-B,--brokers <default=localhost:9092> |
Connect MQ brokers addresses. default is local kafka brokers |
--bufferTimeoutMillis <default=-1> |
Parallelism for this operator, if <=0, it will not be setup and keep the default behavior. |
--checkpointDir <default=hdfs:///tmp/flink-checkpoint> |
Checkpoint execution interval millis, only valid when checkpointMode is sets. |
--checkpointIntervalMs <default=null> |
Checkpoint execution interval millis, only valid when heckpointMode is sets. |
--checkpointMaxConcurrent <default=null> |
Sets the maximum number of checkpoint attempts that may be in progress at the same time. If this value is n, then no checkpoints will be triggered while n checkpoint attempts are currently in flight. For the next checkpoint to be triggered, one checkpoint attempt would need to finish or expire. |
--checkpointMinPauseBetween <default=null> |
The minimum time interval between two checkpoints. |
--checkpointMode <default=AT_LEAST_ONCE> |
Sets the checkpoint mode, the default is null means not enabled. options: [EXACTLY_ONCE, AT_LEAST_ONCE] |
--checkpointTimeout <default=null> |
Checkpoint timeout millis. |
-D,--deserializerClass <default=com.wl4g.rengine.job.kafka.schema.RengineEventKafkaDeserializationSchema> |
Deserializer class for Flink-streaming to consuming from MQ. |
--externalizedCheckpointCleanup <default=null> |
The program is closed, an extra checkpoint is triggered. |
-F,--forceUsePrintSink <default=false> |
Force override set to stdout print sink function. |
-G,--groupId |
Flink source consumer group id. |
--idleTimeoutMillis <default=30000> |
The timeout millis for the idleness detection. |
-J,--jobName <default=RengineKafkaFlinkCepStreamingJob> |
Flink connect MQ source streaming job name. |
--maxParallelism <default=-1> |
The maximum parallelism for operator. if <=0, it will not be setup and keep the default behavior. |
-O,--fromOffsetTime <default=-1> |
Start consumption from the first record with a timestamp greater than or equal to a certain timestamp. if <=0, it will not be setup and keep the default behavior. |
--outOfOrdernessMillis <default=120000> |
The maximum millis out-of-orderness watermark generator assumes. |
-p,--parallelism <default=-1> |
The parallelism for operator. if <=0, it will not be setup and keep the default behavior. |
-R,--runtimeMode <default=STREAMING> |
Set the job execution mode. default is: STREAMING |
--restartAttempts <default=3> |
Set the maximum number of failed restart attempts. default is: 3 |
--restartDelaySeconds <default=15> |
Set the maximum number of failed interval between each restart. default is: 15 |
--pipelineJars |
A semicolon-separated list of the jars to package with the job jars to be sent to the cluster. These have to be valid paths. see:https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-1.14/docs/deployment/config/#pipeline-jars |
-T,--eventTopic <default=rengine_event> |
Topic pattern for consuming events from MQ. |
-K,--keyByExprPath <default=.source.principals[0]> |
The jq expression to extract the grouping key, it extraction from the rengine event object. |