未來的目的而不', - 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2)', - 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2) (e.g.', - 'wd_copy_xml_text' => '複製XML', - 'wd_country' => '國家', - 'wd_credit' => '退款', - 'wd_creditor' => '債權人', - 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => '授權ID', - 'wd_currency_config' => 'Each currency has to be configured.', - 'wd_customerId' => '客戶ID', - 'wd_date-of-birth' => '配送', - 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', - 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', - 'wd_debtor' => '債務人', - 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => '帳戶擁有者', - 'wd_default_currency' => '預設貨幣', - 'wd_descriptor' => '描述元', - 'wd_email' => '電子郵件', - 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => 'Please enter a valid country code.', - 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => '請輸入有效的電子郵件地址。', - 'wd_error_credentials' => '測試失敗,請檢查您的認證。', - 'wd_error_save_failed' => 'Configuration not valid. Save aborted.', - 'wd_first-name' => '名', - 'wd_gender' => '性別', - 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Wirecard Alipay Cross-border', - 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Wirecard 信用卡', - 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard eps-Überweisung', - 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'Wirecard Giropay', - 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'Wirecard iDEAL', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', - 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Wirecard 提前支付', - 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Wirecard 發票支付', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice by Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'Wirecard SEPA Credit Transfer', - 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'Wirecard SEPA Direct Debit', - 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Wirecard Sofort。', - 'wd_heading_title_support' => '支援', - 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Wirecard 交易', - 'wd_house-extension' => '門牌編號', - 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN:', - 'wd_ideal_legend' => '選擇您的銀行', - 'wd_ip' => 'IP位址', - 'wd_last-name' => '姓', - 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', - 'wd_manipulated' => 'manipulated', - 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => '商家的CRM ID', - 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'Message cannot be empty.', - 'wd_more_info' => 'More info', - 'wd_no' => 'No', - 'wd_orderNumber' => '訂單編號', - 'wd_order_error' => '付款過程中發生錯誤,請重試。', - 'wd_order_error_info' => 'An error occurred in the payment process. The order has been canceled.', - 'wd_order_status' => 'Order status', - 'wd_order_status_authorized' => '已授權', - 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'Cancelled', - 'wd_order_status_failed' => 'Failed', - 'wd_order_status_pending' => 'Pending', - 'wd_order_status_purchased' => 'Paid', - 'wd_order_status_refunded' => 'Refunded', - 'wd_panel_action' => '動作', - 'wd_panel_amount' => '金額', - 'wd_panel_currency' => '貨幣', - 'wd_panel_details' => '明細', - 'wd_panel_order_id' => 'Order Reference', - 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Order Number', - 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => '父交易 ID', - 'wd_panel_payment_method' => '付款方式', - 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => 'Provider Transaction ID', - 'wd_panel_transaction' => '交易', - 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => '複製XML', - 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => '日期', - 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => '交易狀態', - 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => '交易 ID', - 'wd_paymentMethod' => '付款方式', - 'wd_payment_awaiting' => '正在等待 Wirecard 付款', - 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => 'Payment was cancelled.', - 'wd_payment_cost' => 'Payment cost', - 'wd_payment_failed_text' => 'Payment process failed.', - 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Payment method settings', - 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => 'Payment was refunded.', - 'wd_payment_success_text' => 'Payment process successful.', - 'wd_payolution_terms' => 'I agree that the data which are necessary for the liquidation of purchase on account and which are used to complete the identity and credit check are transmitted to Payolution. My consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.', - 'wd_phone' => '電話', - 'wd_pia_ptrid' => 'Reference', - 'wd_postal-code' => '郵政編碼', - 'wd_ptrid' => '提供商交易參考 ID', - 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => '您需要年滿 18 歲才能訂購。', - 'wd_redirect_text' => '您正在重新導向,請稍候', - 'wd_refund' => '退款', - 'wd_requestedAmount' => '金額', - 'wd_requestId' => '請求ID', - 'wd_save_to_user_account' => 'Save data to your user account', - 'wd_secured' => 'secured', - 'wd_send_email' => '提交', - 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'SEPA授權', - 'wd_sepa_text_1' => '我授權債權人', - 'wd_sepa_text_2' => '向我的銀行傳送指令,從我的帳戶直接扣除單筆款項。同時,我指示我的銀行依照債權人的指示從我的賬戶中扣款', - 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '。', - 'wd_sepa_text_3' => '附註:作為我的權利的一部分,我有權根據我與我的銀行達成的協議條款及條件退款。退款必須在從我的賬戶中扣款之日起的 8 週內申請。', - 'wd_sepa_text_4' => '我不可撤銷地同意,倘若直接扣款未獲兌現或對直接扣款存在異議,我的銀行將向債權人', - 'wd_sepa_text_5' => '披露我的全名、地址以及出生日期。', - 'wd_sepa_text_6' => '我已閱讀並接受 SEPA 直接扣款授權資訊。', - 'wd_shipping-method' => '配送方式', - 'wd_shipping_title' => '配送', - 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => 'Emails', - 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => 'Send notification emails when order pending', - 'wd_social-security-number' => '社會安全號碼', - 'wd_state_awaiting' => 'awaiting', - 'wd_state_closed' => 'closed', - 'wd_state_error' => 'error', - 'wd_state_success' => 'success', - 'wd_street1' => '街道', - 'wd_street2' => '街道2', - 'wd_success_credentials' => '商戶組態已成功通過測試。', - 'wd_success_email' => '電郵已成功傳送', - 'wd_support_description' => 'System information will be automatically added to your message and will be sent to', - 'wd_support_email_from' => 'From', - 'wd_support_email_modules' => 'Other modules', - 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'Module ID', - 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'Module Title', - 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'Module Version', - 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP Version', - 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => 'Reply to', - 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID eShop Edition', - 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID eShop Version', - 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID eShop support request', - 'wd_support_email_system' => 'Server Info', - 'wd_support_send_error' => 'Support e-mail could not be sent.', - 'wd_test_credentials' => '測試', - 'wd_text_article_name' => '產品名稱', - 'wd_text_article_number' => '產品編號', - 'wd_text_backend_operations' => '可能的後續處理操作', - 'wd_text_delete' => '刪除', - 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'Action could not be performed.', - 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'Action performed successfully.', - 'wd_text_list' => '交易', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => '說明性', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => '標準', - 'wd_text_message' => '訊息', - 'wd_text_no_data_available' => 'No data available.', - 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'No further operations possible.', - 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'There are no associated transactions for this order.', - 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Purchase', - 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Authorization', - 'wd_text_quantity' => '數量', - 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', - 'wd_text_vault' => '一鍵式快速結帳', - 'wd_three_d_link_text' => 'Non 3-D Secure and 3-D Secure Limits', - 'wd_timeStamp' => '日期', - 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => 'Total amount not in allowed range.', - 'wd_transactionID' => '交易ID', - 'wd_transactionState' => '交易狀態', - 'wd_transactionType' => '交易類型', - 'wd_transaction_details_title' => '交易明細', - 'wd_transaction_response_details' => 'Response Details', - 'wd_transfer_notice' => '請使用以下資料轉賬該金額:', - 'wd_unmatched' => 'unmatched', - 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => '自您上次訂購以來,您的寄送地址已有更改。出於安全考慮,我們需要您輸入新的信用卡資料。', - 'wd_vault_save_text' => '儲存以備後用。', - 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => '使用新的信用卡', - 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => 'Please, wait for additional email with the final status of your payment.', - 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => 'Attention: Please check your credentials within the URL setting fields. You might have configured/combined a productive account with a test account.', - 'wd_yes' => 'Yes', -); + 'UTF-8', + 'wd_accept' => '接受', + 'wd_account_holder_title' => '帳戶擁有者', + 'wd_amount' => 'Amount', + 'wd_bic' => 'BIC:', + 'wd_birthdate_input' => '出生日期', + 'wd_cancel' => 'Cancel', + 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => '您已取消付款過程。', + 'wd_capture' => '擷取', + 'wd_city' => '城市', + 'wd_company_name_input' => '公司', + 'wd_config_additional_info' => '傳送額外資訊', + 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => '將出於欺詐防範目的傳送額外資料。此額外資料包括賬單/送貨地址、購物籃和描述元。', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => '允許的貨幣', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => 'Guaranteed Invoice 付款方式只有在使用中貨幣與這些選定貨幣之一相同時才會顯示。', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => '允許更改送貨地址', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => '停用後,若兩張訂單之間的送貨地址有所不同,消費者需重新輸入信用卡資料。', + 'wd_config_base_url' => '基底 URL', + 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'Wirecard 基底 URL (例如。', + 'wd_config_billing_countries' => '允許的賬單國家/地區', + 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => 'Guaranteed Invoice 付款方式只有在消費者送貨國家/地區與這些選定國家/地區之一相同時才會顯示。\n\t\t\t\t預先定義以下允許的國家/地區:AT、DE。', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => '賬單/送貨地址必須完全相同', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => '如已啟動,則只有在賬單/送貨地址完全相同時才會顯示 Guaranteed Invoice 付款方式', + 'wd_config_country_code' => '國家/地區代碼', + 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. 需要有效的國家/地區代碼,才能使用正確的標誌(即 en_gb)。', + 'wd_config_creditor_id' => '債權人 ID', + 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'SEPA 需要債權人 ID 才能建立 SEPA 直接付款授權。若要獲得債權人 ID,請在負責銀行機構申請。', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => '刪除已遭取消的訂單', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => '取消付款流程後自動刪除訂單。', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => '刪除付款失敗的訂單', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => '付款流程失敗後自動刪除訂單。', + 'wd_config_descriptor' => '描述元', + 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => '傳送金融服務提供商簽發給消費者的銀行結單上顯示的文字。', + 'wd_config_email' => '您的電郵地址', + 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'BIC 已啟用', + 'wd_config_http_password' => 'HTTP 密碼', + 'wd_config_http_user' => 'HTTP 使用者', + 'wd_config_logo_variant' => '商標版本', + 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => '向您的消費者顯示標準或說明性的商標版本。', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => 'MAID', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => '指派給您的商戶賬戶的唯一識別碼。', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => '祕密金鑰', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => '必須使用祕密金鑰來計算付款的數位簽章。', + 'wd_config_message' => '您的訊息', + 'wd_config_payment_action' => '付款動作', + 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => '選擇「擷取」以自動擷取您的訂單/為您的訂單開具發票,或選擇「授權」以手動擷取/開具發票。', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution URL', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => '若「需要同意」設定為「是」,則必須提供。', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information' => 'PSD 2', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information_desc_oxid' => 'With regard to PSD 2 requirements, you should request
certain personal information from your consumers during
checkout to reduce the risk of transactions being rejected.', + 'wd_config_reply_to' => '回覆(可選)', + 'wd_config_require_consent' => '需要同意', + 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => '客戶必須同意這些條款,才能繼續結帳流程。', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => '允許的送貨國家/地區', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => 'Guaranteed Invoice 付款方式只有在消費者賬單國家/地區與這些選定國家/地區之一相同時才會顯示。根據您的 Wirecard 合約,預先定義以下允許的國家/地區:AT、DE。', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => '購物籃', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => '為方便您進行確認,購物籃將在結賬時顯示此付款方式。若要啟用此功能,請先啟用購物籃。', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => '非 3-D 安全上限', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => '此金額強制進行 3-D 安全交易。輸入「null」以停用非 3-D 安全最大限額。', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => '3-D 安全商戶賬戶 ID', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => '為您的 3D 商戶賬戶指派的唯一識別碼。', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => '3-D 安全祕密金鑰', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => '必須使用祕密金鑰來計算 3D 付款的數位簽章。', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => '3-D 安全下限', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => '此金額強制進行 3-D 安全交易。輸入「null」以停用 3-D 安全最小限額。', + 'wd_config_vault' => '一鍵式快速結帳', + 'wd_config_vault_desc' => '信用卡可以儲存並用於未來的目的而不', + 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 位址 (URL WPP v2)', + 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 位址 (URL WPP v2)(例如。', + 'wd_copy_xml_text' => '複製XML', + 'wd_country' => '國家', + 'wd_credit' => '退款', + 'wd_creditor' => '債權人', + 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => '授權ID', + 'wd_currency_config' => '必須設定每個幣種。', + 'wd_customerId' => '客戶ID', + 'wd_date-of-birth' => '配送', + 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', + 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', + 'wd_debtor' => '債務人', + 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => '帳戶擁有者', + 'wd_default_currency' => '預設貨幣', + 'wd_descriptor' => '描述元', + 'wd_email' => '電子郵件', + 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => '請輸入有效的國家/地區代碼。', + 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => '請輸入有效的電子郵件地址。', + 'wd_error_credentials' => '測試失敗,請檢查您的認證。', + 'wd_error_save_failed' => '組態無效。無法儲存。', + 'wd_first-name' => '名', + 'wd_gender' => '性別', + 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Wirecard Alipay Cross-border', + 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Wirecard 信用卡', + 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard eps-Überweisung', + 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'Wirecard Giropay', + 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'Wirecard iDEAL', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Wirecard 擔保發票 (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Wirecard 發票 (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Wirecard 擔保發票 (Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard 發票 (Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', + 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Wirecard 提前支付', + 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Wirecard 發票支付', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard 發票', + 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'Wirecard SEPA Credit Transfer', + 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'Wirecard SEPA Direct Debit', + 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Wirecard Sofort。', + 'wd_heading_title_support' => '支援', + 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Wirecard 交易', + 'wd_house-extension' => '門牌編號', + 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN:', + 'wd_ideal_legend' => '選擇您的銀行', + 'wd_ip' => 'IP位址', + 'wd_last-name' => '姓', + 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', + 'wd_manipulated' => '操縱', + 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => '商家的CRM ID', + 'wd_message_empty_error' => '訊息不能為空。', + 'wd_more_info' => '更多資訊', + 'wd_no' => '否', + 'wd_orderNumber' => '訂單編號', + 'wd_order_error' => '付款過程中發生錯誤,請重試。', + 'wd_order_error_info' => '付款程序發生錯誤。訂單已取消。', + 'wd_order_status' => '訂單狀態', + 'wd_order_status_authorized' => '已授權', + 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => '已取消', + 'wd_order_status_failed' => '失敗', + 'wd_order_status_pending' => '待處理', + 'wd_order_status_purchased' => '已支付', + 'wd_order_status_refunded' => '已退款', + 'wd_panel_action' => '動作', + 'wd_panel_amount' => '金額', + 'wd_panel_currency' => '貨幣', + 'wd_panel_details' => '明細', + 'wd_panel_order_id' => '訂單參考', + 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Order Number', + 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => '父交易 ID', + 'wd_panel_payment_method' => '付款方式', + 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => '提供方交易 ID', + 'wd_panel_transaction' => '交易', + 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => '複製XML', + 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => '日期', + 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => '交易狀態', + 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => '交易 ID', + 'wd_paymentMethod' => '付款方式', + 'wd_payment_awaiting' => '正在等待 Wirecard 付款', + 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => '付款已取消。', + 'wd_payment_cost' => '付款成本', + 'wd_payment_failed_text' => '付款程序失敗。', + 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Payment method settings', + 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => '付款已退還。', + 'wd_payment_success_text' => '付款流程成功。', + 'wd_payolution_terms' => '我同意,清算購買帳戶所需的資料,以及用於完成身份驗證和信用檢查的資料會傳送至 Payolution。我在未來可隨時撤銷我的同意。', + 'wd_phone' => '電話', + 'wd_pia_ptrid' => '參考', + 'wd_postal-code' => '郵政編碼', + 'wd_ptrid' => '提供商交易參考 ID', + 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => '您需要年滿 18 歲才能訂購。', + 'wd_redirect_text' => '您正在重新導向,請稍候', + 'wd_refund' => '退款', + 'wd_requestedAmount' => '金額', + 'wd_requestId' => '請求ID', + 'wd_save_to_user_account' => '將資料儲存至您的使用者帳戶。', + 'wd_secured' => '安全', + 'wd_send_email' => '提交', + 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'SEPA授權', + 'wd_sepa_text_1' => '我授權債權人', + 'wd_sepa_text_2' => '向我的銀行傳送指令,從我的帳戶直接扣除單筆款項。同時,我指示我的銀行依照債權人的指示從我的賬戶中扣款', + 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '。', + 'wd_sepa_text_3' => '附註:作為我的權利的一部分,我有權根據我與我的銀行達成的協議條款及條件退款。退款必須在從我的賬戶中扣款之日起的 8 週內申請。', + 'wd_sepa_text_4' => '我不可撤銷地同意,倘若直接扣款未獲兌現或對直接扣款存在異議,我的銀行將向債權人', + 'wd_sepa_text_5' => '披露我的全名、地址以及出生日期。', + 'wd_sepa_text_6' => '我已閱讀並接受 SEPA 直接扣款授權資訊。', + 'wd_shipping-method' => '配送方式', + 'wd_shipping_title' => '配送', + 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => '電子郵件', + 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => '傳送待處理訂單的通知電子郵件。', + 'wd_social-security-number' => '社會安全號碼', + 'wd_state_awaiting' => '等待中', + 'wd_state_closed' => '已關閉', + 'wd_state_error' => '錯誤', + 'wd_state_success' => '成功', + 'wd_street1' => '街道', + 'wd_street2' => '街道2', + 'wd_success_credentials' => '商戶組態已成功通過測試。', + 'wd_success_email' => '電郵已成功傳送', + 'wd_support_description' => '系統資訊將自動新增至您的訊息中並將傳送給', + 'wd_support_email_from' => '寄件者', + 'wd_support_email_modules' => '其他模組', + 'wd_support_email_module_id' => '模組 ID', + 'wd_support_email_module_title' => '模組標題', + 'wd_support_email_module_version' => '模組版本', + 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP 版本', + 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => '回復', + 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID 網上商店版', + 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID 網上商店版', + 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID 網上商店支援請求', + 'wd_support_email_system' => '伺服器資訊', + 'wd_support_send_error' => '無法傳送支援電子郵件。', + 'wd_test_credentials' => '測試', + 'wd_text_article_name' => '產品名稱', + 'wd_text_article_number' => '產品編號', + 'wd_text_backend_operations' => '可能的後續處理操作', + 'wd_text_delete' => '刪除', + 'wd_text_generic_error' => '無法執行操作。', + 'wd_text_generic_success' => '操作已成功執行。', + 'wd_text_list' => '交易', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => '說明性', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => '標準', + 'wd_text_message' => '訊息', + 'wd_text_no_data_available' => '沒有可用的資料。', + 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => '無法執行進一步操作。', + 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => '此訂單沒有關聯的交易。', + 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Purchase', + 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Authorization', + 'wd_text_quantity' => '數量', + 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', + 'wd_text_vault' => '一鍵式快速結帳', + 'wd_three_d_link_text' => '非 3D 安全和 3D 安全限額', + 'wd_timeStamp' => '日期', + 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => '總金額不在允許範圍內。', + 'wd_transactionID' => '交易ID', + 'wd_transactionState' => '交易狀態', + 'wd_transactionType' => '交易類型', + 'wd_transaction_details_title' => '交易明細', + 'wd_transaction_response_details' => '回覆詳情', + 'wd_transfer_notice' => '請使用以下資料轉賬該金額:', + 'wd_unmatched' => '不相符', + 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => '自您上次訂購以來,您的寄送地址已有更改。出於安全考慮,我們需要您輸入新的信用卡資料。', + 'wd_vault_save_text' => '儲存以備後用。', + 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => '使用新的信用卡', + 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => '請等候單獨的電子郵件,其中包含您的付款的最終狀態。', + 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => '注意:請在 URL 設定欄位中檢查您的認證。您可能已將生產帳戶設定/組合到測試帳戶。', + 'wd_yes' => '是', +); diff --git a/views/admin/de/module_de_lang.php b/views/admin/de/module_de_lang.php index ca65e2380..1ebd2a5da 100644 --- a/views/admin/de/module_de_lang.php +++ b/views/admin/de/module_de_lang.php @@ -1,251 +1,248 @@ - 'UTF-8', - 'wd_accept' => 'Akzeptieren', - 'wd_account_holder_title' => 'Kontoinhaber', - 'wd_amount' => 'Betrag', - 'wd_bic' => 'BIC', - 'wd_birthdate_input' => 'Geburtsdatum', - 'wd_cancel' => 'Abbrechen', - 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => 'Sie haben den Bezahlprozess abgebrochen.', - 'wd_capture' => 'Buchen', - 'wd_city' => 'Stadt', - 'wd_company_name_input' => 'Firma', - 'wd_config_additional_info' => 'Zusätzliche Informationen mitsenden', - 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => 'Zum Schutz vor Betrug werden zusätzliche Daten mitgesendet. Zu diesen zusätzlichen Daten gehören Rechnungs-/Lieferadresse, Warenkorb und Deskriptor.', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => 'Erlaubte Währungen', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => 'Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung wird nur dann angezeigt, wenn die aktive Währung einer der hier gewählten Währungen entspricht.', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => 'Änderung der Lieferadresse zulassen', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => 'Ist diese Option deaktiviert, muss der Konsument bei Änderung der Lieferadresse seine Kreditkartendaten erneut eingeben.', - 'wd_config_base_url' => 'Wirecard Server Adresse (URL)', - 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Server Adresse (URL) (z. B.', - 'wd_config_billing_countries' => 'Erlaubte Rechnungsländer', - 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => 'Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung wird nur dann angezeigt, wenn das Rechnungsland einem der hier gewählten Länder entspricht. Mehrfachauswahl mit STRG + Klick. Standardvorauswahl: Österreich und Deutschland.', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => 'Identische Rechnungs- und Lieferadresse', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => 'Bei Aktivierung wird Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung nur dann beim Bezahlprozess angezeigt, wenn Rechnungs- und Lieferadresse übereinstimmen.', - 'wd_config_challenge_indicator' => 'Challenge Indicator', - 'wd_config_challenge_indicator_desc' => 'Indicates whether a challenge is requested for this transaction.', - 'wd_config_challenge_indicator_no_preference' => 'No preference', - 'wd_config_challenge_indicator_no_challenge' => 'No challenge requested', - 'wd_config_challenge_indicator_challenge_threed' => 'Challenge requested', - 'wd_config_country_code' => 'Ländercode', - 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. benötigt einen Ländercode um das richtige Logo zu verwenden (z.B. de_de).', - 'wd_config_creditor_id' => 'Creditor ID', - 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'Die Creditor ID wird benötigt, um das SEPA-Lastschriftmandat zu erstellen. Die Creditor-ID muss beim zuständigen Bankinstitut angefordert werden.', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => 'Abgebrochene Bestellung löschen', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => 'Bestellung nach Abbruch des Bezahlprozesses automatisch löschen.', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => 'Fehlgeschlagene Bestellung löschen', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => 'Bestellung nach fehlgeschlagenem Bezahlprozess automatisch löschen.', - 'wd_config_descriptor' => 'Deskriptor', - 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => 'Aktivieren Sie den Deskriptor, um bei jeder Transaktion eine Referenz zur jeweiligen Bestellung mitzuschicken. Diese Referenz wird im Buchungstext angezeigt, der dem Kosumenten vom Finanzdienstleister übermittelt wird.', - 'wd_config_email' => 'Ihre E-Mail-Adresse', - 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'BIC aktivieren', - 'wd_config_http_password' => 'Passwort (Password)', - 'wd_config_http_user' => 'Benutzername (Username)', - 'wd_config_logo_variant' => 'Logovariante', - 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => 'Konsumenten das Standard-Logo oder die deskriptive Variante zeigen.', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => 'Merchant Account ID (MAID)', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Eindeutiger Identifikator, der Ihrem Händlerkonto zugewiesen ist.', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => 'Geheimschlüssel (Secret Key)', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Der Geheimschlüssel (Secret Key) wird benötigt, um die Digitale Signatur für Zahlungen zu berechnen.', - 'wd_config_message' => 'Ihre Nachricht', - 'wd_config_payment_action' => 'Zahlungsaktion', - 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => 'Wählen Sie "Buchung", um automatisch eine Buchung durchzuführen, oder "Genehmigung", um eine manuelle Buchung zu ermöglichen.', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution URL', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => 'Erforderlich wenn Zustimmung einfordern aktiviert ist', - 'wd_config_reply_to' => 'Antwort an (optional)', - 'wd_config_require_consent' => 'Zustimmung einfordern', - 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => 'Der Konsument muss den Bedingungen zustimmen um mit dem Bezahlvorgang fortzufahren.', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => 'Erlaubte Lieferländer', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => 'Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung wird nur dann angezeigt, wenn das Lieferland einem der hier gewählten Länder entspricht. Mehrfachauswahl mit STRG + Klick. Standardvorauswahl: Österreich und Deutschland.', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => 'Warenkorb', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => 'Das Zahlungsmittel unterstützt die Anzeige des Warenkorbs während des Checkouts. Um dieses Feature zu verwenden, aktivieren Sie den Warenkorb.', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => 'Höchstbetrag (nicht 3-D Secure)', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'Ab diesem Betrag wird die Benutzung von 3-D Secure erzwungen. Tragen Sie "null" ein, um kein Non 3-D Secure Maximal Limit zu setzen.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => '3-D Secure MAID', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Eindeutiger Identifikator, der Ihrem 3-D Secure Händlerkonto zugewiesen ist. Kann auf "Null" gesetzt werden, um SSL-Verschlüsselung zu erzwingen.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => '3-D Secure Secret Key', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Der Geheimschlüssel (Secret Key) wird benötigt, um die Digitale Signatur für die 3-D Secure Zahlung zu berechnen. Kann auf "Null" gesetzt werden, um SSL-Verschlüsselung zu erzwingen.', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => '3-D Secure Mindestbetrag', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'Ab diesem Betrag wird die Verwendung von 3-D Secure versucht. Tragen Sie "null" ein, um kein 3-D Secure Minimum Limit zu setzen.', - 'wd_config_vault' => 'One-Click-Checkout', - 'wd_config_vault_desc' => 'Kreditkartendetails werden für die spätere Verwendung gespeichert.', - 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Adresse (URL WPP v2)', - 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Adresse (URL WPP v2) (z.B.', - 'wd_copy_xml_text' => 'XML kopieren', - 'wd_country' => 'Land', - 'wd_credit' => 'Rückerstatten', - 'wd_creditor' => 'Creditor', - 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => 'Mandate ID', - 'wd_currency_config' => 'Jede Währung muss konfiguriert werden.', - 'wd_customerId' => 'Kunden-ID', - 'wd_date-of-birth' => 'Geburtsdatum', - 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'd.m.Y', - 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'DD.MM.JJJJ', - 'wd_debtor' => 'Debitor', - 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => 'Kontoinhaber', - 'wd_default_currency' => 'Standardwährung', - 'wd_descriptor' => 'Deskriptor', - 'wd_email' => 'E-Mail', - 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => 'Bitte geben Sie einen korrekten Ländercode ein.', - 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => 'Geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein.', - 'wd_error_credentials' => 'Test fehlgeschlagen. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Zugangsdaten.', - 'wd_error_save_failed' => 'Konfigurationsdaten nicht gültig. Speichern abgebrochen.', - 'wd_first-name' => 'Vorname', - 'wd_gender' => 'Geschlecht', - 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Wirecard Alipay Cross-border', - 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Wirecard Kreditkarte', - 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard eps-Überweisung', - 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'Wirecard giropay', - 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'Wirecard iDEAL', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Wirecard Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Wirecard Kauf auf Rechnung (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Wirecard Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Kauf auf Rechnung (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', - 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Wirecard Vorauskasse', - 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Wirecard Kauf auf Rechnung', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Wirecard Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Kauf auf Rechnung von Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'Wirecard SEPA-Überweisung', - 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'Wirecard SEPA-Lastschrift', - 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Wirecard Sofort.', - 'wd_heading_title_support' => 'Wirecard Support', - 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Wirecard Transaktionen', - 'wd_house-extension' => 'Adresszusatz', - 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN', - 'wd_ideal_legend' => 'Wählen Sie Ihre Bank', - 'wd_ip' => 'IP-Adresse', - 'wd_last-name' => 'Nachname', - 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', - 'wd_manipulated' => 'manipuliert', - 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => 'Händler-CRM-ID', - 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'Nachricht darf nicht leer sein.', - 'wd_more_info' => 'Nähere Informationen', - 'wd_no' => 'Nein', - 'wd_orderNumber' => 'Bestellnummer', - 'wd_order_error' => 'Beim Bezahlprozess ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.', - 'wd_order_error_info' => 'Während dem Bezahlvorgang ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Die Bestellung wurde gelöscht.', - 'wd_order_status' => 'Bestellstatus', - 'wd_order_status_authorized' => 'Genehmigt', - 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'Abgebrochen', - 'wd_order_status_failed' => 'Fehlgeschlagen', - 'wd_order_status_pending' => 'Ausstehend', - 'wd_order_status_purchased' => 'Bezahlt', - 'wd_order_status_refunded' => 'Rückerstattet', - 'wd_panel_action' => 'Aktion', - 'wd_panel_amount' => 'Betrag', - 'wd_panel_currency' => 'Währung', - 'wd_panel_details' => 'Details', - 'wd_panel_order_id' => 'Bestellreferenz', - 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Bestellnummer', - 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => 'Parent Transaction ID', - 'wd_panel_payment_method' => 'Zahlungsmittel', - 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => 'Provider Transaction ID', - 'wd_panel_transaction' => 'Transaktion', - 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => 'XML kopieren', - 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => 'Datum', - 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => 'Transaktionsstatus', - 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => 'Transaction ID', - 'wd_paymentMethod' => 'Zahlungsmittel', - 'wd_payment_awaiting' => 'Ausständige Zahlung von Wirecard.', - 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => 'Die Zahlung wurde abgebrochen.', - 'wd_payment_cost' => 'Aufschlag Zahlungsart', - 'wd_payment_failed_text' => 'Bezahloperation fehlgeschlagen.', - 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Zahlungsmittel-Einstellungen', - 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => 'Die Zahlung wurde zurückerstattet.', - 'wd_payment_success_text' => 'Bezahloperation erfolgreich durchgeführt.', - 'wd_payolution_terms' => 'Mit der Übermittlung der für die Abwicklung des Rechnungskaufes und einer Identitäts- und Bonitätsprüfung erforderlichen Daten an Payolution bin ich einverstanden. Meine Einwilligung kann ich jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen.', - 'wd_phone' => 'Telefon', - 'wd_pia_ptrid' => 'Verwendungszweck', - 'wd_postal-code' => 'Postleitzahl', - 'wd_ptrid' => 'Provider Transaction Reference ID', - 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => 'Für die Nutzung dieses Zahlungmittels müssen Sie mindestens 18 Jahre alt sein.', - 'wd_redirect_text' => 'Sie werden weitergeleitet. Bitte warten.', - 'wd_refund' => 'Rückerstatten', - 'wd_requestedAmount' => 'Betrag', - 'wd_requestId' => 'Request ID', - 'wd_save_to_user_account' => 'Daten in ihrem Benutzerkonto speichern', - 'wd_secured' => 'sicher', - 'wd_send_email' => 'Senden', - 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'SEPA-Mandat', - 'wd_sepa_text_1' => 'Ich ermächtige den Creditor', - 'wd_sepa_text_2' => 'einmalig eine Zahlung von meinem Konto mittels SEPA-Lastschrift einzuziehen. Zugleich weise ich meine Bank an, die vom Creditor', - 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => 'auf mein Konto gezogene SEPA-Lastschrift einzulösen.', - 'wd_sepa_text_3' => 'Hinweis: Ich kann innerhalb von acht Wochen, beginnend mit dem Belastungsdatum, die Erstattung des belasteten Betrags verlangen. Es gelten dabei die mit meiner Bank vereinbarten Bedingungen.', - 'wd_sepa_text_4' => 'Für den Fall der Nichteinlösung der Lastschrift oder des Widerspruchs gegen die Lastschrift weise ich meine Bank unwiderruflich an, dem Creditor', - 'wd_sepa_text_5' => 'oder Dritten auf Anforderung meinen Namen, Adresse und Geburtsdatum vollständig mitzuteilen.', - 'wd_sepa_text_6' => 'Ich habe die Informationen zum SEPA-Lastschriftmandat gelesen und verstanden.', - 'wd_shipping-method' => 'Versandart', - 'wd_shipping_title' => 'Versand', - 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => 'E-Mails', - 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => 'Benachrichtigungs-Mail senden wenn Bestellstatus ausstehend ist', - 'wd_social-security-number' => 'Sozialversicherungsnummer', - 'wd_state_awaiting' => 'ausstehend', - 'wd_state_closed' => 'beendet', - 'wd_state_error' => 'fehlerhaft', - 'wd_state_success' => 'erfolgreich', - 'wd_street1' => 'Straße', - 'wd_street2' => 'Straße 2', - 'wd_success_credentials' => 'Die Konfigurationseinstellungen wurden erfolgreich getestet.', - 'wd_success_email' => 'E-Mail wurde erfolgreich versendet.', - 'wd_support_description' => 'System-Informationen werden automatisch Ihrer Nachricht hinzugefügt und gesendet an', - 'wd_support_email_from' => 'Von', - 'wd_support_email_modules' => 'Andere Module', - 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'Modul ID', - 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'Modul Titel', - 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'Modul Version', - 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP Version', - 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => 'Antworten an', - 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID eShop Edition', - 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID eShop Version', - 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID eShop Support-Anfrage', - 'wd_support_email_system' => 'Server Info', - 'wd_support_send_error' => 'Support E-Mail konnte nicht gesendet werden.', - 'wd_test_credentials' => 'Zugangsdaten testen', - 'wd_text_article_name' => 'Produktname', - 'wd_text_article_number' => 'Artikelnummer', - 'wd_text_backend_operations' => 'Mögliche Folgeoperationen', - 'wd_text_delete' => 'Löschen', - 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'Die Aktion konnte nicht ausgeführt werden.', - 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'Die Aktion wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt.', - 'wd_text_list' => 'Transaktionen', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => 'Deskriptiv', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => 'Standard', - 'wd_text_message' => 'Nachricht', - 'wd_text_no_data_available' => 'Keine Daten vorhanden.', - 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'Keine weiteren Operationen verfügbar.', - 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'Dieser Bestellung sind keine Transaktionen zugeordnet.', - 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Direktbuchung', - 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Genehmigung', - 'wd_text_quantity' => 'Stück', - 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', - 'wd_text_vault' => 'One-Click-Checkout', - 'wd_three_d_link_text' => 'Nicht-3-D-Secure- und 3-D-Secure-Limits', - 'wd_timeStamp' => 'Datum', - 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => 'Gesamtsumme nicht innerhalb der erlaubten Bestellsumme für dieses Zahlungsmittel.', - 'wd_transactionID' => 'Transaction ID', - 'wd_transactionState' => 'Transaktionsstatus', - 'wd_transactionType' => 'Transaktionstyp', - 'wd_transaction_details_title' => 'Transaktionsdetails', - 'wd_transaction_response_details' => 'Antwort-Details', - 'wd_transfer_notice' => 'Verwenden Sie für die Überweisung die folgenden Daten:', - 'wd_unmatched' => 'nicht zugeordnet', - 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => 'Ihre Lieferadresse hat sich seit Ihrer letzten Bestellung geändert. Aus Sicherheitsgründen müssen Sie Ihre Kreditkartendaten erneut eingeben.', - 'wd_vault_save_text' => 'Für spätere Verwendung speichern.', - 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => 'Neue Kreditkarte verwenden', - 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => 'Bitte warten Sie auf ein zusätzliches E-Mail mit dem finalen Bezahlstatus.', - 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => 'Achtung: Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Konfigurationsdaten in den URL-Eingabefeldern. Möglicherweise haben Sie ein Produktivkonto mit einem Testkonto kombiniert.', - 'wd_yes' => 'Ja', -); + 'UTF-8', + 'wd_accept' => 'Akzeptieren', + 'wd_account_holder_title' => 'Kontoinhaber', + 'wd_amount' => 'Betrag', + 'wd_bic' => 'BIC', + 'wd_birthdate_input' => 'Geburtsdatum', + 'wd_cancel' => 'Abbrechen', + 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => 'Sie haben den Bezahlprozess abgebrochen.', + 'wd_capture' => 'Buchen', + 'wd_city' => 'Stadt', + 'wd_company_name_input' => 'Firma', + 'wd_config_additional_info' => 'Zusätzliche Informationen mitsenden', + 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => 'Zum Schutz vor Betrug werden zusätzliche Daten mitgesendet. Zu diesen zusätzlichen Daten gehören Rechnungs-/Lieferadresse, Warenkorb und Deskriptor.', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => 'Erlaubte Währungen', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => 'Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung wird nur dann angezeigt, wenn die aktive Währung einer der hier gewählten Währungen entspricht.', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => 'Änderung der Lieferadresse zulassen', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => 'Ist diese Funktion deaktiviert, muss der Konsument bei Änderung seiner Lieferadresse seine Kartendaten erneut eingeben.', + 'wd_config_base_url' => 'Wirecard Server Adresse (URL)', + 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Server Adresse (URL) (z. B.', + 'wd_config_billing_countries' => 'Erlaubte Rechnungsländer', + 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => 'Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung wird nur dann angezeigt, wenn das Rechnungsland einem der hier gewählten Länder entspricht. Mehrfachauswahl mit STRG + Klick. Standardvorauswahl: Österreich und Deutschland.', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => 'Identische Rechnungs- und Lieferadresse', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => 'Bei Aktivierung wird Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung nur dann beim Bezahlprozess angezeigt, wenn Rechnungs- und Lieferadresse übereinstimmen.', + 'wd_config_country_code' => 'Ländercode', + 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. benötigt einen Ländercode um das richtige Logo zu verwenden (z.B. de_de).', + 'wd_config_creditor_id' => 'Creditor ID', + 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'Die Creditor-ID wird benötigt, um das SEPA-Lastschriftmandat zu erstellen. Die Creditor-ID muss beim zuständigen Bankinstitut angefordert werden.', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => 'Abgebrochene Bestellung löschen', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => 'Bestellung nach Abbruch des Bezahlprozesses automatisch löschen.', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => 'Fehlgeschlagene Bestellung löschen', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => 'Bestellung nach fehlgeschlagenem Bezahlprozess automatisch löschen.', + 'wd_config_descriptor' => 'Deskriptor', + 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => 'Aktivieren Sie den Deskriptor, um bei jeder Transaktion eine Referenz zur jeweiligen Bestellung mitzuschicken. Diese Referenz wird im Buchungstext angezeigt, der dem Kosumenten vom Finanzdienstleister übermittelt wird.', + 'wd_config_email' => 'Ihre E-Mail-Adresse', + 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'BIC aktivieren', + 'wd_config_http_password' => 'Passwort (Password)', + 'wd_config_http_user' => 'Benutzername (Username)', + 'wd_config_logo_variant' => 'Logovariante', + 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => 'Konsumenten das Standard-Logo oder die deskriptive Variante zeigen.', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => 'Merchant Account ID (MAID)', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Eindeutiger Identifikator, der Ihrem Händlerkonto zugewiesen ist.', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => 'Geheimschlüssel (Secret Key)', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Der Geheimschlüssel (Secret Key) wird benötigt, um die Digitale Signatur für Zahlungen zu berechnen.', + 'wd_config_message' => 'Ihre Nachricht', + 'wd_config_payment_action' => 'Zahlungsaktion', + 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => 'Wählen Sie "Buchung", um automatisch eine Buchung durchzuführen, oder "Autorisierung", um eine manuelle Buchung zu ermöglichen.', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution-URL', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => 'Pflichtfeld, wenn "Zustimmung einholen" aktiviert ist.', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information' => 'PSD 2', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information_desc_oxid' => 'Angesichts der Bestimmungen der PSD 2 sollten Sie beim
Checkout bestimmte persönliche Daten von Ihren Kunden anfordern,
um das Risiko, dass Transaktionen abgelehnt werden, zu reduzieren.', + 'wd_config_reply_to' => 'Antwort an (optional)', + 'wd_config_require_consent' => 'Zustimmung einholen', + 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => 'Der Konsument muss den Bedingungen zustimmen, um mit dem Checkout fortfahren zu können.', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => 'Erlaubte Lieferländer', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => 'Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung wird nur dann angezeigt, wenn das Lieferland einem der hier gewählten Länder entspricht. Mehrfachauswahl mit STRG + Klick. Standardvorauswahl: Österreich und Deutschland.', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => 'Warenkorb', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => 'Das Zahlungsmittel unterstützt die Anzeige des Warenkorbs während des Checkouts. Um dieses Feature zu verwenden, aktivieren Sie den Warenkorb.', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => 'Höchstbetrag ohne 3D Secure', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'Dieser Betrag erzwingt 3D Secure Transaktionen. Geben Sie "Null" ein, um den Höchstbetrag für Transaktionen ohne 3D Secure zu deaktivieren.', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => '3D Secure MAID', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Eindeutiger Identifikator, der Ihrem 3D-Secure-Händlerkonto zugewiesen ist. Kann auf "Null" gesetzt werden, um SSL-Verschlüsselung zu erzwingen.', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => '3D Secure Secret Key', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Der Geheimschlüssel (Secret Key) wird benötigt, um die Digitale Signatur für die 3D Secure Zahlung zu berechnen. Kann auf "Null" gesetzt werden, um SSL-Verschlüsselung zu erzwingen.', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => '3D Secure Mindestbetrag', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'Dieser Betrag erzwingt 3D Secure Transaktionen. Geben Sie "Null" ein, um den 3D Secure Mindestbetrag zu deaktivieren.', + 'wd_config_vault' => 'One-Click-Checkout', + 'wd_config_vault_desc' => 'Kartendaten werden für die spätere Verwendung gespeichert.', + 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Adresse (URL WPP v2)', + 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Adresse (URL WPP v2) (z.B.', + 'wd_copy_xml_text' => 'XML kopieren', + 'wd_country' => 'Land', + 'wd_credit' => 'Rückerstatten', + 'wd_creditor' => 'Creditor', + 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => 'Mandate ID', + 'wd_currency_config' => 'Jede Währung muss konfiguriert werden.', + 'wd_customerId' => 'Customer ID', + 'wd_date-of-birth' => 'Geburtsdatum', + 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'd.m.Y', + 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'DD.MM.JJJJ', + 'wd_debtor' => 'Debitor', + 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => 'Kontoinhaber', + 'wd_default_currency' => 'Standardwährung', + 'wd_descriptor' => 'Deskriptor', + 'wd_email' => 'E-Mail', + 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => 'Bitte geben Sie einen korrekten Ländercode ein.', + 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => 'Geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein.', + 'wd_error_credentials' => 'Test fehlgeschlagen. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Zugangsdaten.', + 'wd_error_save_failed' => 'Konfiguration ungültig. Speichern nicht möglich.', + 'wd_first-name' => 'Vorname', + 'wd_gender' => 'Geschlecht', + 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Alipay Cross-border', + 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Kartenzahlungen', + 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'eps-Überweisung', + 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'giropay', + 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'iDEAL', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Kauf auf Rechnung (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung (Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Kauf auf Rechnung (Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'PayPal', + 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Vorauskasse', + 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Kauf auf Rechnung', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Garantierter Kauf auf Rechnung mit Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Kauf auf Rechnung mit Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'SEPA-Überweisung', + 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'SEPA-Lastschrift', + 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Sofort.', + 'wd_heading_title_support' => 'Wirecard Support', + 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Wirecard Transaktionen', + 'wd_house-extension' => 'Adresszusatz', + 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN', + 'wd_ideal_legend' => 'Wählen Sie Ihre Bank', + 'wd_ip' => 'IP-Adresse', + 'wd_last-name' => 'Nachname', + 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', + 'wd_manipulated' => 'manipuliert', + 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => 'Merchant CRM ID', + 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'Nachricht darf nicht leer sein.', + 'wd_more_info' => 'Nähere Informationen', + 'wd_no' => 'Nein', + 'wd_orderNumber' => 'Bestellnummer', + 'wd_order_error' => 'Beim Bezahlprozess ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.', + 'wd_order_error_info' => 'Während dem Bezahlvorgang ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Die Bestellung wurde gelöscht.', + 'wd_order_status' => 'Bestellstatus', + 'wd_order_status_authorized' => 'Autorisiert', + 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'Abgebrochen', + 'wd_order_status_failed' => 'Fehlgeschlagen', + 'wd_order_status_pending' => 'Ausstehend', + 'wd_order_status_purchased' => 'Bezahlt', + 'wd_order_status_refunded' => 'Rückerstattet', + 'wd_panel_action' => 'Aktion', + 'wd_panel_amount' => 'Betrag', + 'wd_panel_currency' => 'Währung', + 'wd_panel_details' => 'Details', + 'wd_panel_order_id' => 'Bestellreferenz', + 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Bestellnummer', + 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => 'Parent Transaction ID', + 'wd_panel_payment_method' => 'Zahlungsmittel', + 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => 'Provider Transaction ID', + 'wd_panel_transaction' => 'Transaktion', + 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => 'XML kopieren', + 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => 'Datum', + 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => 'Transaktionsstatus', + 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => 'Transaction ID', + 'wd_paymentMethod' => 'Zahlungsmittel', + 'wd_payment_awaiting' => 'Ausständige Zahlung von Wirecard.', + 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => 'Die Zahlung wurde abgebrochen.', + 'wd_payment_cost' => 'Aufschlag für dieses Zahlungsmittel', + 'wd_payment_failed_text' => 'Bezahlvorgang fehlgeschlagen.', + 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Zahlungsmittel-Einstellungen', + 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => 'Die Zahlung wurde zurückerstattet.', + 'wd_payment_success_text' => 'Bezahlvorgang erfolgreich durchgeführt.', + 'wd_payolution_terms' => 'Mit der Übermittlung der für die Abwicklung des Rechnungskaufes sowie der Identitäts- und Bonitätsprüfung erforderlichen Daten an Payolution bin ich einverstanden. Meine Einwilligung kann ich jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen.', + 'wd_phone' => 'Telefon', + 'wd_pia_ptrid' => 'Verwendungszweck', + 'wd_postal-code' => 'Postleitzahl', + 'wd_ptrid' => 'Provider Transaction Reference ID', + 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => 'Für die Nutzung dieses Zahlungmittels müssen Sie mindestens 18 Jahre alt sein.', + 'wd_redirect_text' => 'Sie werden weitergeleitet. Bitte warten.', + 'wd_refund' => 'Rückerstatten', + 'wd_requestedAmount' => 'Betrag', + 'wd_requestId' => 'Request ID', + 'wd_save_to_user_account' => 'Daten in Ihrem Benutzerkonto speichern.', + 'wd_secured' => 'sicher', + 'wd_send_email' => 'Senden', + 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'SEPA-Mandat', + 'wd_sepa_text_1' => 'Ich ermächtige den Creditor', + 'wd_sepa_text_2' => 'einmalig eine Zahlung von meinem Konto mittels SEPA-Lastschrift einzuziehen. Zugleich weise ich meine Bank an, die vom Creditor', + 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => 'auf mein Konto gezogene SEPA-Lastschrift einzulösen.', + 'wd_sepa_text_3' => 'Hinweis: Ich kann innerhalb von acht Wochen, beginnend mit dem Belastungsdatum, die Erstattung des belasteten Betrags verlangen. Es gelten dabei die mit meiner Bank vereinbarten Bedingungen.', + 'wd_sepa_text_4' => 'Für den Fall der Nichteinlösung der Lastschrift oder des Widerspruchs gegen die Lastschrift weise ich meine Bank unwiderruflich an, dem Creditor', + 'wd_sepa_text_5' => 'oder Dritten auf Anforderung meinen Namen, Adresse und Geburtsdatum vollständig mitzuteilen.', + 'wd_sepa_text_6' => 'Ich habe die Informationen zum SEPA-Lastschriftmandat gelesen und verstanden.', + 'wd_shipping-method' => 'Versandart', + 'wd_shipping_title' => 'Versand', + 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => 'E-Mails', + 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => 'E-Mail-Benachrichtigung für ausstehende Bestellungen senden.', + 'wd_social-security-number' => 'Sozialversicherungsnummer', + 'wd_state_awaiting' => 'ausstehend', + 'wd_state_closed' => 'beendet', + 'wd_state_error' => 'fehlerhaft', + 'wd_state_success' => 'erfolgreich', + 'wd_street1' => 'Straße', + 'wd_street2' => 'Straße 2', + 'wd_success_credentials' => 'Die Konfigurationseinstellungen wurden erfolgreich getestet.', + 'wd_success_email' => 'E-Mail wurde erfolgreich versendet.', + 'wd_support_description' => 'System-Informationen werden automatisch Ihrer Nachricht hinzugefügt und gesendet an', + 'wd_support_email_from' => 'Von', + 'wd_support_email_modules' => 'Andere Module', + 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'Module ID', + 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'Modul Titel', + 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'Modul Version', + 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP Version', + 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => 'Antwort an', + 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID eShop Edition', + 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID eShop Version', + 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID eShop Support-Anfrage', + 'wd_support_email_system' => 'Server Info', + 'wd_support_send_error' => 'E-Mail an Support konnte nicht gesendet werden.', + 'wd_test_credentials' => 'Zugangsdaten testen', + 'wd_text_article_name' => 'Produktname', + 'wd_text_article_number' => 'Artikelnummer', + 'wd_text_backend_operations' => 'Mögliche Folgeoperationen', + 'wd_text_delete' => 'Löschen', + 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'Aktion fehlgeschlagen.', + 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'Aktion erfolgreich durchgeführt.', + 'wd_text_list' => 'Transaktionen', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => 'Deskriptiv', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => 'Standard', + 'wd_text_message' => 'Nachricht', + 'wd_text_no_data_available' => 'Keine Daten vorhanden.', + 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'Keine weiteren Operationen verfügbar.', + 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'Dieser Bestellung sind keine Transaktionen zugeordnet.', + 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Direktbuchung', + 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Autorisierung', + 'wd_text_quantity' => 'Stück', + 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', + 'wd_text_vault' => 'One-Click-Checkout', + 'wd_three_d_link_text' => 'Limits mit/ohne 3D Secure', + 'wd_timeStamp' => 'Datum', + 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => 'Gesamtsumme außerhalb des erlaubten Bereichs.', + 'wd_transactionID' => 'Transaction ID', + 'wd_transactionState' => 'Transaktionsstatus', + 'wd_transactionType' => 'Transaktionstyp', + 'wd_transaction_details_title' => 'Transaktionsdetails', + 'wd_transaction_response_details' => 'Antwort-Details', + 'wd_transfer_notice' => 'Verwenden Sie für die Überweisung die folgenden Daten:', + 'wd_unmatched' => 'nicht zugeordnet', + 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => 'Ihre Lieferadresse hat sich seit Ihrer letzten Bestellung geändert. Aus Sicherheitsgründen müssen Sie Ihre Kartendaten erneut eingeben.', + 'wd_vault_save_text' => 'Für spätere Verwendung speichern.', + 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => 'Neue Karte verwenden', + 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => 'Bitte warten Sie auf das separate E-Mail mit dem finalen Bezahlstatus.', + 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => 'Achtung: Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Konfigurationsdaten in den URL-Eingabefeldern. Möglicherweise haben Sie ein Produktivkonto mit einem Testkonto kombiniert.', + 'wd_yes' => 'Ja', +); diff --git a/views/admin/en/module_en_lang.php b/views/admin/en/module_en_lang.php index eb1fd053b..9484435c6 100644 --- a/views/admin/en/module_en_lang.php +++ b/views/admin/en/module_en_lang.php @@ -1,251 +1,248 @@ - 'UTF-8', - 'wd_accept' => 'Accept', - 'wd_account_holder_title' => 'Account Owner', - 'wd_amount' => 'Amount', - 'wd_bic' => 'BIC', - 'wd_birthdate_input' => 'Date of Birth', - 'wd_cancel' => 'Cancel', - 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => 'You have canceled the payment process.', - 'wd_capture' => 'Capture', - 'wd_city' => 'City', - 'wd_company_name_input' => 'Company', - 'wd_config_additional_info' => 'Send Additional Information', - 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => 'Additional data will be sent for the purpose of fraud protection. This additional data includes billing/shipping address, shopping basket and descriptor.', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => 'Allowed Currencies', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => 'Payment method Guaranteed Invoice is only displayed if the activated currency is one of the currencies selected here.', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => 'Allow Shipping Address Change', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => 'If disabled, consumer is required to re-enter credit card details if the shipping address has changed between two orders.', - 'wd_config_base_url' => 'Wirecard Server Address (URL)', - 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Server Address (URL) (e.g.', - 'wd_config_billing_countries' => 'Allowed Billing Countries', - 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => 'Payment method Guaranteed Invoice is only displayed during checkout if the consumer\'s billing country is one of the countries selected here. CTRL-click to select. Default pre-selection: Austria and Germany.', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => 'Identical Billing/Shipping Address', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => 'If activated, payment method Guaranteed Invoice is only displayed if billing/shipping address are identical.', - 'wd_config_challenge_indicator' => 'Challenge Indicator', - 'wd_config_challenge_indicator_desc' => 'Indicates whether a challenge is requested for this transaction.', - 'wd_config_challenge_indicator_no_preference' => 'No preference', - 'wd_config_challenge_indicator_no_challenge' => 'No challenge requested', - 'wd_config_challenge_indicator_challenge_threed' => 'Challenge requested', - 'wd_config_country_code' => 'Country Code', - 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. requires a valid country code to use the correct logo (i.e. en_gb).', - 'wd_config_creditor_id' => 'Creditor ID', - 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'SEPA Direct Debit requires Creditor ID to create SEPA Direct Debit Mandate. You may apply for a Creditor ID at your financial institution.', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => 'Delete Canceled Order', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => 'Automatically delete order after canceled payment process.', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => 'Delete Failed Order', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => 'Automatically delete order after failed payment process.', - 'wd_config_descriptor' => 'Descriptor', - 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => 'Send text which is displayed on the bank statement issued to your consumer by the financial service provider.', - 'wd_config_email' => 'Your email address', - 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'BIC enabled', - 'wd_config_http_password' => 'Password', - 'wd_config_http_user' => 'Username', - 'wd_config_logo_variant' => 'Logo version', - 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => 'Show either standard or descriptive logo version to your consumers.', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => 'Merchant Account ID (MAID)', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Unique identifier assigned to your merchant account.', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => 'Secret Key', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Secret Key is mandatory to calculate the Digital Signature for payments.', - 'wd_config_message' => 'Your message', - 'wd_config_payment_action' => 'Payment Action', - 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => 'Select between "Purchase" to capture/invoice your order automatically or "Authorization" to capture/invoice manually.', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution URL', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => 'Mandatory if require consent is set to yes', - 'wd_config_reply_to' => 'Reply to (optionally)', - 'wd_config_require_consent' => 'Require consent', - 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => 'Consumer must agree with the terms before proceeding with the checkout process.', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => 'Allowed Shipping Countries', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => 'Payment method Guaranteed Invoice is only displayed if the consumer\'s shipping country is one of the countries selected here. CTRL-click to select. Default pre-selection: Austria and Germany.', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => 'Shopping Basket', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => 'For the purpose of confirmation, payment supports shopping basket display during checkout. To enable this feature, activate Shopping Basket.', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => 'Non 3-D Secure Max. Limit', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the Non 3-D Secure Max. Limit.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => '3-D Secure MAID', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Unique identifier assigned to your 3-D Secure merchant account. Can be set to "null" to force SSL process.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => '3-D Secure Secret Key', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Secret Key is mandatory to calculate the Digital Signature for the 3-D Secure payment. Can be set to "null" to force SSL process.', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => '3-D Secure Min. Limit', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the 3-D Secure Min. Limit.', - 'wd_config_vault' => 'One-Click Checkout', - 'wd_config_vault_desc' => 'Credit Card details are saved for later use.', - 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2)', - 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2) (e.g.', - 'wd_copy_xml_text' => 'Copy XML', - 'wd_country' => 'Country', - 'wd_credit' => 'Refund', - 'wd_creditor' => 'Creditor', - 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => 'Mandate ID', - 'wd_currency_config' => 'Each currency has to be configured.', - 'wd_customerId' => 'Customer ID', - 'wd_date-of-birth' => 'Date of Birth', - 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', - 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', - 'wd_debtor' => 'Debtor', - 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => 'Account Owner', - 'wd_default_currency' => 'Default Currency', - 'wd_descriptor' => 'Descriptor', - 'wd_email' => 'Email', - 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => 'Please enter a valid country code.', - 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => 'Please enter a valid email address.', - 'wd_error_credentials' => 'Test failed, please check your credentials.', - 'wd_error_save_failed' => 'Configuration not valid. Save aborted.', - 'wd_first-name' => 'First Name', - 'wd_gender' => 'Gender', - 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Wirecard Alipay Cross-border', - 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Wirecard Credit Card', - 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard eps-Überweisung', - 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'Wirecard giropay', - 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'Wirecard iDEAL', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', - 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Wirecard Payment In Advance', - 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Wirecard Payment On Invoice', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice by Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice by Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'Wirecard SEPA Credit Transfer', - 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'Wirecard SEPA Direct Debit', - 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Wirecard Sofort.', - 'wd_heading_title_support' => 'Wirecard Support', - 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Wirecard Transactions', - 'wd_house-extension' => 'House Extension', - 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN', - 'wd_ideal_legend' => 'Select your bank', - 'wd_ip' => 'IP Address', - 'wd_last-name' => 'Last Name', - 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', - 'wd_manipulated' => 'manipulated', - 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => 'Merchant CRM ID', - 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'Message cannot be empty.', - 'wd_more_info' => 'More info', - 'wd_no' => 'No', - 'wd_orderNumber' => 'Order Number', - 'wd_order_error' => 'An error occurred during the payment process. Please try again.', - 'wd_order_error_info' => 'An error occurred in the payment process. The order has been canceled.', - 'wd_order_status' => 'Order status', - 'wd_order_status_authorized' => 'Authorized', - 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'Cancelled', - 'wd_order_status_failed' => 'Failed', - 'wd_order_status_pending' => 'Pending', - 'wd_order_status_purchased' => 'Paid', - 'wd_order_status_refunded' => 'Refunded', - 'wd_panel_action' => 'Action', - 'wd_panel_amount' => 'Amount', - 'wd_panel_currency' => 'Currency', - 'wd_panel_details' => 'Details', - 'wd_panel_order_id' => 'Order Reference', - 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Order Number', - 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => 'Parent Transaction ID', - 'wd_panel_payment_method' => 'Payment Method', - 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => 'Provider Transaction ID', - 'wd_panel_transaction' => 'Transaction', - 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => 'Copy XML', - 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => 'Date', - 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => 'Transaction State', - 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => 'Transaction ID', - 'wd_paymentMethod' => 'Payment Method', - 'wd_payment_awaiting' => 'Awaiting payment from Wirecard.', - 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => 'Payment was cancelled.', - 'wd_payment_cost' => 'Payment cost', - 'wd_payment_failed_text' => 'Payment process failed.', - 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Payment Method Settings', - 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => 'Payment was refunded.', - 'wd_payment_success_text' => 'Payment process successful.', - 'wd_payolution_terms' => 'I agree that the data which are necessary for the liquidation of purchase on account and which are used to complete the identity and credit check are transmitted to Payolution. My consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.', - 'wd_phone' => 'Phone', - 'wd_pia_ptrid' => 'Reference', - 'wd_postal-code' => 'Postal Code', - 'wd_ptrid' => 'Provider Transaction Reference ID', - 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => 'Minimum age to pay with Guaranteed Invoice: 18.', - 'wd_redirect_text' => 'You are being redirected. Please wait.', - 'wd_refund' => 'Refund', - 'wd_requestedAmount' => 'Amount', - 'wd_requestId' => 'Request ID', - 'wd_save_to_user_account' => 'Save data to your user account', - 'wd_secured' => 'secured', - 'wd_send_email' => 'Submit', - 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'SEPA Mandate', - 'wd_sepa_text_1' => 'I authorize the creditor', - 'wd_sepa_text_2' => 'to send instructions to my bank to collect one single direct debit from my account. At the same time I instruct my bank to debit my account in accordance with the instructions from the creditor', - 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '.', - 'wd_sepa_text_3' => 'Note: As part of my rights, I am entitled to a refund under the terms and conditions of my agreement with my bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which my account was debited.', - 'wd_sepa_text_4' => 'I irrevocably agree that, in the event that the direct debit is not honored, or objection against the direct debit exists, my bank will disclose to the creditor', - 'wd_sepa_text_5' => 'my full name, address and date of birth.', - 'wd_sepa_text_6' => 'I have read and accepted the SEPA Direct Debit Mandate information.', - 'wd_shipping-method' => 'Shipping Method', - 'wd_shipping_title' => 'Shipping', - 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => 'Emails', - 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => 'Send notification emails when order pending', - 'wd_social-security-number' => 'Social Security Number', - 'wd_state_awaiting' => 'awaiting', - 'wd_state_closed' => 'closed', - 'wd_state_error' => 'error', - 'wd_state_success' => 'success', - 'wd_street1' => 'Street', - 'wd_street2' => 'Street 2', - 'wd_success_credentials' => 'Merchant configuration was successfully tested.', - 'wd_success_email' => 'Email sent successfully.', - 'wd_support_description' => 'System information will be automatically added to your message and will be sent to', - 'wd_support_email_from' => 'From', - 'wd_support_email_modules' => 'Other modules', - 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'Module ID', - 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'Module Title', - 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'Module Version', - 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP Version', - 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => 'Reply to', - 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID eShop Edition', - 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID eShop Version', - 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID eShop support request', - 'wd_support_email_system' => 'Server Info', - 'wd_support_send_error' => 'Support e-mail could not be sent.', - 'wd_test_credentials' => 'Test Credentials', - 'wd_text_article_name' => 'Product Name', - 'wd_text_article_number' => 'Article Number', - 'wd_text_backend_operations' => 'Possible Post-Processing Operations', - 'wd_text_delete' => 'Delete', - 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'Action could not be performed.', - 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'Action performed successfully.', - 'wd_text_list' => 'Transactions', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => 'Descriptive', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => 'Standard', - 'wd_text_message' => 'Message', - 'wd_text_no_data_available' => 'No data available.', - 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'No further operations possible.', - 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'There are no associated transactions for this order.', - 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Purchase', - 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Authorization', - 'wd_text_quantity' => 'Quantity', - 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', - 'wd_text_vault' => 'One-Click Checkout', - 'wd_three_d_link_text' => 'Non 3-D Secure and 3-D Secure Limits', - 'wd_timeStamp' => 'Date', - 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => 'Total amount not in allowed range.', - 'wd_transactionID' => 'Transaction ID', - 'wd_transactionState' => 'Transaction State', - 'wd_transactionType' => 'Transaction Type', - 'wd_transaction_details_title' => 'Transaction Details', - 'wd_transaction_response_details' => 'Response Details', - 'wd_transfer_notice' => 'Please transfer the amount using the following data:', - 'wd_unmatched' => 'unmatched', - 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => 'Your shipping address has changed since your last order. For security purposes we require you to enter the new credit card details.', - 'wd_vault_save_text' => 'Save for later use.', - 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => 'Use new credit card', - 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => 'Please, wait for additional email with the final status of your payment.', - 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => 'Attention: Please check your credentials within the URL setting fields. You might have configured/combined a productive account with a test account.', - 'wd_yes' => 'Yes', -); + 'UTF-8', + 'wd_accept' => 'Accept', + 'wd_account_holder_title' => 'Account Owner', + 'wd_amount' => 'Amount', + 'wd_bic' => 'BIC', + 'wd_birthdate_input' => 'Date of Birth', + 'wd_cancel' => 'Cancel', + 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => 'You have canceled the payment process.', + 'wd_capture' => 'Capture', + 'wd_city' => 'City', + 'wd_company_name_input' => 'Company', + 'wd_config_additional_info' => 'Send Additional Information', + 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => 'Additional data will be sent for the purpose of fraud protection. This additional data includes billing/shipping address, shopping basket and descriptor.', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => 'Allowed Currencies', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => 'Payment method Guaranteed Invoice is only displayed if the activated currency is one of the currencies selected here.', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => 'Allow Shipping Address Change', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => 'If disabled, the consumer is required to re-enter their card details in case their shipping address has changed.', + 'wd_config_base_url' => 'Wirecard Server Address (URL)', + 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Server Address (URL) (e.g.', + 'wd_config_billing_countries' => 'Allowed Billing Countries', + 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => 'Payment method Guaranteed Invoice is only displayed during checkout if the consumer\'s billing country is one of the countries selected here. CTRL-click to select. Default pre-selection: Austria and Germany.', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => 'Identical Billing/Shipping Address', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => 'If activated, payment method Guaranteed Invoice is only displayed if billing/shipping address are identical.', + 'wd_config_country_code' => 'Country Code', + 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. requires a valid country code to use the correct logo (i.e. en_gb).', + 'wd_config_creditor_id' => 'Creditor ID', + 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'SEPA Direct Debit requires Creditor ID to create SEPA Direct Debit Mandate. You may apply for a Creditor ID at your financial institution.', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => 'Delete Canceled Order', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => 'Automatically delete order after canceled payment process.', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => 'Delete Failed Order', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => 'Automatically delete order after failed payment process.', + 'wd_config_descriptor' => 'Descriptor', + 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => 'Send text which is displayed on the bank statement issued to your consumer by the financial service provider.', + 'wd_config_email' => 'Your email address', + 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'BIC enabled', + 'wd_config_http_password' => 'Password', + 'wd_config_http_user' => 'Username', + 'wd_config_logo_variant' => 'Logo version', + 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => 'Show either standard or descriptive logo version to your consumers.', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => 'Merchant Account ID (MAID)', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Unique identifier assigned to your merchant account.', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => 'Secret Key', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Secret Key is mandatory to calculate the Digital Signature for payments.', + 'wd_config_message' => 'Your message', + 'wd_config_payment_action' => 'Payment Action', + 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => 'Select between "Purchase" to capture/invoice your order automatically or "Authorization" to capture/invoice manually.', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution URL', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => 'Mandatory if "Require Consent" is set to Yes.', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information' => 'PSD 2', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information_desc_oxid' => 'With regard to PSD 2 requirements, you should request
certain personal information from your consumers during
checkout to reduce the risk of transactions being rejected.', + 'wd_config_reply_to' => 'Reply to (optionally)', + 'wd_config_require_consent' => 'Require Consent', + 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => 'Consumer must agree to the terms before proceeding with the checkout process.', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => 'Allowed Shipping Countries', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => 'Payment method Guaranteed Invoice is only displayed if the consumer\'s shipping country is one of the countries selected here. CTRL-click to select. Default pre-selection: Austria and Germany.', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => 'Shopping Basket', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => 'For the purpose of confirmation, payment supports shopping basket display during checkout. To enable this feature, activate Shopping Basket.', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => 'Non 3-D Secure Max. Limit', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the Non 3-D Secure Max. Limit.', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => '3-D Secure MAID', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Unique identifier assigned to your 3-D Secure merchant account. Can be set to "null" to force SSL process.', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => '3-D Secure Secret Key', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Secret Key is mandatory to calculate the Digital Signature for the 3-D Secure payment. Can be set to "null" to force SSL process.', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => '3-D Secure Min. Limit', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the 3-D Secure Min. Limit.', + 'wd_config_vault' => 'One-Click Checkout', + 'wd_config_vault_desc' => 'Card details are saved for later use.', + 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2)', + 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2) (e.g.', + 'wd_copy_xml_text' => 'Copy XML', + 'wd_country' => 'Country', + 'wd_credit' => 'Refund', + 'wd_creditor' => 'Creditor', + 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => 'Mandate ID', + 'wd_currency_config' => 'Each currency has to be configured.', + 'wd_customerId' => 'Customer ID', + 'wd_date-of-birth' => 'Date of Birth', + 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', + 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', + 'wd_debtor' => 'Debtor', + 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => 'Account Owner', + 'wd_default_currency' => 'Default Currency', + 'wd_descriptor' => 'Descriptor', + 'wd_email' => 'Email', + 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => 'Please enter a valid country code.', + 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => 'Please enter a valid email address.', + 'wd_error_credentials' => 'Test failed, please check your credentials.', + 'wd_error_save_failed' => 'Configuration not valid. Unable to save.', + 'wd_first-name' => 'First Name', + 'wd_gender' => 'Gender', + 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Alipay Cross-border', + 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Card Payments', + 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'eps-Überweisung', + 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'giropay', + 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'iDEAL', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Invoice (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Invoice (Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'PayPal', + 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Payment In Advance', + 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Payment On Invoice', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Guaranteed Invoice by Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Invoice by Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'SEPA Credit Transfer', + 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'SEPA Direct Debit', + 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Sofort.', + 'wd_heading_title_support' => 'Wirecard Support', + 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Wirecard Transactions', + 'wd_house-extension' => 'House Extension', + 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN', + 'wd_ideal_legend' => 'Select your bank', + 'wd_ip' => 'IP Address', + 'wd_last-name' => 'Last Name', + 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', + 'wd_manipulated' => 'manipulated', + 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => 'Merchant CRM ID', + 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'Message must not be empty.', + 'wd_more_info' => 'More Information', + 'wd_no' => 'No', + 'wd_orderNumber' => 'Order Number', + 'wd_order_error' => 'An error occurred during the payment process. Please try again.', + 'wd_order_error_info' => 'An error occurred in the payment process. The order has been canceled.', + 'wd_order_status' => 'Order status', + 'wd_order_status_authorized' => 'Authorized', + 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'Cancelled', + 'wd_order_status_failed' => 'Failed', + 'wd_order_status_pending' => 'Pending', + 'wd_order_status_purchased' => 'Paid', + 'wd_order_status_refunded' => 'Refunded', + 'wd_panel_action' => 'Action', + 'wd_panel_amount' => 'Amount', + 'wd_panel_currency' => 'Currency', + 'wd_panel_details' => 'Details', + 'wd_panel_order_id' => 'Order Reference', + 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Order Number', + 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => 'Parent Transaction ID', + 'wd_panel_payment_method' => 'Payment Method', + 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => 'Provider Transaction ID', + 'wd_panel_transaction' => 'Transaction', + 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => 'Copy XML', + 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => 'Date', + 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => 'Transaction State', + 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => 'Transaction ID', + 'wd_paymentMethod' => 'Payment Method', + 'wd_payment_awaiting' => 'Awaiting payment from Wirecard.', + 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => 'Payment was cancelled.', + 'wd_payment_cost' => 'Payment Cost', + 'wd_payment_failed_text' => 'Payment process failed.', + 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Payment Method Settings', + 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => 'Payment was refunded.', + 'wd_payment_success_text' => 'Payment process successful.', + 'wd_payolution_terms' => 'I agree that the data which is necessary for the liquidation of purchase on account and which is used to complete the identity and credit check is transmitted to Payolution. My consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.', + 'wd_phone' => 'Phone', + 'wd_pia_ptrid' => 'Reference', + 'wd_postal-code' => 'Postal Code', + 'wd_ptrid' => 'Provider Transaction Reference ID', + 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => 'Minimum age to pay with Guaranteed Invoice: 18.', + 'wd_redirect_text' => 'You are being redirected. Please wait.', + 'wd_refund' => 'Refund', + 'wd_requestedAmount' => 'Amount', + 'wd_requestId' => 'Request ID', + 'wd_save_to_user_account' => 'Save data to your user account.', + 'wd_secured' => 'secured', + 'wd_send_email' => 'Submit', + 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'SEPA Mandate', + 'wd_sepa_text_1' => 'I authorize the creditor', + 'wd_sepa_text_2' => 'to send instructions to my bank to collect one single direct debit from my account. At the same time I instruct my bank to debit my account in accordance with the instructions from the creditor', + 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '.', + 'wd_sepa_text_3' => 'Note: As part of my rights, I am entitled to a refund under the terms and conditions of my agreement with my bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which my account was debited.', + 'wd_sepa_text_4' => 'I irrevocably agree that, in the event that the direct debit is not honored, or objection against the direct debit exists, my bank will disclose to the creditor', + 'wd_sepa_text_5' => 'my full name, address and date of birth.', + 'wd_sepa_text_6' => 'I have read and accepted the SEPA Direct Debit Mandate information.', + 'wd_shipping-method' => 'Shipping Method', + 'wd_shipping_title' => 'Shipping', + 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => 'Emails', + 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => 'Send notification email for pending orders.', + 'wd_social-security-number' => 'Social Security Number', + 'wd_state_awaiting' => 'awaiting', + 'wd_state_closed' => 'closed', + 'wd_state_error' => 'error', + 'wd_state_success' => 'success', + 'wd_street1' => 'Street', + 'wd_street2' => 'Street 2', + 'wd_success_credentials' => 'Merchant configuration was successfully tested.', + 'wd_success_email' => 'Email sent successfully.', + 'wd_support_description' => 'System information will be automatically added to your message and will be sent to', + 'wd_support_email_from' => 'From', + 'wd_support_email_modules' => 'Other Modules', + 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'Module ID', + 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'Module Title', + 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'Module Version', + 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP Version', + 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => 'Reply to', + 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID eShop Edition', + 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID eShop Version', + 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID eShop Support Request', + 'wd_support_email_system' => 'Server Info', + 'wd_support_send_error' => 'Support email could not be sent.', + 'wd_test_credentials' => 'Test Credentials', + 'wd_text_article_name' => 'Product Name', + 'wd_text_article_number' => 'Article Number', + 'wd_text_backend_operations' => 'Possible Post-Processing Operations', + 'wd_text_delete' => 'Delete', + 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'Action could not be performed.', + 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'Action performed successfully.', + 'wd_text_list' => 'Transactions', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => 'Descriptive', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => 'Standard', + 'wd_text_message' => 'Message', + 'wd_text_no_data_available' => 'No data available.', + 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'No further operations possible.', + 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'There are no associated transactions for this order.', + 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Purchase', + 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Authorization', + 'wd_text_quantity' => 'Quantity', + 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', + 'wd_text_vault' => 'One-Click Checkout', + 'wd_three_d_link_text' => 'Non 3D Secure and 3D Secure Limits', + 'wd_timeStamp' => 'Date', + 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => 'Total amount not in allowed range.', + 'wd_transactionID' => 'Transaction ID', + 'wd_transactionState' => 'Transaction State', + 'wd_transactionType' => 'Transaction Type', + 'wd_transaction_details_title' => 'Transaction Details', + 'wd_transaction_response_details' => 'Response Details', + 'wd_transfer_notice' => 'Please transfer the amount using the following data:', + 'wd_unmatched' => 'unmatched', + 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => 'Your shipping address has changed since your last order. For security purposes we require you to enter the new card details.', + 'wd_vault_save_text' => 'Save for later use.', + 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => 'Use new card', + 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => 'Please wait for separate email with the final status of your payment.', + 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => 'Attention: Please check your credentials within the URL setting fields. You might have configured/combined a productive account with a test account.', + 'wd_yes' => 'Yes', +); diff --git a/views/admin/fr/module_fr_lang.php b/views/admin/fr/module_fr_lang.php index b84184285..be4c91828 100644 --- a/views/admin/fr/module_fr_lang.php +++ b/views/admin/fr/module_fr_lang.php @@ -1,246 +1,248 @@ - 'UTF-8', - 'wd_accept' => 'Accept', - 'wd_account_holder_title' => 'Titulaire du compte', - 'wd_amount' => 'Montant', - 'wd_bic' => 'Code BIC', - 'wd_birthdate_input' => 'Date de naissance', - 'wd_cancel' => 'Annuler', - 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => 'Vous avez annulé le processus de paiement.', - 'wd_capture' => 'Capture', - 'wd_city' => 'Ville', - 'wd_company_name_input' => 'Company', - 'wd_config_additional_info' => 'Envoyer les renseignements complémentaires', - 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => 'Des renseignements complémentaires doivent être fournis dans le cadre de la prévention des fraudes. Ces renseignements complémentaires incluent l’adresse de facturation/livraison, le panier et le descripteur.', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => 'Devises autorisées', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => 'L’écran Mode de paiement Facture avec garantie de paiement n’est affiché que si la devise activée fait partie des devises sélectionnées ici.', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => 'Autoriser la modification de l’adresse de livraison', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => 'Si cette option est désactivée, le client doit saisir de nouveau les informations de sa carte de crédit si l’adresse de livraison a été modifiée entre deux commandes.', - 'wd_config_base_url' => 'Adresse du serveur Wirecard', - 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'L’adresse du serveur Wirecard (par ex.', - 'wd_config_billing_countries' => 'Pays de facturation autorisés', - 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => 'L’écran Mode de paiement Facture avec garantie de paiement n’est affiché lors du processus de paiement que si le pays de facturation du client fait partie des pays sélectionnés ici. Appuyez sur Ctrl et cliquez pour sélectionner. Présélection par défaut : Autriche et Allemagne.', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => 'Adresse de facturation/livraison identique', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => 'Si ce champ est activé, l’écran Mode de paiement Facture avec garantie de paiement n’est affiché que si l’adresse de facturation est identique à l’adresse de livraison.', - 'wd_config_country_code' => 'Country Code', - 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. requires a valid country code to use the correct logo (i.e. en_gb).', - 'wd_config_creditor_id' => 'Identifiant créancier', - 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'Avec le mode paiement par prélèvement SEPA, un identifiant créancier est obligatoire pour créer le mandat de prélèvement SEPA. Vous pouvez demander un identifiant créancier auprès de votre institution financière.', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => 'Supprimer la commande annulée', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => 'Supprimer automatiquement la commande après l’annulation du processus de paiement.', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => 'Supprimer la commande échouée', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => 'Supprimer automatiquement la commande après l’échec du processus de paiement.', - 'wd_config_descriptor' => 'Descripteur', - 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => 'Envoyer le texte qui est affiché sur le relevé bancaire délivré à votre client par l’institution financière.', - 'wd_config_email' => 'Votre adresse e-mail', - 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'Code BIC activé', - 'wd_config_http_password' => 'HTTP Password', - 'wd_config_http_user' => 'HTTP User', - 'wd_config_logo_variant' => 'Version du logo', - 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => 'Montrer soit la version du logo standard ou descriptive à vos clients.', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => 'MAID (Identifiant de compte marchand)', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Identifiant unique affecté à votre compte marchand.', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => 'Secret Key', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Secret Key est obligatoire pour générer la signature digitale des paiements.', - 'wd_config_message' => 'Votre message', - 'wd_config_payment_action' => 'Action de paiement', - 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => 'Sélectionnez « Acheter » pour enregistrer/facturer automatiquement votre commande ou « Autorisation » pour enregistrer/facturer manuellement.', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution URL', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => 'Mandatory if require consent is set to yes', - 'wd_config_reply_to' => 'Reply to (optionally)', - 'wd_config_require_consent' => 'Require consent', - 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => 'Consumer must agree with the terms before proceeding with the checkout process.', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => 'Pays d’expédition autorisés', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => 'L’écran Mode de paiement Facture avec garantie de paiement n’est affiché que si le pays d’expédition du client fait partie des pays sélectionnés ici. Appuyez sur Ctrl et cliquez pour sélectionner. Présélection par défaut : Autriche et Allemagne.', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => 'Panier de commande', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => 'Pour la confirmation de la commande, le paiement supporte le panier de commande affiché lors du processus de paiement. Pour activer cette fonction, cochez le champ Panier de commande.', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => 'Valeur limite max. sans le protocole 3-D Secure', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the Non 3-D Secure Max. Limit.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => 'MAID 3-D Secure', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Identifiant unique affecté à votre compte marchand 3-D Secure. Peut être « null » pour forcer le processus SSL.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => 'Secret Key 3-D Secure', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Secret Key est obligatoire pour générer la signature digitale du paiement 3-D Secure. Peut être « null » pour forcer le processus SSL.', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => 'Valeur limite min. avec protocole 3-D Secure', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the 3-D Secure Min. Limit.', - 'wd_config_vault' => 'Paiement en un clic', - 'wd_config_vault_desc' => 'Les données de la carte de crédit sont enregistrées pour une utilisation ultérieure.', - 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Adresse (URL WPP v2)', - 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Adresse (URL WPP v2) (ex.', - 'wd_copy_xml_text' => 'Copier XML', - 'wd_country' => 'Pays', - 'wd_credit' => 'Remboursement', - 'wd_creditor' => 'Créancier', - 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => 'Identifiant du mandat', - 'wd_currency_config' => 'Each currency has to be configured.', - 'wd_customerId' => 'Identifiant client', - 'wd_date-of-birth' => 'Date de naissance', - 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', - 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', - 'wd_debtor' => 'Débiteur', - 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => 'Titulaire du compte', - 'wd_default_currency' => 'Devise par défaut', - 'wd_descriptor' => 'Descripteur', - 'wd_email' => 'E-mail', - 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => 'Please enter a valid country code.', - 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => 'Veuillez saisir une adresse e-mail valide.', - 'wd_error_credentials' => 'Le test a échoué, vérifiez vos informations d’identification.', - 'wd_error_save_failed' => 'Configuration not valid. Save aborted.', - 'wd_first-name' => 'Prénom', - 'wd_gender' => 'Sexe', - 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Wirecard Alipay Cross-border', - 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Wirecard Carte de crédit', - 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard Virement eps', - 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'Wirecard giropay', - 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'Wirecard iDEAL', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', - 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Wirecard Paiement à l’avance', - 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Wirecard Paiement sur facture', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Wirecard Facture avec garantie de paiement par Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice by Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'Wirecard Virement SEPA', - 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'Wirecard Prélèvement SEPA', - 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Wirecard Sofort.', - 'wd_heading_title_support' => 'Support Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Transactions Wirecard', - 'wd_house-extension' => 'Extension maison', - 'wd_iban' => 'Code IBAN', - 'wd_ideal_legend' => 'Sélectionner votre banque', - 'wd_ip' => 'Adresse IP', - 'wd_last-name' => 'Nom de famille', - 'wd_maid' => 'MAID (Identifiant de compte marchand)', - 'wd_manipulated' => 'manipulated', - 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => 'Identifiant CRM du marchand', - 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'Message cannot be empty.', - 'wd_more_info' => 'More info', - 'wd_no' => 'No', - 'wd_orderNumber' => 'Numéro de commande', - 'wd_order_error' => 'Une erreur est survenue durant le processus de paiement. Veuillez réessayer.', - 'wd_order_error_info' => 'An error occurred in the payment process. The order has been canceled.', - 'wd_order_status' => 'Order status', - 'wd_order_status_authorized' => 'Autorisé', - 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'Cancelled', - 'wd_order_status_failed' => 'Failed', - 'wd_order_status_pending' => 'Pending', - 'wd_order_status_purchased' => 'Paid', - 'wd_order_status_refunded' => 'Refunded', - 'wd_panel_action' => 'Action', - 'wd_panel_amount' => 'Montant', - 'wd_panel_currency' => 'Devise', - 'wd_panel_details' => 'Détails', - 'wd_panel_order_id' => 'Order Reference', - 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Numéro de commande', - 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => 'Identifiant de la transaction parent', - 'wd_panel_payment_method' => 'Mode de paiement', - 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => 'Provider Transaction ID', - 'wd_panel_transaction' => 'Transaction', - 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => 'Copier XML', - 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => 'Date', - 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => 'État de transaction', - 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => 'Identifiant de la transaction', - 'wd_paymentMethod' => 'Mode de paiement', - 'wd_payment_awaiting' => 'En attente du paiement à partir de Wirecard.', - 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => 'Payment was cancelled.', - 'wd_payment_cost' => 'Payment cost', - 'wd_payment_failed_text' => 'Payment process failed.', - 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Paramètres du mode de paiement', - 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => 'Payment was refunded.', - 'wd_payment_success_text' => 'Payment process successful.', - 'wd_payolution_terms' => 'I agree that the data which are necessary for the liquidation of purchase on account and which are used to complete the identity and credit check are transmitted to Payolution. My consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.', - 'wd_phone' => 'Téléphone', - 'wd_pia_ptrid' => 'Reference', - 'wd_postal-code' => 'Code postal', - 'wd_ptrid' => 'Identifiant de référence du fournisseur de transactions', - 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => 'Âge minimum requis pour le mode de paiement Facture avec garantie de paiement : 18.', - 'wd_redirect_text' => 'Vous êtes redirigé. Veuillez patienter.', - 'wd_refund' => 'Remboursement', - 'wd_requestedAmount' => 'Montant', - 'wd_requestId' => 'Identifiant de la demande', - 'wd_save_to_user_account' => 'Save data to your user account', - 'wd_secured' => 'secured', - 'wd_send_email' => 'Soumettre', - 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'Mandat SEPA', - 'wd_sepa_text_1' => 'J’autorise le créancier', - 'wd_sepa_text_2' => 'à envoyer des ordres à ma banque pour initier un et un seul débit de mon compte. En même temps, j’instruis ma banque de débiter mon compte conformément aux instructions du créancier.', - 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '.', - 'wd_sepa_text_3' => 'Remarque : Dans le cadre de mes droits, j’ai droit à un remboursement selon les conditions générales du contrat avec ma banque. Toute demande de remboursement doit être présentée dans les 8 semaines suivant la date de débit de votre compte.', - 'wd_sepa_text_4' => 'J’accepte irrévocablement que si le prélèvement n’est pas honoré ou s’il y a une opposition au prélèvement bancaire, ma banque en informera le créancier', - 'wd_sepa_text_5' => 'mon nom, mon prénom, mon adresse et ma date de naissance.', - 'wd_sepa_text_6' => 'J’ai lu et accepté les informations du mandat de prélèvement SEPA.', - 'wd_shipping-method' => 'Mode de livraison', - 'wd_shipping_title' => 'Livraison', - 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => 'Emails', - 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => 'Send notification emails when order pending', - 'wd_social-security-number' => 'Numéro de sécurité sociale', - 'wd_state_awaiting' => 'awaiting', - 'wd_state_closed' => 'closed', - 'wd_state_error' => 'error', - 'wd_state_success' => 'success', - 'wd_street1' => 'Rue', - 'wd_street2' => 'Rue 2', - 'wd_success_credentials' => 'Le test de la configuration du marchand a été effectué avec succès.', - 'wd_success_email' => 'E-mail envoyé avec succès.', - 'wd_support_description' => 'System information will be automatically added to your message and will be sent to', - 'wd_support_email_from' => 'From', - 'wd_support_email_modules' => 'Other modules', - 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'Module ID', - 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'Module Title', - 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'Module Version', - 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP Version', - 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => 'Reply to', - 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID eShop Edition', - 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID eShop Version', - 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID eShop support request', - 'wd_support_email_system' => 'Server Info', - 'wd_support_send_error' => 'Support e-mail could not be sent.', - 'wd_test_credentials' => 'Tester les informations d’identification', - 'wd_text_article_name' => 'Nom du produit', - 'wd_text_article_number' => 'Numéro d’article', - 'wd_text_backend_operations' => 'Traitements ultérieurs éventuels', - 'wd_text_delete' => 'Supprimer', - 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'Action could not be performed.', - 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'Action performed successfully.', - 'wd_text_list' => 'Transactions', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => 'Descriptif', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => 'Standard', - 'wd_text_message' => 'Message', - 'wd_text_no_data_available' => 'No data available.', - 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'No further operations possible.', - 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'There are no associated transactions for this order.', - 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Achat', - 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Autorisation', - 'wd_text_quantity' => 'Quantité', - 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', - 'wd_text_vault' => 'Paiement en un clic', - 'wd_three_d_link_text' => 'Non 3-D Secure and 3-D Secure Limits', - 'wd_timeStamp' => 'Date', - 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => 'Total amount not in allowed range.', - 'wd_transactionID' => 'Identifiant de la transaction', - 'wd_transactionState' => 'État de transaction', - 'wd_transactionType' => 'Type de transaction', - 'wd_transaction_details_title' => 'Détails de la transaction', - 'wd_transaction_response_details' => 'Response Details', - 'wd_transfer_notice' => 'Veuillez transférer le montant en utilisant les données suivantes :', - 'wd_unmatched' => 'unmatched', - 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => 'Votre adresse de livraison a changé depuis votre dernière commande. Pour des raisons de sécurité, vous devez saisir vos nouvelles données de carte de crédit.', - 'wd_vault_save_text' => 'Enregistrer pour une utilisation ultérieure.', - 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => 'Utiliser une nouvelle carte de crédit', - 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => 'Please, wait for additional email with the final status of your payment.', - 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => 'Attention: Veuillez vérifier vos données de configuration dans les champs de saisie de l\'URL. Vous avez peut-être combiné un compte réel avec un compte d\'essai.', - 'wd_yes' => 'Yes', -); + 'UTF-8', + 'wd_accept' => 'Accepter', + 'wd_account_holder_title' => 'Titulaire du compte', + 'wd_amount' => 'Montant', + 'wd_bic' => 'Code BIC', + 'wd_birthdate_input' => 'Date de naissance', + 'wd_cancel' => 'Annuler', + 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => 'Vous avez annulé le processus de paiement.', + 'wd_capture' => 'Capturer', + 'wd_city' => 'Ville', + 'wd_company_name_input' => 'Entreprise', + 'wd_config_additional_info' => 'Envoyer les renseignements complémentaires', + 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => 'Des renseignements complémentaires doivent être fournis dans le cadre de la prévention des fraudes. Ces renseignements complémentaires incluent l’adresse de facturation/livraison, le panier et le descripteur.', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => 'Devises autorisées', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => 'L’écran Mode de paiement Facture avec garantie de paiement n’est affiché que si la devise activée fait partie des devises sélectionnées ici.', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => 'Autoriser la modification de l’adresse de livraison', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => 'Si cette fonction est désactivée, le client doit saisir de nouveau les informations de sa carte si l’adresse de livraison a été modifiée.', + 'wd_config_base_url' => 'Adresse du serveur Wirecard', + 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'L’adresse du serveur Wirecard (par ex.', + 'wd_config_billing_countries' => 'Pays de facturation autorisés', + 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => 'L’écran Mode de paiement Facture avec garantie de paiement n’est affiché lors du processus de paiement que si le pays de facturation du client fait partie des pays sélectionnés ici. Appuyez sur Ctrl et cliquez pour sélectionner. Présélection par défaut : Autriche et Allemagne.', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => 'Adresse de facturation/livraison identique', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => 'Si ce champ est activé, l’écran Mode de paiement Facture avec garantie de paiement n’est affiché que si l’adresse de facturation est identique à l’adresse de livraison.', + 'wd_config_country_code' => 'Code pays', + 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. nécessite un code pays valide pour utiliser le bon logo (à savoir en_gb).', + 'wd_config_creditor_id' => 'Identifiant créancier', + 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'Avec le mode paiement par prélèvement SEPA, un identifiant créancier est obligatoire pour créer le mandat de prélèvement SEPA. Vous pouvez demander un identifiant créancier auprès de votre institution financière.', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => 'Supprimer la commande annulée', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => 'Supprimer automatiquement la commande après l’annulation du processus de paiement.', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => 'Supprimer la commande échouée', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => 'Supprimer automatiquement la commande après l’échec du processus de paiement.', + 'wd_config_descriptor' => 'Descripteur', + 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => 'Envoyer le texte qui est affiché sur le relevé bancaire délivré à votre client par l’institution financière.', + 'wd_config_email' => 'Votre adresse e-mail', + 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'Code BIC activé', + 'wd_config_http_password' => 'HTTP Password', + 'wd_config_http_user' => 'HTTP User', + 'wd_config_logo_variant' => 'Version du logo', + 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => 'Montrer soit la version du logo standard ou descriptive à vos clients.', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => 'MAID (Identifiant de compte marchand)', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Identifiant unique affecté à votre compte marchand.', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => 'Secret Key', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Secret Key est obligatoire pour générer la signature digitale des paiements.', + 'wd_config_message' => 'Votre message', + 'wd_config_payment_action' => 'Action de paiement', + 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => 'Sélectionnez « Acheter » pour enregistrer/facturer automatiquement votre commande ou « Autorisation » pour enregistrer/facturer manuellement.', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'URL de Payolution', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => 'Obligatoire si « Nécessiter une autorisation » est défini sur Oui.', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information' => 'PSD 2', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information_desc_oxid' => 'With regard to PSD 2 requirements, you should request
certain personal information from your consumers during
checkout to reduce the risk of transactions being rejected.', + 'wd_config_reply_to' => 'Répondre à (en option)', + 'wd_config_require_consent' => 'Nécessiter une autorisation', + 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => 'Le consommateur doit approuver les conditions avant de procéder au paiement.', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => 'Pays d’expédition autorisés', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => 'L’écran Mode de paiement Facture avec garantie de paiement n’est affiché que si le pays d’expédition du client fait partie des pays sélectionnés ici. Appuyez sur Ctrl et cliquez pour sélectionner. Présélection par défaut : Autriche et Allemagne.', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => 'Panier de commande', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => 'Pour la confirmation de la commande, le paiement supporte le panier de commande affiché lors du processus de paiement. Pour activer cette fonction, cochez le champ Panier de commande.', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => 'Valeur limite max. sans le protocole 3-D Secure', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'Ce montant force les transactions 3-D Secure. Tapez « zéro » pour désactiver le plafond max. sans 3-D Secure.', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => 'MAID 3-D Secure', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Identifiant unique affecté à votre compte marchand 3-D Secure. Peut être « null » pour forcer le processus SSL.', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => 'Secret Key 3-D Secure', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Secret Key est obligatoire pour générer la signature digitale du paiement 3-D Secure. Peut être « null » pour forcer le processus SSL.', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => 'Valeur limite min. avec protocole 3-D Secure', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'Ce montant force les transactions 3-D Secure. Tapez « zéro » pour désactiver le plafond min. avec 3-D Secure.', + 'wd_config_vault' => 'Paiement en un clic', + 'wd_config_vault_desc' => 'Les données de la carte sont enregistrées pour une utilisation ultérieure.', + 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Adresse (URL WPP v2)', + 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Adresse (URL WPP v2) (ex.', + 'wd_copy_xml_text' => 'Copier XML', + 'wd_country' => 'Pays', + 'wd_credit' => 'Remboursement', + 'wd_creditor' => 'Créancier', + 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => 'Identifiant du mandat', + 'wd_currency_config' => 'Chaque devise doit être configurée.', + 'wd_customerId' => 'Identifiant client', + 'wd_date-of-birth' => 'Date de naissance', + 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', + 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', + 'wd_debtor' => 'Débiteur', + 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => 'Titulaire du compte', + 'wd_default_currency' => 'Devise par défaut', + 'wd_descriptor' => 'Descripteur', + 'wd_email' => 'E-mail', + 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => 'Veuillez saisir un code pays valide.', + 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => 'Veuillez saisir une adresse e-mail valide.', + 'wd_error_credentials' => 'Le test a échoué, vérifiez vos informations d’identification.', + 'wd_error_save_failed' => 'Configuration non valide. Enregistrement impossible.', + 'wd_first-name' => 'Prénom', + 'wd_gender' => 'Sexe', + 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Alipay Cross-border', + 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Carte', + 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'eps-Überweisung', + 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'giropay', + 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'iDEAL', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Facture avec garantie de paiement (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Facture (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Facture avec garantie de paiement (Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Facture (Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'PayPal', + 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Paiement à l’avance', + 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Paiement sur facture', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Facture avec garantie de paiement par Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Facture par Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'Virement SEPA', + 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'Prélèvement SEPA', + 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Sofort.', + 'wd_heading_title_support' => 'Support Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Transactions Wirecard', + 'wd_house-extension' => 'Extension maison', + 'wd_iban' => 'Code IBAN', + 'wd_ideal_legend' => 'Sélectionner votre banque', + 'wd_ip' => 'Adresse IP', + 'wd_last-name' => 'Nom de famille', + 'wd_maid' => 'MAID (Identifiant de compte marchand)', + 'wd_manipulated' => 'manipulé', + 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => 'Identifiant CRM du marchand', + 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'Le message ne doit pas être vide.', + 'wd_more_info' => 'Plus d\'informations', + 'wd_no' => 'Non', + 'wd_orderNumber' => 'Numéro de commande', + 'wd_order_error' => 'Une erreur est survenue durant le processus de paiement. Veuillez réessayer.', + 'wd_order_error_info' => 'Une erreur est survenue durant le processus de paiement. La commande a été annulée.', + 'wd_order_status' => 'Statut de la commande', + 'wd_order_status_authorized' => 'Autorisé', + 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'Annulé', + 'wd_order_status_failed' => 'Échec', + 'wd_order_status_pending' => 'En attente', + 'wd_order_status_purchased' => 'Payé', + 'wd_order_status_refunded' => 'Remboursé', + 'wd_panel_action' => 'Action', + 'wd_panel_amount' => 'Montant', + 'wd_panel_currency' => 'Devise', + 'wd_panel_details' => 'Détails', + 'wd_panel_order_id' => 'Référence de la commande', + 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Numéro de commande', + 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => 'Identifiant de la transaction parent', + 'wd_panel_payment_method' => 'Mode de paiement', + 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => 'Identifiant de la transaction fournisseur', + 'wd_panel_transaction' => 'Transaction', + 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => 'Copier XML', + 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => 'Date', + 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => 'État de transaction', + 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => 'Identifiant de la transaction', + 'wd_paymentMethod' => 'Mode de paiement', + 'wd_payment_awaiting' => 'En attente du paiement à partir de Wirecard.', + 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => 'Le paiement a été annulé.', + 'wd_payment_cost' => 'Frais de paiement', + 'wd_payment_failed_text' => 'Échec du paiement.', + 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Paramètres du mode de paiement', + 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => 'Le paiement a été remboursé.', + 'wd_payment_success_text' => 'Paiement réussi.', + 'wd_payolution_terms' => 'J’accepte que les données qui sont nécessaires pour la liquidation du paiement sur facture et qui sont utilisées pour compléter l’identité et le contrôle de crédit soient transmises à Payolution. Mon consentement peut être révoqué à tout moment avec effet pour l’avenir.', + 'wd_phone' => 'Téléphone', + 'wd_pia_ptrid' => 'Référence', + 'wd_postal-code' => 'Code postal', + 'wd_ptrid' => 'Identifiant de référence du fournisseur de transactions', + 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => 'Âge minimum requis pour le mode de paiement Facture avec garantie de paiement : 18.', + 'wd_redirect_text' => 'Vous êtes redirigé. Veuillez patienter.', + 'wd_refund' => 'Remboursement', + 'wd_requestedAmount' => 'Montant', + 'wd_requestId' => 'Identifiant de la demande', + 'wd_save_to_user_account' => 'Enregistrez les données sur votre compte utilisateur.', + 'wd_secured' => 'sécurisé', + 'wd_send_email' => 'Soumettre', + 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'Mandat SEPA', + 'wd_sepa_text_1' => 'J’autorise le créancier', + 'wd_sepa_text_2' => 'à envoyer des ordres à ma banque pour initier un et un seul débit de mon compte. En même temps, j’instruis ma banque de débiter mon compte conformément aux instructions du créancier.', + 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '.', + 'wd_sepa_text_3' => 'Remarque : Dans le cadre de mes droits, j’ai droit à un remboursement selon les conditions générales du contrat avec ma banque. Toute demande de remboursement doit être présentée dans les 8 semaines suivant la date de débit de votre compte.', + 'wd_sepa_text_4' => 'J’accepte irrévocablement que si le prélèvement n’est pas honoré ou s’il y a une opposition au prélèvement bancaire, ma banque en informera le créancier', + 'wd_sepa_text_5' => 'mon nom, mon prénom, mon adresse et ma date de naissance.', + 'wd_sepa_text_6' => 'J’ai lu et accepté les informations du mandat de prélèvement SEPA.', + 'wd_shipping-method' => 'Mode de livraison', + 'wd_shipping_title' => 'Livraison', + 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => 'E-mails', + 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => 'Envoyer une notification par e-mail pour les commandes en attente.', + 'wd_social-security-number' => 'Numéro de sécurité sociale', + 'wd_state_awaiting' => 'en attente', + 'wd_state_closed' => 'fermé', + 'wd_state_error' => 'erreur', + 'wd_state_success' => 'validé', + 'wd_street1' => 'Rue', + 'wd_street2' => 'Rue 2', + 'wd_success_credentials' => 'Le test de la configuration du marchand a été effectué avec succès.', + 'wd_success_email' => 'E-mail envoyé avec succès.', + 'wd_support_description' => 'Les données système seront automatiquement ajoutées à votre message et seront envoyées à', + 'wd_support_email_from' => 'De', + 'wd_support_email_modules' => 'Autres modules', + 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'ID de module', + 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'Titre du module', + 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'Version de module', + 'wd_support_email_php' => 'Version PHP', + 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => 'Répondre à', + 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'Édition d’OXID eShop', + 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'Version d’OXID eShop', + 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'Demande d’assistance d’OXID eShop', + 'wd_support_email_system' => 'Infos sur le serveur', + 'wd_support_send_error' => 'Impossible d’envoyer l’e-mail d’assistance.', + 'wd_test_credentials' => 'Tester les informations d’identification', + 'wd_text_article_name' => 'Nom du produit', + 'wd_text_article_number' => 'Numéro d’article', + 'wd_text_backend_operations' => 'Traitements ultérieurs éventuels', + 'wd_text_delete' => 'Supprimer', + 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'L’action n’a pas pu être exécutée.', + 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'L’action a été exécutée avec succès.', + 'wd_text_list' => 'Transactions', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => 'Descriptif', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => 'Standard', + 'wd_text_message' => 'Message', + 'wd_text_no_data_available' => 'Aucune donnée disponible.', + 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'Aucune autre opération possible.', + 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'Il n’y a pas de transactions associées pour cette commande.', + 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Achat', + 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Autorisation', + 'wd_text_quantity' => 'Quantité', + 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', + 'wd_text_vault' => 'Paiement en un clic', + 'wd_three_d_link_text' => 'Plafonds avec et sans 3D Secure', + 'wd_timeStamp' => 'Date', + 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => 'Montant total hors plage autorisée.', + 'wd_transactionID' => 'Identifiant de la transaction', + 'wd_transactionState' => 'État de transaction', + 'wd_transactionType' => 'Type de transaction', + 'wd_transaction_details_title' => 'Détails de la transaction', + 'wd_transaction_response_details' => 'Détails de la réponse', + 'wd_transfer_notice' => 'Veuillez transférer le montant en utilisant les données suivantes :', + 'wd_unmatched' => 'non associé', + 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => 'Votre adresse de livraison a changé depuis votre dernière commande. Pour des raisons de sécurité, vous devez saisir vos nouvelles données de carte.', + 'wd_vault_save_text' => 'Enregistrer pour une utilisation ultérieure.', + 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => 'Utiliser une nouvelle carte', + 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => 'Veuillez attendre de recevoir un e-mail séparé avec le statut final de votre paiement.', + 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => 'Attention: Veuillez vérifier vos données de configuration dans les champs de saisie de l\'URL. Vous avez peut-être combiné un compte réel avec un compte d\'essai.', + 'wd_yes' => 'Oui', +); diff --git a/views/admin/id/module_id_lang.php b/views/admin/id/module_id_lang.php index 6dc965fad..ed4ab3bd9 100644 --- a/views/admin/id/module_id_lang.php +++ b/views/admin/id/module_id_lang.php @@ -1,246 +1,248 @@ - 'UTF-8', - 'wd_accept' => 'Accept', - 'wd_account_holder_title' => 'Pemilik Akun', - 'wd_amount' => 'Amount', - 'wd_bic' => 'BIC:', - 'wd_birthdate_input' => 'Tanggal lahir', - 'wd_cancel' => 'Cancel', - 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => 'Anda telah membatalkan proses pembayaran.', - 'wd_capture' => 'Capture', - 'wd_city' => 'Kota', - 'wd_company_name_input' => 'Company', - 'wd_config_additional_info' => 'Kirim informasi tambahan', - 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => 'Data tambahan akan dikirimkan untuk perlindungan atas penipuan. Data tambahan ini mencakup alamat pengiriman tagihan/barang, keranjang belanja, dan pendeskripsi.', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => 'Mata uang yang diizinkan', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => 'Metode pembayaran Faktur Bergaransi hanya akan ditampilkan jika mata uang yang aktif termasuk salah satu mata uang negara terpilih.', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => 'Izinkan Perubahan Alamat Pengiriman', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => 'Jika dinonaktifkan, pelanggan harus memasukkan detail kartu kredit jika alamat pengiriman telah diubah di antara dua pesanan.', - 'wd_config_base_url' => 'URL Dasar', - 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'URL dasar Wirecard. (misal,', - 'wd_config_billing_countries' => 'Negara tujuan yang diizinkan untuk pengiriman tagihan', - 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => 'Metode pembayaran Faktur Bergaransi hanya akan ditampilkan jika negara tujuan pengiriman barang pembeli termasuk salah satu negara terpilih.\nNegara-negara yang diizinkan berikut ini telah ditentukan sebelumnya: AT, DE.', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => 'Alamat pengiriman tagihan/barang harus sama', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => 'Jika diaktifkan, metode pembayaran Faktur Bergaransi hanya akan ditampilkan jika alamat pengiriman Tagihan/Barang sama', - 'wd_config_country_code' => 'Country Code', - 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. requires a valid country code to use the correct logo (i.e. en_gb).', - 'wd_config_creditor_id' => 'Identitas Kreditur', - 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'SEPA membutuhkan Identitas Kreditur untuk membuat Mandat Debit Langsung SEPA. Untuk mendapatkan Identitas Kreditur, ajukan di lembaga bank yang bertanggung jawab.', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => 'Hapus Pesanan yang Dibatalkan', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => 'Menghapus pesanan secara otomatis setelah proses pembayaran yang dibatalkan.', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => 'Hapus Pesanan yang gagal', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => 'Menghapus pesanan secara otomatis setelah proses pembayaran gagal.', - 'wd_config_descriptor' => 'Pendeskripsi', - 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => 'Kirim teks yang akan ditampilkan pada laporan bank yang diterbitkan untuk pembeli Anda oleh penyedia jasa keuangan', - 'wd_config_email' => 'Alamat e-mail Anda', - 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'BIC diaktifkan', - 'wd_config_http_password' => 'Kata Sandi HTTP', - 'wd_config_http_user' => 'Pengguna HTTP', - 'wd_config_logo_variant' => 'Versi Logo', - 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => 'Tunjukkan versi logo standar atau deskriptif kepada pelanggan Anda.', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => 'Identitas Rekening Penjual', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Tanda pengenal unik yang diberikan untuk rekening penjual.', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => 'Kunci Rahasia', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Kunci rahasia wajib digunakan untuk mengkalkulasi Tanda Tangan Digital dalam pembayaran.', - 'wd_config_message' => 'Pesan Anda', - 'wd_config_payment_action' => 'Tindakan Pembayaran', - 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => 'Pilih \"Catat transaksi\" untuk mencatat transaksi/menerbitkan faktur atas pesanan Anda secara otomatis atau \"Otorisasi\" untuk mencata transaksi/menerbitkan faktur secara manual.', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution URL', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => 'Mandatory if require consent is set to yes', - 'wd_config_reply_to' => 'Reply to (optionally)', - 'wd_config_require_consent' => 'Require consent', - 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => 'Consumer must agree with the terms before proceeding with the checkout process.', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => 'Negara tujuan yang diizinkan untuk pengiriman barang', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => 'Metode pembayaran Faktur Bergaransi hanya akan ditampilkan bila negara tujuan pengiriman tagihan pembeli termasuk salah satu negara terpilih.\nBerdasarkan kontrak Wirecard Anda, negara-negara yang diizinkan berikut ini telah ditentukan sebelumnya: AT, DE.', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => 'Keranjang Belanja', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => 'Untuk tujuan konfirmasi, metode pembayaran ini mendukung tampilan keranjang belanja saat checkout. Untuk mengaktifkan fitur ini, aktifkan Keranjang Belanja.', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => 'Batas Maksimum untuk Non 3-D Secure', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the Non 3-D Secure Max. Limit.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => 'ID 3-D Secure Rekening Penjual', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Tanda pengenal unik yang diberikan untuk Rekening 3D Secure Penjual Anda.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => 'Kunci Rahasia 3-D Secure', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Kunci rahasia wajib digunakan untuk mengkalkulasi Tanda Tangan Digital dalam pembayaran 3D.', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => 'Batas Minimum untuk 3-D Secure', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the 3-D Secure Min. Limit.', - 'wd_config_vault' => 'Checkout Satu Klik', - 'wd_config_vault_desc' => 'Kartu Kredit dapat disimpan untuk digunakan kembali di kemudian hari tanpa memasukkan perincian kartu kredit', - 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2)', - 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2) (e.g.', - 'wd_copy_xml_text' => 'Salin XML', - 'wd_country' => 'Negara', - 'wd_credit' => 'Pengembalian Dana', - 'wd_creditor' => 'Kreditor', - 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => 'Identitas Mandat', - 'wd_currency_config' => 'Each currency has to be configured.', - 'wd_customerId' => 'ID Pelanggan', - 'wd_date-of-birth' => 'Pengiriman', - 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', - 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', - 'wd_debtor' => 'Debitur', - 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => 'Pemilik akun:', - 'wd_default_currency' => 'Mata Uang Default', - 'wd_descriptor' => 'Pendeskripsi', - 'wd_email' => 'Email', - 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => 'Please enter a valid country code.', - 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => 'Please enter a valid e-mail address', - 'wd_error_credentials' => 'Tes gagal, harap cek kredensial Anda.', - 'wd_error_save_failed' => 'Configuration not valid. Save aborted.', - 'wd_first-name' => 'Nama depan', - 'wd_gender' => 'Jenis kelamin', - 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Alipay Cross-border Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Kartu Kredit Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard eps-Überweisung', - 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'giropay Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'iDEAL Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', - 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Pembayaran Di Muka untuk Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Pembayaran Berdasarkan Faktur untuk Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Faktur Bergaransi Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice by Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'SEPA Credit Transfer Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'SEPA Direct Debit Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Sofort. Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_support' => 'Dukungan', - 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Wirecard Transactions', - 'wd_house-extension' => 'Nomor Ekstensi Rumah', - 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN:', - 'wd_ideal_legend' => 'Pilih bank Anda', - 'wd_ip' => 'Alamat IP', - 'wd_last-name' => 'Nama belakang', - 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', - 'wd_manipulated' => 'manipulated', - 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => 'Identitas CRM Penjual', - 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'Message cannot be empty.', - 'wd_more_info' => 'More info', - 'wd_no' => 'No', - 'wd_orderNumber' => 'Nomor Pesanan', - 'wd_order_error' => 'Kesalahan terjadi saat proses pembayaran. Harap coba lagi.', - 'wd_order_error_info' => 'An error occurred in the payment process. The order has been canceled.', - 'wd_order_status' => 'Order status', - 'wd_order_status_authorized' => 'Sah', - 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'Cancelled', - 'wd_order_status_failed' => 'Failed', - 'wd_order_status_pending' => 'Pending', - 'wd_order_status_purchased' => 'Paid', - 'wd_order_status_refunded' => 'Refunded', - 'wd_panel_action' => 'Tindakan', - 'wd_panel_amount' => 'Jumlah', - 'wd_panel_currency' => 'Mata uang', - 'wd_panel_details' => 'Detail', - 'wd_panel_order_id' => 'Order Reference', - 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Order Number', - 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => 'ID transaksi-induk', - 'wd_panel_payment_method' => 'Metode pembayaran', - 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => 'Provider Transaction ID', - 'wd_panel_transaction' => 'Transaksi', - 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => 'Salin XML', - 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => 'Tanggal', - 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => 'Status transaksi', - 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => 'ID Transaksi', - 'wd_paymentMethod' => 'Metode Pembayaran', - 'wd_payment_awaiting' => 'Menunggu pembayaran dari Wirecard', - 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => 'Payment was cancelled.', - 'wd_payment_cost' => 'Payment cost', - 'wd_payment_failed_text' => 'Payment process failed.', - 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Payment method settings', - 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => 'Payment was refunded.', - 'wd_payment_success_text' => 'Payment process successful.', - 'wd_payolution_terms' => 'I agree that the data which are necessary for the liquidation of purchase on account and which are used to complete the identity and credit check are transmitted to Payolution. My consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.', - 'wd_phone' => 'Telepon', - 'wd_pia_ptrid' => 'Reference', - 'wd_postal-code' => 'Kode Pos', - 'wd_ptrid' => 'Identitas referensi transaksi provider', - 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => 'Anda harus berusia 18 tahun ke atas untuk memesan.', - 'wd_redirect_text' => 'Koneksi Anda sedang dialihkan, harap menunggu', - 'wd_refund' => 'Pengembalian Dana', - 'wd_requestedAmount' => 'Jumlah', - 'wd_requestId' => 'ID Permintaan', - 'wd_save_to_user_account' => 'Save data to your user account', - 'wd_secured' => 'secured', - 'wd_send_email' => 'Kirim', - 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'Mandat SEPA', - 'wd_sepa_text_1' => 'Saya mengizinkan kreditor', - 'wd_sepa_text_2' => 'untuk mengirimkan instruksi ke bank saya untuk mengumpulkan satu debit langsung dari akun saya. Pada waktu yang sama saya menginstruksikan bank untuk mendebit akun saya sesuai dengan instruksi dari kreditor', - 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '.', - 'wd_sepa_text_3' => 'Catatan: Sebagai bagian dari hak saya, saya berhak atas pengembalian dana sesuai dengan syarat dan ketentuan perjanjian saya dengan bank. Pengembalian dana harus diklaim dalam waktu 8 minggu dimulai dari tanggal akun saya didebit.', - 'wd_sepa_text_4' => 'Saya menyatakan persetujuan yang tidak dapat dibatalkan bahwa jika debit langsung tidak ditanggapi, atau terdapat keberatan atas debit langsung tersebut, bank saya akan mengungkapkan kepada kreditor', - 'wd_sepa_text_5' => 'nama lengkap, alamat, dan tanggal lahir saya.', - 'wd_sepa_text_6' => 'Saya telah membaca dan menyetujui informasi mengenai Mandat Debit Langsung SEPA.', - 'wd_shipping-method' => 'Metode Pengiriman', - 'wd_shipping_title' => 'Pengiriman', - 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => 'Emails', - 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => 'Send notification emails when order pending', - 'wd_social-security-number' => 'Nomor Jaminan Sosial', - 'wd_state_awaiting' => 'awaiting', - 'wd_state_closed' => 'closed', - 'wd_state_error' => 'error', - 'wd_state_success' => 'success', - 'wd_street1' => 'Jalan', - 'wd_street2' => 'Jalan 2', - 'wd_success_credentials' => 'Pengujian konfigurasi penjual berhasil.', - 'wd_success_email' => 'E-Mail berhasil dikirim', - 'wd_support_description' => 'System information will be automatically added to your message and will be sent to', - 'wd_support_email_from' => 'From', - 'wd_support_email_modules' => 'Other modules', - 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'Module ID', - 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'Module Title', - 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'Module Version', - 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP Version', - 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => 'Reply to', - 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID eShop Edition', - 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID eShop Version', - 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID eShop support request', - 'wd_support_email_system' => 'Server Info', - 'wd_support_send_error' => 'Support e-mail could not be sent.', - 'wd_test_credentials' => 'Tes', - 'wd_text_article_name' => 'Nama Produk', - 'wd_text_article_number' => 'Nomor Artikel', - 'wd_text_backend_operations' => 'Kemungkinan Operasi Pascapemrosesan', - 'wd_text_delete' => 'Hapus', - 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'Action could not be performed.', - 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'Action performed successfully.', - 'wd_text_list' => 'Transaksi', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => 'Deskriptif', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => 'Standar', - 'wd_text_message' => 'Pesan', - 'wd_text_no_data_available' => 'No data available.', - 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'No further operations possible.', - 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'There are no associated transactions for this order.', - 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Purchase', - 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Authorization', - 'wd_text_quantity' => 'Kuantitas', - 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', - 'wd_text_vault' => 'Checkout Satu Klik', - 'wd_three_d_link_text' => 'Non 3-D Secure and 3-D Secure Limits', - 'wd_timeStamp' => 'Tanggal', - 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => 'Total amount not in allowed range.', - 'wd_transactionID' => 'ID Transaksi', - 'wd_transactionState' => 'Status Transaksi', - 'wd_transactionType' => 'Jenis Transaksi', - 'wd_transaction_details_title' => 'Detail Transaksi', - 'wd_transaction_response_details' => 'Response Details', - 'wd_transfer_notice' => 'Harap transfer jumlah tersebut menggunakan data berikut ini:', - 'wd_unmatched' => 'unmatched', - 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => 'Alamat pengiriman Anda telah berubah sejak pesanan terakhir. Untuk tujuan keamanan, kami mewajibkan Anda memasukkan detail kartu kredit baru.', - 'wd_vault_save_text' => 'Simpan untuk digunakan di kemudian hari.', - 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => 'Gunakan Kartu Kredit baru', - 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => 'Please, wait for additional email with the final status of your payment.', - 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => 'Attention: Please check your credentials within the URL setting fields. You might have configured/combined a productive account with a test account.', - 'wd_yes' => 'Yes', -); + 'UTF-8', + 'wd_accept' => 'Terima', + 'wd_account_holder_title' => 'Pemilik Akun', + 'wd_amount' => 'Amount', + 'wd_bic' => 'BIC:', + 'wd_birthdate_input' => 'Tanggal lahir', + 'wd_cancel' => 'Cancel', + 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => 'Anda telah membatalkan proses pembayaran.', + 'wd_capture' => 'Ambil', + 'wd_city' => 'Kota', + 'wd_company_name_input' => 'Perusahaan', + 'wd_config_additional_info' => 'Kirim informasi tambahan', + 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => 'Data tambahan akan dikirimkan untuk perlindungan atas penipuan. Data tambahan ini mencakup alamat pengiriman tagihan/barang, keranjang belanja, dan pendeskripsi.', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => 'Mata uang yang diizinkan', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => 'Metode pembayaran Faktur Bergaransi hanya akan ditampilkan jika mata uang yang aktif termasuk salah satu mata uang negara terpilih.', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => 'Izinkan Perubahan Alamat Pengiriman', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => 'Jika dinonaktifkan, pelanggan harus memasukkan detail kartu kredit jika alamat pengiriman telah diubah di antara dua pesanan.', + 'wd_config_base_url' => 'URL Dasar', + 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'URL dasar Wirecard. (misal,', + 'wd_config_billing_countries' => 'Negara tujuan yang diizinkan untuk pengiriman tagihan', + 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => 'Metode pembayaran Faktur Bergaransi hanya akan ditampilkan jika negara tujuan pengiriman barang pembeli termasuk salah satu negara terpilih.\nNegara-negara yang diizinkan berikut ini telah ditentukan sebelumnya: AT, DE.', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => 'Alamat pengiriman tagihan/barang harus sama', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => 'Jika diaktifkan, metode pembayaran Faktur Bergaransi hanya akan ditampilkan jika alamat pengiriman Tagihan/Barang sama', + 'wd_config_country_code' => 'Kode Negara', + 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. membutuhkan kode negara yang valid untuk menggunakan logo yang sesuai (contohnya en_gb).', + 'wd_config_creditor_id' => 'Identitas Kreditur', + 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'SEPA membutuhkan Identitas Kreditur untuk membuat Mandat Debit Langsung SEPA. Untuk mendapatkan Identitas Kreditur, ajukan di lembaga bank yang bertanggung jawab.', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => 'Hapus Pesanan yang Dibatalkan', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => 'Menghapus pesanan secara otomatis setelah proses pembayaran yang dibatalkan.', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => 'Hapus Pesanan yang gagal', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => 'Menghapus pesanan secara otomatis setelah proses pembayaran gagal.', + 'wd_config_descriptor' => 'Pendeskripsi', + 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => 'Kirim teks yang akan ditampilkan pada laporan bank yang diterbitkan untuk pembeli Anda oleh penyedia jasa keuangan', + 'wd_config_email' => 'Alamat e-mail Anda', + 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'BIC diaktifkan', + 'wd_config_http_password' => 'Kata Sandi HTTP', + 'wd_config_http_user' => 'Pengguna HTTP', + 'wd_config_logo_variant' => 'Versi Logo', + 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => 'Tunjukkan versi logo standar atau deskriptif kepada pelanggan Anda.', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => 'Identitas Rekening Penjual', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Tanda pengenal unik yang diberikan untuk rekening penjual.', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => 'Kunci Rahasia', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Kunci rahasia wajib digunakan untuk mengkalkulasi Tanda Tangan Digital dalam pembayaran.', + 'wd_config_message' => 'Pesan Anda', + 'wd_config_payment_action' => 'Tindakan Pembayaran', + 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => 'Pilih \"Catat transaksi\" untuk mencatat transaksi/menerbitkan faktur atas pesanan Anda secara otomatis atau \"Otorisasi\" untuk mencata transaksi/menerbitkan faktur secara manual.', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'URL Payolution', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => 'Wajib jika opsi "Membutuhkan Persetujuan" diisi Ya.', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information' => 'PSD 2', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information_desc_oxid' => 'With regard to PSD 2 requirements, you should request
certain personal information from your consumers during
checkout to reduce the risk of transactions being rejected.', + 'wd_config_reply_to' => 'Balas ke (opsional)', + 'wd_config_require_consent' => 'Membutuhkan Persetujuan', + 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => 'Konsumen wajib menyetujui persyaratan sebelum bisa melanjutkan proses checkout.', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => 'Negara tujuan yang diizinkan untuk pengiriman barang', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => 'Metode pembayaran Faktur Bergaransi hanya akan ditampilkan bila negara tujuan pengiriman tagihan pembeli termasuk salah satu negara terpilih.\nBerdasarkan kontrak Wirecard Anda, negara-negara yang diizinkan berikut ini telah ditentukan sebelumnya: AT, DE.', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => 'Keranjang Belanja', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => 'Untuk tujuan konfirmasi, metode pembayaran ini mendukung tampilan keranjang belanja saat checkout. Untuk mengaktifkan fitur ini, aktifkan Keranjang Belanja.', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => 'Batas Maksimum untuk Non 3-D Secure', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'Jumlah ini mengharuskan transaksi dengan 3-D Secure. Masukkan "null" untuk menonaktifkan Batas Maksimal Mata Uang untuk Non 3-D Secure.', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => 'ID 3-D Secure Rekening Penjual', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => 'Tanda pengenal unik yang diberikan untuk Rekening 3D Secure Penjual Anda.', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => 'Kunci Rahasia 3-D Secure', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => 'Kunci rahasia wajib digunakan untuk mengkalkulasi Tanda Tangan Digital dalam pembayaran 3D.', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => 'Batas Minimum untuk 3-D Secure', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'Jumlah ini mengharuskan transaksi dengan 3-D Secure. Masukkan "null" untuk menonaktifkan Batas Minimal untuk 3-D Secure.', + 'wd_config_vault' => 'Checkout Satu Klik', + 'wd_config_vault_desc' => 'Kartu Kredit dapat disimpan untuk digunakan kembali di kemudian hari tanpa memasukkan perincian kartu kredit', + 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Alamat Wirecard Payment Page v2 (URL WPP v2)', + 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Alamat Wirecard Payment Page v2 (URL WPP v2) (misalnya', + 'wd_copy_xml_text' => 'Salin XML', + 'wd_country' => 'Negara', + 'wd_credit' => 'Pengembalian Dana', + 'wd_creditor' => 'Kreditor', + 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => 'Identitas Mandat', + 'wd_currency_config' => 'Setiap mata uang harus dikonfigurasi.', + 'wd_customerId' => 'ID Pelanggan', + 'wd_date-of-birth' => 'Pengiriman', + 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', + 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', + 'wd_debtor' => 'Debitur', + 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => 'Pemilik akun:', + 'wd_default_currency' => 'Mata Uang Default', + 'wd_descriptor' => 'Pendeskripsi', + 'wd_email' => 'Email', + 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => 'Masukkan kode negara yang valid.', + 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => 'Please enter a valid e-mail address', + 'wd_error_credentials' => 'Tes gagal, harap cek kredensial Anda.', + 'wd_error_save_failed' => 'Konfigurasi tidak valid. Penyimpanan tidak bisa dilakukan.', + 'wd_first-name' => 'Nama depan', + 'wd_gender' => 'Jenis kelamin', + 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Alipay Cross-border Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Kartu Kredit Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard eps-Überweisung', + 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'giropay Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'iDEAL Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Faktur Bergaransi Wirecard (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Faktur Wirecard (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Faktur Bergaransi Wirecard (Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Faktur Wirecard (Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', + 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Pembayaran Di Muka untuk Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Pembayaran Berdasarkan Faktur untuk Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Faktur Bergaransi Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Faktur Wirecard oleh Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'SEPA Credit Transfer Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'SEPA Direct Debit Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Sofort. Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_support' => 'Dukungan', + 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Wirecard Transactions', + 'wd_house-extension' => 'Nomor Ekstensi Rumah', + 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN:', + 'wd_ideal_legend' => 'Pilih bank Anda', + 'wd_ip' => 'Alamat IP', + 'wd_last-name' => 'Nama belakang', + 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', + 'wd_manipulated' => 'dimanipulasi', + 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => 'Identitas CRM Penjual', + 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'Kolom pesan tidak boleh kosong.', + 'wd_more_info' => 'Informasi Lainnya', + 'wd_no' => 'Tidak', + 'wd_orderNumber' => 'Nomor Pesanan', + 'wd_order_error' => 'Kesalahan terjadi saat proses pembayaran. Harap coba lagi.', + 'wd_order_error_info' => 'Kesalahan terjadi dalam proses pembayaran. Perintah telah dibatalkan.', + 'wd_order_status' => 'Status perintah', + 'wd_order_status_authorized' => 'Sah', + 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'Dibatalkan', + 'wd_order_status_failed' => 'Gagal', + 'wd_order_status_pending' => 'Tunda', + 'wd_order_status_purchased' => 'Dibayar', + 'wd_order_status_refunded' => 'Dikembalikan', + 'wd_panel_action' => 'Tindakan', + 'wd_panel_amount' => 'Jumlah', + 'wd_panel_currency' => 'Mata uang', + 'wd_panel_details' => 'Detail', + 'wd_panel_order_id' => 'Referensi Pemesanan', + 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Order Number', + 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => 'ID transaksi-induk', + 'wd_panel_payment_method' => 'Metode pembayaran', + 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => 'Identitas Transaksi Penyedia', + 'wd_panel_transaction' => 'Transaksi', + 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => 'Salin XML', + 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => 'Tanggal', + 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => 'Status transaksi', + 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => 'ID Transaksi', + 'wd_paymentMethod' => 'Metode Pembayaran', + 'wd_payment_awaiting' => 'Menunggu pembayaran dari Wirecard', + 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => 'Pembayaran dibatalkan.', + 'wd_payment_cost' => 'Biaya Pembayaran', + 'wd_payment_failed_text' => 'Proses pembayaran gagal dilakukan.', + 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Payment method settings', + 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => 'Pembayaran dikembalikan.', + 'wd_payment_success_text' => 'Proses pembayaran berhasil dilakukan.', + 'wd_payolution_terms' => 'Saya setuju bahwa data yang diperlukan untuk proses likuidasi pembelian pada akun dan data yang digunakan untuk melengkapi identitas serta pemeriksaan kredit akan dikirimkan ke Payolution. Persetujuan saya bisa dicabut kapan saja dengan efek segera di masa depan.', + 'wd_phone' => 'Telepon', + 'wd_pia_ptrid' => 'Referensi', + 'wd_postal-code' => 'Kode Pos', + 'wd_ptrid' => 'Identitas referensi transaksi provider', + 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => 'Anda harus berusia 18 tahun ke atas untuk memesan.', + 'wd_redirect_text' => 'Koneksi Anda sedang dialihkan, harap menunggu', + 'wd_refund' => 'Pengembalian Dana', + 'wd_requestedAmount' => 'Jumlah', + 'wd_requestId' => 'ID Permintaan', + 'wd_save_to_user_account' => 'Simpan data ke akun pengguna Anda.', + 'wd_secured' => 'diamankan', + 'wd_send_email' => 'Kirim', + 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'Mandat SEPA', + 'wd_sepa_text_1' => 'Saya mengizinkan kreditor', + 'wd_sepa_text_2' => 'untuk mengirimkan instruksi ke bank saya untuk mengumpulkan satu debit langsung dari akun saya. Pada waktu yang sama saya menginstruksikan bank untuk mendebit akun saya sesuai dengan instruksi dari kreditor', + 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '.', + 'wd_sepa_text_3' => 'Catatan: Sebagai bagian dari hak saya, saya berhak atas pengembalian dana sesuai dengan syarat dan ketentuan perjanjian saya dengan bank. Pengembalian dana harus diklaim dalam waktu 8 minggu dimulai dari tanggal akun saya didebit.', + 'wd_sepa_text_4' => 'Saya menyatakan persetujuan yang tidak dapat dibatalkan bahwa jika debit langsung tidak ditanggapi, atau terdapat keberatan atas debit langsung tersebut, bank saya akan mengungkapkan kepada kreditor', + 'wd_sepa_text_5' => 'nama lengkap, alamat, dan tanggal lahir saya.', + 'wd_sepa_text_6' => 'Saya telah membaca dan menyetujui informasi mengenai Mandat Debit Langsung SEPA.', + 'wd_shipping-method' => 'Metode Pengiriman', + 'wd_shipping_title' => 'Pengiriman', + 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => 'Email', + 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => 'Kirim email pemberitahuan untuk pesanan yang tertunda.', + 'wd_social-security-number' => 'Nomor Jaminan Sosial', + 'wd_state_awaiting' => 'menunggu', + 'wd_state_closed' => 'ditutup', + 'wd_state_error' => 'kesalahan', + 'wd_state_success' => 'berhasil', + 'wd_street1' => 'Jalan', + 'wd_street2' => 'Jalan 2', + 'wd_success_credentials' => 'Pengujian konfigurasi penjual berhasil.', + 'wd_success_email' => 'E-Mail berhasil dikirim', + 'wd_support_description' => 'Informasi sistem akan ditambahkan ke pesan Anda secara otomatis dan akan dikirimkan ke', + 'wd_support_email_from' => 'Dari', + 'wd_support_email_modules' => 'Modul Lainnya', + 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'ID Modul', + 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'Judul Modul', + 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'Versi Modul', + 'wd_support_email_php' => 'Versi PHP', + 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => 'Balas ke', + 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'Edisi OXID eShop', + 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'Versi OXID eShop', + 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'Permintaan Dukungan OXID eShop', + 'wd_support_email_system' => 'Informasi Server', + 'wd_support_send_error' => 'Email dukungan tidak bisa dikirimkan.', + 'wd_test_credentials' => 'Tes', + 'wd_text_article_name' => 'Nama Produk', + 'wd_text_article_number' => 'Nomor Artikel', + 'wd_text_backend_operations' => 'Kemungkinan Operasi Pascapemrosesan', + 'wd_text_delete' => 'Hapus', + 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'Tindakan tidak bisa dilakukan.', + 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'Tindakan berhasil dilakukan.', + 'wd_text_list' => 'Transaksi', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => 'Deskriptif', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => 'Standar', + 'wd_text_message' => 'Pesan', + 'wd_text_no_data_available' => 'Data tidak tersedia.', + 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'Tidak ada tindakan operasi lebih lanjut yang bisa dilakukan.', + 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'Tidak ada transaksi yang terkait untuk perintah ini.', + 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Purchase', + 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Authorization', + 'wd_text_quantity' => 'Kuantitas', + 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', + 'wd_text_vault' => 'Checkout Satu Klik', + 'wd_three_d_link_text' => 'Batasan Non 3D Secure dan 3D Secure', + 'wd_timeStamp' => 'Tanggal', + 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => 'Jumlah berada di luar dari rentang yang diizinkan.', + 'wd_transactionID' => 'ID Transaksi', + 'wd_transactionState' => 'Status Transaksi', + 'wd_transactionType' => 'Jenis Transaksi', + 'wd_transaction_details_title' => 'Detail Transaksi', + 'wd_transaction_response_details' => 'Rincian Tanggapan', + 'wd_transfer_notice' => 'Harap transfer jumlah tersebut menggunakan data berikut ini:', + 'wd_unmatched' => 'tiada cocok', + 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => 'Alamat pengiriman Anda telah berubah sejak pesanan terakhir. Untuk tujuan keamanan, kami mewajibkan Anda memasukkan detail kartu kredit baru.', + 'wd_vault_save_text' => 'Simpan untuk digunakan di kemudian hari.', + 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => 'Gunakan Kartu Kredit baru', + 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => 'Tunggu email terpisah berikutnya dengan status akhir pembayaran Anda.', + 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => 'Perhatian: Periksa kredensial Anda dalam kolom pengaturan URL. Anda mungkin telah mengonfigurasi/menggabungkan akun produktif dengan akun pengujian.', + 'wd_yes' => 'Ya', +); diff --git a/views/admin/jp/module_jp_lang.php b/views/admin/jp/module_jp_lang.php index 7eb15ba83..059ab8647 100644 --- a/views/admin/jp/module_jp_lang.php +++ b/views/admin/jp/module_jp_lang.php @@ -1,246 +1,248 @@ - 'UTF-8', - 'wd_accept' => 'Accept', - 'wd_account_holder_title' => '口座名義人', - 'wd_amount' => 'Amount', - 'wd_bic' => 'BIC:', - 'wd_birthdate_input' => '誕生日', - 'wd_cancel' => 'Cancel', - 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => '支払い処理が取り消されました。', - 'wd_capture' => 'Capture', - 'wd_city' => '市町村', - 'wd_company_name_input' => 'Company', - 'wd_config_additional_info' => '追加情報を送信する', - 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => '詐欺防止のための追加データが送信されます。この追加データには、請求先 / 配送先の住所、買い物かご、および記述子が含まれます。', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => '許可されている通貨', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => '有効な通貨がこれらの選択済み通貨のいずれかである場合、保証付きインボイスの支払い方法だけが表示されます。', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => '配送先住所の変更を許可する', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => '無効の場合、購入者は2回の注文の間に配送先住所が変わったら、クレジットカードの詳細を再入力する必要があります。', - 'wd_config_base_url' => 'ベース URL', - 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'Wirecard ベース URL。(例:', - 'wd_config_billing_countries' => '許可されている請求先国', - 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => '消費者の発送先国がこれらの選択された国々のいずれかと一致する場合、保証付きインボイスの支払い方法だけが表示されます。\n\t\t\t\tあらかじめ許可されている国々は次の通りです: AT、DE。', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => '請求先/発送先の住所は、同一でなければなりません', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => '有効にすると、請求先/発送先の住所が同一の場合、保証付きインボイスの支払い方法だけが表示されます', - 'wd_config_country_code' => 'Country Code', - 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. requires a valid country code to use the correct logo (i.e. en_gb).', - 'wd_config_creditor_id' => '債権者 ID', - 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'SEPA では、SEPA ダイレクト デビット委託の作成に債権者 ID が必要です。債権者 ID は、信頼のおける金融機関でお申し込みください。', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => 'キャンセルされた注文を削除する', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => '支払処理がキャンセルされると自動的に注文を削除します。', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => '失敗した注文を削除する', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => '支払処理に失敗すると自動的に注文を削除します。', - 'wd_config_descriptor' => '記述子', - 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => '金融サービス プロバイダーが消費者に発行する取引明細書に表示されるテキストを送信します', - 'wd_config_email' => 'お客様のメール アドレス', - 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'BIC が有効', - 'wd_config_http_password' => 'HTTP パスワード', - 'wd_config_http_user' => 'HTTP ユーザー', - 'wd_config_logo_variant' => 'ロゴバージョン', - 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => '購入者に標準的または記述的ロゴバージョンのいずれかを表示します。', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => '販売者アカウント ID', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => '販売者アカウントに割り当てられる一意の ID。', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => '秘密鍵', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => '秘密鍵は、支払いのデジタル署名の計算に必須です。', - 'wd_config_message' => 'メッセージ', - 'wd_config_payment_action' => '支払い処理', - 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => '注文のキャプチャ / インボイスを自動的に行う場合は「キャプチャ」を、キャプチャ / インボイスを手動で行う場合は「承認」を選択します。', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution URL', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => 'Mandatory if require consent is set to yes', - 'wd_config_reply_to' => 'Reply to (optionally)', - 'wd_config_require_consent' => 'Require consent', - 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => 'Consumer must agree with the terms before proceeding with the checkout process.', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => '許可されている発送先国', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => '消費者の請求先国がこれらの選択された国々のいずれかと一致する場合、保証付きインボイスの支払い方法だけが表示されます。Wirecard 契約により許可されている国々は次の通りです: AT、DE。', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => 'ショッピング バスケット', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => '確認のため、この支払方法では注文中に買い物かごが表示されます。この機能を有効化するには、買い物かごを有効にします。', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => '3-D セキュアの最大限度ではない', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the Non 3-D Secure Max. Limit.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => '3-D セキュア販売者アカウント ID', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => '3D セキュア販売者アカウントに割り当てられた一意の識別子。', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => '3-D セキュア秘密鍵', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => '秘密鍵は、3D セキュア支払いのデジタル署名の計算に必須です。', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => '3-D セキュアの最小限度', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the 3-D Secure Min. Limit.', - 'wd_config_vault' => 'ワンクリック注文', - 'wd_config_vault_desc' => 'クレジット カードを保存しておけば、次回からはクレジット カードの詳細を入力しなくても使用できるようになります。', - 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2)', - 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2) (e.g.', - 'wd_copy_xml_text' => 'XMLをコピーする', - 'wd_country' => '国', - 'wd_credit' => '返金する', - 'wd_creditor' => '債権者', - 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => 'マンデートID', - 'wd_currency_config' => 'Each currency has to be configured.', - 'wd_customerId' => 'カスタマーID', - 'wd_date-of-birth' => '送料', - 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', - 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', - 'wd_debtor' => '債務者', - 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => '口座名義人', - 'wd_default_currency' => 'デフォルト通貨', - 'wd_descriptor' => '記述子', - 'wd_email' => '電子メール', - 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => 'Please enter a valid country code.', - 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => '有効なメールアドレスを入力してください。', - 'wd_error_credentials' => 'テストが失敗しました。信用証明を確認してください。', - 'wd_error_save_failed' => 'Configuration not valid. Save aborted.', - 'wd_first-name' => '名', - 'wd_gender' => '性別', - 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Wirecard Alipay Cross-border', - 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Wirecard クレジット カード', - 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard eps-Überweisung', - 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'Wirecard Giropay', - 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'Wirecard iDEAL', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', - 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Wirecardの前払い', - 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Wirecardの請求書払い', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Wirecard 保証付きインボイス', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice by Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'Wirecard SEPA Credit Transfer', - 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'Wirecard SEPA Direct Debit', - 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Wirecard Sofort。', - 'wd_heading_title_support' => 'サポート', - 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Transaksi Wirecard', - 'wd_house-extension' => '内線', - 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN:', - 'wd_ideal_legend' => '銀行を選択する', - 'wd_ip' => 'IPアドレス', - 'wd_last-name' => '氏', - 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', - 'wd_manipulated' => 'manipulated', - 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => 'マーチャントCRM ID', - 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'Message cannot be empty.', - 'wd_more_info' => 'More info', - 'wd_no' => 'No', - 'wd_orderNumber' => '注文番号', - 'wd_order_error' => '支払い処理中にエラーが発生しました。もう一度実行してください。', - 'wd_order_error_info' => 'An error occurred in the payment process. The order has been canceled.', - 'wd_order_status' => 'Order status', - 'wd_order_status_authorized' => '承認済み', - 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'Cancelled', - 'wd_order_status_failed' => 'Failed', - 'wd_order_status_pending' => 'Pending', - 'wd_order_status_purchased' => 'Paid', - 'wd_order_status_refunded' => 'Refunded', - 'wd_panel_action' => 'アクション', - 'wd_panel_amount' => '金額', - 'wd_panel_currency' => '通貨', - 'wd_panel_details' => '明細', - 'wd_panel_order_id' => 'Order Reference', - 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Order Number', - 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => '親トランザクション ID', - 'wd_panel_payment_method' => '支払い方法', - 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => 'Provider Transaction ID', - 'wd_panel_transaction' => 'トランザクション', - 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => 'XMLをコピーする', - 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => '日付', - 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => 'トランザクションの状態', - 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => 'トランザクション ID', - 'wd_paymentMethod' => '支払方法', - 'wd_payment_awaiting' => 'Wirecard からの支払いを待機しています', - 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => 'Payment was cancelled.', - 'wd_payment_cost' => 'Payment cost', - 'wd_payment_failed_text' => 'Payment process failed.', - 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Payment method settings', - 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => 'Payment was refunded.', - 'wd_payment_success_text' => 'Payment process successful.', - 'wd_payolution_terms' => 'I agree that the data which are necessary for the liquidation of purchase on account and which are used to complete the identity and credit check are transmitted to Payolution. My consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.', - 'wd_phone' => '電話', - 'wd_pia_ptrid' => 'Reference', - 'wd_postal-code' => '郵便番号', - 'wd_ptrid' => 'プロバイダーのトランザクション参照 ID', - 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => '注文を行うには、18 歳以上でなければなりません。', - 'wd_redirect_text' => 'リダイレクトしています。お待ちください', - 'wd_refund' => '返金する', - 'wd_requestedAmount' => '金額', - 'wd_requestId' => 'リクエストID', - 'wd_save_to_user_account' => 'Save data to your user account', - 'wd_secured' => 'secured', - 'wd_send_email' => '送信する', - 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'SEPAマンデート', - 'wd_sepa_text_1' => '債権者が', - 'wd_sepa_text_2' => '私の口座から1回のダイレクトデビットを回収するように、私の銀行に指示を送信することを許可します。同時に、私は、債権者からの指示に従い、私の銀行が口座から引き落とすように銀行に指示します。', - 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '.', - 'wd_sepa_text_3' => '注記:私の権利の一部として、私は、銀行との合意の条項および条件に基づき、返金を受け取る資格があります。返金は、私の口座から引き落としがあった日から起算して8週間以内に請求する必要があります。', - 'wd_sepa_text_4' => '私は、取消不能の形式で、ダイレクトデビットが無効になった場合や、ダイレクトデビットに対する異議が存在する場合には、私の銀行が債権者', - 'wd_sepa_text_5' => 'に対して私の氏名、住所、生年月日を開示することに同意します。', - 'wd_sepa_text_6' => '私は、SEPAダイレクトデビットマンデート情報を読んで同意しました。', - 'wd_shipping-method' => '配送方法', - 'wd_shipping_title' => '送料', - 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => 'Emails', - 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => 'Send notification emails when order pending', - 'wd_social-security-number' => '社会保障番号', - 'wd_state_awaiting' => 'awaiting', - 'wd_state_closed' => 'closed', - 'wd_state_error' => 'error', - 'wd_state_success' => 'success', - 'wd_street1' => '番地', - 'wd_street2' => '番地2', - 'wd_success_credentials' => '販売者構成のテストが成功しました。', - 'wd_success_email' => 'メールの送信に成功しました', - 'wd_support_description' => 'System information will be automatically added to your message and will be sent to', - 'wd_support_email_from' => 'From', - 'wd_support_email_modules' => 'Other modules', - 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'Module ID', - 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'Module Title', - 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'Module Version', - 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP Version', - 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => 'Reply to', - 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID eShop Edition', - 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID eShop Version', - 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID eShop support request', - 'wd_support_email_system' => 'Server Info', - 'wd_support_send_error' => 'Support e-mail could not be sent.', - 'wd_test_credentials' => 'テスト', - 'wd_text_article_name' => '商品名', - 'wd_text_article_number' => '商品番号', - 'wd_text_backend_operations' => '可能な処理後の操作', - 'wd_text_delete' => '削除', - 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'Action could not be performed.', - 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'Action performed successfully.', - 'wd_text_list' => '取引', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => '記述的', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => '標準的', - 'wd_text_message' => 'メッセージ', - 'wd_text_no_data_available' => 'No data available.', - 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'No further operations possible.', - 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'There are no associated transactions for this order.', - 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Purchase', - 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Authorization', - 'wd_text_quantity' => '数', - 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', - 'wd_text_vault' => 'ワンクリック注文', - 'wd_three_d_link_text' => 'Non 3-D Secure and 3-D Secure Limits', - 'wd_timeStamp' => '日付', - 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => 'Total amount not in allowed range.', - 'wd_transactionID' => '取引ID', - 'wd_transactionState' => '取引の状態', - 'wd_transactionType' => '取引の種類', - 'wd_transaction_details_title' => '取引明細', - 'wd_transaction_response_details' => 'Response Details', - 'wd_transfer_notice' => '以下のデータを使用して金額を送金してください:', - 'wd_unmatched' => 'unmatched', - 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => '前回の注文から配送先住所が変更されています。セキュリティの目的で新規クレジットカードの詳細を入力する必要があります。', - 'wd_vault_save_text' => '後で使用するために保存する', - 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => '新しいクレジット カードを使用する', - 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => 'Please, wait for additional email with the final status of your payment.', - 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => 'Attention: Please check your credentials within the URL setting fields. You might have configured/combined a productive account with a test account.', - 'wd_yes' => 'Yes', -); + 'UTF-8', + 'wd_accept' => '同意する', + 'wd_account_holder_title' => '口座名義人', + 'wd_amount' => 'Amount', + 'wd_bic' => 'BIC:', + 'wd_birthdate_input' => '誕生日', + 'wd_cancel' => 'Cancel', + 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => '支払い処理が取り消されました。', + 'wd_capture' => 'キャプチャする', + 'wd_city' => '市町村', + 'wd_company_name_input' => '会社名', + 'wd_config_additional_info' => '追加情報を送信する', + 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => '詐欺防止のための追加データが送信されます。この追加データには、請求先 / 配送先の住所、買い物かご、および記述子が含まれます。', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => '許可されている通貨', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => '有効な通貨がこれらの選択済み通貨のいずれかである場合、保証付きインボイスの支払い方法だけが表示されます。', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => '配送先住所の変更を許可する', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => '無効の場合、購入者は2回の注文の間に配送先住所が変わったら、クレジットカードの詳細を再入力する必要があります。', + 'wd_config_base_url' => 'ベース URL', + 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'Wirecard ベース URL。(例:', + 'wd_config_billing_countries' => '許可されている請求先国', + 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => '消費者の発送先国がこれらの選択された国々のいずれかと一致する場合、保証付きインボイスの支払い方法だけが表示されます。\n\t\t\t\tあらかじめ許可されている国々は次の通りです: AT、DE。', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => '請求先/発送先の住所は、同一でなければなりません', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => '有効にすると、請求先/発送先の住所が同一の場合、保証付きインボイスの支払い方法だけが表示されます', + 'wd_config_country_code' => '国名コード', + 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort.では、正しいロゴ(en_gbなど)を使用するために有効な国名コードが必要です。', + 'wd_config_creditor_id' => '債権者 ID', + 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'SEPA では、SEPA ダイレクト デビット委託の作成に債権者 ID が必要です。債権者 ID は、信頼のおける金融機関でお申し込みください。', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => 'キャンセルされた注文を削除する', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => '支払処理がキャンセルされると自動的に注文を削除します。', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => '失敗した注文を削除する', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => '支払処理に失敗すると自動的に注文を削除します。', + 'wd_config_descriptor' => '記述子', + 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => '金融サービス プロバイダーが消費者に発行する取引明細書に表示されるテキストを送信します', + 'wd_config_email' => 'お客様のメール アドレス', + 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'BIC が有効', + 'wd_config_http_password' => 'HTTP パスワード', + 'wd_config_http_user' => 'HTTP ユーザー', + 'wd_config_logo_variant' => 'ロゴバージョン', + 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => '購入者に標準的または記述的ロゴバージョンのいずれかを表示します。', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => '販売者アカウント ID', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => '販売者アカウントに割り当てられる一意の ID。', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => '秘密鍵', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => '秘密鍵は、支払いのデジタル署名の計算に必須です。', + 'wd_config_message' => 'メッセージ', + 'wd_config_payment_action' => '支払い処理', + 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => '注文のキャプチャ / インボイスを自動的に行う場合は「キャプチャ」を、キャプチャ / インボイスを手動で行う場合は「承認」を選択します。', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'PayolutionのURL', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => '「同意が必要」が「はい」に設定されている場合は、必須です。', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information' => 'PSD 2', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information_desc_oxid' => 'With regard to PSD 2 requirements, you should request
certain personal information from your consumers during
checkout to reduce the risk of transactions being rejected.', + 'wd_config_reply_to' => '返信(オプション)', + 'wd_config_require_consent' => '同意が必要', + 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => '購入者は、注文処理を進める前に条件に同意する必要があります。', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => '許可されている発送先国', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => '消費者の請求先国がこれらの選択された国々のいずれかと一致する場合、保証付きインボイスの支払い方法だけが表示されます。Wirecard 契約により許可されている国々は次の通りです: AT、DE。', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => 'ショッピング バスケット', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => '確認のため、この支払方法では注文中に買い物かごが表示されます。この機能を有効化するには、買い物かごを有効にします。', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => '3-D セキュアの最大限度ではない', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'この額で3-Dセキュア取引を進めます。「null」を入力して3-Dセキュア以外の最大限を無効にします。', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => '3-D セキュア販売者アカウント ID', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => '3D セキュア販売者アカウントに割り当てられた一意の識別子。', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => '3-D セキュア秘密鍵', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => '秘密鍵は、3D セキュア支払いのデジタル署名の計算に必須です。', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => '3-D セキュアの最小限度', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'この額で3-Dセキュア取引を進めます。「null」を入力して3-Dセキュアの最小限を無効にします。', + 'wd_config_vault' => 'ワンクリック注文', + 'wd_config_vault_desc' => 'クレジット カードを保存しておけば、次回からはクレジット カードの詳細を入力しなくても使用できるようになります。', + 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'WirecardのPayment Page v2アドレス(URL WPP v2)', + 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'WirecardのPayment Page v2アドレス(URL WPP v2)(https://wpp.wirecard.comなど)。', + 'wd_copy_xml_text' => 'XMLをコピーする', + 'wd_country' => '国', + 'wd_credit' => '返金する', + 'wd_creditor' => '債権者', + 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => 'マンデートID', + 'wd_currency_config' => '各通貨を設定する必要があります。', + 'wd_customerId' => 'カスタマーID', + 'wd_date-of-birth' => '送料', + 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', + 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', + 'wd_debtor' => '債務者', + 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => '口座名義人', + 'wd_default_currency' => 'デフォルト通貨', + 'wd_descriptor' => '記述子', + 'wd_email' => '電子メール', + 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => '有効な国名コードを入力してください。', + 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => '有効なメールアドレスを入力してください。', + 'wd_error_credentials' => 'テストが失敗しました。信用証明を確認してください。', + 'wd_error_save_failed' => '設定が無効です。保存できません。', + 'wd_first-name' => '名', + 'wd_gender' => '性別', + 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Wirecard Alipay Cross-border', + 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Wirecard クレジット カード', + 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard eps-Überweisung', + 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'Wirecard Giropay', + 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'Wirecard iDEAL', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Wirecard保証付き請求書(Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Wirecard請求書(Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Wirecard保証付き請求書(Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard請求書(Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', + 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Wirecardの前払い', + 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Wirecardの請求書払い', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Wirecard 保証付きインボイス', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'WirecardによるWirecard請求書', + 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'Wirecard SEPA Credit Transfer', + 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'Wirecard SEPA Direct Debit', + 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Wirecard Sofort。', + 'wd_heading_title_support' => 'サポート', + 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Transaksi Wirecard', + 'wd_house-extension' => '内線', + 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN:', + 'wd_ideal_legend' => '銀行を選択する', + 'wd_ip' => 'IPアドレス', + 'wd_last-name' => '氏', + 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', + 'wd_manipulated' => '操作', + 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => 'マーチャントCRM ID', + 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'メッセージを空にすることはできません。', + 'wd_more_info' => '詳細情報', + 'wd_no' => 'いいえ', + 'wd_orderNumber' => '注文番号', + 'wd_order_error' => '支払い処理中にエラーが発生しました。もう一度実行してください。', + 'wd_order_error_info' => '決済にエラーが発生しました。注文がキャンセルされました。', + 'wd_order_status' => '注文状況', + 'wd_order_status_authorized' => '承認済み', + 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'キャンセル済み', + 'wd_order_status_failed' => '失敗', + 'wd_order_status_pending' => '保留中', + 'wd_order_status_purchased' => '支払い済み', + 'wd_order_status_refunded' => '返金済み', + 'wd_panel_action' => 'アクション', + 'wd_panel_amount' => '金額', + 'wd_panel_currency' => '通貨', + 'wd_panel_details' => '明細', + 'wd_panel_order_id' => '注文参照', + 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Order Number', + 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => '親トランザクション ID', + 'wd_panel_payment_method' => '支払い方法', + 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => '提供者取引ID', + 'wd_panel_transaction' => 'トランザクション', + 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => 'XMLをコピーする', + 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => '日付', + 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => 'トランザクションの状態', + 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => 'トランザクション ID', + 'wd_paymentMethod' => '支払方法', + 'wd_payment_awaiting' => 'Wirecard からの支払いを待機しています', + 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => '支払いはキャンセルされました。', + 'wd_payment_cost' => '支払費用', + 'wd_payment_failed_text' => '支払処理が失敗しました。', + 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Payment method settings', + 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => '支払いが返金されました。', + 'wd_payment_success_text' => '支払処理が成功しました。', + 'wd_payolution_terms' => '口座での購入の清算に必要であり、身元確認と信用調査の完了に使用されるデータがPayolutionに転送されることに同意します。私の同意は今後効力を有し、いつでも取り消すことができます。', + 'wd_phone' => '電話', + 'wd_pia_ptrid' => '参照', + 'wd_postal-code' => '郵便番号', + 'wd_ptrid' => 'プロバイダーのトランザクション参照 ID', + 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => '注文を行うには、18 歳以上でなければなりません。', + 'wd_redirect_text' => 'リダイレクトしています。お待ちください', + 'wd_refund' => '返金する', + 'wd_requestedAmount' => '金額', + 'wd_requestId' => 'リクエストID', + 'wd_save_to_user_account' => '自分のユーザーアカウントにデータを保存します。', + 'wd_secured' => '安全な', + 'wd_send_email' => '送信する', + 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'SEPAマンデート', + 'wd_sepa_text_1' => '債権者が', + 'wd_sepa_text_2' => '私の口座から1回のダイレクトデビットを回収するように、私の銀行に指示を送信することを許可します。同時に、私は、債権者からの指示に従い、私の銀行が口座から引き落とすように銀行に指示します。', + 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '.', + 'wd_sepa_text_3' => '注記:私の権利の一部として、私は、銀行との合意の条項および条件に基づき、返金を受け取る資格があります。返金は、私の口座から引き落としがあった日から起算して8週間以内に請求する必要があります。', + 'wd_sepa_text_4' => '私は、取消不能の形式で、ダイレクトデビットが無効になった場合や、ダイレクトデビットに対する異議が存在する場合には、私の銀行が債権者', + 'wd_sepa_text_5' => 'に対して私の氏名、住所、生年月日を開示することに同意します。', + 'wd_sepa_text_6' => '私は、SEPAダイレクトデビットマンデート情報を読んで同意しました。', + 'wd_shipping-method' => '配送方法', + 'wd_shipping_title' => '送料', + 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => '電子メール', + 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => '保留中の注文に対してメールを送信します。', + 'wd_social-security-number' => '社会保障番号', + 'wd_state_awaiting' => '待機中', + 'wd_state_closed' => '業務停止', + 'wd_state_error' => 'エラー', + 'wd_state_success' => '成功', + 'wd_street1' => '番地', + 'wd_street2' => '番地2', + 'wd_success_credentials' => '販売者構成のテストが成功しました。', + 'wd_success_email' => 'メールの送信に成功しました', + 'wd_support_description' => 'システム情報は、自動的にメッセージに追加されて送信されます。', + 'wd_support_email_from' => '送信元', + 'wd_support_email_modules' => '他のモジュール', + 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'モジュールID', + 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'モジュールのタイトル', + 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'モジュールのバージョン', + 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHPのバージョン', + 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => '返信する', + 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID eShopエディション', + 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID eShopバージョン', + 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID eShopサポートリクエスト', + 'wd_support_email_system' => 'サーバー情報', + 'wd_support_send_error' => 'サポートメールを送信できませんでした。', + 'wd_test_credentials' => 'テスト', + 'wd_text_article_name' => '商品名', + 'wd_text_article_number' => '商品番号', + 'wd_text_backend_operations' => '可能な処理後の操作', + 'wd_text_delete' => '削除', + 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'アクションを実行できませんでした。', + 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'アクションが成功しました。', + 'wd_text_list' => '取引', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => '記述的', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => '標準的', + 'wd_text_message' => 'メッセージ', + 'wd_text_no_data_available' => '利用できるデータがありません。', + 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'これ以上操作を続けることができません。', + 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'この注文に関連する取引はありません。', + 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Purchase', + 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Authorization', + 'wd_text_quantity' => '数', + 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', + 'wd_text_vault' => 'ワンクリック注文', + 'wd_three_d_link_text' => '3Dセキュア以外と3Dセキュアの制限', + 'wd_timeStamp' => '日付', + 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => '許容範囲外の総額', + 'wd_transactionID' => '取引ID', + 'wd_transactionState' => '取引の状態', + 'wd_transactionType' => '取引の種類', + 'wd_transaction_details_title' => '取引明細', + 'wd_transaction_response_details' => '応答の詳細', + 'wd_transfer_notice' => '以下のデータを使用して金額を送金してください:', + 'wd_unmatched' => '不適合', + 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => '前回の注文から配送先住所が変更されています。セキュリティの目的で新規クレジットカードの詳細を入力する必要があります。', + 'wd_vault_save_text' => '後で使用するために保存する', + 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => '新しいクレジット カードを使用する', + 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => '支払いの最終状態が記載された別メールをお待ちください。', + 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => '注意:URLの設定フィールドにある資格証明書を確認してください。利用アカウントにテスト用アカウントを設定している、または組み合わせている可能性があります。', + 'wd_yes' => 'はい', +); diff --git a/views/admin/kr/module_kr_lang.php b/views/admin/kr/module_kr_lang.php index 9fdc9a3d0..9067bfa3c 100644 --- a/views/admin/kr/module_kr_lang.php +++ b/views/admin/kr/module_kr_lang.php @@ -1,246 +1,248 @@ - 'UTF-8', - 'wd_accept' => 'Accept', - 'wd_account_holder_title' => '계좌 소유자', - 'wd_amount' => 'Amount', - 'wd_bic' => 'BIC:', - 'wd_birthdate_input' => '생년월일', - 'wd_cancel' => 'Cancel', - 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => '결제 프로세스를 취소하셨습니다.', - 'wd_capture' => 'Capture', - 'wd_city' => '도시', - 'wd_company_name_input' => 'Company', - 'wd_config_additional_info' => '추가 정보 전송', - 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => '사기로부터의 보호를 위해 추가적인 데이터가 전송될 것입니다. 이 추가적인 데이터에는 청구지 / 배송지 주소, 쇼핑 장바구니 및 서술자가 있습니다.', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => '허용된 통화', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => 'Guaranteed Invoice 결제방법은 활성 통화가 이 선택된 통화들 중 하나와 동일한 경우에만 표시됩니다.', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => '배송지 주소 변경을 허용합니다', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => '사용 가능으로 설정하지 않으면, 배송지 주소가 이전과 다를 경우 소비자가 신용카드 정보를 다시 입력해야 합니다.', - 'wd_config_base_url' => '베이스 URL', - 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'Wirecard 베이스 URL. (예:', - 'wd_config_billing_countries' => '허용된 청구지 국가', - 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => 'Guaranteed Invoice 결제방법은 소비자 배송지 국가가 이 선택된 국가들 중 하나에 동일한 경우에만 표시됩니다. \n\t\t\t\t사전 정의된 다음 국가들이 허용됩니다: AT, DE.', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => '청구지/배송지 주소는 동일해야 합니다', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => '활성화하면 청구지/배송지 주소가 동일한 경우 Guaranteed Invoice만이 표시됩니다', - 'wd_config_country_code' => 'Country Code', - 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. requires a valid country code to use the correct logo (i.e. en_gb).', - 'wd_config_creditor_id' => '채권자 ID', - 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'SEPA는 SEPA 자동 이체 위임을 만들기 위해서는 채권자 ID를 필요로 합니다. 채권자 ID를 얻으려면 담당 은행 기관에 신청하십시오.', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => '취소된 주문 삭제', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => '결제 프로세스 취소 후 주문 자동 삭제.', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => '실패한 주문 삭제', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => '결제 프로세스 실패 후 주문 자동 삭제.', - 'wd_config_descriptor' => '서술자', - 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => '금융 서비스 공급자에 의해 고객에게 발행된 은행 계좌내역서에 표시된 텍스트 전송', - 'wd_config_email' => '사용자 이메일 주소', - 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'BIC 사용 설정됨', - 'wd_config_http_password' => 'HTTP 비밀번호', - 'wd_config_http_user' => 'HTTP 사용자', - 'wd_config_logo_variant' => '로고 버전', - 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => '표준 로고와 서술 로고 버전 중 하나를 고객에게 보여주십시오.', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => '상인 계정 ID', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => '상인 계정에 지정된 고유 식별자.', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => '비밀 키', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => '비밀 키는 결제에 대한 디지털 서명을 계산하기 위해 필수적입니다.', - 'wd_config_message' => '사용자 메시지', - 'wd_config_payment_action' => '결제 동작', - 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => '캡처 / 송장 발송하기 위한 \"캡처\" 또는 수동으로 캡처 / 송장 발송하기 위한 \"승인\" 중에서 선택합니다.', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution URL', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => 'Mandatory if require consent is set to yes', - 'wd_config_reply_to' => 'Reply to (optionally)', - 'wd_config_require_consent' => 'Require consent', - 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => 'Consumer must agree with the terms before proceeding with the checkout process.', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => '허용된 배송지 국가', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => 'Guaranteed Invoice 결제방법은 소비자 청구지 국가가 이 선택된 국가들 중 하나에 동일한 경우에만 표시됩니다. Wirecard 연락처에 따라 다음 국가들이 사전 정의됩니다: AT, DE.', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => '쇼핑 장바구니', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => '확인상 말씀드리자면, 이 결제 방법은 체크아웃 중에 장바구니 디스플레이를 지원합니다. 이 기능을 사용 설정하면, 장바구니가 활성화됩니다.', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => '비 3-D 보안 최대. 한계', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the Non 3-D Secure Max. Limit.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => '3-D 보안 상인 계정 ID', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => '3D 상인 계정에 지정된 고유 식별자.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => '3-D 보안 비밀 키', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => '비밀 키는 3D 결제를 위해 디지털 서명을 계산하기 위해 필수입니다.', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => '3-D 보안 최소. 한계', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the 3-D Secure Min. Limit.', - 'wd_config_vault' => '원클릭 체크아웃', - 'wd_config_vault_desc' => '신용카드는 이후 사용을 위해 저장할 수 있습니다', - 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2)', - 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2) (e.g.', - 'wd_copy_xml_text' => 'XML 복사', - 'wd_country' => '국가', - 'wd_credit' => '환불', - 'wd_creditor' => '채권자', - 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => '위임서 ID', - 'wd_currency_config' => 'Each currency has to be configured.', - 'wd_customerId' => '고객 ID', - 'wd_date-of-birth' => '배송', - 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', - 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', - 'wd_debtor' => '채무자', - 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => '계좌 소유자', - 'wd_default_currency' => '기본 통화', - 'wd_descriptor' => '서술자', - 'wd_email' => '이메일', - 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => 'Please enter a valid country code.', - 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => '유효한 이메일 주소를 입력하십시오.', - 'wd_error_credentials' => '테스트 실패함, 자격증명을 확인하십시오.', - 'wd_error_save_failed' => 'Configuration not valid. Save aborted.', - 'wd_first-name' => '이름', - 'wd_gender' => '성별', - 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Wirecard Alipay Crossborder', - 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Wirecard 신용카드', - 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard eps-Überweisung', - 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'Wirecard Giropay', - 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'Wirecard iDEAL', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', - 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Wirecard 사전 결제', - 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Wirecard 송장 결제', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice by Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'Wirecard SEPA Credit Transfer', - 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'Wirecard SEPA Direct Debit', - 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Wirecard Sofort.', - 'wd_heading_title_support' => '지원', - 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Wirecard 트랜잭션', - 'wd_house-extension' => '하우스 확장', - 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN:', - 'wd_ideal_legend' => '은행을 선택하세요', - 'wd_ip' => 'IP 주소', - 'wd_last-name' => '성', - 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', - 'wd_manipulated' => 'manipulated', - 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => '상인 CRM ID', - 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'Message cannot be empty.', - 'wd_more_info' => 'More info', - 'wd_no' => 'No', - 'wd_orderNumber' => '주문 번호', - 'wd_order_error' => '결제 프로세스 중 오류 발생. 다시 시도하십시오.', - 'wd_order_error_info' => 'An error occurred in the payment process. The order has been canceled.', - 'wd_order_status' => 'Order status', - 'wd_order_status_authorized' => '승인됨', - 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'Cancelled', - 'wd_order_status_failed' => 'Failed', - 'wd_order_status_pending' => 'Pending', - 'wd_order_status_purchased' => 'Paid', - 'wd_order_status_refunded' => 'Refunded', - 'wd_panel_action' => '동작', - 'wd_panel_amount' => '금액', - 'wd_panel_currency' => '통화', - 'wd_panel_details' => '정보', - 'wd_panel_order_id' => 'Order Reference', - 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Order Number', - 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => '부모 트랜잭션 ID', - 'wd_panel_payment_method' => '결제방법', - 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => 'Provider Transaction ID', - 'wd_panel_transaction' => '트랜잭션', - 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => 'XML 복사', - 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => '날짜', - 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => '트랜잭션 상태', - 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => '트랜잭션 ID', - 'wd_paymentMethod' => '결제 방법', - 'wd_payment_awaiting' => 'Wirecard의 결제를 기다리는 중', - 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => 'Payment was cancelled.', - 'wd_payment_cost' => 'Payment cost', - 'wd_payment_failed_text' => 'Payment process failed.', - 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Payment method settings', - 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => 'Payment was refunded.', - 'wd_payment_success_text' => 'Payment process successful.', - 'wd_payolution_terms' => 'I agree that the data which are necessary for the liquidation of purchase on account and which are used to complete the identity and credit check are transmitted to Payolution. My consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.', - 'wd_phone' => '전화', - 'wd_pia_ptrid' => 'Reference', - 'wd_postal-code' => '우편번호', - 'wd_ptrid' => '제공자 트랜잭션 참조 ID', - 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => '18세 이상이어야 합니다.', - 'wd_redirect_text' => '리디렉션 중입니다. 잠시 기다려주십시오', - 'wd_refund' => '환불', - 'wd_requestedAmount' => '금액', - 'wd_requestId' => '요청 ID', - 'wd_save_to_user_account' => 'Save data to your user account', - 'wd_secured' => 'secured', - 'wd_send_email' => '제출', - 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'SEPA 위임서', - 'wd_sepa_text_1' => '본인은 채권자가 본인의 계좌에서', - 'wd_sepa_text_2' => '한 건의 자동 이체를 수취할 수 있도록 은행에 요청합니다. 또한, 본인은 채권자의 지시에 따라 계좌에서 금액을 인출하도록 은행에 요청합니다', - 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '.', - 'wd_sepa_text_3' => '참고: 본인은 권리의 일부로서, 은행 이용 약관에 따라 환불받을 권리가 있습니다. 환불은 본인 계좌에서 인출된 날로부터 8주 이내에 청구되어야 합니다.', - 'wd_sepa_text_4' => '본인의 계좌에서 금액이 이체되지 않거나 계좌 이체에 이의가 제기될 경우, 은행은 채권자', - 'wd_sepa_text_5' => '에게 본인의 성명, 주소, 생년월일을 제공합니다.', - 'wd_sepa_text_6' => '본인은 SEPA 자동 이체 신청서를 확인했으며 이에 동의합니다.', - 'wd_shipping-method' => '배송 방법', - 'wd_shipping_title' => '배송', - 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => 'Emails', - 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => 'Send notification emails when order pending', - 'wd_social-security-number' => '사회보장번호', - 'wd_state_awaiting' => 'awaiting', - 'wd_state_closed' => 'closed', - 'wd_state_error' => 'error', - 'wd_state_success' => 'success', - 'wd_street1' => '거리명', - 'wd_street2' => '거리명 2', - 'wd_success_credentials' => '상인 구성이 성공적으로 테스트되었습니다.', - 'wd_success_email' => '이메일이 성공적으로 전송됨', - 'wd_support_description' => 'System information will be automatically added to your message and will be sent to', - 'wd_support_email_from' => 'From', - 'wd_support_email_modules' => 'Other modules', - 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'Module ID', - 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'Module Title', - 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'Module Version', - 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP Version', - 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => 'Reply to', - 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID eShop Edition', - 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID eShop Version', - 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID eShop support request', - 'wd_support_email_system' => 'Server Info', - 'wd_support_send_error' => 'Support e-mail could not be sent.', - 'wd_test_credentials' => '테스트', - 'wd_text_article_name' => '제품명', - 'wd_text_article_number' => '제품 번호', - 'wd_text_backend_operations' => '가능한 처리 후 작업', - 'wd_text_delete' => '삭제', - 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'Action could not be performed.', - 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'Action performed successfully.', - 'wd_text_list' => '트랜잭션', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => '서술', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => '표준', - 'wd_text_message' => '메시지', - 'wd_text_no_data_available' => 'No data available.', - 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'No further operations possible.', - 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'There are no associated transactions for this order.', - 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Purchase', - 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Authorization', - 'wd_text_quantity' => '수량', - 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', - 'wd_text_vault' => '원클릭 체크아웃', - 'wd_three_d_link_text' => 'Non 3-D Secure and 3-D Secure Limits', - 'wd_timeStamp' => '날짜', - 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => 'Total amount not in allowed range.', - 'wd_transactionID' => '트랜잭션 ID', - 'wd_transactionState' => '트랜잭션 상태', - 'wd_transactionType' => '트랜잭션 유형', - 'wd_transaction_details_title' => '트랜잭션 정보', - 'wd_transaction_response_details' => 'Response Details', - 'wd_transfer_notice' => '다음 데이터를 이용하여 금액을 이체하십시오:', - 'wd_unmatched' => 'unmatched', - 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => '지난 번 주문할 때의 배송지 주소와 다릅니다. 보안상의 이유로 새로운 신용 카드 정보를 입력해주실 것을 요청드립니다.', - 'wd_vault_save_text' => '이후 사용을 위해 저장', - 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => '새 신용카드 사용', - 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => 'Please, wait for additional email with the final status of your payment.', - 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => 'Attention: Please check your credentials within the URL setting fields. You might have configured/combined a productive account with a test account.', - 'wd_yes' => 'Yes', -); + 'UTF-8', + 'wd_accept' => '승인', + 'wd_account_holder_title' => '계좌 소유자', + 'wd_amount' => 'Amount', + 'wd_bic' => 'BIC:', + 'wd_birthdate_input' => '생년월일', + 'wd_cancel' => 'Cancel', + 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => '결제 프로세스를 취소하셨습니다.', + 'wd_capture' => '캡쳐', + 'wd_city' => '도시', + 'wd_company_name_input' => '회사', + 'wd_config_additional_info' => '추가 정보 전송', + 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => '사기로부터의 보호를 위해 추가적인 데이터가 전송될 것입니다. 이 추가적인 데이터에는 청구지 / 배송지 주소, 쇼핑 장바구니 및 서술자가 있습니다.', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => '허용된 통화', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => 'Guaranteed Invoice 결제방법은 활성 통화가 이 선택된 통화들 중 하나와 동일한 경우에만 표시됩니다.', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => '배송지 주소 변경을 허용합니다', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => '사용 가능으로 설정하지 않으면, 배송지 주소가 이전과 다를 경우 소비자가 신용카드 정보를 다시 입력해야 합니다.', + 'wd_config_base_url' => '베이스 URL', + 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'Wirecard 베이스 URL. (예:', + 'wd_config_billing_countries' => '허용된 청구지 국가', + 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => 'Guaranteed Invoice 결제방법은 소비자 배송지 국가가 이 선택된 국가들 중 하나에 동일한 경우에만 표시됩니다. \n\t\t\t\t사전 정의된 다음 국가들이 허용됩니다: AT, DE.', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => '청구지/배송지 주소는 동일해야 합니다', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => '활성화하면 청구지/배송지 주소가 동일한 경우 Guaranteed Invoice만이 표시됩니다', + 'wd_config_country_code' => '국가 코드', + 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. 올바른 로고를 이용하기 위해 유효한 국가 코드가 필요합니다(즉, en_gb).', + 'wd_config_creditor_id' => '채권자 ID', + 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'SEPA는 SEPA 자동 이체 위임을 만들기 위해서는 채권자 ID를 필요로 합니다. 채권자 ID를 얻으려면 담당 은행 기관에 신청하십시오.', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => '취소된 주문 삭제', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => '결제 프로세스 취소 후 주문 자동 삭제.', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => '실패한 주문 삭제', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => '결제 프로세스 실패 후 주문 자동 삭제.', + 'wd_config_descriptor' => '서술자', + 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => '금융 서비스 공급자에 의해 고객에게 발행된 은행 계좌내역서에 표시된 텍스트 전송', + 'wd_config_email' => '사용자 이메일 주소', + 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'BIC 사용 설정됨', + 'wd_config_http_password' => 'HTTP 비밀번호', + 'wd_config_http_user' => 'HTTP 사용자', + 'wd_config_logo_variant' => '로고 버전', + 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => '표준 로고와 서술 로고 버전 중 하나를 고객에게 보여주십시오.', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => '상인 계정 ID', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => '상인 계정에 지정된 고유 식별자.', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => '비밀 키', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => '비밀 키는 결제에 대한 디지털 서명을 계산하기 위해 필수적입니다.', + 'wd_config_message' => '사용자 메시지', + 'wd_config_payment_action' => '결제 동작', + 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => '캡처 / 송장 발송하기 위한 \"캡처\" 또는 수동으로 캡처 / 송장 발송하기 위한 \"승인\" 중에서 선택합니다.', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution URL', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => '"동의 필요" 시 필수적으로 예를 선택해야 합니다.', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information' => 'PSD 2', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information_desc_oxid' => 'With regard to PSD 2 requirements, you should request
certain personal information from your consumers during
checkout to reduce the risk of transactions being rejected.', + 'wd_config_reply_to' => '회신(선택)', + 'wd_config_require_consent' => '동의 필요', + 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => '고객은 체크아웃 프로세스를 진행하기 전에 약관에 동의해야 합니다.', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => '허용된 배송지 국가', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => 'Guaranteed Invoice 결제방법은 소비자 청구지 국가가 이 선택된 국가들 중 하나에 동일한 경우에만 표시됩니다. Wirecard 연락처에 따라 다음 국가들이 사전 정의됩니다: AT, DE.', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => '쇼핑 장바구니', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => '확인상 말씀드리자면, 이 결제 방법은 체크아웃 중에 장바구니 디스플레이를 지원합니다. 이 기능을 사용 설정하면, 장바구니가 활성화됩니다.', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => '비 3-D 보안 최대. 한계', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => '이 금액은 3-D 보안 트랜잭션을 강제로 실행합니다. "null"을 입력하여 비 3-D 보안 최대 한도를 비활성화하십시오.', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => '3-D 보안 상인 계정 ID', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => '3D 상인 계정에 지정된 고유 식별자.', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => '3-D 보안 비밀 키', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => '비밀 키는 3D 결제를 위해 디지털 서명을 계산하기 위해 필수입니다.', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => '3-D 보안 최소. 한계', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => '이 금액은 3-D 보안 트랜잭션을 강제로 실행합니다. "null"을 입력하여 3-D 보안 최소 한도를 비활성화하십시오.', + 'wd_config_vault' => '원클릭 체크아웃', + 'wd_config_vault_desc' => '신용카드는 이후 사용을 위해 저장할 수 있습니다', + 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 주소(URL WPP v2)', + 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 주소(URL WPP v2) (예:', + 'wd_copy_xml_text' => 'XML 복사', + 'wd_country' => '국가', + 'wd_credit' => '환불', + 'wd_creditor' => '채권자', + 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => '위임서 ID', + 'wd_currency_config' => '각 통과를 구성해야 합니다.', + 'wd_customerId' => '고객 ID', + 'wd_date-of-birth' => '배송', + 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', + 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', + 'wd_debtor' => '채무자', + 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => '계좌 소유자', + 'wd_default_currency' => '기본 통화', + 'wd_descriptor' => '서술자', + 'wd_email' => '이메일', + 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => '유효한 국가 코드를 입력하십시오', + 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => '유효한 이메일 주소를 입력하십시오.', + 'wd_error_credentials' => '테스트 실패함, 자격증명을 확인하십시오.', + 'wd_error_save_failed' => '유효하지 않은 구성. 저장할 수 없음.', + 'wd_first-name' => '이름', + 'wd_gender' => '성별', + 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Wirecard Alipay Crossborder', + 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Wirecard 신용카드', + 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard eps-Überweisung', + 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'Wirecard Giropay', + 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'Wirecard iDEAL', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Wirecard 보증 송장(Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Wirecard 송장(Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Wirecard 보증 송장(Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard 송장(Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', + 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Wirecard 사전 결제', + 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Wirecard 송장 결제', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard에 의한 Wirecard 송장', + 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'Wirecard SEPA Credit Transfer', + 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'Wirecard SEPA Direct Debit', + 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Wirecard Sofort.', + 'wd_heading_title_support' => '지원', + 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Wirecard 트랜잭션', + 'wd_house-extension' => '하우스 확장', + 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN:', + 'wd_ideal_legend' => '은행을 선택하세요', + 'wd_ip' => 'IP 주소', + 'wd_last-name' => '성', + 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', + 'wd_manipulated' => '조정됨', + 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => '상인 CRM ID', + 'wd_message_empty_error' => '메시지를 비워둘 수 없습니다.', + 'wd_more_info' => '자세한 정보', + 'wd_no' => '아니요', + 'wd_orderNumber' => '주문 번호', + 'wd_order_error' => '결제 프로세스 중 오류 발생. 다시 시도하십시오.', + 'wd_order_error_info' => '결제 처리 중 오류가 발생했습니다. 주문이 취소되었습니다.', + 'wd_order_status' => '주문 상태', + 'wd_order_status_authorized' => '승인됨', + 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => '취소됨', + 'wd_order_status_failed' => '실패함', + 'wd_order_status_pending' => '미결', + 'wd_order_status_purchased' => '지불함', + 'wd_order_status_refunded' => '환불함', + 'wd_panel_action' => '동작', + 'wd_panel_amount' => '금액', + 'wd_panel_currency' => '통화', + 'wd_panel_details' => '정보', + 'wd_panel_order_id' => '주문 참조', + 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Order Number', + 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => '부모 트랜잭션 ID', + 'wd_panel_payment_method' => '결제방법', + 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => '제공자 트랜잭션 ID', + 'wd_panel_transaction' => '트랜잭션', + 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => 'XML 복사', + 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => '날짜', + 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => '트랜잭션 상태', + 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => '트랜잭션 ID', + 'wd_paymentMethod' => '결제 방법', + 'wd_payment_awaiting' => 'Wirecard의 결제를 기다리는 중', + 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => '결제가 취소되었습니다.', + 'wd_payment_cost' => '결제 비용', + 'wd_payment_failed_text' => '결제 처리 실패.', + 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Payment method settings', + 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => '결제가 환불되었습니다.', + 'wd_payment_success_text' => '결제 처리 성공.', + 'wd_payolution_terms' => '본인은 계정 구매의 현금화에 필요하고 신원과 신용 확인을 완료하는데 필요한 데이터를 Payolution에 전송할 것에 동의합니다. 본인의 동의는 언제든지 향후 효력을 갖고 취소될 수 있습니다.', + 'wd_phone' => '전화', + 'wd_pia_ptrid' => '참조', + 'wd_postal-code' => '우편번호', + 'wd_ptrid' => '제공자 트랜잭션 참조 ID', + 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => '18세 이상이어야 합니다.', + 'wd_redirect_text' => '리디렉션 중입니다. 잠시 기다려주십시오', + 'wd_refund' => '환불', + 'wd_requestedAmount' => '금액', + 'wd_requestId' => '요청 ID', + 'wd_save_to_user_account' => '본인의 사용자 계정으로 데이터를 저장하십시오.', + 'wd_secured' => '보안', + 'wd_send_email' => '제출', + 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'SEPA 위임서', + 'wd_sepa_text_1' => '본인은 채권자가 본인의 계좌에서', + 'wd_sepa_text_2' => '한 건의 자동 이체를 수취할 수 있도록 은행에 요청합니다. 또한, 본인은 채권자의 지시에 따라 계좌에서 금액을 인출하도록 은행에 요청합니다', + 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '.', + 'wd_sepa_text_3' => '참고: 본인은 권리의 일부로서, 은행 이용 약관에 따라 환불받을 권리가 있습니다. 환불은 본인 계좌에서 인출된 날로부터 8주 이내에 청구되어야 합니다.', + 'wd_sepa_text_4' => '본인의 계좌에서 금액이 이체되지 않거나 계좌 이체에 이의가 제기될 경우, 은행은 채권자', + 'wd_sepa_text_5' => '에게 본인의 성명, 주소, 생년월일을 제공합니다.', + 'wd_sepa_text_6' => '본인은 SEPA 자동 이체 신청서를 확인했으며 이에 동의합니다.', + 'wd_shipping-method' => '배송 방법', + 'wd_shipping_title' => '배송', + 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => '이메일', + 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => '미결 주문 알림 이메일 전송.', + 'wd_social-security-number' => '사회보장번호', + 'wd_state_awaiting' => '대기 중', + 'wd_state_closed' => '닫힘', + 'wd_state_error' => '오류', + 'wd_state_success' => '성공', + 'wd_street1' => '거리명', + 'wd_street2' => '거리명 2', + 'wd_success_credentials' => '상인 구성이 성공적으로 테스트되었습니다.', + 'wd_success_email' => '이메일이 성공적으로 전송됨', + 'wd_support_description' => '귀하의 메시지에 시스템 정보가 자동으로 추가되고 다음으로 발송됩니다', + 'wd_support_email_from' => '발신', + 'wd_support_email_modules' => '다른 모듈', + 'wd_support_email_module_id' => '모듈 ID', + 'wd_support_email_module_title' => '모듈 제목', + 'wd_support_email_module_version' => '모듈 버전', + 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP 버전', + 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => '회신', + 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID eShop 에디션', + 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID eShop 버전', + 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID eShop 지원 요청', + 'wd_support_email_system' => '서버 정보', + 'wd_support_send_error' => '지원 이메일을 보내지 못했습니다.', + 'wd_test_credentials' => '테스트', + 'wd_text_article_name' => '제품명', + 'wd_text_article_number' => '제품 번호', + 'wd_text_backend_operations' => '가능한 처리 후 작업', + 'wd_text_delete' => '삭제', + 'wd_text_generic_error' => '작업을 수행하지 못했습니다.', + 'wd_text_generic_success' => '작업을 성공적으로 수행했습니다.', + 'wd_text_list' => '트랜잭션', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => '서술', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => '표준', + 'wd_text_message' => '메시지', + 'wd_text_no_data_available' => '이용할 수 있는 데이터 없음.', + 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => '추가 운영 불가', + 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => '이 주문의 관련 트랜잭션이 없습니다.', + 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Purchase', + 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Authorization', + 'wd_text_quantity' => '수량', + 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', + 'wd_text_vault' => '원클릭 체크아웃', + 'wd_three_d_link_text' => '비 3D 보안 및 3D 보안 한도', + 'wd_timeStamp' => '날짜', + 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => '총액이 허용된 범위에서 벗어남', + 'wd_transactionID' => '트랜잭션 ID', + 'wd_transactionState' => '트랜잭션 상태', + 'wd_transactionType' => '트랜잭션 유형', + 'wd_transaction_details_title' => '트랜잭션 정보', + 'wd_transaction_response_details' => '답변 세부사항', + 'wd_transfer_notice' => '다음 데이터를 이용하여 금액을 이체하십시오:', + 'wd_unmatched' => '불일치', + 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => '지난 번 주문할 때의 배송지 주소와 다릅니다. 보안상의 이유로 새로운 신용 카드 정보를 입력해주실 것을 요청드립니다.', + 'wd_vault_save_text' => '이후 사용을 위해 저장', + 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => '새 신용카드 사용', + 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => '귀하의 결제 최종 상태를 포함한 별도의 이메일을 기다려주십시오.', + 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => '주의: URL 설정 필드에서 귀하의 로그인 정보를 확인해주십시오. 귀하는 시험용 계정과 실제 사용 계정을 구성/조합하였을 수도 있습니다.', + 'wd_yes' => '예', +); diff --git a/views/admin/zh_CN/module_zh_CN_lang.php b/views/admin/zh_CN/module_zh_CN_lang.php index b9941f6bf..cc95ad8e7 100644 --- a/views/admin/zh_CN/module_zh_CN_lang.php +++ b/views/admin/zh_CN/module_zh_CN_lang.php @@ -1,245 +1,248 @@ - 'UTF-8', - 'wd_accept' => 'Accept', - 'wd_account_holder_title' => '账户所有者', - 'wd_amount' => 'Amount', - 'wd_bic' => 'BIC:', - 'wd_birthdate_input' => '出生日期', - 'wd_cancel' => 'Cancel', - 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => '您已取消付款过程。', - 'wd_capture' => 'Capture', - 'wd_city' => '城市', - 'wd_company_name_input' => 'Company', - 'wd_config_additional_info' => '发送附加信息', - 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => '将发送附加数据用于欺诈保护。这些附加数据包括账单/收货地址、购物篮和描述符。', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => '允许货币', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => '仅当有效货币属于任一选定货币时,才会显示保证发票付款方式。', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => '允许修改运送地址', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => '若禁用,如果两个订单的运送地址发生变化,则消费者需重新输入信用卡详细信息', - 'wd_config_base_url' => '基准 URL', - 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'Wirecard 基准 URL。(例如', - 'wd_config_billing_countries' => '可开票国家', - 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => '仅当消费者配送国家属于任一选定国家时,才会显示保证发票付款方式。\n\t\t\t\t预先确定了以下允许国家:奥地利、德国。', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => '账单/收货地址必须相同', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => '如已激活,则仅在账单/收货地址相同时才会显示保证发票付款方式', - 'wd_config_country_code' => 'Country Code', - 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. requires a valid country code to use the correct logo (i.e. en_gb).', - 'wd_config_creditor_id' => '债权人 ID', - 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'SEPA 需要债权人 ID 才能创建 SEPA 直接借记授权。请在负责的银行机构申请债权人 ID。', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => '删除已取消订单', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => '取消订单后自动删除。', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => '删除支付失败的订单', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => '支付失败后自动删除订单。', - 'wd_config_descriptor' => '描述符', - 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => '发送由金融服务供应商签发给消费者的银行对账单上显示的文本', - 'wd_config_email' => '您的电子邮件地址', - 'wd_config_enable_bic' => '银行识别码已启用', - 'wd_config_http_password' => 'HTTP 密码', - 'wd_config_http_user' => 'HTTP 用户', - 'wd_config_logo_variant' => '商标版本', - 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => '向客户展示标准或描述性商标。', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => '商家账户 ID', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => '为您的商家账户分配的唯一标识符。', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => '密钥', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => '必须使用密钥以计算付款的数字签名。', - 'wd_config_message' => '您的消息', - 'wd_config_payment_action' => '付款操作', - 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => '选择“获取”以自动获取您的订单/为您的订单开具发票或“授权”以手动获取/开具发票。', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution URL', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => 'Mandatory if require consent is set to yes', - 'wd_config_reply_to' => 'Reply to (optionally)', - 'wd_config_require_consent' => 'Require consent', - 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => 'Consumer must agree with the terms before proceeding with the checkout process.', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => '可配送国家', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => '仅当消费者开票国家属于任一选定国家时,才会显示保证发票付款方式。根据您的 Wirecard 合同,预先确定了以下允许国家:奥地利、德国。', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => '购物篮', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => '为了进行确认,该支付方式支持支付时显示购物车。为启用该特性,激活购物车。', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => '非 3-D 安全最大限制', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the Non 3-D Secure Max. Limit.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => '3-D 安全商家账户 ID', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => '为您的 3D 商家账户分配的唯一标识符。', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => '3-D 安全密钥', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => '必须使用密钥以计算 3D 付款的数字签名。', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => '3-D 安全最小限制', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the 3-D Secure Min. Limit.', - 'wd_config_vault' => '一键支付', - 'wd_config_vault_desc' => '可以保存信用卡以备后用', - 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2)', - 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2) (e.g.', - 'wd_copy_xml_text' => '复制XML', - 'wd_country' => '国籍', - 'wd_credit' => '退款', - 'wd_creditor' => '贷方', - 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => '授权 ID', - 'wd_currency_config' => 'Each currency has to be configured.', - 'wd_customerId' => '客户 ID', - 'wd_date-of-birth' => '运输', - 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', - 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', - 'wd_debtor' => '借方', - 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => '账户所有人', - 'wd_default_currency' => '默认货币', - 'wd_descriptor' => '描述符', - 'wd_email' => '邮箱', - 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => 'Please enter a valid country code.', - 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => '请输入有效的邮箱地址。', - 'wd_error_credentials' => '测试失败,请检查您的凭证。', - 'wd_error_save_failed' => 'Configuration not valid. Save aborted.', - 'wd_first-name' => '名', - 'wd_gender' => '性别', - 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Wirecard 支付宝跨境', - 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Wirecard 信用卡', - 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard eps-Überweisung', - 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'Wirecard giropay', - 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'Wirecard iDEAL', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', - 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Wirecard 预付方式', - 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Wirecard 发票付款方式', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Wirecard 保证发票', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice by Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'Wirecard SEPA Credit Transfer', - 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'Wirecard SEPA Direct Debit', - 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Wirecard Sofort。', - 'wd_heading_title_support' => '支持', - 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Wirecard 交易', - 'wd_house-extension' => '住宅号码', - 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN:', - 'wd_ideal_legend' => '选择您的银行', - 'wd_ip' => 'IP 地址', - 'wd_last-name' => '姓', - 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', - 'wd_manipulated' => 'manipulated', - 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => '商家CRM ID', - 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'Message cannot be empty.', - 'wd_more_info' => 'More info', - 'wd_no' => 'No', - 'wd_orderNumber' => '订单号', - 'wd_order_error' => '付款过程发生错误。请重试。', - 'wd_order_error_info' => 'An error occurred in the payment process. The order has been canceled.', - 'wd_order_status' => 'Order status', - 'wd_order_status_authorized' => '已授权', - 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'Cancelled', - 'wd_order_status_failed' => 'Failed', - 'wd_order_status_pending' => 'Pending', - 'wd_order_status_purchased' => 'Paid', - 'wd_order_status_refunded' => 'Refunded', - 'wd_panel_action' => '操作', - 'wd_panel_amount' => '金额', - 'wd_panel_currency' => '货币', - 'wd_panel_details' => '细节', - 'wd_panel_order_id' => 'Order Reference', - 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Order Number', - 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => '父交易 ID', - 'wd_panel_payment_method' => '付款方式', - 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => 'Provider Transaction ID', - 'wd_panel_transaction' => '交易', - 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => '复制 XML', - 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => '日期', - 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => '交易状态', - 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => '交易 ID', - 'wd_paymentMethod' => '支付方式', - 'wd_payment_awaiting' => '等待 Wirecard 付款', - 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => 'Payment was cancelled.', - 'wd_payment_cost' => 'Payment cost', - 'wd_payment_failed_text' => 'Payment process failed.', - 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Payment method settings', - 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => 'Payment was refunded.', - 'wd_payment_success_text' => 'Payment process successful.', - 'wd_payolution_terms' => 'I agree that the data which are necessary for the liquidation of purchase on account and which are used to complete the identity and credit check are transmitted to Payolution. My consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.', - 'wd_phone' => '联系电话', - 'wd_pia_ptrid' => 'Reference', - 'wd_postal-code' => '邮编', - 'wd_ptrid' => '供应商交易参考 ID', - 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => '您必须年满 18 周岁才能订购。', - 'wd_redirect_text' => '您正在重定向。请稍候', - 'wd_refund' => '退款', - 'wd_requestedAmount' => '金额', - 'wd_requestId' => '请求 ID', - 'wd_save_to_user_account' => 'Save data to your user account', - 'wd_secured' => 'secured', - 'wd_send_email' => '提交', - 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'SEPA 授权', - 'wd_sepa_text_1' => '我授权该贷方', - 'wd_sepa_text_2' => '向我的银行发送指示,以便从我的账户中直接收取一笔账目。与此同时,我指派我的银行根据贷方的指示在我的账户上记录相应的债务。', - 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '。', - 'wd_sepa_text_3' => '备注:作为我权力的一部分,根据我与银行之间协议的使用条款,我应当获得退款。该退款必须在我账户计入债务起的 8 周内索取。', - 'wd_sepa_text_4' => '我不可撤销地同意,当无法如期执行直接扣款或是直接扣款受到阻碍时,我的银行可以向贷方', - 'wd_sepa_text_5' => '公布我的全名、地址以及出生日期。', - 'wd_sepa_text_6' => '我已经阅读并接受 SEPA 直接扣款授权令的信息。', - 'wd_shipping-method' => '运输方式', - 'wd_shipping_title' => '运输', - 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => 'Emails', - 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => 'Send notification emails when order pending', - 'wd_social-security-number' => '社保编号', - 'wd_state_awaiting' => 'awaiting', - 'wd_state_closed' => 'closed', - 'wd_state_error' => 'error', - 'wd_state_success' => 'success', - 'wd_street1' => '街道', - 'wd_street2' => '街道 2', - 'wd_success_credentials' => '商家配置已成功通过测试。', - 'wd_success_email' => '电子邮件已发送成功', - 'wd_support_description' => 'System information will be automatically added to your message and will be sent to', - 'wd_support_email_from' => 'From', - 'wd_support_email_modules' => 'Other modules', - 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'Module ID', - 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'Module Title', - 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'Module Version', - 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP Version', - 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => 'Reply to', - 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID eShop Edition', - 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID eShop Version', - 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID eShop support request', - 'wd_support_email_system' => 'Server Info', - 'wd_support_send_error' => 'Support e-mail could not be sent.', - 'wd_test_credentials' => '测试', - 'wd_text_article_name' => '产品编号', - 'wd_text_article_number' => '商品编号', - 'wd_text_backend_operations' => '可能的后续处理', - 'wd_text_delete' => '删除', - 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'Action could not be performed.', - 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'Action performed successfully.', - 'wd_text_list' => '交易', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => '描述性', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => '标准的', - 'wd_text_message' => '消息', - 'wd_text_no_data_available' => 'No data available.', - 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'No further operations possible.', - 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'There are no associated transactions for this order.', - 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Purchase', - 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Authorization', - 'wd_text_quantity' => '数量', - 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', - 'wd_text_vault' => '一键支付', - 'wd_three_d_link_text' => 'Non 3-D Secure and 3-D Secure Limits', - 'wd_timeStamp' => '日期', - 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => 'Total amount not in allowed range.', - 'wd_transactionID' => '交易 ID', - 'wd_transactionState' => '交易状态', - 'wd_transactionType' => '交易类型', - 'wd_transaction_details_title' => '交易细节', - 'wd_transaction_response_details' => 'Response Details', - 'wd_transfer_notice' => '请使用以下数据转账:', - 'wd_unmatched' => 'unmatched', - 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => '与上个订单相比,您的发货地址发生了变动。出于安全,您需要输入新的信用卡详细信息。', - 'wd_vault_save_text' => '保存以备后用。', - 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => 'Please, wait for additional email with the final status of your payment.', - 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => 'Attention: Please check your credentials within the URL setting fields. You might have configured/combined a productive account with a test account.', - 'wd_yes' => 'Yes', -); + 'UTF-8', + 'wd_accept' => '接受', + 'wd_account_holder_title' => '账户所有者', + 'wd_amount' => 'Amount', + 'wd_bic' => 'BIC:', + 'wd_birthdate_input' => '出生日期', + 'wd_cancel' => 'Cancel', + 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => '您已取消付款过程。', + 'wd_capture' => '获取交易', + 'wd_city' => '城市', + 'wd_company_name_input' => '公司', + 'wd_config_additional_info' => '发送附加信息', + 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => '将发送附加数据用于欺诈保护。这些附加数据包括账单/收货地址、购物篮和描述符。', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => '允许货币', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => '仅当有效货币属于任一选定货币时,才会显示保证发票付款方式。', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => '允许修改运送地址', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => '若禁用,如果两个订单的运送地址发生变化,则消费者需重新输入信用卡详细信息', + 'wd_config_base_url' => '基准 URL', + 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'Wirecard 基准 URL。(例如', + 'wd_config_billing_countries' => '可开票国家', + 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => '仅当消费者配送国家属于任一选定国家时,才会显示保证发票付款方式。\n\t\t\t\t预先确定了以下允许国家:奥地利、德国。', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => '账单/收货地址必须相同', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => '如已激活,则仅在账单/收货地址相同时才会显示保证发票付款方式', + 'wd_config_country_code' => '国家/地区代码', + 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. 需要有效的国家/地区代码,才能使用正确的徽标(即 en_gb)。', + 'wd_config_creditor_id' => '债权人 ID', + 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'SEPA 需要债权人 ID 才能创建 SEPA 直接借记授权。请在负责的银行机构申请债权人 ID。', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => '删除已取消订单', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => '取消订单后自动删除。', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => '删除支付失败的订单', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => '支付失败后自动删除订单。', + 'wd_config_descriptor' => '描述符', + 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => '发送由金融服务供应商签发给消费者的银行对账单上显示的文本', + 'wd_config_email' => '您的电子邮件地址', + 'wd_config_enable_bic' => '银行识别码已启用', + 'wd_config_http_password' => 'HTTP 密码', + 'wd_config_http_user' => 'HTTP 用户', + 'wd_config_logo_variant' => '商标版本', + 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => '向客户展示标准或描述性商标。', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => '商家账户 ID', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => '为您的商家账户分配的唯一标识符。', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => '密钥', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => '必须使用密钥以计算付款的数字签名。', + 'wd_config_message' => '您的消息', + 'wd_config_payment_action' => '付款操作', + 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => '选择“获取”以自动获取您的订单/为您的订单开具发票或“授权”以手动获取/开具发票。', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution URL', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => '如果“需要同意”设置为“是”,则必须提供。', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information' => 'PSD 2', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information_desc_oxid' => 'With regard to PSD 2 requirements, you should request
certain personal information from your consumers during
checkout to reduce the risk of transactions being rejected.', + 'wd_config_reply_to' => '回复(可选)', + 'wd_config_require_consent' => '需要同意', + 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => '客户必须同意这些条款,才能继续结帐流程。', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => '可配送国家', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => '仅当消费者开票国家属于任一选定国家时,才会显示保证发票付款方式。根据您的 Wirecard 合同,预先确定了以下允许国家:奥地利、德国。', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => '购物篮', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => '为了进行确认,该支付方式支持支付时显示购物车。为启用该特性,激活购物车。', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => '非 3-D 安全最大限制', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => '此金额强制进行 3-D 安全交易。输入“null”以禁用非 3-D 安全最大限额。', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => '3-D 安全商家账户 ID', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => '为您的 3D 商家账户分配的唯一标识符。', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => '3-D 安全密钥', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => '必须使用密钥以计算 3D 付款的数字签名。', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => '3-D 安全最小限制', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => '此金额强制进行 3-D 安全交易。输入“null”以禁用 3-D 安全最小限额。', + 'wd_config_vault' => '一键支付', + 'wd_config_vault_desc' => '可以保存信用卡以备后用', + 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard 支付页面v2 地址 (URL WPP v2)', + 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard 支付页面v2 地址 (URL WPP v2)', + 'wd_copy_xml_text' => '复制XML', + 'wd_country' => '国籍', + 'wd_credit' => '退款', + 'wd_creditor' => '贷方', + 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => '授权 ID', + 'wd_currency_config' => '必须配置每个币种。', + 'wd_customerId' => '客户 ID', + 'wd_date-of-birth' => '运输', + 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', + 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', + 'wd_debtor' => '借方', + 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => '账户所有人', + 'wd_default_currency' => '默认货币', + 'wd_descriptor' => '描述符', + 'wd_email' => '邮箱', + 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => '请输入有效的国家/地区代码。', + 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => '请输入有效的邮箱地址。', + 'wd_error_credentials' => '测试失败,请检查您的凭证。', + 'wd_error_save_failed' => '配置无效。无法保存。', + 'wd_first-name' => '名', + 'wd_gender' => '性别', + 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Wirecard 支付宝跨境', + 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Wirecard 信用卡', + 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard eps-Überweisung', + 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'Wirecard giropay', + 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'Wirecard iDEAL', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Wirecard 担保发票 (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Wirecard 发票 (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Wirecard 担保发票 (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard 发票 (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', + 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Wirecard 预付方式', + 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Wirecard 发票付款方式', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Wirecard 保证发票', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard 发票', + 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'Wirecard SEPA Credit Transfer', + 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'Wirecard SEPA Direct Debit', + 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Wirecard Sofort。', + 'wd_heading_title_support' => '支持', + 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Wirecard 交易', + 'wd_house-extension' => '住宅号码', + 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN:', + 'wd_ideal_legend' => '选择您的银行', + 'wd_ip' => 'IP 地址', + 'wd_last-name' => '姓', + 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', + 'wd_manipulated' => '操纵', + 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => '商家CRM ID', + 'wd_message_empty_error' => '消息不能为空。', + 'wd_more_info' => '更多信息', + 'wd_no' => '否', + 'wd_orderNumber' => '订单号', + 'wd_order_error' => '付款过程发生错误。请重试。', + 'wd_order_error_info' => '付款流程发生错误。订单已取消。', + 'wd_order_status' => '订单状态', + 'wd_order_status_authorized' => '已授权', + 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => '已取消', + 'wd_order_status_failed' => '失败', + 'wd_order_status_pending' => '待处理', + 'wd_order_status_purchased' => '已支付', + 'wd_order_status_refunded' => '已退款', + 'wd_panel_action' => '操作', + 'wd_panel_amount' => '金额', + 'wd_panel_currency' => '货币', + 'wd_panel_details' => '细节', + 'wd_panel_order_id' => '订单参考', + 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Order Number', + 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => '父交易 ID', + 'wd_panel_payment_method' => '付款方式', + 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => '提供方交易 ID', + 'wd_panel_transaction' => '交易', + 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => '复制 XML', + 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => '日期', + 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => '交易状态', + 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => '交易 ID', + 'wd_paymentMethod' => '支付方式', + 'wd_payment_awaiting' => '等待 Wirecard 付款', + 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => '付款已取消。', + 'wd_payment_cost' => '付款成本', + 'wd_payment_failed_text' => '付款流程失败。', + 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Payment method settings', + 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => '付款已退还。', + 'wd_payment_success_text' => '付款流程成功。', + 'wd_payolution_terms' => '我同意,清算购买账户所需的数据,以及用于完成身份验证和信用检查的数据会传送到 Payolution。我在未来可随时撤销我的同意。', + 'wd_phone' => '联系电话', + 'wd_pia_ptrid' => '参考', + 'wd_postal-code' => '邮编', + 'wd_ptrid' => '供应商交易参考 ID', + 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => '您必须年满 18 周岁才能订购。', + 'wd_redirect_text' => '您正在重定向。请稍候', + 'wd_refund' => '退款', + 'wd_requestedAmount' => '金额', + 'wd_requestId' => '请求 ID', + 'wd_save_to_user_account' => '将数据保存到您的用户帐户。', + 'wd_secured' => '安全', + 'wd_send_email' => '提交', + 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'SEPA 授权', + 'wd_sepa_text_1' => '我授权该贷方', + 'wd_sepa_text_2' => '向我的银行发送指示,以便从我的账户中直接收取一笔账目。与此同时,我指派我的银行根据贷方的指示在我的账户上记录相应的债务。', + 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '。', + 'wd_sepa_text_3' => '备注:作为我权力的一部分,根据我与银行之间协议的使用条款,我应当获得退款。该退款必须在我账户计入债务起的 8 周内索取。', + 'wd_sepa_text_4' => '我不可撤销地同意,当无法如期执行直接扣款或是直接扣款受到阻碍时,我的银行可以向贷方', + 'wd_sepa_text_5' => '公布我的全名、地址以及出生日期。', + 'wd_sepa_text_6' => '我已经阅读并接受 SEPA 直接扣款授权令的信息。', + 'wd_shipping-method' => '运输方式', + 'wd_shipping_title' => '运输', + 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => '电子邮件', + 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => '发送待处理订单的通知电子邮件。', + 'wd_social-security-number' => '社保编号', + 'wd_state_awaiting' => '等待中', + 'wd_state_closed' => '已关闭', + 'wd_state_error' => '错误', + 'wd_state_success' => '成功', + 'wd_street1' => '街道', + 'wd_street2' => '街道 2', + 'wd_success_credentials' => '商家配置已成功通过测试。', + 'wd_success_email' => '电子邮件已发送成功', + 'wd_support_description' => '系统信息将自动添加到您的消息中并将发送给', + 'wd_support_email_from' => '发件人', + 'wd_support_email_modules' => '其他模块', + 'wd_support_email_module_id' => '模块 ID', + 'wd_support_email_module_title' => '模块标题', + 'wd_support_email_module_version' => '模块版本', + 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP 版本', + 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => '回复', + 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID 网上商店版', + 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID 网上商店版', + 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID 网上商店支持请求', + 'wd_support_email_system' => '服务器信息', + 'wd_support_send_error' => '无法发送支持电子邮件。', + 'wd_test_credentials' => '测试', + 'wd_text_article_name' => '产品编号', + 'wd_text_article_number' => '商品编号', + 'wd_text_backend_operations' => '可能的后续处理', + 'wd_text_delete' => '删除', + 'wd_text_generic_error' => '无法执行操作。', + 'wd_text_generic_success' => '操作已成功执行。', + 'wd_text_list' => '交易', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => '描述性', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => '标准的', + 'wd_text_message' => '消息', + 'wd_text_no_data_available' => '没有可用的数据。', + 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => '无法执行进一步操作。', + 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => '此订单没有关联的交易。', + 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Purchase', + 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Authorization', + 'wd_text_quantity' => '数量', + 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', + 'wd_text_vault' => '一键支付', + 'wd_three_d_link_text' => '非 3D 安全通道和 3D 安全通道的限额', + 'wd_timeStamp' => '日期', + 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => '总金额不在允许范围内。', + 'wd_transactionID' => '交易 ID', + 'wd_transactionState' => '交易状态', + 'wd_transactionType' => '交易类型', + 'wd_transaction_details_title' => '交易细节', + 'wd_transaction_response_details' => '回复详情', + 'wd_transfer_notice' => '请使用以下数据转账:', + 'wd_unmatched' => '不一致', + 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => '与上个订单相比,您的发货地址发生了变动。出于安全,您需要输入新的信用卡详细信息。', + 'wd_vault_save_text' => '保存以备后用。', + 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => '使用新信用卡', + 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => '请等待单独的电子邮件,其中包含您的付款的最终状态。', + 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => '注意:请在 URL 设置字段中检查您的凭据。您可能已将生产账户配置/组合到测试帐户。', + 'wd_yes' => '是', +); diff --git a/views/admin/zh_TW/module_zh_TW_lang.php b/views/admin/zh_TW/module_zh_TW_lang.php index c9697018a..df33aed70 100644 --- a/views/admin/zh_TW/module_zh_TW_lang.php +++ b/views/admin/zh_TW/module_zh_TW_lang.php @@ -1,246 +1,248 @@ - 'UTF-8', - 'wd_accept' => 'Accept', - 'wd_account_holder_title' => '帳戶擁有者', - 'wd_amount' => 'Amount', - 'wd_bic' => 'BIC:', - 'wd_birthdate_input' => '出生日期', - 'wd_cancel' => 'Cancel', - 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => '您已取消付款過程。', - 'wd_capture' => 'Capture', - 'wd_city' => '城市', - 'wd_company_name_input' => 'Company', - 'wd_config_additional_info' => '傳送額外資訊', - 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => '將出於欺詐防範目的傳送額外資料。此額外資料包括賬單/送貨地址、購物籃和描述元。', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => '允許的貨幣', - 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => 'Guaranteed Invoice 付款方式只有在使用中貨幣與這些選定貨幣之一相同時才會顯示。', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => '允許更改送貨地址', - 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => '停用後,若兩張訂單之間的送貨地址有所不同,消費者需重新輸入信用卡資料。', - 'wd_config_base_url' => '基底 URL', - 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'Wirecard 基底 URL (例如。', - 'wd_config_billing_countries' => '允許的賬單國家/地區', - 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => 'Guaranteed Invoice 付款方式只有在消費者送貨國家/地區與這些選定國家/地區之一相同時才會顯示。\n\t\t\t\t預先定義以下允許的國家/地區:AT、DE。', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => '賬單/送貨地址必須完全相同', - 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => '如已啟動,則只有在賬單/送貨地址完全相同時才會顯示 Guaranteed Invoice 付款方式', - 'wd_config_country_code' => 'Country Code', - 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. requires a valid country code to use the correct logo (i.e. en_gb).', - 'wd_config_creditor_id' => '債權人 ID', - 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'SEPA 需要債權人 ID 才能建立 SEPA 直接付款授權。若要獲得債權人 ID,請在負責銀行機構申請。', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => '刪除已遭取消的訂單', - 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => '取消付款流程後自動刪除訂單。', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => '刪除付款失敗的訂單', - 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => '付款流程失敗後自動刪除訂單。', - 'wd_config_descriptor' => '描述元', - 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => '傳送金融服務提供商簽發給消費者的銀行結單上顯示的文字。', - 'wd_config_email' => '您的電郵地址', - 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'BIC 已啟用', - 'wd_config_http_password' => 'HTTP 密碼', - 'wd_config_http_user' => 'HTTP 使用者', - 'wd_config_logo_variant' => '商標版本', - 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => '向您的消費者顯示標準或說明性的商標版本。', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => 'MAID', - 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => '指派給您的商戶賬戶的唯一識別碼。', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => '祕密金鑰', - 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => '必須使用祕密金鑰來計算付款的數位簽章。', - 'wd_config_message' => '您的訊息', - 'wd_config_payment_action' => '付款動作', - 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => '選擇「擷取」以自動擷取您的訂單/為您的訂單開具發票,或選擇「授權」以手動擷取/開具發票。', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution URL', - 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => 'Mandatory if require consent is set to yes', - 'wd_config_reply_to' => 'Reply to (optionally)', - 'wd_config_require_consent' => 'Require consent', - 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => 'Consumer must agree with the terms before proceeding with the checkout process.', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => '允許的送貨國家/地區', - 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => 'Guaranteed Invoice 付款方式只有在消費者賬單國家/地區與這些選定國家/地區之一相同時才會顯示。根據您的 Wirecard 合約,預先定義以下允許的國家/地區:AT、DE。', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => '購物籃', - 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => '為方便您進行確認,購物籃將在結賬時顯示此付款方式。若要啟用此功能,請先啟用購物籃。', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => '非 3-D 安全上限', - 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the Non 3-D Secure Max. Limit.', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => '3-D 安全商戶賬戶 ID', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => '為您的 3D 商戶賬戶指派的唯一識別碼。', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => '3-D 安全祕密金鑰', - 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => '必須使用祕密金鑰來計算 3D 付款的數位簽章。', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => '3-D 安全下限', - 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => 'This amount forces 3-D Secure transactions. Enter "null" to disable the 3-D Secure Min. Limit.', - 'wd_config_vault' => '一鍵式快速結帳', - 'wd_config_vault_desc' => '信用卡可以儲存並用於未來的目的而不', - 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2)', - 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 Address (URL WPP v2) (e.g.', - 'wd_copy_xml_text' => '複製XML', - 'wd_country' => '國家', - 'wd_credit' => '退款', - 'wd_creditor' => '債權人', - 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => '授權ID', - 'wd_currency_config' => 'Each currency has to be configured.', - 'wd_customerId' => '客戶ID', - 'wd_date-of-birth' => '配送', - 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', - 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', - 'wd_debtor' => '債務人', - 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => '帳戶擁有者', - 'wd_default_currency' => '預設貨幣', - 'wd_descriptor' => '描述元', - 'wd_email' => '電子郵件', - 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => 'Please enter a valid country code.', - 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => '請輸入有效的電子郵件地址。', - 'wd_error_credentials' => '測試失敗,請檢查您的認證。', - 'wd_error_save_failed' => 'Configuration not valid. Save aborted.', - 'wd_first-name' => '名', - 'wd_gender' => '性別', - 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Wirecard Alipay Cross-border', - 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Wirecard 信用卡', - 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard eps-Überweisung', - 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'Wirecard Giropay', - 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'Wirecard iDEAL', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2B)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice (Payolution B2C)', - 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', - 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Wirecard 提前支付', - 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Wirecard 發票支付', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice', - 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard Invoice by Wirecard', - 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'Wirecard SEPA Credit Transfer', - 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'Wirecard SEPA Direct Debit', - 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Wirecard Sofort。', - 'wd_heading_title_support' => '支援', - 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Wirecard 交易', - 'wd_house-extension' => '門牌編號', - 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN:', - 'wd_ideal_legend' => '選擇您的銀行', - 'wd_ip' => 'IP位址', - 'wd_last-name' => '姓', - 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', - 'wd_manipulated' => 'manipulated', - 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => '商家的CRM ID', - 'wd_message_empty_error' => 'Message cannot be empty.', - 'wd_more_info' => 'More info', - 'wd_no' => 'No', - 'wd_orderNumber' => '訂單編號', - 'wd_order_error' => '付款過程中發生錯誤,請重試。', - 'wd_order_error_info' => 'An error occurred in the payment process. The order has been canceled.', - 'wd_order_status' => 'Order status', - 'wd_order_status_authorized' => '已授權', - 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => 'Cancelled', - 'wd_order_status_failed' => 'Failed', - 'wd_order_status_pending' => 'Pending', - 'wd_order_status_purchased' => 'Paid', - 'wd_order_status_refunded' => 'Refunded', - 'wd_panel_action' => '動作', - 'wd_panel_amount' => '金額', - 'wd_panel_currency' => '貨幣', - 'wd_panel_details' => '明細', - 'wd_panel_order_id' => 'Order Reference', - 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Order Number', - 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => '父交易 ID', - 'wd_panel_payment_method' => '付款方式', - 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => 'Provider Transaction ID', - 'wd_panel_transaction' => '交易', - 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => '複製XML', - 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => '日期', - 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => '交易狀態', - 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => '交易 ID', - 'wd_paymentMethod' => '付款方式', - 'wd_payment_awaiting' => '正在等待 Wirecard 付款', - 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => 'Payment was cancelled.', - 'wd_payment_cost' => 'Payment cost', - 'wd_payment_failed_text' => 'Payment process failed.', - 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Payment method settings', - 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => 'Payment was refunded.', - 'wd_payment_success_text' => 'Payment process successful.', - 'wd_payolution_terms' => 'I agree that the data which are necessary for the liquidation of purchase on account and which are used to complete the identity and credit check are transmitted to Payolution. My consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.', - 'wd_phone' => '電話', - 'wd_pia_ptrid' => 'Reference', - 'wd_postal-code' => '郵政編碼', - 'wd_ptrid' => '提供商交易參考 ID', - 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => '您需要年滿 18 歲才能訂購。', - 'wd_redirect_text' => '您正在重新導向,請稍候', - 'wd_refund' => '退款', - 'wd_requestedAmount' => '金額', - 'wd_requestId' => '請求ID', - 'wd_save_to_user_account' => 'Save data to your user account', - 'wd_secured' => 'secured', - 'wd_send_email' => '提交', - 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'SEPA授權', - 'wd_sepa_text_1' => '我授權債權人', - 'wd_sepa_text_2' => '向我的銀行傳送指令,從我的帳戶直接扣除單筆款項。同時,我指示我的銀行依照債權人的指示從我的賬戶中扣款', - 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '。', - 'wd_sepa_text_3' => '附註:作為我的權利的一部分,我有權根據我與我的銀行達成的協議條款及條件退款。退款必須在從我的賬戶中扣款之日起的 8 週內申請。', - 'wd_sepa_text_4' => '我不可撤銷地同意,倘若直接扣款未獲兌現或對直接扣款存在異議,我的銀行將向債權人', - 'wd_sepa_text_5' => '披露我的全名、地址以及出生日期。', - 'wd_sepa_text_6' => '我已閱讀並接受 SEPA 直接扣款授權資訊。', - 'wd_shipping-method' => '配送方式', - 'wd_shipping_title' => '配送', - 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => 'Emails', - 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => 'Send notification emails when order pending', - 'wd_social-security-number' => '社會安全號碼', - 'wd_state_awaiting' => 'awaiting', - 'wd_state_closed' => 'closed', - 'wd_state_error' => 'error', - 'wd_state_success' => 'success', - 'wd_street1' => '街道', - 'wd_street2' => '街道2', - 'wd_success_credentials' => '商戶組態已成功通過測試。', - 'wd_success_email' => '電郵已成功傳送', - 'wd_support_description' => 'System information will be automatically added to your message and will be sent to', - 'wd_support_email_from' => 'From', - 'wd_support_email_modules' => 'Other modules', - 'wd_support_email_module_id' => 'Module ID', - 'wd_support_email_module_title' => 'Module Title', - 'wd_support_email_module_version' => 'Module Version', - 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP Version', - 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => 'Reply to', - 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID eShop Edition', - 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID eShop Version', - 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID eShop support request', - 'wd_support_email_system' => 'Server Info', - 'wd_support_send_error' => 'Support e-mail could not be sent.', - 'wd_test_credentials' => '測試', - 'wd_text_article_name' => '產品名稱', - 'wd_text_article_number' => '產品編號', - 'wd_text_backend_operations' => '可能的後續處理操作', - 'wd_text_delete' => '刪除', - 'wd_text_generic_error' => 'Action could not be performed.', - 'wd_text_generic_success' => 'Action performed successfully.', - 'wd_text_list' => '交易', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => '說明性', - 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => '標準', - 'wd_text_message' => '訊息', - 'wd_text_no_data_available' => 'No data available.', - 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => 'No further operations possible.', - 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => 'There are no associated transactions for this order.', - 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Purchase', - 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Authorization', - 'wd_text_quantity' => '數量', - 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', - 'wd_text_vault' => '一鍵式快速結帳', - 'wd_three_d_link_text' => 'Non 3-D Secure and 3-D Secure Limits', - 'wd_timeStamp' => '日期', - 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => 'Total amount not in allowed range.', - 'wd_transactionID' => '交易ID', - 'wd_transactionState' => '交易狀態', - 'wd_transactionType' => '交易類型', - 'wd_transaction_details_title' => '交易明細', - 'wd_transaction_response_details' => 'Response Details', - 'wd_transfer_notice' => '請使用以下資料轉賬該金額:', - 'wd_unmatched' => 'unmatched', - 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => '自您上次訂購以來,您的寄送地址已有更改。出於安全考慮,我們需要您輸入新的信用卡資料。', - 'wd_vault_save_text' => '儲存以備後用。', - 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => '使用新的信用卡', - 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => 'Please, wait for additional email with the final status of your payment.', - 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => 'Attention: Please check your credentials within the URL setting fields. You might have configured/combined a productive account with a test account.', - 'wd_yes' => 'Yes', -); + 'UTF-8', + 'wd_accept' => '接受', + 'wd_account_holder_title' => '帳戶擁有者', + 'wd_amount' => 'Amount', + 'wd_bic' => 'BIC:', + 'wd_birthdate_input' => '出生日期', + 'wd_cancel' => 'Cancel', + 'wd_canceled_payment_process' => '您已取消付款過程。', + 'wd_capture' => '擷取', + 'wd_city' => '城市', + 'wd_company_name_input' => '公司', + 'wd_config_additional_info' => '傳送額外資訊', + 'wd_config_additional_info_desc' => '將出於欺詐防範目的傳送額外資料。此額外資料包括賬單/送貨地址、購物籃和描述元。', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies' => '允許的貨幣', + 'wd_config_allowed_currencies_desc' => 'Guaranteed Invoice 付款方式只有在使用中貨幣與這些選定貨幣之一相同時才會顯示。', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping' => '允許更改送貨地址', + 'wd_config_allow_changed_shipping_desc' => '停用後,若兩張訂單之間的送貨地址有所不同,消費者需重新輸入信用卡資料。', + 'wd_config_base_url' => '基底 URL', + 'wd_config_base_url_desc' => 'Wirecard 基底 URL (例如。', + 'wd_config_billing_countries' => '允許的賬單國家/地區', + 'wd_config_billing_countries_desc' => 'Guaranteed Invoice 付款方式只有在消費者送貨國家/地區與這些選定國家/地區之一相同時才會顯示。\n\t\t\t\t預先定義以下允許的國家/地區:AT、DE。', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping' => '賬單/送貨地址必須完全相同', + 'wd_config_billing_shipping_desc' => '如已啟動,則只有在賬單/送貨地址完全相同時才會顯示 Guaranteed Invoice 付款方式', + 'wd_config_country_code' => '國家/地區代碼', + 'wd_config_country_code_desc' => 'Sofort. 需要有效的國家/地區代碼,才能使用正確的標誌(即 en_gb)。', + 'wd_config_creditor_id' => '債權人 ID', + 'wd_config_creditor_id_desc' => 'SEPA 需要債權人 ID 才能建立 SEPA 直接付款授權。若要獲得債權人 ID,請在負責銀行機構申請。', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order' => '刪除已遭取消的訂單', + 'wd_config_delete_cancel_order_desc' => '取消付款流程後自動刪除訂單。', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order' => '刪除付款失敗的訂單', + 'wd_config_delete_failure_order_desc' => '付款流程失敗後自動刪除訂單。', + 'wd_config_descriptor' => '描述元', + 'wd_config_descriptor_desc' => '傳送金融服務提供商簽發給消費者的銀行結單上顯示的文字。', + 'wd_config_email' => '您的電郵地址', + 'wd_config_enable_bic' => 'BIC 已啟用', + 'wd_config_http_password' => 'HTTP 密碼', + 'wd_config_http_user' => 'HTTP 使用者', + 'wd_config_logo_variant' => '商標版本', + 'wd_config_logo_variant_desc' => '向您的消費者顯示標準或說明性的商標版本。', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id' => 'MAID', + 'wd_config_merchant_account_id_desc' => '指派給您的商戶賬戶的唯一識別碼。', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret' => '祕密金鑰', + 'wd_config_merchant_secret_desc' => '必須使用祕密金鑰來計算付款的數位簽章。', + 'wd_config_message' => '您的訊息', + 'wd_config_payment_action' => '付款動作', + 'wd_config_payment_action_desc' => '選擇「擷取」以自動擷取您的訂單/為您的訂單開具發票,或選擇「授權」以手動擷取/開具發票。', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url' => 'Payolution URL', + 'wd_config_payolution_terms_url_desc' => '若「需要同意」設定為「是」,則必須提供。', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information' => 'PSD 2', + 'wd_config_PSD2_information_desc_oxid' => 'With regard to PSD 2 requirements, you should request
certain personal information from your consumers during
checkout to reduce the risk of transactions being rejected.', + 'wd_config_reply_to' => '回覆(可選)', + 'wd_config_require_consent' => '需要同意', + 'wd_config_require_consent_desc' => '客戶必須同意這些條款,才能繼續結帳流程。', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries' => '允許的送貨國家/地區', + 'wd_config_shipping_countries_desc' => 'Guaranteed Invoice 付款方式只有在消費者賬單國家/地區與這些選定國家/地區之一相同時才會顯示。根據您的 Wirecard 合約,預先定義以下允許的國家/地區:AT、DE。', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket' => '購物籃', + 'wd_config_shopping_basket_desc' => '為方便您進行確認,購物籃將在結賬時顯示此付款方式。若要啟用此功能,請先啟用購物籃。', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit' => '非 3-D 安全上限', + 'wd_config_ssl_max_limit_desc' => '此金額強制進行 3-D 安全交易。輸入「null」以停用非 3-D 安全最大限額。', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id' => '3-D 安全商戶賬戶 ID', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_account_id_desc' => '為您的 3D 商戶賬戶指派的唯一識別碼。', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret' => '3-D 安全祕密金鑰', + 'wd_config_three_d_merchant_secret_desc' => '必須使用祕密金鑰來計算 3D 付款的數位簽章。', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit' => '3-D 安全下限', + 'wd_config_three_d_min_limit_desc' => '此金額強制進行 3-D 安全交易。輸入「null」以停用 3-D 安全最小限額。', + 'wd_config_vault' => '一鍵式快速結帳', + 'wd_config_vault_desc' => '信用卡可以儲存並用於未來的目的而不', + 'wd_config_wpp_url' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 位址 (URL WPP v2)', + 'wd_config_wpp_url_desc' => 'Wirecard Payment Page v2 位址 (URL WPP v2)(例如。', + 'wd_copy_xml_text' => '複製XML', + 'wd_country' => '國家', + 'wd_credit' => '退款', + 'wd_creditor' => '債權人', + 'wd_creditor_mandate_id' => '授權ID', + 'wd_currency_config' => '必須設定每個幣種。', + 'wd_customerId' => '客戶ID', + 'wd_date-of-birth' => '配送', + 'wd_date_format_php_code' => 'm/d/Y', + 'wd_date_format_user_hint' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', + 'wd_debtor' => '債務人', + 'wd_debtor_acc_owner' => '帳戶擁有者', + 'wd_default_currency' => '預設貨幣', + 'wd_descriptor' => '描述元', + 'wd_email' => '電子郵件', + 'wd_enter_country_code_error' => '請輸入有效的國家/地區代碼。', + 'wd_enter_valid_email_error' => '請輸入有效的電子郵件地址。', + 'wd_error_credentials' => '測試失敗,請檢查您的認證。', + 'wd_error_save_failed' => '組態無效。無法儲存。', + 'wd_first-name' => '名', + 'wd_gender' => '性別', + 'wd_heading_title' => 'Wirecard', + 'wd_heading_title_alipay_crossborder' => 'Wirecard Alipay Cross-border', + 'wd_heading_title_creditcard' => 'Wirecard 信用卡', + 'wd_heading_title_eps' => 'Wirecard eps-Überweisung', + 'wd_heading_title_giropay' => 'Wirecard Giropay', + 'wd_heading_title_ideal' => 'Wirecard iDEAL', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b' => 'Wirecard 擔保發票 (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_b2b_consumer' => 'Wirecard 發票 (Payolution B2B)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice' => 'Wirecard 擔保發票 (Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_payolution_invoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard 發票 (Payolution B2C)', + 'wd_heading_title_paypal' => 'Wirecard PayPal', + 'wd_heading_title_pia' => 'Wirecard 提前支付', + 'wd_heading_title_poi' => 'Wirecard 發票支付', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice' => 'Wirecard Guaranteed Invoice', + 'wd_heading_title_ratepayinvoice_consumer' => 'Wirecard 發票', + 'wd_heading_title_sepact' => 'Wirecard SEPA Credit Transfer', + 'wd_heading_title_sepadd' => 'Wirecard SEPA Direct Debit', + 'wd_heading_title_sofortbanking' => 'Wirecard Sofort。', + 'wd_heading_title_support' => '支援', + 'wd_heading_title_transaction_details' => 'Wirecard 交易', + 'wd_house-extension' => '門牌編號', + 'wd_iban' => 'IBAN:', + 'wd_ideal_legend' => '選擇您的銀行', + 'wd_ip' => 'IP位址', + 'wd_last-name' => '姓', + 'wd_maid' => 'MAID', + 'wd_manipulated' => '操縱', + 'wd_merchant-crm-id' => '商家的CRM ID', + 'wd_message_empty_error' => '訊息不能為空。', + 'wd_more_info' => '更多資訊', + 'wd_no' => '否', + 'wd_orderNumber' => '訂單編號', + 'wd_order_error' => '付款過程中發生錯誤,請重試。', + 'wd_order_error_info' => '付款程序發生錯誤。訂單已取消。', + 'wd_order_status' => '訂單狀態', + 'wd_order_status_authorized' => '已授權', + 'wd_order_status_cancelled' => '已取消', + 'wd_order_status_failed' => '失敗', + 'wd_order_status_pending' => '待處理', + 'wd_order_status_purchased' => '已支付', + 'wd_order_status_refunded' => '已退款', + 'wd_panel_action' => '動作', + 'wd_panel_amount' => '金額', + 'wd_panel_currency' => '貨幣', + 'wd_panel_details' => '明細', + 'wd_panel_order_id' => '訂單參考', + 'wd_panel_order_number' => 'Order Number', + 'wd_panel_parent_transaction_id' => '父交易 ID', + 'wd_panel_payment_method' => '付款方式', + 'wd_panel_provider_transaction_id' => '提供方交易 ID', + 'wd_panel_transaction' => '交易', + 'wd_panel_transaction_copy' => '複製XML', + 'wd_panel_transaction_date' => '日期', + 'wd_panel_transaction_state' => '交易狀態', + 'wd_panel_transcation_id' => '交易 ID', + 'wd_paymentMethod' => '付款方式', + 'wd_payment_awaiting' => '正在等待 Wirecard 付款', + 'wd_payment_cancelled_text' => '付款已取消。', + 'wd_payment_cost' => '付款成本', + 'wd_payment_failed_text' => '付款程序失敗。', + 'wd_payment_method_settings' => 'Payment method settings', + 'wd_payment_refunded_text' => '付款已退還。', + 'wd_payment_success_text' => '付款流程成功。', + 'wd_payolution_terms' => '我同意,清算購買帳戶所需的資料,以及用於完成身份驗證和信用檢查的資料會傳送至 Payolution。我在未來可隨時撤銷我的同意。', + 'wd_phone' => '電話', + 'wd_pia_ptrid' => '參考', + 'wd_postal-code' => '郵政編碼', + 'wd_ptrid' => '提供商交易參考 ID', + 'wd_ratepayinvoice_fields_error' => '您需要年滿 18 歲才能訂購。', + 'wd_redirect_text' => '您正在重新導向,請稍候', + 'wd_refund' => '退款', + 'wd_requestedAmount' => '金額', + 'wd_requestId' => '請求ID', + 'wd_save_to_user_account' => '將資料儲存至您的使用者帳戶。', + 'wd_secured' => '安全', + 'wd_send_email' => '提交', + 'wd_sepa_mandate' => 'SEPA授權', + 'wd_sepa_text_1' => '我授權債權人', + 'wd_sepa_text_2' => '向我的銀行傳送指令,從我的帳戶直接扣除單筆款項。同時,我指示我的銀行依照債權人的指示從我的賬戶中扣款', + 'wd_sepa_text_2b' => '。', + 'wd_sepa_text_3' => '附註:作為我的權利的一部分,我有權根據我與我的銀行達成的協議條款及條件退款。退款必須在從我的賬戶中扣款之日起的 8 週內申請。', + 'wd_sepa_text_4' => '我不可撤銷地同意,倘若直接扣款未獲兌現或對直接扣款存在異議,我的銀行將向債權人', + 'wd_sepa_text_5' => '披露我的全名、地址以及出生日期。', + 'wd_sepa_text_6' => '我已閱讀並接受 SEPA 直接扣款授權資訊。', + 'wd_shipping-method' => '配送方式', + 'wd_shipping_title' => '配送', + 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_wd_emails' => '電子郵件', + 'SHOP_MODULE_wd_email_on_pending_orders' => '傳送待處理訂單的通知電子郵件。', + 'wd_social-security-number' => '社會安全號碼', + 'wd_state_awaiting' => '等待中', + 'wd_state_closed' => '已關閉', + 'wd_state_error' => '錯誤', + 'wd_state_success' => '成功', + 'wd_street1' => '街道', + 'wd_street2' => '街道2', + 'wd_success_credentials' => '商戶組態已成功通過測試。', + 'wd_success_email' => '電郵已成功傳送', + 'wd_support_description' => '系統資訊將自動新增至您的訊息中並將傳送給', + 'wd_support_email_from' => '寄件者', + 'wd_support_email_modules' => '其他模組', + 'wd_support_email_module_id' => '模組 ID', + 'wd_support_email_module_title' => '模組標題', + 'wd_support_email_module_version' => '模組版本', + 'wd_support_email_php' => 'PHP 版本', + 'wd_support_email_reply_to' => '回復', + 'wd_support_email_shop_edition' => 'OXID 網上商店版', + 'wd_support_email_shop_version' => 'OXID 網上商店版', + 'wd_support_email_subject' => 'OXID 網上商店支援請求', + 'wd_support_email_system' => '伺服器資訊', + 'wd_support_send_error' => '無法傳送支援電子郵件。', + 'wd_test_credentials' => '測試', + 'wd_text_article_name' => '產品名稱', + 'wd_text_article_number' => '產品編號', + 'wd_text_backend_operations' => '可能的後續處理操作', + 'wd_text_delete' => '刪除', + 'wd_text_generic_error' => '無法執行操作。', + 'wd_text_generic_success' => '操作已成功執行。', + 'wd_text_list' => '交易', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_descriptive' => '說明性', + 'wd_text_logo_variant_standard' => '標準', + 'wd_text_message' => '訊息', + 'wd_text_no_data_available' => '沒有可用的資料。', + 'wd_text_no_further_operations_possible' => '無法執行進一步操作。', + 'wd_text_order_no_transactions' => '此訂單沒有關聯的交易。', + 'wd_text_payment_action_pay' => 'Purchase', + 'wd_text_payment_action_reserve' => 'Authorization', + 'wd_text_quantity' => '數量', + 'wd_text_support' => 'Support', + 'wd_text_vault' => '一鍵式快速結帳', + 'wd_three_d_link_text' => '非 3D 安全和 3D 安全限額', + 'wd_timeStamp' => '日期', + 'wd_total_amount_not_in_range_text' => '總金額不在允許範圍內。', + 'wd_transactionID' => '交易ID', + 'wd_transactionState' => '交易狀態', + 'wd_transactionType' => '交易類型', + 'wd_transaction_details_title' => '交易明細', + 'wd_transaction_response_details' => '回覆詳情', + 'wd_transfer_notice' => '請使用以下資料轉賬該金額:', + 'wd_unmatched' => '不相符', + 'wd_vault_changed_shipping_text' => '自您上次訂購以來,您的寄送地址已有更改。出於安全考慮,我們需要您輸入新的信用卡資料。', + 'wd_vault_save_text' => '儲存以備後用。', + 'wd_vault_use_new_text' => '使用新的信用卡', + 'wd_wait_for_final_status' => '請等候單獨的電子郵件,其中包含您的付款的最終狀態。', + 'wd_warning_credit_card_url_mismatch' => '注意:請在 URL 設定欄位中檢查您的認證。您可能已將生產帳戶設定/組合到測試帳戶。', + 'wd_yes' => '是', +); From 4e4edf339d7998f37b24e4b82ca0fb6276eaa4cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ct-ajovanovic Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 11:17:05 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 2/6] Fixed failing test by updating the TransactionTest class Signed-off-by: ct-ajovanovic --- Tests/Integration/Model/TransactionTest.php | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Tests/Integration/Model/TransactionTest.php b/Tests/Integration/Model/TransactionTest.php index 1c45fe686..bba8205c9 100644 --- a/Tests/Integration/Model/TransactionTest.php +++ b/Tests/Integration/Model/TransactionTest.php @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ public function testGetTransactionPaymentMethodName($sExpected, $sTransactionId) public function getTransactionPaymentMethodNameProvider() { return [ - 'transaction with order id' => ['Wirecard Vorauskasse', 't4'], + 'transaction with order id' => ['Vorauskasse', 't4'], 'transaction without order id' => ['', 't7'], ]; } From cd2e80758c17a9ab8298b4cc5c1797a905ae3bfc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ct-ajovanovic Date: Mon, 8 Jun 2020 12:34:05 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 3/6] Removed Live Chat Signed-off-by: ct-ajovanovic --- Controller/Admin/Tab.php | 12 ---- metadata.php | 1 - out/css/wirecard_wdoxidee_livechat.css | 67 ------------------- .../admin/blocks/admin_module_config_form.tpl | 4 -- .../blocks/admin_payment_main_editor.tpl | 3 - views/admin/inc/live_chat.tpl | 10 --- views/admin/tpl/tab_post_processing.tpl | 4 -- views/admin/tpl/tab_simple.tpl | 4 -- views/admin/tpl/tab_table.tpl | 4 -- 9 files changed, 109 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 out/css/wirecard_wdoxidee_livechat.css delete mode 100644 views/admin/inc/live_chat.tpl diff --git a/Controller/Admin/Tab.php b/Controller/Admin/Tab.php index 95370ed7a..88060d962 100644 --- a/Controller/Admin/Tab.php +++ b/Controller/Admin/Tab.php @@ -86,18 +86,6 @@ public function render() return $sTemplate; } - /** - * Determines whether the live chat should be displayed in the tab. - * - * @return boolean - * - * @since 1.1.0 - */ - public function shouldDisplayLiveChat() - { - return $this->_oOrder->isCustomPaymentMethod(); - } - /** * Check if $_sListObjectId is set * diff --git a/metadata.php b/metadata.php index 59f138b26..25d2ac175 100644 --- a/metadata.php +++ b/metadata.php @@ -228,7 +228,6 @@ 'form_interaction.tpl' => 'wirecard/paymentgateway/views/form_interaction.tpl', 'module_support.tpl' => 'wirecard/paymentgateway/views/admin/tpl/module_support.tpl', 'module_support_email.tpl' => 'wirecard/paymentgateway/views/admin/tpl/email/module_support_email.tpl', - 'live_chat.tpl' => 'wirecard/paymentgateway/views/admin/inc/live_chat.tpl', 'sepa_mandate_modal.tpl' => 'wirecard/paymentgateway/views/blocks/sepa_mandate_modal.tpl', 'sepa_mandate.tpl' => 'wirecard/paymentgateway/views/blocks/sepa_mandate.tpl', 'table.tpl' => 'wirecard/paymentgateway/views/admin/inc/table.tpl', diff --git a/out/css/wirecard_wdoxidee_livechat.css b/out/css/wirecard_wdoxidee_livechat.css deleted file mode 100644 index dbba677a5..000000000 --- a/out/css/wirecard_wdoxidee_livechat.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -.livezilla-wrap { - border-spacing: 0; - color: rgb(99, 56, 54); - font-size: 14px; - letter-spacing: normal; - line-height: 1.3; - border: 0; - vertical-align: middle; - background: initial; - min-height: 0; - padding: 0; - font-family: 'Roboto',arial,Helvetica,verdana,sans-serif; - -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; - text-align: left; - transform: none; - box-sizing: initial; - display: block; - position: fixed; - width: 48px; - height: 48px; - margin: 0px 30px 46px 0px; - left: auto; - top: auto; - right: 0px; - bottom: 0px; - z-index: 20000000; -} - -.livezilla-wrap .livezilla-btn { - user-select: none; - box-sizing: content-box; - margin: 0; - font-size: 14px; - letter-spacing: normal; - line-height: normal; - border: 0; - vertical-align: middle; - min-height: 0; - padding: 0; - cursor: pointer; - box-shadow: 0 5px 36px rgba(0,0,0,.18); - background: rgb(255, 32, 20); - height: 48px; - width: 48px; - z-index: 20000200; - border-color: rgb(240, 12, 0); - transform: translateY(0px); - right: 0px; - border-radius: 50%; - position: relative; - display: block; - top: 0px; - visibility: visible; -} - -.livezilla-wrap .livezilla-btn svg { - fill: #fff; - position: relative; - z-index: 20000299; - width: 48px; - height: 48px; -} - -.livezilla-wrap .livezilla-btn:hover { - box-shadow: 0 5px 36px rgba(0,0,0,.30); - transform: rotate(4deg); -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/views/admin/blocks/admin_module_config_form.tpl b/views/admin/blocks/admin_module_config_form.tpl index deeef8049..ef614ffa6 100644 --- a/views/admin/blocks/admin_module_config_form.tpl +++ b/views/admin/blocks/admin_module_config_form.tpl @@ -1,5 +1 @@ [{$smarty.block.parent}] - -[{if $oViewConf->isThisModule($oModule->getId())}] - [{include file="live_chat.tpl"}] -[{/if}] diff --git a/views/admin/blocks/admin_payment_main_editor.tpl b/views/admin/blocks/admin_payment_main_editor.tpl index fea019555..d91cfd27a 100644 --- a/views/admin/blocks/admin_payment_main_editor.tpl +++ b/views/admin/blocks/admin_payment_main_editor.tpl @@ -1,5 +1,2 @@ [{$smarty.block.parent}] -[{if $edit && $edit->isCustomPaymentMethod()}] - [{include file="live_chat.tpl"}] -[{/if}] diff --git a/views/admin/inc/live_chat.tpl b/views/admin/inc/live_chat.tpl deleted file mode 100644 index 08ec56d1b..000000000 --- a/views/admin/inc/live_chat.tpl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -[{oxstyle include=$oViewConf->getPaymentGatewayUrl("out/css/wirecard_wdoxidee_livechat.css")}] -[{oxstyle}] - - - diff --git a/views/admin/tpl/tab_post_processing.tpl b/views/admin/tpl/tab_post_processing.tpl index 0537948a7..40fc8d8d4 100644 --- a/views/admin/tpl/tab_post_processing.tpl +++ b/views/admin/tpl/tab_post_processing.tpl @@ -52,10 +52,6 @@ [{/if}] -[{if $oView->shouldDisplayLiveChat()}] - [{include file="live_chat.tpl"}] - [{/if}] - [{include file="bottomnaviitem.tpl"}] [{include file="bottomitem.tpl"}] diff --git a/views/admin/tpl/tab_simple.tpl b/views/admin/tpl/tab_simple.tpl index 4d57ea4c8..1493fc92b 100644 --- a/views/admin/tpl/tab_simple.tpl +++ b/views/admin/tpl/tab_simple.tpl @@ -66,10 +66,6 @@ function wdCopyToClipboard(text) [{$emptyText}] [{/if}] -[{if $oView->shouldDisplayLiveChat()}] - [{include file="live_chat.tpl"}] -[{/if}] - [{include file="bottomnaviitem.tpl"}] [{include file="bottomitem.tpl"}] diff --git a/views/admin/tpl/tab_table.tpl b/views/admin/tpl/tab_table.tpl index dd2993be9..558bf3213 100644 --- a/views/admin/tpl/tab_table.tpl +++ b/views/admin/tpl/tab_table.tpl @@ -23,10 +23,6 @@ [{$emptyText}] [{/if}] -[{if $oView->shouldDisplayLiveChat()}] - [{include file="live_chat.tpl"}] -[{/if}] - [{include file="bottomnaviitem.tpl"}] [{include file="bottomitem.tpl"}] From 5d7f3315775c8c825a31c9ad1374250d957c3567 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ct-ajovanovic Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2020 15:08:45 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 4/6] Removed the unneeded empty line Signed-off-by: ct-ajovanovic --- views/admin/blocks/admin_payment_main_editor.tpl | 3 +-- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/views/admin/blocks/admin_payment_main_editor.tpl b/views/admin/blocks/admin_payment_main_editor.tpl index d91cfd27a..b5e388f4b 100644 --- a/views/admin/blocks/admin_payment_main_editor.tpl +++ b/views/admin/blocks/admin_payment_main_editor.tpl @@ -1,2 +1 @@ -[{$smarty.block.parent}] - +[{$smarty.block.parent}] \ No newline at end of file From 799b9017ce4b7b00a59c030a11582ba0caa661b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: github-actions <> Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2020 11:48:58 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 5/6] Change release version --- metadata.php | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/metadata.php b/metadata.php index 25d2ac175..412e96c2b 100644 --- a/metadata.php +++ b/metadata.php @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ ], 'lang' => 'en', 'thumbnail' => 'logo.png', - 'version' => '1.3.0', + 'version' => '1.4.0', 'author' => 'Wirecard', 'url' => '', 'email' => '', From 0a9143ace21e3ef33ddb1f909b5a79b0b237483a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "edra.bumci" Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2020 15:21:35 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 6/6] Update changelog --- | 11 +++++++++++ 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+) diff --git a/ b/ index 47135361e..51fc1da83 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,5 +1,16 @@ # Changelog +## v1.4.0 + +* Add PSD2 hint in Credit Card configuration +* Remove the support live chat + + +| Overview | Oxid version | PHP 5.6 | PHP 7.0 | PHP 7.1 | +|-----------------------|-------------------------------|:---------:|:---------:|:-------:| +| **Tested version(s)** | Oxid 6.1.2 | :x: | :x: | ✅ | +| **Compatibility** | Oxid 6.1.0 - 6.1.2 | :x: | :x: | ✅ | + ## v1.3.0 * Implement Credit Card 3D Secure 2 parameters